The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 80 Fort Vindolanda 7

As the fight began, Adam took the initiative, determined to seize control. Adam charged forward, his longsword flashing in quick, calculated arcs, each swing a probing test against Friedrich’s armored bulk. The clash of metal against metal rang out, sharp and heavy, as sparks danced from each collision.

Each swing was deliberate, meant to gauge the strength and speed of his opponent while keeping Friedrich on his toes.

For all his bulk and heavy armor, Friedrich moved like a seasoned warrior, each shift of his greatsword perfectly timed to meet Adam's blade. The fluidity of his movements, defying his armored appearance, made the crowd murmur in astonishment.

Each of Adam's attacks was met with a swift block or deflection, his greatsword slicing through the air to intercept the blows. The metal clanging against metal echoed through the courtyard as the two fighters exchanged intensely.

As the clash continued, Friedrich, visibly feeling the force behind Adam's strikes, called out with a grin, "You are stronger than you look. No wonder Ryan lost to you. But I am still stronger."

Adam's eyes narrowed as he absorbed Friedrich's words, understanding that his opponent's confidence was as formidable as his combat skills.

Adam, taking a moment to reassess his strategy, swiftly retreated to create distance from Friedrich. With a flick of his wrist, he summoned a Fireball, sending a roaring sphere of flame hurtling toward his opponent.

To his surprise, Friedrich did not move to dodge the incoming attack. Instead, the Juggernaut Warrior activated a defensive skill.

Unyielding Shield!

With a flash of light, an enormous greatshield materialized in Friedrich's left arm, blocking the full force of the Fireball. The explosion was absorbed by the shield, leaving Friedrich unharmed.

Adam’s confidence faltered for a split second as Friedrich stood his ground, unmoving. His heart skipped when the fireball collided with the Juggernaut's shield, fizzling out as though it were nothing. The realization hit him hard- his magic wasn’t enough.

Before Adam could react, Friedrich's shield bashed forward, propelling him towards Adam with remarkable speed. Seeing the incoming assault, Adam ducked out of the way just in time, narrowly avoiding the crushing blow. As he rolled to his feet, Adam unleashed a Fire Bullet aimed at Friedrich's exposed back.

However, as the Fire Bullet struck, Adam was taken aback by the minimal damage it inflicted. What was typically a triple-digit damage spell registered only double digits against Friedrich.

Adam's mind raced. 'That armor isn't just for show,' he realized.

Based on the damage reduction, his opponent's armor has been reinforced to withstand significant elemental damage. The effectiveness of his spells was significantly diminished by Friedrich's formidable defense, a testament to the Juggernaut Warrior's impressive resilience.

As Adam continued to fight, he made quick mental notes of his observations:

First, his opponent demonstrated an impressive physical and elemental defense that significantly diminished the impact of spells.

Second, despite Friedrich's heavy armor and large size, he moved surprisingly dexterously, effectively blocking Adam's swift strikes.

Third, the greatsword wielded by Friedrich was massive and wielded with skill and precision.

Adam recognized that, on paper, he was at a clear disadvantage. Friedrich's formidable defenses and agility in combat presented a challenging puzzle. Adam needed to adapt quickly, creatively leveraging his agility and pyromancy to overcome Friedrich's robust defense.

The crowd buzzed with anticipation as they watched the fight unfold. Many spectators voiced their opinions, with some commenting on Friedrich's clear advantage in this match.

"Friedrich's got the upper hand for sure," one observer remarked. "His armor and defense are top-notch. Adam's spells might not be enough against that kind of absolute might."

"Yeah," another added, "Adam might be good with spells and swords, but breaking through Friedrich's defenses will be tough. He's got a real challenge ahead of him."

The consensus among the crowd was that while Adam's pyromancy was impressive, Friedrich's sheer power and resilience gave him a significant edge in this duel.

Adam, assessing the situation, decided to use his most formidable spell. He conjured Flame Pillar, summoning five towering columns of fire that converged on Friedrich's position. Adam was confident Friedrich would not be fast enough to evade all five pillars.

To Adam's surprise, Friedrich stood his ground rather than attempting to dodge. Instead, the Juggernaut Warrior activated a skill of his own.

Guardian's Embrace!

A protective aura materialized around Friedrich, glowing with intense light. As the five pillars of fire descended upon him, the aura absorbed them, which dissipated the flames without inflicting any damage. The pillars vanished as Adam's spell ended, leaving Friedrich unharmed.

Unperturbed by the failed attack, Friedrich smirked and taunted Adam, "We've all seen this before. Don't you have anything new to show?"

His taunt echoed through the arena, eliciting awe and anticipation from the crowd, who watched with bated breath as the duel continued.

The crowd erupted in murmurs of approval and surprise at Friedrich's mastery. His ability to effortlessly neutralize Adam's powerful spells impressed many spectators.

"Did you see that?" one onlooker said, awestruck. "That aura completely nullified the Fire Pillars!"

"Looks like Adam's going to have to come up with something else," another added. "Friedrich's defenses are on another level."

Now fully aware of the challenge, Adam knew he needed to rethink his strategy.

Adam did not let the taunt sway him. Instead, he quickly formulated a new strategy.

"Spatial Ring!"

He activated his inventory and retrieved several items, starting with the Shatterfang Throwing Dagger.

Shatterfang Throwing Dagger

Description: A throwing dagger made from a glass-like material. Upon throwing, the dagger will shatter upon impact, and the shards will penetrate the target's skin, causing sustained Laceration effects. Does not work on targets with no blood.

The Shatterfang Dagger gleamed in Adam’s hand, its translucent blade catching the light like fractured glass. Two months of work, rare materials, and sleepless nights had gone into its creation- his secret weapon. The air around him seemed to crackle with anticipation as he prepared to unleash its deadly potential. Upon impact, the blade would shatter, sending shards into the target's body, causing continuous lacerations unless removed. Adam had spent a lot of effort securing its raw material.

He currently possessed 99 of these throwing daggers- the limit his Spatial Ring could hold for an item type of a similar kind, but he hadn't expected to use them so soon. He had intended to use them on the trolls that he would be hunting to tip the battle in his favor.

But Friedrich was proving to be a formidable opponent, and Adam decided it was worth using a few daggers to gain the upper hand- and the Essence he would win in return.

Next, Adam activated a Haste Potion from his inventory; in other words, he gained the potion's effect without visibly drinking from the flask.

Several weeks ago, Adam discovered a trick regarding the Spatial Ring, allowing him to consume consumables instantly without the vulnerable moment of drinking from a bottle. He discovered this applies to items such as scrolls and other consumable items- and, most of all, to swap armor pieces instantly. This method gave him a significant advantage- Friedrich had no idea Adam had just enhanced his speed.

With his plan in motion, Adam was ready to strike. The daggers and Haste Potion would give him the edge he needed to turn the tide of the duel.

With his plan formulated, Adam needed an opening and knew how to create it.


Adam hurled another ball of fire toward Friedrich.

Friedrich scoffed. "This again? Surely you can do better! I'm disappointed!"

Confident as ever, Friedrich activated Unyielding Shield to block the incoming attack. But this was precisely what Adam had been counting on.

Sure enough, as the Fireball collided with the shield and fizzled out, Friedrich rushed forward, ready to bash Adam with his shield, as he had before.

Now! Adam thought, preparing his next move.

Friedrich’s shield came barreling forward, but Adam, now moving with enhanced speed, ducked low and to the side in a fluid motion.

He didn't hesitate. With practiced precision, Adam threw three Shatterfang Throwing Daggers. They sliced through the air, aimed perfectly at the vulnerable gap near Friedrich’s shoulder.

Shatter! Shatter! Shatter!

The daggers struck true, splintering on impact and embedding their shards into Friedrich's armor and skin.

Yes! Adam celebrated inwardly. His quick thinking paid off.

In his brief exchange with Friedrich, Adam realized the Juggernaut Warrior class prioritized immense defense at the cost of mobility. The fact that Friedrich didn't bother dodging the Flame Pillar earlier confirmed that his movement was likely hampered.

If that was the case, then speed was Adam's best weapon. The faster he moved, the more he tipped the battle in his favor.

As Friedrich once again blocked Adam's Fireball with his Unyielding Shield, cheers erupted from the crowd.

"Yeah, block that fireball like it's nothing!" one adventurer shouted.

"Looks like Adam's just a one-trick phony!" another jeered. "Throwing the same spell over and over again? This is disappointing!"

A few spectators seemed underwhelmed by Adam's performance. "He just keeps spamming fire. What a waste of a duel," someone muttered.

But the mood shifted when a keen-eyed player called, "Wait, did Adam just throw daggers?"

"Yeah, but they shattered on impact," another replied dismissively. "Must be Friedrich's armor, too tough for daggers."

A ripple of uncertainty spread as they saw Friedrich falter.

"Hold on... why does Friedrich look surprised?"

"No, he's not just surprised... he's panicking!" someone else observed.

The crowd's energy shifted from dismissive to curious as they watched Friedrich, the typically unshakable warrior, struggling to keep his composure as he tried to block Adam's assault.

Adam's strategy unfolded in layers, much deeper than what Friedrich and the audience perceived. When the crowd saw his Fireball fail against Friedrich's Unyielding Shield, most thought it was just another wasted spell. But Adam had planned for this moment.

As the Fireball exploded harmlessly against Friedrich's shield, its bright burst and plume of smoke provided the perfect cover.

But the Fireball was only the start. As the blast burst against Friedrich’s shield, Adam’s fingers had already flicked poison and acid vials into the smoke, hidden in the chaos. It was a gamble- relying on the distraction to mask his real attack- but if it worked, the slow poison and armor-eating acid would shift the battle in his favor.

The audience didn't see Adam's precise, calculated motion as the flasks flew toward Friedrich, nor did Friedrich himself notice the subtle projectiles amidst the confusion of the fiery aftermath.

The acid splattered onto Friedrich's armor, quietly eating away at the metal's integrity, while the poison spread through the air, seeping into any exposed gaps. By the time Friedrich realized something was wrong, the multiple debuffs had already begun to work their insidious effects, compounding the laceration effect and gradually sapping his health and stamina.

Adam's failed Fireball was far from a failure- it was the perfect distraction.

When his opponent realized what happened, it was already too late.

Upon confirming that the Laceration, Poison, and Acid Debuff had been successfully applied to Friedrich, Adam decided to escalate his assault. He launched a series of quick strikes, aiming to accelerate the health loss that Friedrich was experiencing.

Despite Friedrich's exceptional skill with his greatsword and the formidable protection of his armor, Adam's enhanced speed allowed some of his attacks to slip through. While each hit alone might not have been enough to endanger Friedrich, the continuous effect of laceration and poison was taking its toll. Meanwhile, the acid eating away at his armor threatens his equipment's integrity and deals additional health damage.

Friedrich’s breath grew ragged, his movements sluggish as the poison seeped through his veins and the acid ate away at his once-immovable armor. Every blocked blow sent fresh agony from the lacerating shards embedded in his skin, the pain forcing him to grunt with each swing of his greatsword. The panic was setting in, his control slipping.

Whether he moved to block or stood still, he was losing health. The shattered shards from the Shatterfang Throwing Daggers had embedded themselves in his body, causing relentless damage, while the poison and acid further increased this sustained damage.

Friedrich tried to activate his defensive skills with a strained effort, but the damage kept coming. The Laceration Debuff was proving to be an insurmountable challenge. No matter what he did, he couldn't escape the persistent bleeding effect, which could only be countered by a Cleansing Potion or Spell- neither of which Friedrich appeared to have, judging by his increasingly frantic reaction.

Adam, noting the clear panic on Friedrich's face, taunted, "You wanted something different, right? Here you go, a laceration-poison-acid combo effect until you bleed down to 10% HP."

A murmur of recognition swept through the crowd. Every warrior knew how deadly the Laceration Debuff could be. Once inflicted, the only viable counter was a strong healing potion or a skilled healer. The realization struck Friedrich and the spectators alike that Friedrich was unlikely to have the means to remove the debuff on his own. And it wasn't just laceration, but poison and acid, too?

Adam's eyes narrowed as he observed Friedrich's deteriorating condition. "Judging by your panicked reaction, I'm going to assume you don't have the means to remove a debuff on your own?" he said, his voice laced with challenge.

Adam could sense that the damage had reached a point where it was becoming irreversible. He could continue his assault, but it was clear that Friedrich's situation was becoming increasingly desperate.

Adam half expected Friedrich to surrender right then and there, but he quickly realized that the Juggernaut Warrior was not the type to concede without a fight.

Friedrich roared, "This is a good one, I admit. But all I have to do is beat you before I bleed to death!"

With that, the Juggernaut Warrior, primarily defensive throughout the duel, shifted to a relentless offensive. Friedrich's guttural roar filled the air as he desperately swung his greatsword. The massive blade cut through the air with tremendous force.

Despite Friedrich's impressive display of defensive abilities, his skills with the greatsword were also unexpectedly high. He moved with surprising dexterity for someone of his size and stature; each swing of his sword aimed to overwhelm Adam.

However, Adam's enhanced speed made him effortlessly dodge and deflect Friedrich's furious attacks. He sidestepped with precision, his movements a blur as he avoided each powerful swing.

As he continued to evade Friedrich's strikes, Adam observed the warrior's technique. He noted thoughtfully that while Friedrich's defense was formidable, his offensive capabilities seemed lackluster. Friedrich's swordplay was great, but it seems that he doesn't have any offensive-type skills that could potentially turn the tide in his favor.

The attacks were predictable, mostly relying on standard attacks. Friedrich's greatsword might have been powerful, but without more varied or unexpected techniques, Adam found it easy to counter each aggressive move.

Despite Friedrich's aggressive onslaught, the relentless attacks only served to seal his defeat. Each powerful swing of his greatsword exacerbated the damage inflicted by the Shatterfang shards embedded in his body. The continuous bleeding from the Laceration Debuff further eroded his health with every passing moment.

As Friedrich's health dropped to 10% amidst his desperate and frenzied attacks, the damage became undeniable. The once-formidable Juggernaut Warrior, weakened and struggling, could no longer sustain his offensive.

The crowd fell silent as Friedrich staggered, his energy spent and health critically low. Adam, observing the situation, knew it was only a matter of time before the duel concluded.

Adam clinched his victory with a dramatic flourish. His eyes flickered with determination as he raised his hand one last time. The heat of the spell crackled in the air as the towering Flame Pillars roared to life, its flames racing toward Friedrich.

Friedrich, fully aware of his impending defeat and the futility of any countermeasure, chose to accept his fate. Instead of activating a defensive skill or evading the attack, he allowed the flames to envelop him. In that split second, Friedrich’s defiance faded into weary acceptance. The crowd held its breath as the searing inferno consumed the Juggernaut Warrior, marking the end of the duel.

The pillar of fire roared to life, consuming Friedrich in a blazing spectacle. His form was briefly illuminated in the fiery embrace before the system stopped the duel as the Juggernaut Warrior reached the 10% HP mark.

And with that, Adam stood victorious once more.

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