The Slave: Pride

Chapter 1

This story began when I was 25 years old; I lived in a suburb where not many young people like me chose to live.

I work as a part-time employee at a fish slaughterhouse, although the pay is relatively small. However, the money was still enough to allow me to eat two meals a day.

As usual, the days passed; I picked up the fresh fish, then cut it into several pieces to be sold at retail.

All my work partners are mostly elderly parents. There are no people my age because most of them prefer to live in big cities.

While I was removing the fish, I cleaned the entrails; another employee called out to me from behind.

"Beringer, the boss is calling for you. Immediately meet him. "

"Yeah, after I finish, I'll be right there. "

He just walked away while showing a happy face while talking to me.

This is very reasonable because, from the start, I was not accepted to work here. Due to the lack of sources of livelihood, the competition for work in this place is a bit harsh, even though the wages I receive are not comparable to what I do.

After I finished returning the knife to its original place, I immediately went to meet the boss.

The room was on the second floor when I walked in. I didn't meet many people because there were no more than 15 employees here.

Until finally, when I arrived at the door of the boss room. I heard the sound of fighting going on inside.

"What do you think, if we continue to maintain the current number of workers. Our finances will be in jeopardy. At the very least, we have to cut it down to keep this business going. "

The woman's voice sounded quite loud; I recognized her voice very well. She must be the financial manager of this company.

"But, if we do that. Many people will be unemployed. Can't we just keep them a little longer until I find a place that can accommodate them? "

This time, it was my boss who spoke. As usual, he was indeed a lovely person.

"I've given you four months to find them a new job. However, until now I'm sure you still haven't got it. "

"About that...., I have a little difficulty in recommending them for some reason. "

"I will emphasize once again; it is not only us who are experiencing a crisis but also many middle-class businesses that are experiencing the same fate. We're at our limit if you push yourself to keep them employed. So, we will be destroyed and out of business. "

"At least, I have applied for financial assistance to the local government. Let's wait until they give us money. "

"It is indeed very possible, but the time limit for liquid money with our losses is significantly inversely proportional. Moreover, the incentives provided further increase the inflation rate, making what we pursue even more challenging to achieve. "

"It can't be helped; at least we have to help them. "

"No, you have to fire ten of them so that our coffers are not empty. If you can't do it then, let me cross them off. "

"Wait a minute, if we lose that many people. So, the work done will be increasingly disrupted. "

"This is the best way we can do, even though we produce a large amount of meat that remains, but the demand from consumers every day is continuously decreasing. We have to cut production so that no resources are wasted. "

"But, they still have families to feed them. We cannot leave them idle and let them not eat. "

"Why are you so kind? I don't understand why you can be my boss. In that case, only five people. That's the lowest I can propose. If you still refuse, then I will resign myself. "

"No, if you do. Then I'll be broke; stay here, Margaret."

"Then, hurry up and decide. "

"Why do you always make me do cruel things like this when I intend to help them. "

"I don't care about your intentions because my job is to make sure the company's conditions continue to run. "

"But still, I'm having a hard time choosing it. What way should I do?. "

"If you're asking about my recommendation, then cut out people who don't have any special skills. I will not choose the person because you are the one who has the right to decide that. "

"Margaret, wait..."

The sound of footsteps getting closer, if I still stay here, I will be considered eavesdropping on their conversation.

But, it was too late. The door opened quickly, and Secretary Margaret saw me.

"Rainier Beringer, why are you here? "

"Anoo, I was ordered by Trevor to immediately meet the boss. Please forgive me if I overheard your conversation. "

"So, come in. "

"excuse me. "


After that, Margaret walked out of the boss room; the boss's situation wasn't looking good when I walked in.

"Excuse me, boss, did you call me?."

"Ahhh, Rainier. You're finally here; there's one thing I want to talk about. "

For some reason, I started to feel bad.

"About what if I may know? "

"After this, please take the new stock to the refrigerated warehouse. You don't have to cut it, just move it. "

"Well, I will do. Is that my only job?."

"Yes, please do well, yes. "

"Then I'll excuse myself first. "

After saying that, I immediately left.

When I reached the luggage transit point, I noticed something unusual.

Most of the employees just look lazy. Nothing serious at work.

Especially when I meet them, the only scornful gaze I received, it seems that this has spread to the ears of all the workers.

Then, when I moved the first box. Some of them started talking to each other.

"Did you hear? Trevor said the boss would fire ten people soon. This is equivalent to saying that this company has gone bankrupt. "

"No, if that much. Then the workload received by the remaining employees will increase. This will be a challenging task. "

"I hope I still survive so that my family can still eat. "

I also just listened to all their conversations without ever intending to talk about it.

Holding my feelings out is the best way to stay professional. Because of this, too, many people hate me in my work environment.

While I continued to exert my strength to move the box, the other workers sat down, watching me do it.

If only I had the power to protest against them, maybe I would fire them myself—useless people who can only complain and surrender to the situation without changing their work intentions.

In the end, I finished my job. Now, because I've moved everything. I have nothing else to do, so this is a chance for me to rest.

When I was about to sit down, a voice called out to me.

"Rainier, oiii..."

When I turned towards the source of the sound, it was the boss who did it.

When I turned around to look at the situation, all the workers started doing what they were supposed to do.

Those sycophants are indeed very skilled at doing this; what can they do because the older a person gets, the harder it is to change their mindset.

After seeing that, I immediately went to where the boss was.

"are you finished?."

"Yeah, I just finished doing it. "

"Okay, let's go back to my room. There's something I want to talk to you about. "

"Okay. "

Then we both walked into the room.

Arriving there, the atmosphere inside became a little tense.

However, the boss still wore his usual smiling expression.

"Rainier, do you want some juice? or can I order a good meal?."

"No, boss. I have no right to accept all of that. "

"I see; I hope I can give you what you deserve. "

"you mean ?."

"Earlier, Margaret said to me that you have good potential at work. "

"Miss Margaret said that? "

I couldn't believe his words a little.

"Even though her face looks scary because she always shows anger, she is also a good woman. He is very good at judging things. "

"I just found out about it. "

If you heard their conversation just now, it's only natural that the boss trusts Miss Margaret.

"Therefore, can you sit down? It would feel bad if we spoke in this position. "

"yes. "

I immediately sat down in an empty chair.

"This way, I can tell you. "

"I still don't understand what you mean. "

"Rainier, as you know, you are very diligent in your work. At the same time, you are also great at determining which part to prioritize, even though you also find it difficult to get along with other workers. "

In just one sentence, the boss already knew about my skill.

"Yes, that is indeed all I have. "

"So, I don't want to waste talent like you in this kind of work environment. "

"I'm talented?."

"Yeah, I think of it that way. So, I hope you can thrive in a much more worthy place than here. "

"Does that mean?."

"Please forgive me, but starting tomorrow, you don't have to work here anymore. I'll try my best to care for our contract money, but please give me a week to sort it out. "

"But, why boss. Even though I always work harder than others, they should be the ones who deserve to be fired. "

"I understand your dissatisfaction, but I have my considerations in doing so. That's why I chose you, so you don't get hate from them anymore. "

Still, such an excuse is unacceptable to me. However, getting angry and blaming the boss will also not provide a solution to end this.

"I understand; I will not ask further. "

"Thank you, Rainier; this decision is tough for me to do. However, still, this option is the best. I'm not asking you to forgive me; just let me fulfill my duty to you. "

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