The Shattered Constellations Between Stars

A Gateway to Danger

The next day

After breakfast with Drac and the others, Nyx, Len, Nabi, Ryu, Suli, and Guerim got ready for their trip to Griff’s cave.

Ryu stretched and yawned, still perched lazily on Nyx’s shoulder. “Why do we always have to visit caves? Can’t we go somewhere fun for a change?”

Nyx chuckled, zipping up her bag. “Because we’ve got work to do, Ryu. And it's never as bad as you make it sound.”

Guerim smirked as he swung his weapon over his shoulder. “You'll live. Think about all the life experience we will possess, that should keep you going.” He finished sarcastically.

Ryu looked at him in disbelief.

“Are you for real?”

Nabi shook his head with a grin. “Ryu’s complaining is practically part of his charm at this point.”

“Let’s just get this over with,” Suli muttered,

They formed a circle, and with a quick spell from Nyx, they teleported straight to Griff’s cave. The air inside felt cool and damp, the faint echo of their arrival bouncing off the stone walls.

They wasted no time getting to work.

Len stretched, yawning dramatically. “Here we go again. After this, I seriously deserve a raise.”

Griff, who was watching them from the shadows, remained quiet.

Nabi, already used to Len’s grumbling, chuckled. “You’re working for free, Len. No pay, no raise.”

Len shrugged as he wandered deeper into the cave. “It’s the principle of the thing.”

Guerim scanned the area, already focused. “Keep your eyes open, and keep your hands moving, the faster the better.”

Meanwhile, Nyx sat beside Griff, carefully grooming his feathers with gentle strokes. She found the process calming, her fingers untangling the soft layers as she hummed quietly.

Griff turned his head slightly to look at her, his golden eyes gleaming with curiosity. “Are you enjoying your time with the Tiger?”

Nyx’s face brightened as she continued grooming. “Oh, yes! He’s teaching me all sorts of things. There’s this one move called the Claw of the Eternal—it’s so cool! And his fur is unbelievably soft.” She spoke with excitement, her words tumbling out in a rush.

Griff let out a deep, rumbling chuckle. “Sounds like quite the adventure. Just don’t forget about me when you’re with him.”

“Never!” Nyx laughed, shaking her head. “You’re just as fun, Griff. You’re the best.”

Griff’s gaze softened at her words, and he settled into the comfort of her presence.

After finishing up at Griff’s cave, they teleported again, this time landing in the dimly lit interior of the Fanged Tiger’s lair.

Len, Ryu, Nabi, Suli, and Guerim quickly made their way toward the piles of treasure scattered around the cave, their eyes wide with awe.

“Look at this!” Len said, holding up a glittering gold bracelet. “This stuff is amazing!”

Nabi crouched down beside him, tracing a set of silver rings with his fingers. “I’ve never seen treasures like this before.”

“Where’d he get all of this?” Suli asked, inspecting a jeweled dagger with wide eyes.

The Tiger, in the middle of training Nyx, barely glanced at them. He didn’t seem to mind their curiosity.

Nyx stood at the center of the cave, her brow furrowed in concentration as she tried to master the Claw of the Eternal. Each time she attacked, the Tiger’s tail blocked her with ease.

“You must be faster,” the Tiger said in his low, commanding voice. “This skill requires speed and precision. Imagine your fingers are claws, filled with magic.”

Nyx panted, her eyes focused on his tail. “Like this?” She swiped again, but the Tiger effortlessly deflected her move.

“Better,” he said, his tone approving, “but still not enough. The Claw of the Eternal can slice through an enemy’s heart if used correctly.”

Nyx’s face twisted in discomfort. “I don’t want to hurt people like that,” she admitted, her voice wavering.

The Tiger paused, his gaze softening as he looked down at her. “There will be times, Nyx, when you have no choice. But remember, the power is in your hands to use as you see fit—whether to harm or to protect.”

Nyx stared at her hands, conflicted. The weight of what he was teaching her pressed down hard, but she knew deep down how important it was to master her abilities. Her hands trembled slightly.

Sensing her hesitation, the Tiger sighed softly. “Perhaps the Dragon should teach you this lesson. He is, after all, your guardian.”

Nyx nodded, glancing down at her hands. “Maybe.”

Before they could continue, Len and the others interrupted, unable to resist their curiosity.

“Where’d you get all this stuff?” Ryu asked, holding up an ornate necklace.

The Tiger, now lounging on the cave floor, gestured for Nyx to take a break. She gratefully sank down beside him, resting her head against his soft fur. Ryu tossed her a fruit, which she caught eagerly.

“Thanks, Ryu,” she said between bites.

The Tiger turned his attention to the group. “These treasures come from dungeons hidden deep within the forest. I visit them from time to time, defeat the creatures inside, and claim the rewards.”

“Dungeons?” Guerim asked, his eyes wide. “There are dungeons in this forest?”

“We’ve been here forever and never found anything,” Suli added, her voice filled with disbelief.

The Tiger nodded. “They’re well hidden. And dangerous. Only the brave—or the foolish—venture inside.”

Nyx, still munching on her fruit, blinked in confusion. “What’s a dungeon?”

The Tiger chuckled, noticing the mess of juice around her mouth. “Still a child,” he muttered, fondly licking her face clean with his long tongue.

“Hey!” Nyx scrunched up her face, swatting at him playfully. “I can clean my own face!”

The Tiger smirked but didn’t stop. He imagined Drac’s reaction, his dragon companion probably scowling at such a personal gesture, and the thought amused him even more.

Once he was done, he explained. “Dungeons are otherworldly places created by the stars themselves. They are filled with magic and can break into our world. Inside, you’ll find dangerous monsters and great treasures.”

Nyx’s eyes lit up with excitement. “What kind of dungeons?”

“There are different types,” the Tiger continued. “Some are caves made of rock, while others are dimensional rifts. The hardest ones are Red dungeons, but there are also Orange, Yellow, Blue, and Green dungeons. White ones are harmless—mostly slimes.”

Nyx raised her hand, eager. “What kind of monsters are inside?”

The Tiger smiled at her enthusiasm. “All sorts. Beasts, goblins, slimes, zombies, flying creatures. Every dungeon holds something different, and each monster has a core filled with its magic.”

Nyx’s eyes grew even wider. “And all of them have treasure?”

The Tiger nodded. “Yes. Once the monsters are defeated, the treasure is yours to take.”

Nyx jumped to her feet, her eyes sparkling with determination. “I’m going to master the Claw of the Eternal and find treasures in a dungeon!”

Her friends cheered her on, Len clapping. “You’ve got this, Nyx!”

“Show those dungeons who’s boss!” Ryu added with a grin.

The Tiger, amused and pleased by the energy in the room, stood up and motioned for Nyx to resume training. “Let’s see how much you’ve improved.”

Nyx took a deep breath, her heart pounding with renewed focus, and got back into her stance. She was ready to face the challenge head-on.

Later that day

As evening descended, it was time for Nyx and the others to return to Drac’s cave. They gathered their things and made their way to say their goodbyes to the Tiger.

“Thanks for everything, Tiger,” Nyx said warmly, giving him a hug. “I really appreciate all the training and the advice.”

The Tiger nodded, his expression softening. “Remember what I said. Stay safe and be cautious.”

“Goodbye, Tiger!” Len called out, waving.

Nabi gave a nod. “Thanks for the treasure.”

“Take care!” Suli added, her tone cheerful.

With the goodbyes said, Nyx gathered everyone around and teleported them back to Drac’s cave. They appeared in the familiar, dimly lit space, where Drac was lounging, enjoying the quiet.

“Drac!” Nyx called out excitedly as they arrived, her voice echoing through the cave.

Drac sighed, opening one eye to see them. “You’re back already?”

Nyx beamed at him. “You won’t believe what happened today! We went to the Tiger’s cave, and he taught me all these incredible things.”

Drac sat up, his interest piqued but his expression still skeptical. “Oh? What kind of things?”

“I’m going to a dungeon!” Nyx said, her excitement bubbling over. “The Tiger said he’d take me.”

Drac’s eyes widened in confusion. “What? A dungeon? Why would you want to go to a dungeon?”

He glanced at the others, expecting them to explain. Instead, they all averted their gaze, pretending to be busy with their own tasks.

Drac turned his attention back to Nyx. “Nyx, why would you go to a dungeon? It’s dangerous. And how did you even find out about this?”

“The Tiger mentioned it,” Nyx replied, her smile unwavering. “He said he’d take me there when I’m ready.”

Drac’s face fell, his irritation clear. “No, you’re not going. It’s too dangerous, and that’s final.”

Nyx’s eyes started to well up with tears. “But he said I could go if I got better at fighting,” she stammered.

Drac’s expression shifted to one of realization and disappointment. “Nyx, why didn’t you tell me this earlier? Next time, explain what the other person says before making a decision, okay?”

Nyx sniffled and nodded, her voice barely a whisper. “Okay.”

Drac sighed, contemplating her request. Should she go? She’s too young and inexperienced… but it could be good for her future, he thought to himself.

He hummed thoughtfully.

“Well,” he finally said, “as long as you stay safe and out of harm’s way, you can go. But you need to get stronger. You’re too small to be fighting monsters right now.”

Nyx’s eyes lit up with determination. “I can do it, Drac! Look!” She demonstrated her fighting stance with a fierce look.

Drac chuckled at her enthusiasm. “Alright, get a bit stronger, and then we’ll talk about it again. Deal?”

Nyx’s expression was a mix of hope and sadness. “Deal.”

“Now, go wash up,” Drac instructed. “You’re all a bit grimy.”

Nyx, Len, Ryu, Nabi, Suli, and Guerim made their way to the cave’s water source. Nyx took a quick bath, feeling refreshed before returning to Drac.

She cuddled up next to him, feeling the day’s exhaustion catching up with her.

“Don’t you want to eat first?” Drac asked, looking at her with concern.

Nyx yawned, her eyes heavy. “I’ll eat once I’m up…” She murmured before drifting off to sleep against him.

Drac shook his head, a small smile tugging at his lips as he watched her sleep peacefully. He hoped she would be ready for the challenges ahead.

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