The Slave: Pride

Chapter 44

I started running towards the Minotaurs; while running, I covered myself with a blue lightning shield so that when I collided with the Minotaurs, there was a massive explosion.

Then, I slashed one of the minotaurs in the stomach; while I was doing my first slash, I twisted my body to make a perfect rotation so that the next attack started hitting the other Minotaur.

Right after receiving my slash, the bodies of the Minotaurs were stung by my lightning and died instantly.

As the Minotaurs drew near, I stabbed my sword at one of the Minotaurs. My sword Azer easily pierced through the Minotaur's belly; simultaneously, the tip of my sword started emitting lightning that struck dozens of Minotaurs at the furthest distance. All of them died within moments.

Then, I ran backward to block the giant blue Python. My running speed was high enough that before the snake's momentum reached where Mafalda was, I was already in front of Mafalda and resisted the snake's bite.

With a layer of lightning enveloping my sword, the snake's entire body was covered with lightning, so the snake decided to retreat.

"Hoh, you didn't even die with my thunderbolt. Apparently, you are a strong monster. "

When I saw the monster's status, I was a little surprised by the number.

Name: Python Greabraum

Hp : 109678

Level : 101

Race : Giant Snake

Ability: Regeneration and a deadly poison called Vost Domos.

"No wonder my attack doesn't work. Turns out that's your secret. "

The snake started to heal all its wounds and decided to run away from me.

Just as he was about to hit one of the stone walls, I blocked his way in just a few moments.

"Oi-oi, I can't let you escape. You might injure that woman, just imagining it makes you want to kill you. "

However, it's like realizing my actions. The snake used its tail to make another hole from my left side.

"Even a monster like you has this kind of intelligent mind, the challenges of an SSS class dungeon are completely on a different stage. "

There's something strange that I just saw for the first time, the Python is walking backward. He backed off, his tail entering the hole first, then the rest of his body followed.

This surprised me, but I soon realized what he was doing.

Without giving him a chance to escape, I cut his body in half.

There was a lot of blood gushing out, but I knew that the blood was poisonous. I immediately kept my distance from the cut-off.

Even though I had cut its body, the snake still tried to attack me with its mouth.

However, before the snake's mouth reached me. I pointed the tip of my sword at him while preparing to shoot lightning.

" You are dead. "

With a barrage of thunderbolts, the snake's head was crushed. Even so, I feel something strange; why is it so easy. However, I soon realized something.

I ran into the tunnel made by the snake. It seemed that the back of his body could regenerate his body.

"It's true, you did intend to run away rather than fight. "

Then, I chased after him. It only took me a moment to do it.

However, I soon realized that the snake used the injured part to block me from killing it.

Even though his blood is poisonous, my lightning can protect me from getting hit by his blood.

I used this opportunity to stab his upper body. After my sword stabbed into his body, I sent lightning from my sword to make his body shatter from the inside.

It didn't take me long to kill this snake. In a few moments, I realized that his body was not moving.

Then, I drew my sword back.

"What this time, this snake has died. "

I tried again to draw my sword. When you see the status, the number is already at 0.

Then, I ran to check the situation outside. From what I saw, the few Minotaur survivors fled towards another road.

Then, I immediately approached Mafalda.

"Did you get an attack from Minotaur Mafalda?."

"No, the monster didn't attack us. They try to save their surviving friends and lead them to another path. "

"Oh, I see. "

After hearing that, I sheathed my sword again. Azer's lightning rampage began to stop.

"Please forgive me for not being able to help you. "

"No, it's not your fault. This situation happened because I underestimated this dungeon, I should have known that the difficulty here is high, so how is Lawless doing? "

"I've cast healing magic on him, it looks like he'll wake up soon because the wound is almost completely closed. "

When I saw Lawless' state, the sound of his breathing seemed normal.

"In that case, I will check the condition of the other troops. "

"Thank you very much Master Severo. "

In the end, I split the dozens of boulders blocking my path. After making sure our exit was wide open, I could see from behind the rock that many of my troops had survived; although many were injured, this didn't seem to have killed them.

I helped them as much as I could. Some of the adventurers also use healing to help their injured friends.

While I was helping people, someone came up to me.

"Master Severo, please forgive us for failing to help the rear. "

Lavey looks disappointed with himself.

"It's not your fault, it could be because of the big act I just killed. Instead of blaming yourself, it's better to help me to save everyone. "

"I did intend to do that, Maestra has also healed several people at once. However, I just felt the need to take responsibility for my failure. "

"I told you, don't think too much about it. We'll discuss that another time, right now our main goal is to return with all the injured victims. "

"Okay, I'll do it. "

Then, Lavey returned to the backline.

After rescuing enough people crushed by the rubble, I decided to return to meet Mafalda.

When I got there, I saw Lawless was awake despite the bandages on his head.

"You seem to have realized, Lawless. "

"I seem to have troubled you Master Severo, please forgive me. "

"Come on, don't say that. Do you want to make Mafalda guilty?."

"About that..."

Lawless also looked at Mafalda.

"You got hurt protecting me, I should be the one responsible. "

Mafalda looked worried about the condition.

"I just did what I could, if a high-ranking mage like Mafalda was injured, it would be a huge loss for us. "

"You stupid. "

Although they usually don't look familiar, there are times when they can understand each other.

"We should get out of this place, I've already paved the way behind us. However, I don't know which way will lead to the exit. Therefore, Mafalda I need your help. "

"I will do Master Severo. "

"Allow me to take a look too, at least I want to confirm something. "

"Okay. "

Mafalda then stood up and walked over to me; a few moments later, she started to activate her reconnaissance magic. I touched his shoulder again.

At first, she seemed confused about where to go.

"We check one by one, here there are three ways. Let's see the road that is in front of us. "

"Understood Master Severo. "

As Mafalda's vision began to drift away, I knew that the path in front of us led into the dungeon.

The two of us saw a lot of monsters there, but the number of Minotaurs there was far more than the others.

"It's better not to continue Mafalda, turn your search towards the back. "

"Okay. "

Then, the sight we saw started walking backward back to where we were. Then, keep backing away until we see Lavey and Maestra rescuing countless adventurers.

Along the way, countless roads were destroyed.

"Just focus on the small road, I remember some goblins passing through that road. "

"I'll look for it. "

While following my orders, Mafalda's gaze searched for an opening from behind the stone wall.

Moments later, we saw another path.

"I have found the way Master Severo. "

"Yeah, that seems to be the way. If the ends are forked, it means that we are on the right path. "

"Should I order all adventurers to return immediately? "

"No, let them rest for a while. At the very least, we have to treat their wounds and convince them too to choose to retreat, this level requires much more mature preparation and also far more and stronger people. "

"I understand."

"Then, I want to know where our current location is Mafalda. Try to look up. "

"I will do it. "

Mafalda's vision then began to penetrate the cave ceiling without any obstruction. Finally, Mafalda's view could penetrate the roof of this dungeon.

"If we count the number of floors, it looks like we fell on the fifth floor. "

"I see, luckily we're not stuck so far away. "

"Then, what should I do Master Severo?."

"I'm a little curious about something, can you monitor the remaining paths? "

"I will do it. "

Mafalda's gaze shifted to where we were; then, I saw something very surprising.

"This is the Goblin headquarters. "

I could see a lot of goblin totems; some of the goblins were even killed.

"It's not only Master Severo, there have been countless women kidnapped. Even so, it seemed that their condition could be said to be quite good. "

"Then, after we heal all the group members, we must save them. "

"Understood Master Severo. "

Then, I removed my hand from Mafalda's shoulder.

This confused me a little; if the Goblins there had been killed, it must have been done by other beings.

Wait a minute, the woman I saw earlier was also carrying a sword and arrow, then she was seen carrying a woman with her.

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