The Shopkeeper of Konoha

234. Lions and wolves

Unlike last time, his nose had hit the barrier with quite a momentum and thus his nose was broken and was in a bad shape. Cersei couldn't stop herself this time and run up to her son. She tore off a piece of her cloth and tried to wipe the blood flowing only to hit by his hand. 

"Go away you bitch. You have colluded with dark magic. You are not my mother." Joffrey said. 

"No.. I.." Cersei eyes became wet again as she saw hatred in the eyes of her son for her. She didn't know what she should do. She loved her children and she was doing everything possible to shelter and save them. 

"Joffrey Lannister.. Do you accept the duel?" Arya said as she was now standing in the open ground while holding her sword. She didn't bother to address the fact that Joffrey had tried to sneak attack on him. 

Joffrey who was trying to get away from his mother, heard Arya say that from far. 

"No.. Joffrey.. You can't fight her.. You will die..." Cersei said. 

"This bitch only knows witchcraft while I know swordfight. I will flay her with my sword and show who is the real king." Joffrey said and even though he was hurt by the flowing nose, that didn't stop his anger and adrenaline rush. 

He wanted to kill her badly. Joffrey soon stood against Arya. 

"I.. Joffrey Baratheon.. Challenge you to a duel." Joffrey said. 

"Don't kid yourself.. You are no Baratheon.. You are the purest Lannister." Arya said. 

"My father was Robert..." Joffrey couldn't even finish his words when Arya cut him off and said. 

"Your father was not Robert. Don't believe me? Ask your mother." Arya said. This made Joffrey subconsciously looked at his mother and she hung her head in shame. That was enough of an answer. He was enraged and vowed to kill her with his own hands after this was over.

"As for me? I am Arya Stark, daughter of Ned Stark and a sorcerer." Arya said. 

"Arya? That bitch from the North? You are a kid.. How did you grow up so fast?" Joffrey in addition to anger was also confused. 

"You don't need to know that." Arya said as she indicated him to take the first move. 

Joffrey, brandishing a finely crafted sword, sneered at her. "Do you truly believe you can best me, little girl?" he mocked, his voice dripping with disdain.

With a swift motion, Joffrey lunged forward, his blade aimed at Arya's chest. But Arya danced aside, effortlessly avoiding his strike. "Is that the best you can do?" she taunted, her voice laced with amusement.

Enraged by her mockery, Joffrey renewed his assault, his attacks coming faster and fiercer. Yet Arya remained elusive, her movements graceful and precise. With each dodge and parry, she seemed to be toying with him, her laughter ringing out across the courtyard.

"You fight like a coward, Joffrey!" Arya jeered, her eyes gleaming with mischief. "Is this how the mighty lion of the Westerlands defends his honor?"

Joffrey's face flushed with anger, his pride wounded by Arya's words. With a roar of frustration, he swung his sword with all his might, but Arya effortlessly deflected his blow, her expression one of pure amusement.

"Come now, Joffrey," Arya teased, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "I expected more from the great prince of the realm. Or is the lion too afraid to face the wolf?"

Infuriated by her taunts, Joffrey charged forward recklessly, leaving himself wide open. With a swift movement, Arya seized the opportunity, her blade finding its mark as she disarmed him with ease. Joffrey stumbled backward, his sword clattering to the ground.

Cersei came running in and again begged on the ground to show mercy and blabbered about. 

"When you killed my brothers, my father, my mother.. And almost all of whom I held dear to, I had promised myself that I would kill you all. Every night I used to sleep by chanting your names. Some of whom I was able to kill while some died before I could kill. Your son here was killed by the Tyrells and you, Cersei, pinned the blame on Tyrion, who by the way saved your lives from Stannis. You, Cersei, died under the fire of the dragons. Yes, the Targeryans and the dragons aren't dead and they will be coming back soon." 

Joffrey was confused and even more so for Cersei, of what she was talking. They looked at her with wide eyes. Joffrey shuddered a bit when he heard about the dragons and now his courage was dropping for some reason. He wanted to make a run but Arya had stepped on his hand and leg and thus not enabling him to move anywhere. 

"What.. What are you talking about?" Cersei couldn't help but ask. 

"Whoops.. I spoke too much..." Before Arya could finish of what she was saying, a portal opened nearby and out came John. 

Jon was stunned looking at Arya over Joffrey while Cersei was groveling. He looked at them for a second before shaking his head. 

"What is it?"

"The Lannisters will be attacking the Uchihas." Jon said. Cersei's bad dream just changed into a nightmare as she heard what Jon said. Joffrey was confused as he didn't know much about the management of the whole Kingdom 

"Then let them be buried under forever since they want to go to early grave so fast." Arya said. Jon nodded and without looking at Cersei and Joffrey, he went back through the portal but the portal remained opened. 

Arya smiled at Joffrey evilly, as he tried his best to get away and had fear in his face while blood flowed out like river. Without anymore words she took a swing and cut his head completely. This threw Cersei into hysterics and lunged at Arya only to be kicked on her abdomen by Arya. 

She fell back but she crawled towards her son, who still had his eyes wide open, as if he refused to believe. Arya looked at the golem and said. 

"Take care of the evidence." With those last words Arya stepped inside the portal and it closed itself. Cersei just clutched into the head of Joffrey while crying horribly. 

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