The Shattered Constellations Between Stars

A Victorious Defeat

Three Days later

Three days had passed since Nyx had returned from her first attempt at the dungeon, her expression tired but determined. Everyone was surprised at the outcome, though perhaps not entirely shocked—after all, her challenge wasn't an easy one.

When she returned to Drac’s cave, Nyx told Drac what had happened in the dungeon. His eyes softened as she spoke, his encouraging words doing their best to reassure her.

“Even the strongest warriors struggle at first,” Drac said, giving her a comforting smile. “What matters is that you tried.”

Nyx nodded, though the exhaustion was clearly written on her face. She took a long bath and quickly went to bed, hoping that tomorrow might bring new opportunities.

The Next Day

The following morning, Nyx and the Aetherlings made their way to Griff's cave to help with the cleaning. It had become a ritual—one that was mundane, but comforting in its routine.

“Hey, Nabi, don’t forget to sweep under the nest this time,” Len teased, a playful grin on his face.

“Why do I always have to do the hard parts?” Nyx complained, her hands on her hips.

“Because you’re the tallest,” Suli said with a smirk, “and the youngest. It’s your rite of passage.”

Nyx rolled her eyes, grabbing the broom. “Yeah, yeah...”

Meanwhile, Nabi fluttered around, dusting the upper ledges with his small wings. “I actually think this is kind of fun!” He giggled. “I get to feel useful.”

“Only you would think cleaning is fun, Nabi,” Guerim said with a grin, shaking his head.

Ryu looked over at Nyx, his eyes glinting mischievously. “Maybe one day you’ll get a cleaning skill, Nyx. Level SS—'Master Sweeper.'”

Nyx groaned, throwing a balled-up rag at Ryu, who dodged it easily. “I’ll sweep you right out of here if you keep it up!” she huffed.

Griff watched them from the entrance, smiling at their antics. When they finished their cleaning for the day, he approached Nyx with a proud look.

“Nyx,” Griff called, motioning her over. “I have something for you.”

Nyx raised an eyebrow, curious. “What is it?”

Nyx started glowing, she received a notification.

New skill

Time Dilation- Slow down time

Level: S

“It’s an S-rank skill. You just need to think about it, and time will slow down,” Griff explained.

Nyx’s face lit up, and she hugged Griff. “Thank you so much! This will definitely help me out.”

“Use it wisely, alright?” Griff said with a knowing smile. Nyx nodded enthusiastically, her heart swelling with gratitude.

At the Peacock Territory

The Next day, Nyx visited the Peacock’s territory, and as always, he had prepared a surprise for her.

“These are for you,” he said, presenting her with new clothes—beautiful garments woven with intricate patterns and vibrant colors. Alongside them was a small package of delicious snacks, neatly wrapped.

Nyx's eyes sparkled with delight. “Thank you, Peacock! These are beautiful.”

The Peacock nodded gracefully, a soft smile on his lips. “I thought you might like them. You've been working so hard; you deserve a reward.”

They sat together, chatting about her new skill and how things went in the dungeon. The Peacock listened patiently, nodding as Nyx described her challenges.

“I know it can be discouraging,” he said gently. “But the journey is what makes you stronger.”

Nyx smiled, her spirits lifting a little. “Thank you, I really appreciate it.”

At the Snake Territory

In the Snake’s territory, Nyx recounted her experience in the dungeon, describing her failed attempts and the frustration that came with it.

“The first battle is always the hardest,” the Snake said with a gentle hiss. “You’ll get it, Nyx. Persistence is key.”

Nyx nodded, comforted by the Snake's words. She knew that, despite her failure, each attempt was a step toward improvement.

At the Tiger’s Territory

Nyx soon found herself back at the Tiger's territory, where she excitedly told him about her new skill from Griff.

“Time Dilation, huh?” The Tiger mused. “That is a very great skill indeed.”

They went back to the dungeon together, much like last time. Once again, they waited, and soon they heard it;




A familiar green slime appeared, bouncing closer and closer. Nyx focused her echo vision, locating the core within it. With her heart pounding, she advanced, inching closer. When she felt ready, she dashed forward.

But the slime evaded her again, bouncing out of her reach.

“Come on, Nyx!” Len cheered from the background. “You’ve got this!”

“You’re almost there!” Nabi chimed in, fluttering by her side.

“Just keep your focus,” Ryu added, giving her an encouraging nod.

Nyx huffed in frustration. She marched over to the group, her face flushed with annoyance. “Why does it keep dodging me?!”

“You’ll get it, just keep trying!” Suli said, her voice supportive.

After taking a deep breath, Nyx walked back to the slime. She tried again, but it was no use—the slime continued to evade her, almost mockingly. Frustrated, Nyx finally screamed out in anger, her patience snapping.

Suddenly, she felt something shift inside her, and before she knew it, she activated her Time Dilation skill. Everything around her began to slow down, except her and the Tiger.

The Tiger's eyes widened, and he quickly stepped in front of her, stopping her from advancing. “Not yet,” he said calmly.

Nyx blinked, surprised. “But... why?”

“Learning how to use your skills in combat will help you in future missions,” he explained. “I know it’s hard, but you shouldn’t rely on other skills just yet. You need to learn how to master this one—understand its limits, its strengths—so that if there comes a time when your other abilities fail, you’ll have something to fall back on.”

Nyx paused, looking deep within herself. She realized the Tiger was right. She needed to master this skill first, even if it was challenging. She nodded, focusing her energy, and allowed time to return to its normal state.

“Alright,” she said with determination. “I’ll do it properly this time.”

Nyx continued using her Claw of Eternal skill, focusing intently on the slime’s core. It wasn't perfect, but she kept trying, her resolve never faltering.

Later that Evening

The sun began to set, painting the horizon in hues of orange and purple. It was time for them to leave the dungeon. Nyx and her Aetherlings made their way out of the cave, with the Tiger parting ways to return to his territory.

The others teleported back to Drac’s cave, their energy drained after the long day. Drac met them as they arrived, his gaze questioning. “How did it go?” he asked.

Len, Suli, Nabi, Ryu, and Guerim all exchanged glances, their expressions telling more than words could.

Nyx gave a weak smile. “I... tried,” she said, her voice barely above a whisper.

Without another word, Nyx went to take a bath, then sat down for dinner. The warm food helped lift her spirits a little, but she could still feel the sting of disappointment gnawing at her. After dinner, Drac approached her, watching her with concern.

She looked up at him, and before she knew it, the tears began to fall. “I just... can’t do it,” she said, her voice breaking as she started to cry.

Drac knelt beside her, his eyes gentle. “It takes time, Nyx,” he said softly. “You’re not in a rush. You’re allowed to take it slow.”

But his words didn’t bring her much comfort. Instead, her sobs grew louder, and she buried her face in her hands. Drac glanced around helplessly, unsure of what else to say. He hated seeing her like this, but all he could do was offer his presence.

After a while, Nyx’s tears began to slow, exhaustion finally taking over. She wiped her eyes, sniffling as she looked up at Drac. “Thank you,” she whispered, though her heart still felt heavy.

Drac gave her a small smile. “Get some rest, Nyx. Tomorrow is a new day.”

Nyx nodded, feeling her eyes grow heavy. She went to bed, her body sinking into the comforting warmth of her blankets.

Despite her best efforts, she hadn’t been able to defeat the slime. But deep down, she knew this wasn’t the end—tomorrow, she would try again. And the day after that, if necessary. She would keep trying, no matter how many times she failed.


One week later

After one week, determination was etched across Nyx's face. She was going to get it right this time—she was ready to defeat that slime. All her training, her struggles, and those moments of frustration had led her to this day. She returned to the dungeon, her heart pounding but her mind set.

The Aetherlings fluttered around her, each of them feeling her determination in the air. The familiar bouncing noise echoed through the cave.

“Alright, Nyx, this is it!” Nabi called out, his tiny wings buzzing excitedly.

Len gave her a nod. “Stay focused and calm, Nyx. You’ve got this.”

“Remember, patience is key,” Ryu added with a grin. “We believe in you.”

Guerim hovered closer, his eyes soft with encouragement. “Take your time. It’s all about the rhythm.”

Nyx took in their words and nodded. Today, she wasn't going to let frustration control her. Instead, she studied the slime.

She watched its round, jelly-like body bounce with energy, its vibrant green hue shimmering in the dungeon’s soft light. The way it seemed so aware of its surroundings made her understand—it wasn't just her technique that needed adjustment, it was her entire approach.

“Look at her go,” Suli whispered, watching Nyx from a short distance away.

“Yeah, she’s definitely different today,” Len said quietly, a proud smile crossing his face.

As Nyx inched closer, she noticed something crucial—each time she got frustrated in the past, the slime sensed it, becoming more agile, more elusive. She took a deep breath, forcing herself to stay calm. Her movements became more deliberate as she approached, her eyes locked on the core within its gelatinous form.

The slime stopped bouncing and shifted its attention to her, but Nyx didn't react hastily. She remained composed. She saw the core glowing faintly within its head, a small red shape surrounded by swirling green goo. She focused on it, and just as she made her first strike, the slime evaded her. But she didn’t let that bother her. Instead, she took her time, stepping back to study its movements.

The Aetherlings cheered her on, their voices a comforting presence.

“Keep going, Nyx! You’re almost there!” Nabi shouted, his eyes wide with excitement.

Len nodded, calling out, “You’re doing great. Just stay steady.”

After a while, Nyx paused and pulled out some food, sitting down on a flat rock. She needed a break, and she knew it was important to stay focused, not exhausted. She nibbled on her snack as she watched the slime bounce aimlessly around the cavern.

Suli floated down beside her, her eyes shining. “You know, I’ve got a good feeling about today.”

Nyx smiled at her, crumbs at the corners of her lips. “I hope you’re right, Suli. I really want to get this done.”

“You will,” Ryu assured her, his tone confident. “We all believe in you.”

Guerim nodded. “It’s all about staying calm, just like you’re doing. You’re going to do it.”

Nyx finished her food, wiping her hands on her trousers, and stood up. She could feel the energy in the air, as if even the dungeon knew she was ready for a breakthrough. She took another deep breath, focused, and began her approach again.

The slime bounced, its movements a little less erratic this time, almost like it could sense something was different. Nyx advanced, her eyes never leaving the faint glow of the core inside. She swung the Claw of Eternal towards it, but the slime evaded her again, although this time it was slower, its movement not as smooth.

Nyx paused, staying calm. The others watched her in silence, feeling the shift in her energy. There was something different in her demeanor. Ryu exchanged glances with the others, a sense of anticipation building.

“She’s got it,” Len whispered. “I can feel it.”

Nyx took a step forward, then another, her body relaxed but ready. The slime bounced again, and just as it was about to evade her, she saw the moment—the slight hesitation in its bounce. With one last slash of the Claw of Eternal, she felt it—a hard, solid core in her hand. The slime burst around her, its goo splattering her clothes, and she blinked, looking down at the glowing blue core.

The realization hit her like a wave. She did it. She actually did it.

“I DID IT!” Nyx shouted, her voice echoing off the walls.

The Aetherlings erupted in cheers, rushing towards her.

“You did it, Nyx!” Nabi beamed, circling her head in delight.

Len’s eyes were bright with pride. “Well done, Nyx. You were perfect.”

Ryu patted her shoulder with a grin. “I knew you could do it. No one ever doubted you for a second.”

Guerim smiled softly. “You’ve worked so hard, Nyx. You deserve this.”

The Tiger approached, his eyes full of pride. He smiled at her, nodding approvingly. “You’ve finally grasped the way of the Claw of Eternal. You’ve become a full-fledged hunter.”

Nyx’s heart swelled with pride. She held the glowing blue magic stone up to the others, her face flushed with joy. It was a symbol of all her hard work and determination, and she couldn't be more proud of herself.

“Congratulations, Nyx,” the Tiger said warmly. “You can now come back to this dungeon whenever you want, and there are many more out there waiting for you to explore.”

Nyx's eyes sparkled with excitement. She felt like she was finally ready—ready for the challenges, ready for what lay ahead. Today wasn’t just about defeating a slime. It was about proving to herself that she could do it.

“But for now,” the Tiger continued, his tone softening, “we need to head back. You’ve earned some rest.”

Nyx nodded, feeling the fatigue in her body but also a deep sense of accomplishment. She was ready to head back, but she knew this was just the beginning.

They separated from the Tiger, and Nyx, along with the Aetherlings, teleported back to Drac’s cave.

Drac looked up as they arrived, noticing the way her eyes sparkled, the glow of victory in her demeanor. “How did it go?” he asked, already suspecting the answer.

Nyx held up the blue magic stone, and a wide smile spread across Drac’s face. “I knew you could do it,” he said, his voice warm and full of pride.

Nyx smiled back, her heart brimming. She ate her dinner, savoring every bite, and then took a long, relaxing bath, washing away the grime of the dungeon but holding on to the joy of her achievement. That night, she went to bed feeling on top of the world, the magic stone safely tucked in her bag—a constant reminder of her perseverance, of her first real victory.

She knew there were more challenges ahead, more dungeons to explore, and more foes to face. But tonight, she was proud. She had faced herself, her fears, and her frustrations, and she had won. And that made all the difference.

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