The Shattered Constellations Between Stars

Anticipation And Action

Two Weeks Later

Two weeks had passed, and Nyx’s days were spent mainly in the Tiger’s territory. He was preparing her for a new type of dungeon, something different and more challenging than the ones she’d faced before. However, he kept most of the details to himself, leaving Nyx with only his reassurance: “You should be able to handle it.”

During this period, he focused on teaching her how to wield a weapon—a new experience for Nyx. One day, the Tiger presented her with the Twilight Fangs Daggers. These blades were unlike anything she’d ever seen. Forged in the likeness of the Tiger God’s teeth, the curved blades had serrated edges that mimicked the sharp canines of a great beast. They gleamed with an obsidian hue, veined with silvery lines that shimmered like moonlight. The hilts were shaped like stylized tiger jaws, and the pommels bore carved eyes that seemed to glow faintly in the dark.

“This was a weapon I created back in the realm,” the Tiger explained as he handed the daggers to Nyx. The moment she touched them, a spark surged through her body, resonating with her very soul.

“They’re light,” Nyx had murmured in awe, turning the blades over in her hands.

Nyx’s eyes widened. “I… I can feel it. It’s like they’re alive.”

The Tiger nodded, a proud glint in his eyes. “They were forged with purpose and strength. You must learn to wield them as if they’re an extension of yourself. Use them just like you do with your Claw of Eternal skill, but channel your magic into the blades instead of your hands.”

Nyx stared at the blades, then back at the Tiger. “So I just have to imbue them with my magic?”

“Exactly. Make them yours,” he encouraged. “It will be challenging at first, but you’ll get the hang of it.”

And so, they trained. There were moments when Nyx stumbled, when the daggers felt unwieldy and foreign in her hands. But as the days passed, she became more accustomed to their weight and power. Slowly, she learned to channel her magic through the Twilight Fangs, feeling the raw predatory energy they radiated.

One evening, after a particularly grueling session, the Tiger smiled at her. “You’re doing well. Better than I expected.”

Nyx beamed up at him, panting but filled with determination. “I’ll master them, just wait and see!”

Visiting Griff’s Cave

Nyx couldn’t wait to show off her new weapon to Griff. The moment she arrived at his cave, she held up the daggers for him to see.

“Look, Griff! The Tiger gave me these!” she exclaimed, her eyes shining with excitement.

Griff, half-awake as usual, glanced at the blades, his gaze sharpening slightly. Griff lifted his head lazily from where he lay, blinking slowly at the shining blades. “Nice… Those suit you, little one,” he murmured with a sleepy smile.

Nyx’s smile widened. “I’m getting better at using them too! Tiger says I’m improving every day.”

“Just don’t push yourself too hard, Nyx. You’re still a child, no matter how strong you become,” Griff said softly. “There’s no need to rush.”

She nodded, her expression serious. “I’ll be careful, I promise.”

At the Snake’s Cave

When Nyx arrived at the Snake’s cave, she was already brandishing the daggers before she’d even stepped inside.

“Snake! Look what the Tiger gave me!” she called out, her voice echoing in the silent cave.

The Snake slithered out of the shadows, his eyes narrowing as he examined the weapons. “Hmph. Typical of the Tiger to choose something so… primal.”

Nyx pouted slightly. “Don’t you like them?”

The Snake sighed. “It’s not about liking or disliking. The daggers are a good fit for you.” He paused, his gaze softening ever so slightly. “Just don’t let them become your only strength. You are more than your weapons, Nyx.”

Nyx nodded eagerly. “I know, but it’s exciting to have something new to use!”

The Snake sighed, shaking his head. “You really are a handful.” Despite his words, there was a hint of fondness in his voice

At the Peacock’s Domain

The Peacock was more than thrilled when Nyx showed him her new daggers. He flitted around her, eyes sparkling as he admired the craftsmanship.

“They’re marvelous! But you can’t carry such fine blades around without a proper scabbard,” he said decisively. With a wave of his hand, he summoned a beautifully crafted Maw Scabbard.

The scabbard was made from dark leather, embossed with intricate patterns that resembled the flowing stripes of a tiger. The mouth of the scabbard was reinforced with polished steel shaped like a tiger’s maw, where the twin blades could slide seamlessly into place. Enchanted runes lined the inner surface, designed to keep the blades sharp and safe.

Nyx stared in awe. “It’s beautiful! Thank you so much.”

“Anything for you, my dear,” the Peacock replied smoothly. “Now, let’s see how you look with them properly secured.”

He spent the rest of the day dressing her up in new clothes, adjusting her outfit to match the scabbard. Nyx giggled as he fussed over her, smoothing out wrinkles and making sure every piece was in place.

At Drac’s Cave

Nyx practically burst into Drac’s cave, eager to show him her new weapons. She held up the daggers and the scabbard, excitement bubbling over.

“Look, Drac! The Tiger gave me these, and the Peacock made me a scabbard!” she said all in one breath.

He took his time examining the daggers and the scabbard, his gaze calculating. After a moment, he placed one of his massive claws over the weapons, a faint red glow surrounding them.

Nyx felt the daggers hum with new energy. “What did you do?” she asked, with wide eyes.

“I enhanced them with some of my magic,” Drac explained, his voice a low rumble. “It should make them easier for you to handle.” Drac explained gruffly. “ and they’ll respond better to your commands.”

Nyx grinned. “Thank you, Drac!”

“Don’t get too comfortable,” he cautioned, his tone stern. “You have a long way to go.”

She nodded, a determined look on her face. “I know. And I’ll keep getting stronger!”

Ready for the Dungeon

With everything that had happened, Nyx felt more ready than ever. All the training and new equipment made her feel like a true hunter, and she couldn’t wait to see what awaited her in the coming days.

With her new weapons in hand and the scabbard strapped to her waist, Nyx was more than ready to venture into the new dungeon the Tiger had hinted at.

The Tiger eyed her one last time, his gaze critical. “Remember everything I’ve taught you. This dungeon will test you in ways you haven’t experienced yet.”

Nyx tightened her grip on the hilts of the Twilight Fangs. “I’m ready, Tiger. I’ll make you proud.”

He smiled faintly. “I know you will. Now, let’s see if you’re as good as you think you are.”

She was ready to venture into the new dungeon with the confidence she had built and the weapons she now wielded. The Twilight Fangs daggers glimmered faintly at her sides, and with every step, she felt the energy of the constellations guiding her forward.

One Week Later

One week later, Nyx, along with Len, Ryu, Suli, Nabi, Guerim, and the Tiger, stood at the entrance of a new dungeon, ready for whatever awaited them inside. She could feel her heart racing with anticipation. This was unlike any of the previous dungeons she had encountered. Even though it was labeled as a “Green” dungeon—meaning it should be easy—the sheer size and appearance of the entrance made her nerves tingle with both excitement and anxiety.

With Airy, Ori, and Rion snugly secured around her, and the Twilight Fangs resting comfortably in the Maw Scabbard gifted by the Peacock, she felt prepared. The dagger handles peeked out from her waist, giving her a sense of confidence she had never felt before. Everything about this journey felt like a significant step forward, and she was eager to see what new challenges awaited her.

“We’ll walk there this time,” the Tiger had suggested earlier. “It’ll give you time to appreciate the territory and calm your mind before we start.”

Nyx had nodded, and now, as they made their way on foot, she took in the surroundings. The lush greenery stretched out as far as the eye could see, broken only by the occasional clusters of magical crystals that jutted out from the earth like emerald spires. Birds chirped from the treetops, and small creatures skittered across their path, seemingly unbothered by the group’s presence.

“This place is so peaceful,” Nyx murmured, gazing at the vibrant landscape around them.

“It’s one of the most beautiful parts of the forest,” Len agreed softly. “You should take this opportunity to soak it all in.”

They walked in silence for a while, enjoying the tranquility of the journey. Even Ryu, who usually buzzed with energy, seemed calmer, his eyes shifting from Nyx to the scenery and back again.

After a long trek, they finally reached the entrance of the Green Dungeon. It was a massive structure, the rocks outside covered in thick moss and glowing green veins. A soft, eerie light emanated from the cracks in the rocks, bathing the area in an otherworldly glow.

Nyx took a deep breath, feeling the slight prickle of anxiety creeping back. She glanced up at the Tiger, who stood beside her, his gaze steady.

“Are you ready?” he asked, his voice a deep, reassuring rumble.

Nyx nodded firmly. “Yes, I’m ready.”

Before they entered, the Tiger crouched down, his golden eyes meeting hers with an intensity that made her pause. “Listen carefully, Nyx. This dungeon is home to Leafrazor Ants. They’re insect-like creatures with sharp mandibles that can cut through vegetation with ease. They’re not dangerous on their own, but in groups, they can be overwhelming. Remember—locate their cores and aim for them, just like you did with the slimes.”

“Leafrazor Ants?” Nyx repeated, a hint of curiosity mingling with her nerves. “What do they eat?”

“They primarily feed on vegetation,” the Tiger explained. “They strip forests bare, consuming everything in their path. That’s why they’re considered dangerous—they can completely destroy an ecosystem if left unchecked.”

“Got it,” Nyx said, taking a deep breath. “I’ll be careful.”

The Tiger gave a single nod. “If you find yourself in trouble or if you feel it’s too much, call for me. We can always come back another day.”

Nyx smiled up at him, her resolve hardening. “I understand. I’ll give it my best.”

“Also,” the Tiger added, his voice growing more serious, “this dungeon has a boss monster—the Queen of the Leafrazor Ants. She’ll be a lot bigger than the others, and she won’t go down easily. Be on your guard.”

Nyx swallowed, her fingers unconsciously brushing against the handles of her daggers. “I’ll keep that in mind.”

The Tiger’s gaze softened with pride. “I know. Just don’t overdo it.”

With that, they all stepped into the dungeon. The atmosphere changed instantly. The air was thick with humidity, and the scent of damp earth and greenery filled her nose. Inside, the walls were covered in thick vegetation, and clusters of green crystals dotted the path, casting an eerie glow over everything. It felt like they had stepped into a living, breathing forest underground.

“Wow,” Nyx whispered, looking around in awe. “It’s all so… green.”

Nabi fluttered beside her head, his small form glowing faintly. “That’s why it’s called a Green Dungeon! The crystals and the vegetation make it look like the whole place is alive.”

“Yeah, but don’t let your guard down,” Ryu warned, scanning the area. “The Leafrazor Ants blend in with their surroundings. It’s easy to miss them if you’re not paying attention.”

Guerim floated beside her, his eyes narrowing in focus. “We’ll scout ahead and let you know where the densest clusters are. Just stay sharp.”

Nyx felt a swell of gratitude for her friends. They’d been with her through thick and thin, and today was no different. “Alright. Let’s do this.”

Tightening her grip on her daggers. The group moved deeper into the dungeon, the Aetherlings flying ahead to scout for any signs of danger.

The interior was as verdant as the name suggested, the walls lined with lush vegetation and glowing green crystals that cast an eerie, otherworldly light. Every surface seemed alive, pulsating with magic and hidden dangers.

They advanced further into the dungeon, encountering the first wave of Leafrazor Ants. The creatures were exactly as the Tiger had described—huge, with glistening emerald carapaces and wickedly sharp mandibles. Nyx took a deep breath, gripping her daggers tightly. She located the core of the nearest ant, a faint red glow pulsating within its head.

Nyx glanced at the Tiger, who gave her an encouraging nod. “Remember what I told you. Stay calm and focus on their cores.”

“Here goes,” she murmured, and in a flash, she darted forward.

The first few Leafrazor Ants were smaller than she expected, their emerald-green bodies almost blending in perfectly with the crystal-studded walls. But their mandibles gleamed ominously, and when they noticed her, they let out a shrill clicking sound before charging forward.

Nyx moved quickly, using the Twilight Fangs with the same precision she used for her Claw of Eternal skill. The first ant lunged at her, its mandibles snapping shut just inches from her arm. She dodged to the side, slashing at its core in one smooth motion. The ant let out a shriek before dissolving into dust.

“Yes!” she exclaimed softly, a thrill running through her.

The first ant fell easily to her daggers, the enchanted blades slicing through its exoskeleton like it was made of paper. She pivoted smoothly, dispatching another ant with a precise strike to its core. She could feel the flow of magic through the weapons, enhancing her movements and making her strikes more powerful.

“Nice work, Nyx!” Len called out, his voice echoing in the chamber. “Keep it up!”

“Watch your left!” Suli warned as two more ants scuttled towards her.

Nyx spun gracefully, using a combination of her daggers and the Claw of Eternal skill to fend them off. The ants fell one by one, and Nyx felt a surge of confidence. She was doing it—she was winning.

Encouraged, Nyx pressed forward, taking down the Leafrazor Ants one by one. She could feel Tiger’s training, the Drac’s advice, and the confidence from the other constellations guiding her every move. With each ant she defeated, she felt herself growing more attuned to the rhythm of the battle.

Nyx faced swarms of ants, using every bit of training she’d received. The Tiger observed silently, only stepping in when Nyx seemed to struggle or tire. But she never gave up, pushing herself to clear the dungeon.

After what felt like hours of relentless fighting, they finally reached the boss room. A gigantic, rugged black door loomed before them, its surface covered in scratches and cracks. It exuded a sense of foreboding, as if warning them of the danger that lay beyond.

Len and Ryu hovered near the door, exchanging glances. “Ready, Nyx?” Ryu asked softly.

Nyx nodded, determination etched into her face. “I’m ready.”

The door creaked open slowly, revealing a massive chamber. Inside, the room was vast and empty, much like the boss rooms in the slime dungeons, but in the center was the Queen Ant—a towering, monstrous version of the Leafrazor Ants she had been fighting. Its body shimmered with a deep green hue, and its mandibles snapped menacingly as it turned its gaze upon them.

“Remember what I said,” the Tiger murmured, his gaze never leaving the Queen. “She’s going to be tough. Stay focused and be careful.”

Nyx nodded, her eyes locked on the Queen. “I’m ready.”

With a deep breath, she stepped forward, the daggers in her hands glowing faintly with the magic she infused into them. The Queen Ant turned its gaze to her, letting out a deafening shriek that echoed through the room.

This was it—the real challenge.

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