The Slave: Pride

Chapter 33

"I don't know, at least I'm sure I can beat some of them, but I don't think I can beat the person who smelled us. "

"It seems we feel the same way. That person does look dangerous. "

"Huh, did you see it? I didn't dare to do it myself because I was focused on hiding myself. "

"This is just a figure of speech; of course, I can't see it. However, I feel that he's someone we shouldn't approach. "

Maybe that person was the one the innkeeper blocked earlier; at least his voice was the same as I heard back then.

"It seems you're getting used to what to do. That's right; we have to stay away from dangerous people like that; he might take our freedom away. Of course, I don't want that to happen. "

"Do you know anything about them, Lenora?."

After asking that, Lenora just stood there.

"They are troublesome nobles; I think he is Marten Lukeshaw's subordinate. "

"Marten Lukeshaw, my first time hearing that name. "

Then, Lenora took out some equipment from her bag while speaking.

"At least, that's what the old man told me. Other than that, I don't know who he is. "

"Are their abilities great enough to carry out a mission like this?."

At least, from what I know, we only need lower-middle-class troops to take care of bandits like them.

"This seems to be a special case; before that, the old man said that they were looking for something. I guess that's what they're looking for. Regardless, the bandits were currently having no luck dealing with them. "

When I watched Lenora, she was making a bonfire here.

"I will help. "

"You said you were tired? "

"Now my body feels better. "

"Then, please take care of this part. I'll set some traps around here. "

"Yes. "

Lenora also went in a specific direction, carrying her thread and a small knife.

This time, I should try to help her a little. Being a burden like this makes my honor feel useless.

After making sure the arrangement of the wooden twigs was correct, I activated fire magic to trigger a small fire to burn it; in just a few moments, a small fire started to appear. This seems to be enough.

"Looks like it's over, huh? "

Lenora's voice suddenly sounded behind me.

"When are you coming back ?."

"I just arrived; I've also finished setting traps. Tonight, we should camp here. "


I don't remember that we bought the tent before.

"Yes, because I don't want to freeze to death if I sleep outside. "

After that, Lenora took some tools to make a tent.

"Help me, Maiko. "

"Yes. "

In the end, I did what Lenora ordered. We have managed to set up a fairly spacious tent in just a short time.

"Maiko, take out some of the pots that are in my bag. After this, I will cook dinner. "

"Okay. "

I immediately carried out her orders; even so, she worked much harder than me. Attaching pegs and tightening them by hitting them with stones, she used the tools around here.

After finding the pot and other tools, I rushed back to meet her.

When we got there, I saw that our tent was already standing upright.

"Just put it near the bonfire; you better sit here first. "

"Okay, because I'm quite tired even just doing this. "

"That's the Maiko I know. "

Right now, I'm just keeping an eye on Lenora cooking water while preparing dinner.

Unlike me, she's good at preparing everything; I can not cook or do any heavy work like her.

It didn't take her long to prepare everything; she brought me a wooden bowl filled with soup.

"Please enjoy, even though it's still hot. "

"Yes, thank you. "

Then, she sat next to me.

"Looks like we started dinner too early, huh. "

"No, it's almost night. much better to eat at times like this when we are still alert. "

"Even if you already know the basic principles of survival here, I don't think I need to explain anymore. "

After saying that, Lenora ate her soup voraciously. I did the same because I was also starving.

It didn't take us long to eat the food, because it tasted delicious so I enjoyed it.

"I wanted to make quite a lot, but noticing the state of our first day. I just undo my intentions. "

"fine, we can save some more. Maybe the money we have will be beneficial someday. "

"Even you understand the power of money, Maiko, it seems you are not an ordinary person. "

"I'm just an ordinary person like you, Lenora. "

"Heh? "

"Yes, I see. "

"Well, you can rest first. I'll be on guard tonight. "

"But, are you sure? "

"Don't worry; I just wanted to confirm the situation. If I'm tired, I'll enter the tent too. "

"Okay. "

I didn't want to rush to bed because there was still something I wanted to talk to Lenora about.

"Oh yeah, don't worry about your safety. I've installed triple protection magic, so if there's an intruder, I can respond quickly while all the barriers are destroyed."

"Eh, there's magic like this here? "

I just found out something like this exists.

"Of course there is; what is your place doesn't do this? "


Honestly, I felt a little embarrassed when I realized that my people were lagging behind Lenora's home country.

"Are you guys okay, or maybe your place is relatively safe. Whatever it was, meeting a beast in the forest was a far better thing than meeting an enemy in human form. "

Instead of mocking me back, she seemed to be warning me.

"I see; I just need to always be vigilant. "

"Still, I'm a little jealous of where you're from that you guys don't need to learn basic magic like this. Certainly, your place is very peaceful. "

"I don't think it's like that; the place I am in is also as dangerous as this place, even that has made me trapped here. "

Thinking back on all the things that had happened made me think that meeting Lenora was a stroke of luck.

If only I'm still adrift in the ocean, or have I met someone from Dazaifu. Surely my fate would be much different.

"At least, there's nothing for you to worry about. Rest is something you can do. "

In the end, I just slept on one of the sleeping covers in the tent. For the first time, I could lie down comfortably.

It felt like sleeping in a sleeping bag like this was much more comfortable than on a haystack at the last inn.

Until unconsciously, this made me feel very sleepy. It didn't take long; this comfort put me to sleep soundly.

In Lenora's point of view as

I looked inside the tent.

She had fallen asleep.

"It's great that he can immediately rest. Better yet, I should finish my duty as well. "

I took off the chain armor I was wearing; then I took a knife to clean with a cloth.

"Cleaning like this makes me comfortable; at least my attention is not too distracted. "

If I think carefully, it seems that my meeting with Maiko was something unexpected. I don't understand why I decided to help a stranger I don't know like her.

Even so, in the end, I decided to take her to a city that I quite hated. I should have refused it, but somehow I felt unbearable. If I leave here, she may be there without bothering to take her there.

But, if I do that, I'm the same as a crazy person like them. I don't want to end up being a dirty creature like them.

This is my adventure, so it's the best decision I can make on my journey.

Until my goal is achieved, I must continue to focus without ever relying on anyone. Because standing on my own feet is the only thing I can do to win everything.

As I kept repeating this activity, I continued to activate my long-range recon magic. As far as the eye can see, everything is still safe. However, I still have to confirm something.

I decided to call him out.

"Zigish, come out. "

Along with my words, a light appeared then the light began to change its form into a cat.


To me, it's a yes answer.

"Monitor the entire area near here. If you see something strange, please report it to me immediately. "


"Ahhh, before people chased me from the Archana Kingdom, you have to be careful with them. There seems to be one dangerous noble descending directly. "

"Meow... Meow..."

After answering twice, he immediately disappeared from my sight.

At least now I can be a little relieved if one of the Zigish is watching. I can't let Maiko worry about Archana's side still chasing, but who is Marten Lukeshaw anyway.

Was he one of Maiko's pursuers, or was it a coincidence that we met her here?

Since I am not very familiar with the political conditions in the Archana kingdom, I have absolutely no idea who they are.

However, if you look at their movements, they are trained troops who joined the royal army.

That means there's no mistaking it; we have to run as fast as we can. In no time, they'll find traces of us here earlier.

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