The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 86 Fort Vindolanda 13

Adam locked eyes with the manager and repeated himself. "I’d like to book the Elite Alchemy Lab. Is there a problem?"

“There is no problem at all, 1st Class Auxiliary Adam,” Flavius Severus, the manager, said with visible relief. Adam's timely intervention meant he would not have to deal with an awkward situation where the party that is technically correct had been so antagonistic towards another individual.

As such, the manager was highly appreciative. “Please follow me. I’ll ensure everything is arranged according to your wishes.”

Just as Adam was about to follow Flavius, the independent crafter stepped forward, her voice hesitant.

“Um… you’re the 1st Class Auxiliary, Adam, right?” Jennifer asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty. “I’m Jennifer.”

“I’m in the middle of my Paradigm Trial, trying to advance from Adept to Expert rank as an alchemist,” Jennifer explained, her hands wringing nervously. “I’ve been preparing for weeks, but I really need access to proper equipment. Could I join you? I’m willing to pay the fees if necessary.”

Before Adam could respond, the Senior Alchemist from Maxima stepped forward. “Wait, Adam, we’re sorry for earlier. Can we come to an agreement? We’re prepared to be generous. How about 300 gold for sharing the lab?”

At this, a bystander laughed. “Adam just bet 10,000 gold in duels an hour ago. He’s not interested in 300 gold.”

The crowd chuckled, and the Maxima alchemists realized their offer was inadequate.

Adam ignored the laughter and addressed them calmly. “I appreciate the offer, but I have other priorities.”

Turning to Jennifer, he asked, “Are you crafting potions or poison?”

Adam asked the question carefully because he knew how dangerous it could be to craft poison in the same room as someone working on non-poisonous mixtures. It was generally bad practice, especially when he didn’t know Jennifer’s actual skill level. Cross-contamination could have disastrous effects if her mixtures were unstable or if fumes from the poison impacted other experiments.

Jennifer blinked, puzzled by the question. “Potions.”

Of course, Adam does plan to craft poison as well, but since he is confident in his skill- and the fact that he is offering Jennifer a free spot, he feels justified in his condition. Fortunately for Jennifer, she is trying to craft potions.

“Then there’s no problem. You can join me and use a few cauldrons for your trial,” Adam said before addressing the manager. “Please include Jennifer as a companion. I’ll cover all fees for the next 24 hours. How much would that be?”

The room fell silent. Booking the Elite Alchemy Lab for 24 hours wasn’t just an act of convenience—it was a bold response to the Maxima alchemists' earlier arrogance.

The Senior Alchemist’s smile faltered, replaced with frustration. “Who do you think you are? Just because you’re a 1st Class doesn’t mean you can trample over us.”

The irony was completely lost on the Senior Alchemist. Only moments ago, he had flaunted his silver tessera to assert dominance over Jennifer, a bronze-ranked player. Now that the situation had reversed, and he was the one beneath someone else, he didn’t recognize the hypocrisy of his outrage. The hypocrisy of his reaction was clear to everyone watching, though the Maxima alchemist himself remained oblivious.

Adam remained unfazed. “Actually, I can.”

Turning back to the manager, Adam asked, “How much?”

“It’s 100 gold per hour,” Flavius responded.

Adam nodded, producing 2,400 gold and placing it on the counter.

The crowd watched in stunned silence. Adam’s casual payment of 2,400 gold clearly showed that Maxima’s attempt to manipulate the situation had failed. His wealth and influence were far beyond what they could contend with.

“This should settle it,” Adam said, pushing the gold forward. He turned to Jennifer and added, “You’re with me. Come on.”

“Thank you,” Jennifer replied, relief flooding her voice as she followed Adam.

The Maxima alchemists, visibly deflated, left quietly, realizing they were outmatched in every way.

After the transaction was completed, Flavius, the Manager, Jennifer, and Adam proceeded to the higher floor where the Elite Alchemy Lab was located.

Adam's show of great wealth and high status made Maxima's attempts to coerce and bribe him futile. Realizing that someone else's resources could outshine their considerable influence visibly deflated them. Now, they faced a long wait of a full day. The Senior Alchemists left quietly, defeated both in terms of resources and rank.

The Elite Alchemy Laboratory occupied the entire topmost floor of the Crafting Building of Fort Vindolanda, a grand space brimming with both magical and mechanical marvels. The room was vast, with high ceilings adorned with glowing runes providing light and a subtle aura of arcane energy.

Workstations lined the walls, each with various tools and devices essential for alchemical work. Intricate glass apparatuses, bubbling with vibrant liquids, were carefully arranged on polished wooden shelves. Each station featured an assortment of beakers, flasks, and vials, their surfaces etched with complex symbols that assisted in precise measurements and transformations.

A series of large, ornate alchemical furnaces stood at the center of the lab, their designs blending gleaming metal and enchanted crystal. These furnaces could be adjusted mechanically and magically to control the temperature and intensity of the reactions. Nearby, a collection of enchanted scales and measurement devices glowed faintly, allowing for precise weighing and mixing of ingredients.

On one corner, a large volume of mana-infused water sat in a massive crystal basin, shimmering with a faint, iridescent glow. The liquid seemed almost alive, swirling gently within its container, its surface rippling with waves of magical energy. The water, charged with pure mana, was dense and potent, radiating a soft blue light that pulsed rhythmically as if in tune with its latent power.

The room seemed to hum with anticipation as the mana-infused water peaked, ready for use. Its volume was significant- enough to support several complex alchemical processes or a single, grand experiment. The air around it felt electrified, filled with the promise of transformation and possibilities waiting to be unlocked by the right hands.

On one side of the room, a grand, arcane-infused library held shelves of ancient tomes and scrolls, their pages filled with alchemical recipes and magical formulas. A few enchanted scrolls floated gently above their shelves, accessible with a mere thought or gesture.

Mechanical contraptions for grinding, distilling, and separating materials occupied another section, their gears and levers meticulously maintained. Though purely mechanical, these devices were often complemented by magical enhancements, ensuring efficiency and accuracy.

Every corner of the laboratory was carefully designed to cater to the needs of any alchemist, blending high-level magical and mechanical technology. The cost of 100 gold per hour was a testament to the lab's unparalleled resources and the precision required to maintain such a sophisticated environment.

Looking at the lab, it is evident that several alchemists could work and not bother each other or fight over the same instruments. Adam’s decision to exclude the Maxima alchemists went beyond the simple matter of space. His past experiences with similar bullying in his previous life had left him deeply empathetic towards those who suffered from such treatment.

He couldn’t stand to see Jennifer, or anyone else for that matter, subjected to the same type of harassment he once faced. The ample room in the lab was irrelevant to him; what mattered was standing up against the very behavior he had come to despise.

Adam surveyed the spacious Elite Alchemy Laboratory and then pointed to a well-equipped corner. "Jennifer, you can set up your work area there. It’s fully stocked and should have everything you need for your trial."

Jennifer nodded gratefully, setting her things down as Adam continued, "Let me be clear: I don’t want to be disturbed while I work. I’m focusing on crafting poison and antidotes, so it’s crucial that I maintain my concentration."

Jennifer glanced up, understanding the seriousness in Adam's tone. "Got it. I’ll make sure not to interrupt you."

Adam offered a reassuring nod. "Good luck with your trial, Jennifer."

Jennifer smiled. "Thanks, Adam. Good luck with your crafting, too."

With that, Adam and Jennifer settled into their respective tasks, each immersed in their work.

Adam began his work in the lab, a space brimming with advanced equipment and mystical tools. Knowing the challenges ahead, he determined that he needed a substantial amount of both poison and antidote.

He decided to tackle the antidote first. His goal was ambitious: to produce at least 10 liters of antidote. This quantity would be divided into teaspoon-sized flasks, ultimately providing at least two thousand doses.

Since the spatial ring could only hold 99 identical items simultaneously, Adam planned to craft the antidote in bulk before transferring it into smaller flasks. The spatial ring's enchantments allowed for such conversions, provided he had the flasks ready.

Adam set to work with precision, preparing to mix and brew the antidote in large volumes before transferring it into the small flasks as needed. The process would be meticulous, but Adam was well-equipped for the task, both in skill and resources.

Adam approached the task of crafting the antidote with focused determination, aware of the delicate balance required. The process was intricate and time-sensitive, demanding both precision and careful management of the alchemical ingredients.

First, he selected the Eldertree Resin, a thick, amber substance known for its potent restorative properties. Adam gently heated the resin in a vacuum chamber using the lab's ornate distillation apparatus. The temperature needed to be controlled meticulously; if it was too high, the resin would lose its effectiveness, it would be too low, and it wouldn't properly dissolve. As the resin softened and began to release its essence, Adam used a fine mesh strainer to separate any impurities, ensuring only the purest part of the resin was incorporated into the mixture.

Next, Adam turned his attention to the Obsidian Lotus Extract. The black lotus flowers had been carefully harvested from volcanic soil and now lay before him in a series of glass vials. The extract was notoriously difficult to handle due to its unstable nature. Adam used a precision grinder to finely pulverize the dried petals, which he then transferred to a magnetic stirring device. He added the powdered lotus to a specialized alchemical beaker filled with a stabilizing solution. The beaker was equipped with a stirring rod that rotated at a precise speed, essential for maintaining the consistency and potency of the extract. The solution changed color gradually, signaling that the extract was blending properly.

Lastly, Adam handled the Moonshade Petals. These rare flowers had to be handled carefully; their purifying properties were highly sensitive to light and air. He placed the petals into a cryogenic chamber to keep them fresh and prevent oxidation. Using a high-precision scalpel, Adam carefully sliced the petals into thin shavings. These shavings were then placed into a calibrated extraction machine that utilized both temperature control and pressure to release the petals' essence. The machine’s readouts provided constant feedback on the extraction progress, ensuring the antidote would have the necessary purity.

With all the components prepared, Adam moved to the critical stage: combining the ingredients. He carefully measured each component to the exact proportions required for the antidote: 51.9% Eldertree Resin, 23.4% Moonshade Petals, and 24.7% Obsidian Lotus Extract

The proportions had to be precise to ensure the antidote’s effectiveness. Adam used a high-precision balance and volumetric flasks to measure each ingredient. First, he added the Eldertree Resin to a large alchemical mixing vessel, followed by the Obsidian Lotus Extract, and finally, the Moonshade Petals. The vessel had a sophisticated mixing apparatus that ensured the components were combined thoroughly and evenly.

The precise ratios for this antidote had been a long-standing mystery to players in Adam's previous life. Many alchemists and other players had sighed in regret, wishing that this antidote had been discovered sooner. They lamented how many quests and fights could have been made easier if this antidote had been available earlier.

Throughout the process, Adam monitored each step with intense focus. The antidote’s preparation was a race against time; if he were too early, the antidote would lack efficacy, and if he was too late, the concoction could become toxic. The lab’s sophisticated timing devices and advanced measurement tools helped him maintain the delicate balance required.

As the final components of the antidote were combined, Adam carefully adjusted the ratios, ensuring the blend of Eldertree Resin, Moonshade Petals, and Obsidian Lotus Extract was optimal. Now brewing in large glass flasks, the antidote emitted a soft silver glow, a promising sign of its effectiveness. Adam’s meticulous process ensured that the antidote would be potent and safe, ready to serve its purpose in the quest ahead.

A system notification flashed across his screen when Adam finished crafting the antidote.


[You have created a new potion! You have gained 90,000 Essence.]

[Please name your potion.]

[Alchemy proficiency has not increased. Please undergo the Paradigm Trial of Alchemy to progress further.]

Adam checked the system notification for the Paradigm Trial to progress to Expert rank but quickly disregarded it. He couldn't afford to be distracted with so many pressing matters to handle. The trial could wait until he had more time to focus on his advancement. For now, his priority was to ensure the success of his current tasks and quests.

Adam decided to name the potion as it was named in his previous life.

“Opal Purity Solution.”

Name: Opal Purity Solution

Grade: Exquisite

Description: A silver-colored antidote crafted from three potent cleansing ingredients. This powerful solution can cleanse the body of most ailments- poison or sickness. Consuming in advance boosts the body’s natural resistance to toxicity by 30% for 3 days. If ingested while under the effects of a toxin, it will cleanse the body of the toxin and provide a 20% resistance to further toxins.

Adam finally exhaled in relief after crafting the potion for two hours straight. The successful creation of the Opal Purity Solution on his first attempt was a testament to his skill and experience. However, much of his success can also be attributed to the Alchemy Lab; he couldn’t help but acknowledge how much easier the process had been with such advanced equipment.

At that moment, Adam reflected on his original plan of crafting the antidote using a basic alchemy set in a random cave. The thought had crossed his mind, but the reality of doing so would have made the task much more arduous and fraught with risks. He recognized that the state-of-the-art lab had significantly eased the process, making him grateful that he hadn’t had to put his theory to the test. The sophisticated tools and environment had undoubtedly played a crucial role in his success.

And just as Adam was allowing himself a moment to relax, another system notification interrupted his moment of triumph.


[Lorikan Republic, System Announcement: Adam has crafted a new Exquisite-Grade Potion. Congratulations!]



News outlets buzzed excitedly, Hao Wei Global flashing across countless headlines. As the world's financial markets scrambled to understand the significance of the move, the announcement of a $360 billion investment in DreamWave, the creators of World of Pangea, dominated global media.


"Hao Wei Global Makes Record Investment in DreamWave: Shifting Focus to VR Gaming?"

"Hao Wei Global’s recent investment of a staggering $360 billion into DreamWave, the developers behind the popular VR game World of Pangea, has sent shockwaves through the business world. Known for spreading its investments across various industries—from agriculture to pharmaceuticals—this single, focused investment marks a dramatic shift in strategy for Hao Jun, the reclusive CEO of Hao Wei Global. Why the sudden leap into virtual reality gaming? Is it simply a personal whim, or is there a hidden strategy behind this monumental decision?"

— TechBuzz Daily


"While World of Pangea has gained recognition as an immersive VRMMO, the burning question remains: why would a multi-industry giant like Hao Wei Global, known for diversifying investments across sectors, commit so heavily to a single gaming venture? Hao Wei Global had previously invested minor amounts into World of Pangea, largely seen as a family hobby, given that the Hao and Wei children have been playing the game professionally. But with this record-setting investment, it's clear that the company is now prioritizing virtual reality gaming over its many other ventures."

— VR Ventures


"Is Hao Jun Betting It All? A $360 Billion Investment Into DreamWave Stuns Analysts"

"Hao Jun’s decision to pour a record-breaking $360 billion into DreamWave, a company previously under the radar, has left financial experts puzzled. Hao Wei Global, known for dipping its toes into dozens of industries rather than taking risky, concentrated positions, is now shifting its primary focus to VR gaming. ‘It’s an unprecedented move,’ says Sarah Cormick, a senior analyst at Freeman & Partners. ‘The magnitude of this investment raises questions. Could this be more personal than professional?’"

— Financial Circuit


"It is no secret that Hao Jun has been undergoing a long-term treatment that requires him to spend two years in a medically induced coma. What many might not know is that at the start of his treatment, Hao Jun was logged into World of Pangea as part of his therapy. Some insiders speculate that his personal experience in the virtual world may have influenced this colossal decision. ‘This could be more about Hao Jun’s personal attachment to the virtual world than business sense,’ notes Roger Blake, a virtual reality market expert. ‘Perhaps he found something in World of Pangea that captivated him during his treatment.’"

— Innovators Digest


"Hao Wei Global’s Unprecedented Bet: What’s Behind the $360 Billion Investment in DreamWave?"

"Many are questioning why DreamWave, a mid-level VR company, became the target of such an enormous investment. Could Hao Jun be planning to expand World of Pangea beyond a mere game into something larger? With Hao Wei Global’s massive backing, analysts wonder if this is the beginning of a new frontier where the lines between the virtual and real worlds blur—perhaps even creating an entirely new digital economy."

— The VR Economy


"While analysts are still piecing together the rationale behind the investment, it is evident that Hao Jun’s time in World of Pangea has affected his decision-making. Known for keeping his personal life and business separate, this unprecedented move suggests that his virtual experience may have influenced his choice. Could this be the beginning of Hao Wei Global’s transformation into a virtual reality powerhouse, leaving its previous multi-industry ventures in the dust?"

— Tech Giants Weekly

Amid the flurry of headlines and articles, many speculated that the investment was a billionaire's indulgence, a hobby turned business decision. But what the world didn’t know—what few could even begin to fathom—was that this seemingly shocking business move would alter the course of human history in ways no one could predict. Behind the corporate buzz and financial predictions, a deeper truth lay hidden, waiting to reveal itself in time.

While Hao Wei Global's unprecedented investment dominated headlines, financial experts speculated, and analysts debated, the man at the center of it all was far too occupied with something far more personal. Hao Jun, the driving force behind the historic $360 billion move, was not hunched over balance sheets or corporate meetings. Instead, today was special for an entirely different reason—after months of being immersed in the digital world of Pangea, he was about to wake from his medical slumber to some long-awaited good news.

It had been three months since Hao Jun had started his groundbreaking treatment. During that time, he had spent every waking moment inside World of Pangea, the immersive VR game that allowed him to endure the extended procedure while his body underwent the necessary medical interventions.

But today was special.

Hao Jun opened his eyes slowly, blinking against the low light as the game capsule disengaged, releasing him from the virtual world. The hum of the capsule’s machinery felt oddly comforting now after spending nearly nine months in Pangea—though only three months had passed in the real world.

Dr. Isaac Cosmos, standing at the foot of the capsule, greeted him with a calm, familiar smile. “Good to see you awake, Mr. Hao,” he said in his usual measured tone.

Hao Jun stretched lightly, rolling his neck before sitting up. “It’s strange,” he began, a slight grin forming. “To think, it’s been three months in the real world, but I’ve spent nearly nine months in Pangea. I get it now—why this VR tech is so popular. The world there… it's so realistic, it's almost like a different universe.”

Dr. Cosmos nodded in agreement. “Indeed. The immersive nature of World of Pangea makes the treatment far more tolerable. And in some cases, it can even be therapeutic.”

Hao Jun leaned forward, looking thoughtful. “It’s nothing like the video games I played as a kid. It's a real world. A place where, if I don’t make it through this treatment… it’s a world I wouldn’t mind spending my last few years in.”

Dr. Cosmos remained silent, letting the weight of that thought settle. Finally, he cleared his throat and spoke again.

“But enough about that. I take it you’re here to update me?”

“Of course.” Dr. Cosmos clasped his hands together, his smile widening. “The treatment is going exactly as expected and, more importantly—exactly as scheduled.”

Hao Jun’s face brightened with interest. “Go on.”

“You’ll be glad to know,” Dr. Cosmos continued, “that you're free to spend the next three days awake to allow your body to settle naturally. After that, you’ll need to go under again for another three months.”

Hao Jun chuckled, clearly relieved. “Good news indeed. Three days in the real world? I’ll make the most of it. Eat, drink, and enjoy everything I’ve been missing.”

“There’s nothing wrong with that,” Dr. Cosmos said with a knowing smile. “While the game pod ensures you get the nutrients you need, nothing compares to real food. It’s only natural to crave it.”

At that, a thought sparked in Hao Jun’s mind. “Speaking of food… you must join me for dinner. I own a restaurant here in New York. Let’s eat there tonight, 8 p.m.”

Dr. Cosmos blinked, slightly caught off guard by the sudden invitation. “Oh, that’s very kind, Mr. Hao, but I—”

“Nonsense,” Hao Jun waved a dismissive hand. “It’s my treat. A small gesture of thanks for all you’ve done for me.”

“Well, I—”

“And feel free to bring your family,” Hao Jun added, leaning forward, the businessman in him surfacing. “No pressure, of course, but I insist. It would be my honor.”

Dr. Cosmos hesitated briefly but then relented, chuckling. “Alright, Mr. Hao. I suppose I can’t refuse. But don’t blame me if we don’t hold back on our orders.”

Hao Jun laughed heartily. “Feel free to put my staff to work,” he said, clapping his hands on his knees. “Consider it a challenge.”

With that, Dr. Cosmos offered a final polite nod before exiting, leaving Hao Jun free to enjoy his brief stint in the real world.

Not long after, Hao Jun’s private security detail arrived to escort him to a nearby hotel where he would stay until his next session under the pod. As he settled into the limousine’s plush leather seats, his assistant, ever dutiful, sat nearby, ready for instructions.

“Send a message,” Hao Jun said, his tone casual yet deliberate. “Tell my new friend I’m inviting him to dinner tonight. 8 p.m. sharp.”

The assistant nodded and immediately began typing on their phone, relaying the message as instructed.

Leaning back, Hao Jun’s eyes glinted with a hint of mischief. He gazed out the window at the bustling streets of New York. “This will be a very interesting dinner,” he murmured to himself, a mild smirk playing on his lips.

Next chapter will be updated first on this website. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!

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