The Seven Deadly Sins: I opened a magic society

Chapter 4

"The Seven Original Sins?" Meliodas seemed to have some interest in the topic.

"Why? A young man like the store manager doesn't know the legend of ten years ago?"

"Isn't there a wanted warrant over there? Look, it's those seven people."

"It seems like ten years ago, dozens of paladins in the kingdom were all killed in an instant. These are the people who are the prisoners—the Seven Deadly Sins,"

Meliodas did not reply, but continued his work, but gradually moved his gaze to the notice board in the store, on which were posted seven wanted notices, and the seven men on them were extremely vicious.

"I heard from the chief paladins that the way of killing was too cruel, the corpses were horrible, and their commander Meliodas was even more terrifying, I heard that he alone could destroy a country.

Meliodas didn't say anything, but continued to pour beer

"These guys haven't been caught yet, have they?"

"yes, none of them have been caught."

"There seems to be a rumor that they are all dead.

"They must all be dead.

"Now the paladins will definitely not let them go.

"Yes, after all, His Majesty is sick in bed. The paladins are still at their posts and protecting the country.

"But this wanted notice is updated every year. Sure enough, these people are not dead yet.

Although most people are cheerful on this topic, there are always blind students who can find Huadian, and his words make the atmosphere in the tavern instantly heavy.

"Even if you say that, a knight in rusty armor is wandering outside or something..."The person who first raised the topic looked a little embarrassed.

"It's unlikely, right?"

"It's impossible, it's impossible.

But as soon as he finished speaking, there was a sound of armor colliding outside the door. Everyone's eyes looked at the door.

The footsteps were approaching, and the guests in the tavern were all in their throats.

"Where does this smell of rust come from?" little Hawke's words once again raised the atmosphere of terror to a notch.

As if in response to his words, the bell on the door rang, the door slowly opened, and a tall figure walked in outside the door.

He waved his arms as he walked, and shouted vaguely: "Seven... Grave sin. When

he was fully inside, everyone took a breath of cold air.

The crowd shouted, "Appeared," and "The Seven Deadly Sins." He ran out of the tavern.

In the blink of an eye, the tavern was left with Meliodas, a shivering Hawk behind the bar, and a rusty Ironknight ?!!!

If nothing else, it should be a combat-style image, right?

You must think so, Meliodas thinks so, and so does Hawke.

However, the truth is

: Meliodas propped up the bar with one hand and made a leap into the hall: "Who are you?" and his posture did not look like he was ready for battle.

The Ironclad Knight didn't reply, but staggered to the ground, his helmet falling off, revealing the wearer's face.

Meliodas was taken aback at the sight of the man's face.

Hawke was stunned, because there was a beautiful girl in the armor.

"She's the Seven Deadly Sins?" Liu

Xia held the parchment he had purchased, and as soon as he walked to the door, he heard the sound of iron falling to the ground

, "What's wrong?"

Pushing open the door, Meliodas was carrying a piece of armor and moving upstairs.

"Yo, Liu Xia, are you back?" Meliodas didn't know that Liu was his brother at this time, so he naturally called him by his name.

Liu Xia naturally didn't care too much, looking at the beautiful girl on his shoulder, Liu Xia naturally knew that this was his younger brother and sister.

"Store manager, pay attention to your body. Ignoring

Meliodas' strange gaze, he walked straight to the kitchen.

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