The Sickly Beauty Substitute Called It Quits

Chapter 61

"If I don't care about Your Majesty, who should I care about? I hope Your Majesty is never hurt again."

Shen Yu's eyes were downcast, and Shang JunLin's gaze was burning. He held Shen Yu's chin in one hand and slowly approached.

A soft kiss fell on the corner of Shen Yu's eye.

With it came the man's aura: strong, steady, calm.

Recently Shang JunLin liked to kiss Shen Yu's eyes, especially when those eyes looked at him. He could hardly tear himself away from the color and intensity he saw there.

Shen Yu's eyelids lowered, and the long eyelashes gently brushed the man's lips, light and ticklish.

Shang JunLin loosened his grip on Shen Yu's hand. He put his arm around Shen Yu's waist and pressed him closer.

Shen Yu let him kiss his face for a while. Then he said, "It's time to bring the King of Yue's case to a close, isn't it?"

"Only one fish, the Grand Commandant*, has been caught, but that's enough. If you catch the first one, there will be a second and a third…."

"Not necessarily." Shen Yu propped himself up against Shang JunLin's chest and met his eyes. "Your Majesty, why would the Grand Commandant decide to tamper with the imperial examination?"

Shang JunLin considered for a moment. "Is Ah Yu saying that the King of Yue should take the blame for the Grand Commandant's actions?"

"If not, why would the Grand Commandant try to bribe humble students who haven't yet entered the imperial court? What if he acted on the King of Yue's orders? The King of Yue lives in his fiefdom year round. What if that made him eager to install his own people in the court?" Shen Yu chuckled. "Whether it's true or not, once the word gets around, people will believe it."

Given the late emperor's edict, Shang JunLin couldn't move against the King of Yue directly, but what if the King of Yue crossed the line himself?

The King of Yue had no idea that while he was sitting in prison, the blame was suddenly laid at his door.

The emperor personally ordered the Court of Judicial Review to proceed without delay, and the results of the trial were released before the end of the imperial exam.

The moment the scholars walked out of the examination hall, they were greeted with appalling news. They gathered together in shock, worried about whether they would be implicated.

In particular, a few scholars who'd been approached by the conspirators turned white with fear as if their faces had been painted. They had no idea what to do.

Shang JunLin had previously given orders for the examination officials to reassure the candidates and let them go back to rest for the time being.

Jiang HuaiQing had already known what was underway. Shen Yu told him the matter would be resolved by the end of the exam, but Jiang HuaiQing found that difficult to believe. He wasn't expecting to hear the news the moment he walked out.

After resting for a while to recover his energy, Jiang HuaiQing asked Hè ChengYu to meet him in the restaurant for dinner.

"It's not every day you complete an exam. We should enjoy ourselves."

To celebrate the end of the exam, Yingxing House hosted a banquet free of charge for the hard-working scholars. It was a well-known and long-standing tradition of Yingxing House, so there was no reason to refuse.

The place was bustling with people. Scholars who'd just finished the exam gathered together in small groups to chatter about the recent momentous events.

"I had no idea something so serious would happen this year."

"True. Fortunately, His Majesty was foresighted and discovered the problem ahead of time. Do you think we'd be able to gather together and enjoy ourselves right now otherwise?"

"So true, so true. Throughout the history of Da Huan, every time there was a case of examination fraud, the results of the entire year were thrown out. If not for His Majesty's sagacity and leadership, we would have wasted another three years for nothing."

Sitting in a quiet corner, a young man in blue smiled. "After everything that's happened, this year's students have even more respect for His Majesty. How does Ah Lin feel?"

After picking out the bones from the fish, the man in black placed it in Shen Yu's bowl. "Didn't Ah Yu say that you wanted to see Jiang HuaiQing? You're not going?"

"There's no hurry. I sent him a message. He'll come to us when he sees it."

Shen Yu had kept an eye on things in the palace for a few days, making sure that nothing unexpected happened with the Grand Commandant's case and confirming that he really had changed Jiang HuaiQing's fate. When it was over, he wanted to leave the palace to see Jiang HuaiQing.

As it happened, Shang JunLin also had a reason to leave the palace. The two of them simply changed their clothes and went to Yingxing House.

This time, they chose to eat in the main hall of the restaurant instead of a private room. Shen Yu wanted to experience the excitement in Yingxing House after the exam.

"It should be even busier the day the results are announced. Would Ah Yu like to leave the palace that day to see it?"

Shen Yu nodded quickly. "Yes."

"If Ah Yu is well behaved, I'll bring you."

At first Shen Yu didn't understand what Shang JunLin meant by "well behaved", but then he realized it. "You don't want to wait until the palace exam is over?"

"Lin Xiong, Yu Xiong." When Jiang HuaiQing came downstairs, he saw the two sitting by the window, and he pulled Hè ChengYu over. "When Yu Xiong said he'd be here, I was quite surprised."

"Why is it surprising? We've known each other a long time. It's natural to get together on such an important day," Shen Yu said.

After exchanging letters for a while, Jiang HuaiQing and Shen Yu had become more and more familiar. They sat down across from each other. "I was worried that Lin Xiong and Yu Xiong would be too busy."

Hè ChengYu beckoned the waiter who was standing to the side and ordered a few more dishes. "I should thank the two of you for helping HuaiQing with the incident before."

Shen Yu smiled. "There's no need to be polite among friends."

Both sides sat down. After talking about everything that had happened recently, Jiang HuaiQing sighed with emotion. "We really have to thank His Majesty for everything. Otherwise I don't know if I even would have been able to take the exam."

"HuaiQing has such a wealth of knowledge. It would be a loss if you couldn't serve in the imperial court."

"You're flattering me." Jiang HuaiQing had never been complimented like that before, and he ducked his head with embarrassment. "Let's talk about something else. To thank the two of you for your help, let me offer you a toast."

With that, Jiang HuaiQing picked up his glass and drank it all in one gulp.

Shen Yu wasn't allowed to drink alcohol, so Shang JunLin returned the toast for him. "I'll take Ah Yu's place since he can't drink."

"Sorry, I was thoughtless," Jiang HuaiQing said.

"It's fine. To be honest, I wish I could drink, but Ah Lin keeps a close eye on me." The more Shen Yu wasn't allowed to drink, the more he felt a little craving for it.

Shang JunLin said little throughout the meal. He seemed to focus all of his attention on taking care of Shen Yu. Jiang HuaiQing watched him deliver small tidbits to Shen Yu and pick out the bones from his fish. Occasionally the two whispered to each other. Jiang HuaiQing began to feel that he really shouldn't be there.

After they finished eating, they sat and chatted for a while. Then Shang JunLin had to leave to take care of something, and Shen Yu said goodbye to the others.

In the carriage, Shang JunLin toyed with Shen Yu's fingers. "Would Ah Yu like to return to the palace or stay with this emperor?"

Shen Yu: "Where is Your Majesty going?"

Shang JunLin: "The Court of Judicial Review."

Shen Yu: "Is it about the Grand Commandant?"

Shang JunLin: "Mm."

Shen Yu: "Then I'll stay with Your Majesty. I don't want to go back to the palace alone."

Shang JunLin gave the orders, and the carriage turned towards the Court of Judicial Review.

The Chief Justice of the Court of Judicial Review received notice in advance. He personally escorted the carriage into the inner courtyard.

When Shang JunLin got out of the carriage, the Chief Justice was about to step forward when he saw the man in black stop beside the carriage and extend his hand to someone inside.

The Chief Justice was taken aback. Was someone else there?

At the same time, he couldn't help but wonder what kind of person His Majesty would personally help from a carriage?

The answer was soon revealed.

A pale hand stretched out from the curtain and rested on the hand of the man in black. The carriage curtain lifted, and then a young man in blue stepped out.

Shang JunLin held Shen Yu's hand. If Shen Yu hadn't stopped him with his eyes, the man would have physically lifted him out.

When the Chief Justice saw the intimate interaction between the two, he felt startled and quickly knelt down to salute. "This official greets Your Majesty and the noble monarch."

"No need to be polite." Shang JunLin raised his hand and gestured to the man to get up. "Just take us there."

"Yes." The Chief Justice didn't dare to ask any questions. He led the way with trepidation.

When they reached a heavy, dark red door, the Chief Justice bowed his head. "Your Majesty, all the files are inside."

"There's no need for anyone to follow."

"Yes." The Chief Justice hesitated for a moment. "The noble monarch, he…"

"Don't worry, Your Excellency. I'm not going inside."

Shang JunLin narrowed his eyes with displeasure, but Shen Yu poked his arm. "I don't want to look at all those files. I'll wait for Your Majesty outside. It's just as well. I've never been here before."

Shen Yu turned to look at the Chief Justice. "Is it all right if I wander around?"

The Chief Justice was grateful for Shen Yu's suggestion and hurriedly replied, "Of course it's fine."

Shang JunLin wanted to say something else, but Shen Yu interrupted. "Your Majesty, please spare me. I don't mind reading novels, but not things like this."

Seeing that he really didn't want to go in, Shang JunLin gave up. He pinched Shen Yu's face. "Be good. Wait for this emperor outside and don't run around."

After Shang JunLin went in, Shen Yu strolled around the courtyard. The Chief Justice followed from a distance, afraid to be too far away or too close.

As the sun began to descend in the west, Shen Yu finished looking at the flowers and plants in the courtyard, and Shang JunLin came out.

On the way back, Shen Yu couldn't help feeling curious. "What did Your Majesty want to see? You could have just sent someone to fetch the files. Why was it necessary to come here yourself?"

"A few things are still uncertain, and it would be troublesome to make them run back and forth. Since you wanted to leave the palace, this emperor decided to just go there myself," Shang JunLin explained.

After returning to the palace, Mu Xi reported the results of the recent investigation to Shen Yu.

"There are no fewer than twenty injured palace maids. None of them are especially prominent in the palace. Moreover" —Mu Xi's eyes reddened with anger at the thought— "Two of them are less than fifteen years old!"

"Where are those maids?" With a "snap", Shen Yu broke the branch of plum blossoms in his hand.

"This slave found an empty courtyard in Yuzhang Palace to accommodate them."

Shen Yu turned around. "Take me to meet them."

Through a path lined with flowers, Mu Xi took Shen Yu to a remote courtyard.

Mu Xi pushed open the door. When the maids inside saw Shen Yu, they couldn't help but cower a little.

"This is the noble monarch, the one who wants justice for you. Don't be afraid." Mu Xi was obviously familiar with their situation and calmed them with a few soft words.

A few of the palace maids came forward and saluted fearfully, but their movements were hesitant and halting.

"No need to be polite." Shen Yu didn't make them salute. "Since it was someone from my palace who hurt you, I'll make certain that you receive justice."

When they heard Shen Yu's promise, several of the blank-looking women finally had a spark of color in their eyes. "Thank you, noble monarch!"

"If you need anything, tell Mu Xi directly."

After saying a few words, Shen Yu left with Mu Xi.

On the way back, Shen Yu said, "Can you find an imperial physician for them?"

Mu Xi shook her head. "This slave knows it's not good, but they refused to let me bring an imperial physician."

Shen Yu took note of this. Later, he mentioned it to Shang JunLin. "Your Majesty, are there any female doctors in the palace?"

Shang JunLin: "There should be. This emperor will ask Meng Chang to arrange it. Why do you need a female doctor?"

Shen Yu: "There are some injured women staying in a courtyard of my palace. It would be easier for them to be seen by a female doctor."

Shang JunLin: "Is it those palace maids?"

"Yes." Shen Yu lowered his voice and added, "I went to see them today. This happened because of my negligence. I'll try to make it up to them later."

"How can you be blamed for what happened?" Shang JunLin held Shen Yu's hand on his knee. "You've done well. In the palace, human lives are as light as blades of grass. How many people are like Ah Yu, willing to stand up for palace maids they don't know at all?"

Strong, gentle, dangerous… Every aspect of Shen Yu suited him to the core.

TL Notes:

* English Wikipedia translates 太尉 as "Grand Commandant" so I'm using that instead of "supreme commander". Ch 60 has been updated to match

I'm really confused why things like "Grand Commandant" are capitalized but "prime minister" isn't (o≧∇≦)o

the blame was suddenly laid at his door – from 锅从天上来 – "the pot (of blame) came from the sky" – Refer to Ch 20 notes on "carrying the pot" / "taking the blame"

leadership – 神武 – martial spirit – epithet for a great conquering general – best and brightest, glorious, powerful

has a wealth of knowledge – 学富五车 – One's mind concealed more knowledge than could have been contained in five cartloads of books; be wealthy in knowledge; of great erudition and scholarship (idiom)

Transliterated names, places, and titles—new in this chapter:

Chief Justice of the Court of Judicial Review – 大理寺卿 – This official is also known as the Commandant of Justice (廷尉). He accepted and decided all lawsuits that the provincial governors failed to dispose of. Cases which he could not decide were reported to the emperor. In the Han dynasty, he was one of the Nine Ministers (九卿), the collective name for the nine high officials in the imperial government who headed the Nine Courts. They were subordinate to the Three Councilors of State (Wikipedia, Baidu) See Ch 12 notes for the Court of Judicial Review. See Ch 36 notes for the Ministry of Justice

Nine Courts – 九寺 – The Nine Courts were service agencies which included the Court of Judicial Review, the Court of Imperial Entertainments, the Court of the National Granaries, and others (Wikipedia)

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