The Shattered Constellations Between Stars

A New Era Of Adventure

The Next day

Nyx woke up feeling proud and accomplished. She stretched and yawned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes, still buzzing from yesterday’s success. She had a quick bath, then she went to have breakfast.

“Morning!” she greeted brightly, biting into a roasted root vegetable.

Len hovered closer, his wings fluttering softly. “Looks like someone’s in high spirits today.”

As she finished up, she glanced at Drac, her eyes wide with anticipation.

“I want to go to a dungeon today,” she announced, her voice full of eagerness.

Drac turned to face her, his crimson gaze narrowing slightly. “You will,” he growled softly. “But I will be the one to bring you there.”

Nyx’s face lit up, her whole body brimming with excitement. “Really? You’re taking me? You’re coming with me to a dungeon?” She couldn’t contain her joy, her voice bouncing with energy.

“Yes,” Drac rumbled, his tone more serious now. “I need to see for myself just how much you’ve grown in this short time.”

Nyx didn’t mind the reasoning. She was just thrilled to spend the day with Drac, going on an adventure together. “I’m ready!” she declared, bouncing on her feet, all but vibrating with excitement. Airy, Ori, and Rion hung from her side, packed and prepared for the trip.

“Are you sure you’re ready?” Drac’s voice was firm, testing her resolve. He glanced down at her, his imposing form casting a long shadow over the clearing.

Nyx nodded eagerly. “Yes, I’m ready, Drac!” She beamed up at him, her eyes gleaming with determination.

Drac turned away, his gaze shifting to the horizon. “We’ll be going into a dungeon in the deeper part of the forest—my territory,” he said calmly.

Nyx grinned even wider, her excitement bubbling over. “Alright! I’m ready!” she repeated.

Drac looked down at her, then glanced at the Aetherlings, who fluttered around Nyx protectively. One by one, Len, Suli, Nabi, Ryu, and Guerim perched themselves on top of her head and shoulders, ready to accompany her.

With a huff, Drac lowered his tail and gently scooped Nyx up, placing her on his back. The Aetherlings fluttered along, settling around her comfortably.

Nyx gasped in surprise, her eyes widening. “I-I’m going to ride on your back?” she stammered, looking around in awe. She hadn’t expected this—being up close to Drac like this, feeling his scales beneath her hands and the immense power coiled in his body. It felt surreal.

Drac merely nodded, his expression unreadable. “It’ll be faster,” he said, his voice gruff but not unkind.

Nyx’s heart soared. “Yes!” she shouted, a wide grin spreading across her face.

“Hold on tight,” Drac advised. He spread his massive wings and with one powerful thrust, they took off into the sky.

Nyx held onto one of his scales, the wind whipping through her hair. The world blurred below them, a sea of green stretching out as far as she could see. The sensation of flight was exhilarating. She felt like she was soaring through the sky, free and weightless.

“We’re flying!” she screamed in joy, her voice echoing across the open sky. She glanced down at the forest below, her eyes wide in wonder. “This is amazing, Drac!”

The Aetherlings chimed in, their small voices echoing around her. “Woohoo! Look at us! We’re so high up!” Len shouted.

“Everything looks so tiny from here!” Ryu added, his wings fluttering excitedly.

“I wish we could do this every day!” Nabi squealed, her voice almost lost in the wind.

“Woohoo! This is so much fun!” Suli twirled in the air beside them, her tiny wings buzzing excitedly.

“Can we do this every day?” Guerim asked, his tone a mix of awe and giddiness.

Drac rumbled in amusement, his chest vibrating beneath Nyx’s hands. He flew smoothly, his movements steady and controlled, exuding an aura of strength and stability.

The forest below them spread out like a vast sea of green. Nyx could see the tops of trees stretching for miles, the rivers winding through like silver threads. Everything looked so small from up here, and she felt a thrill she’d never experienced before.

“Drac, this is incredible!” she shouted, her voice ringing with happiness.

He didn’t respond immediately, just kept flying, his powerful wings slicing through the sky. But there was a softness to his silence, an understanding that this was a special moment for her.

After some time, they began to descend. Drac circled down gently, his massive wings creating powerful gusts as they landed softly in front of a massive rock-like cave structure. The entrance loomed ahead of them, a dark and imposing mouth set into the stone.

Nyx hopped off Drac’s back, looking up at the dungeon in awe. The cavern was enormous, its arched entrance large enough to fit a constellation.

“That was… amazing!” she breathed, looking up at Drac with shining eyes. “Can we do it again sometime?”

The Aetherlings echoed her sentiments:

“Please, Drac!” Nabi pleaded, her tiny hands clasped together.

“Yes, please!” Ryu added with a hopeful grin.

Drac snorted softly. “We’ll see,” he murmured, his gaze lingering on Nyx’s wide smile. “But for now, we have work to do.”

Nyx turned to look at the dungeon before them. It was a massive, rock-like structure, the entrance a gaping mouth large enough to fit Drac himself. The walls were jagged, covered in twisted vines and strange symbols that seemed to pulse faintly with magic.

The stone around it was rough and weathered, streaked with veins of shimmering minerals that glinted in the light. It radiated an ominous, ancient energy that made Nyx shiver with anticipation.

It was another slime dungeon, but this one looked different. The entrance was like a gaping mouth, jagged and dark. The stones around it were a deep, charcoal black with silvery veins that pulsed faintly, as if the dungeon itself was alive.

“This is it,” Drac growled, his gaze fixed on the dungeon’s entrance. “I’ll be watching your every move. Show me how much you’ve improved.”

Nyx nodded, a serious expression settling over her face. “I won’t let you down.”

The Aetherlings took the lead, scouting ahead as they ventured deeper into the cave. Every now and then, they’d fly back and report the locations of slimes they spotted.

“There’s a group of them to the left,” Ryu said quietly. “About five or six.”

Nyx moved with purpose, approaching the slimes. They were different shades of green, their bodies thicker and their cores less visible. She used her Claw of Eternal skill first, slicing through the air with precision. The slimes dodged and shifted, but Nyx kept her cool, adjusting her strikes based on their movements.

Whenever a slime would jump at her, she’d react swiftly, her Lightning Mastery crackling through the air and stunning them momentarily. At one point, she was surrounded by five slimes. She faltered slightly, but quickly found her footing, summoning the energy of both skills in tandem to keep them at bay.

Drac watched from behind, his gaze intense. He noted every move she made, every hesitation, and every triumph. “She’s come a long way,” he murmured to himself.

They progressed deeper and deeper into the dungeon. Nyx paused occasionally to rest and listen to Drac’s guidance. He explained how to conserve her energy, how to strategize her attacks, and how to outmaneuver the slimes. She absorbed his advice like a sponge, putting it into practice immediately.

After hours of battling through the dungeon, they finally arrived at the boss room—a massive, rugged black door with rough handles. The Aetherlings moved to open it, their wings buzzing with anticipation. The door groaned as it swung open, revealing a dim, empty room.

The boss slime, a gigantic green creature, was already awake, moving slowly in the center of the room. It sensed their presence immediately, and a ripple of tension ran through the group.

“Remember what I taught you,” Drac said, his voice low but firm.

Nyx nodded, her gaze never leaving the massive slime. She took a deep breath and walked forward, her heart pounding. She located the core and launched herself at it, using both her Claw of Eternal and Lightning Mastery. The boss slime was much more resistant, layers of thick slime blocking her strikes, but she didn’t back down.

Over and over, she attacked, keeping her composure. She moved with purpose, each attack more precise than the last. The boss slime shuddered as she finally pierced through its defenses, removing its core in one fluid motion.

The slime dissolved, leaving behind a treasure chest glowing faintly in the dim room. Nyx stared at it, panting, her heart racing. She had done it.

Drac stepped forward, his massive form casting a shadow over her. “Well done, Nyx,” he said, his voice filled with something akin to pride. “You’ve proven yourself.”

The Aetherlings swarmed around her, their tiny voices filled with excitement and praise.

“Nyx, you did it!” Len cheered, fluttering close.

“You were amazing!” Suli added, her wings shimmering.

Nyx beamed, her exhaustion fading as she took in their words. “Thank you. I couldn’t have done it without all of you.”

The dungeon’s glow faded as they stepped out into the fading light of evening, the entrance turning a dull, lifeless gray. The cavern no longer thrummed with the vibrant energy of monsters—it was a dead place now, conquered and dormant.

Drac bent down, lowering his massive body so she and the Aetherlings could climb onto his back. Nyx settled between his scales, feeling the warmth radiating off him.

The flight back was peaceful. The rush of air, the steady beat of Drac’s wings, and the familiar sense of safety lulled her into a state of contentment.

When they finally landed back at the cave, Nyx jumped down, a little unsteady on her feet. She glanced back up at Drac, hoping for one more word of encouragement.

He looked down at her, his gaze piercing. “You did well, Nyx,” he said softly, the gruffness of his tone melting slightly. “I can see how much you’ve learned. But remember, this is only the beginning.”

Nyx nodded solemnly. “Thank you, Drac. It’s all because of everyone’s help,” she replied earnestly.

“Have you decided on a phrase for your skill yet?” he asked, his voice taking on a more serious note.

Nyx hesitated, then shook her head. “No… not yet. I want it to be something special.”

“Take your time,” Drac murmured. “When the right word or phrase comes to you, you’ll know. It needs to be something that resonates with you—something that binds the skill to your will.”

She nodded, making a mental note to give it more thought. “Drac?” she whispered after a pause. “Have you ever used the skill yourself?”

Drac’s silence stretched between them. He seemed to ponder the question, his eyes narrowing slightly. “No,” he admitted finally, his voice low. “I haven’t. I never felt the need to. That’s why I gave it to you.”

Warmth spread through Nyx’s chest. She felt special—chosen. “I won’t let you down,” she promised quietly, her voice filled with resolve.

“I know you won’t,” Drac said simply, his gaze lingering on her for a moment longer before turning away.

That night, Nyx went to bed with a heart full of pride and determination, feeling closer to Drac than ever before.

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