The Slave: Pride

Chapter 7

"Nier, when you said that. You're starting to remind me of your dad; he knows how to make me happy. "

I know my mother was holding back her tears too. So, she tried to smile even though it was difficult.

"This is something easy because making mom happy is my goal in life. "

"Why can you say that, my sweet child. "

"Please stop that; I'm too old to be called like that. "

"That's my right as your mother; I don't accept rejection. "

Then, we both smiled at each other.

"It's up to you; as long as you are happy, I will not protest. "

"If that's the case, may I ask one thing? "

"I would have answered if I had known. "

"What happened today? Please tell mom honestly. "

When I heard this, it seemed that it was time for me to explain.

"I think you found out..."

"Indeed, you think you can lie to your biological mother; I already understand very well about your ins and outs; no one else knows you in detail apart from me. "

Ah, that's my mother's annoying side. She understands me.

"I have to tell the truth?."

At least, I hope to be able to talk about this when I'm ready.

"to be honest, nothing is covered. Did you just get into trouble? "

Mom asked about how I felt right now.

"Yes, more or less so. At least, I need time to tell you. "

It's because I don't want to disappoint her.

"Even though this is hard for you, I want to know sooner so that the pain you feel can go away soon. You know Nier, seeing you suffer won't make me happy, right?."

Every word she said was a slap in the face to me.

"That's right; I guess I have to explain where to start, huh. I think this part; I just got fired from my job. "

"You were fired? but why Nier. "

Of course, my mother will be surprised by my words.

"I don't know the exact cause, but I do know that there are two factors related to this; the first is that I accidentally overheard a conversation between the boss and one of the finance officers so that I deserved to get this, or the second was the matter of reducing workers Due to the economic impact as well as declining revenue that made my company decide this. Either way, I'd still be fired. "

Mother was silent for a moment; it seemed she was trying to understand what I was saying.

Then, she said something to me.

"I think the second option makes much more sense because I believe Nier is a good boy. Indeed your boss has his considerations when deciding this. "

As I expected, my mother isn't mad at me. She could even assess the situation well without any feelings of anger affecting her.

"I hope so, because before saying that. He told me that I was talented, determined, and meticulous in my work. However, he said that my workplace was not the right place for me, thus making him feel like he had to let me go. "

Although I think of it as a subtle dismissal.

"Did your boss say that he likes your work, Nier?."

"Yes, he said so. However, I still don't understand why he decided to fire me. "

I did plan to tell my mother all the things I felt because she was the only person who could make me free to talk about anything.

"I'm starting to understand about the situation, Nier; there are times when you have to think about things that are beyond your reach. "

"Something that is beyond my reach, does that mean I have to position myself as my boss? "

"Exactly; what decision would Nier take when he was in that position? "

For a moment, I was reminded of what my boss said earlier.

"In my opinion, the only way to keep the company going is to cut out workers who are not very useful, and then prioritize all resources towards sales that are still selling. "

I would rather ignore useless people like them.

"That method will indeed be very effective, but does Nier not think why your boss even made this decision? "

I was again confused when my mother asked me this.

"I still haven't found the answer, but before that, the boss said that he wanted to protect the people he could protect. "

When I heard my words, my mother smiled back at me.

"In that case, I understand what happened; what I want to say is Nier, don't worry. Surely something good will come your way. "

This time, I don't understand what you're saying.

"Rather than good things, I have to think hard about how to get a new job. "

"I'm sure you'll get it soon. So, now Nier just needed to calm down and rest. That way, you will be ready for tomorrow. "

As usual, I would never win in an argument with my mother. She always understands me.

"I do want to rest, but before that, I will make sure once again. Please forgive me for failing to be a responsible man. "

I looked down at my mother when I said that.

However, my mother hit me on the head when I did.

"It hurts..."

Even so, I know mom isn't serious about it.

"Don't say it like that; Nier is a filial son to parents. I'm proud to have an only son like you; please don't think of yourself as useless like this. "

This time, it looks like I made mom mad at me.


However, that was the only word I could say to her.

"Nier, you need to know. The more often you say sorry, the sentence will be useless. So, only use that phrase when you really made a big mistake or accidentally hurt someone else. "

"I know that, but I can't stop saying it if mom still hasn't forgiven me. "

However, my mother laughed again when I said that.

"What do you think? Why should I be angry with you? I'm just trying to remind you, that's all. I'm not mad at you at all. "

"Phew, I think mom is furious. "

"Mom won't be angry if it's just a trivial thing like this. However, mom will be furious if someone else tries to hurt you. "

This time, my mother showed an expression that I rarely saw.

"Don't worry; there's no one like that. Mother need not worry. "

"You're not hiding anything, are you? "

"Even if I try to hide it, I'm sure mom will find out soon enough. "

"I just want to make sure; then you should just rest. Surely, today you are exhausted, right?."

"It's more or less like that because I already said the anxiety I feel. I can feel a little relieved. "

"If I don't ask, indeed, you won't say it, right? "

"Of course I would, but not so soon. "

However, my mother stroked my shoulder instead.

"Don't worry, think about tomorrow's problems. There's no point in worrying about something that hasn't happened yet. "

"I know, I'm just tired. Then I'll go first. "

I immediately stood up to relax and enjoy the rest of the day.

Even though I told her that I was going to sleep, I read the light novel Herman lent me. Escaping to a fictional world was the only thing I could do to enjoy this life.

Time went by so fast. I slowly opened my eyes, but there was only darkness I could see.

As I tried to determine what was blocking my view.

This seems to be the last page of the light novel I read.

"So that's how it is; I just fell asleep after having fun reading light novels. I think I can sleep soundly without worrying about anything anymore. "

After placing the light novel on the small table, I immediately confirmed what time it was.

When I checked my smartphone, it was already 8 in the morning. However, why do I see message notifications from that person?

When I open the incoming message, it says.

"Come to my house; I have good news for you. "

So, will he give me another meal, or does he have the plan before working? Whatever happens, it still forces me to come back there.

"I'll stop by if I have time. "

I wrote a reply from the incoming chat.

After I put my smartphone in its place, I better wash my face first.

When I opened the door to my room, I saw my mother was cooking food.

"Ah, good morning Nier. "

"Good morning, to mother. "

However, I just yawned because I still felt sleepy.

"Go brush your teeth first; I have cooked the food you brought yesterday. "


I walked to the bathroom with my eyes closed, because of that, I accidentally hit the wall.

"Ouch, it hurts..."

"Nier, what happened? "

Mother looked worried for me.

"It's okay; I'm just sleepy. "

"Ara, be careful. Do I need…"

"No, stay there. "

I entered the bathroom.

While I'm brushing my teeth, it's time to think about plans.

For me, the bathroom is the best place to find inspiration. So, making a life road map is something I can do easily.

After I wash my face with cold water, it's time to defecate.

However, suddenly someone knocked on the bathroom door.

"Nier, a guest has come. "

"Uh, guest?."

"Yeah, she just came. She said she was your acquaintance. "

As far as I remember, I've never known many women. So, who is she?

"Then I'll be right out. "

After saying that, I immediately headed to the living room.

But, who came this early in the morning? Is that person some kind of cookware salesman?

When I arrived, in the living room. I saw a figure that seemed very familiar.

She was a blonde-haired woman who wore glasses with square lenses; her piercing gaze didn't change at all.

"Uh, Mrs. Margaret?."

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