The Shopkeeper of Konoha

236. They can toy with the whole realm

As the sun cast its golden rays over the battlefield near Bronzegate, the air crackled with tension as the forces of House Lannister assembled for battle. Ser Tywin Lannister, the mastermind behind the assault, surveyed the open ground with confidence, his soldiers arrayed in disciplined ranks behind him. Little did they know, however, that they were about to face an opponent unlike any they had encountered before.

As the Lannister forces surged forward, their numbers overwhelming compared to the Uchihas, the Uchihas didn't seem to be affected at all as they saw them from far. Some from the open field, while others from the branches of trees. None of them were wearing the Konoha band but, an Uchiha band on their forehead. 

"Men of Lannister! Today, we face some savages from the North, but we shall not falter! Together, we shall crush these Northern upstarts and reclaim what is rightfully ours! We are better than them. We are more intelligent than them. We will crush them!"

With a thunderous roar, the Lannister army surged forward, their ranks bristling with spears and swords. But the Uchihas were ready, their ninjas hidden amongst the trees, poised to strike with deadly precision.

As the two forces clashed, the air filled with the clash of steel and the cries of the wounded. Amidst the chaos of battle, individual skirmishes broke out across the field, each one a desperate struggle for survival.

Despite being outnumbered twenty to one, the Uchihas fought with a skill and ferocity that belied their smaller numbers.

With their mastery of ninjutsu and genjutsu, the Uchihas struck swiftly and decisively, picking off Lannister soldiers with deadly accuracy. From the cover of the trees, their ninjas launched volleys of shuriken and kunai, while others unleashed torrents of fire and lightning that cut through the enemy ranks like a scythe through wheat.

The catapults threw their fiery stones at them only to be stopped by huge golems and multiple flying swords. This made Tywin, who was on the back looking at the battlefield, almost falter. he didn't expect this. 

What was this beast that came from Earth itself? And huge flying swords? 

What? What is this new throwing weapon and small knives for close battle? 

What the hell was going on?

While Tywin was seeing this, the Commanders were trying their best in the battlefield. 

"Steady, men! Hold the line!" a Lannister commander shouted, his voice tinged with desperation as he tried to rally his troops against the relentless onslaught.

But his words fell on deaf ears as the Uchihas pressed their advantage, their blades flashing with lethal precision as they cut down their foes with ruthless efficiency. With each fallen soldier, the Lannister ranks grew more disorganized, their morale crumbling under the relentless assault of their adversaries.

"By the Seven, they fight like demons!" one Lannister soldier cried out, his voice trembling with fear as he watched his comrades fall around him.

"Stay strong, brothers! We cannot falter now!" another shouted, his sword held high as he desperately tried to hold back the tide of Uchiha warriors bearing down upon them.

Amidst the chaos of battle, Fugaku Uchiha stood at the forefront of his warriors, his eyes blazing with the fire of determination as he led his clan to victory. With each swing of his blade, he cut through the Lannister ranks with deadly precision, his leadership inspiring those around him to fight with renewed vigor.

If simple physical attacks wasn't enough, then the cherry on top came when the Uchihas started using ninjutsus. From the cover of the trees, Uchiha ninjas emerged, their hands weaving intricate seals as they channeled their chakra into devastating attacks. With a swift motion, one ninja conjured a ball of fire that hurtled towards the Lannister ranks, engulfing them in flames and scattering their formations with its searing heat.

"Take cover!" a Lannister soldier shouted, his voice drowned out by the roar of the inferno as it consumed everything in its path. He was confused of where the fire attack came from. 

Meanwhile, another group of Uchiha ninjas worked in tandem, their movements fluid and synchronized as they unleashed a barrage of lightning bolts that crackled through the air with deadly precision. Each bolt found its mark, striking down Lannister soldiers with electrifying force and leaving them convulsing on the ground.

"Gods above, what are these attacks. They are picking us out as stragglers." a Lannister commander exclaimed, his voice tinged with disbelief as he watched his troops fall beneath the onslaught.

But perhaps the most terrifying of all were the genjutsu wielded by the Uchihas, illusions so potent that they could warp reality itself. With a single glance, an Uchiha ninja cast a genjutsu upon a group of Lannister soldiers, twisting their perceptions until they turned on each other in a frenzy of madness and confusion.

"Fight! Kill them all!" the affected soldiers screamed, their blades turning against their own comrades in a macabre display of self-destruction. 

Tywin looked all of this and was very much shaken. He had heard how Thornes and his own men vanished that night. He didn't think much of it since assassinating Northerners weren't easy or else, they wouldn't have been there for such along time. 

But he wasn't expecting this. This was magic. Fire, Lightning and even mad men roamed on the battlefield and he could only helplessly see his own men being flayed, killed, stabbed, beheaded, burnt, electrocuted... Basically thousands of his finest men were being toyed with. 

He had never seen such a situation before. He even ordered for a retreat but this was impossible as the Uchihas somehow sneaked into their camps too and set them on fire. For the first time in his life he felt like he was seeing a devastation like no other. 

The Targeryans? These Northerners would toy with a dragon too, with what he was witnessing. 

"They said that they came from the North? Did they come from beyond the Wall?" Tywin thought as those were last batch of rational thoughts. 

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