The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 66 The Howling Cave 2

"Alright, that should do it," Adam muttered to himself.

It didn’t take Adam long to devise a plan to deal with the direwolves, and it took even less time to set up everything he needed for the raid.

“Easy plan, maximum profit,” Adam said, a hint of excitement in his voice.

He stood in a small forest clearing, ready to implement his plan. The most crucial part of his strategy revolved around a unique scroll.

[Tethered-Teleportation Scroll]

Description: A unique type of two-paged teleportation scroll.

Details: The first page is used to set a temporary teleportation array. Upon using the second page, the user will be transferred to the teleportation array. The array lasts 24 hours.

A Tethered-Teleportation Scroll, or "Tethered Port" as most refer to it, was an incredibly versatile tool. It could serve as a quick escape route or a way to return to a dungeon after restocking supplies.

"Alright, Karva, let's get this done," Adam whispered, a mix of determination and nerves in his voice.

He mounted his undead stallion, Karva, who sensed his intent. With a quick tap of his heels, Karva bolted forward, covering the distance from the forest to the cave in no time.

As they approached the clearing before the cave, Adam raised his hand and conjured a Fireball. A bright flame orb materialized above his palm, crackling with intense heat. He hurled it towards the clearing, where it exploded with a resounding boom, sending a plume of fire and smoke into the air.

Startled howls echoed through the forest as the direwolves poured out of the cave, their eyes blazing with fury. Adam’s heart raced, but he remained focused. He did not intend to engage the wolves in direct combat; instead, he aimed to lure them into the open field, where they would be disadvantaged.

He spurred Karva into a full gallop, leading the pack away from the cave. When he judged that most wolves were in the open, he pulled hard on the reins, pivoting Karva back towards the cave entrance. The wolves pursued him, driven by instinct and rage, but Adam had already calculated his next move.

Inside the cave, the narrow confines would work to his advantage. As he and Karva raced past the entrance, Adam reached into his Spatial Ring and pulled out several small bottles filled with poison. He hurled them into the cave, where they clattered against the stone floor and exploded, releasing a thick, greenish gas that quickly engulfed the enclosed space.

Adam activated the Tethered Port he had set in the forest without wasting a moment. In a flash of blue light, he and Karva reappeared at the original spot, safe from the immediate danger.

A grim smile crossed his face as he checked his status window and saw the number of wolves taken down by the poison grenades.

[You have slain Direwolf Lvl. 80. You have absorbed 1200 Essence.]

[You have slain Direwolf Lvl. 81. You have absorbed 1215 Essence.]

[You have slain Direwolf Lvl. 100. You have absorbed 1500 Essence.]

[You have slain Direwolf Lvl…] x12

“Many down, several more to go,” Adam muttered satisfactorily, steeling himself for the next round.

Adam repeated the pattern with meticulous precision twice, luring the remaining wolves into the open, sprinting back to the cave, and unleashing the poison grenades. The wolves, unable to adapt to his strategy, fell victim to the toxic fumes.

However, the Direwolf Alpha, protected by its defensive magic, remained unaffected by the poison. It attempted to attack Adam several times, but the combination of Karva’s speed and Adam’s teleportation strategy kept it at bay. As Adam systematically eliminated the alpha’s minions, the beasts' attempts to strike back were thwarted by his well-executed tactics.

Now, the only one left is the Direwolf Alpha.

Taking a deep breath, Adam stared at the cave entrance, knowing that the final challenge awaited him. The Direwolf Alpha, a beast of immense size and power, stood between him and the treasure hidden in the cave. He couldn't afford to make any mistakes.

He glanced at Karva, his loyal undead steed, and made a difficult decision. "You’ve done well, old friend," he whispered, placing a hand on Karva’s bony neck. With a simple gesture, he unsummoned the mount, the skeletal frame dissolving into dark energy and vanishing from sight. Karva was too valuable to risk in this fight.

Adam stepped into the cave, his grip tightening on the hilt of his longsword. The air grew colder with each step, and a faint mist hung in the air, chilling his skin. He could sense the Alpha's presence, its icy aura permeating the cavern.

A low growl echoed through the cave, and Adam’s heart skipped a beat. The Direwolf Alpha emerged from the shadows, its massive frame nearly filling the cavern’s width. The creature’s fur was a ghostly white, bristling with frost, and its eyes gleamed with a predatory intelligence. Its breath came out in cold puffs, and the ground beneath it crackled with ice as it moved.

Wasting no time, Adam raised his hand, summoning a Fireball. The flame flickered brightly in the dim cave as he hurled it at the Alpha. The beast dodged with incredible speed, the Fireball crashing into the cave wall and exploding in a burst of heat and light.

The Alpha retaliated, charging at Adam with terrifying speed. He barely had time to react, raising his longsword to block the wolf's massive claws. The impact sent a shockwave through his body, and he gritted his teeth as he was pushed back.

"Too fast," Adam muttered, barely keeping his balance.

This was his first truly challenging boss encounter since he started playing.

Until now, he had been fighting primarily undead-type enemies, where his pyromancy spells had been devastatingly effective. But his magic was less effective against a beast-type boss like this, even though it was supposedly weak to fire. The Direwolf Alpha’s passive Frost Cloak was a formidable defense, protecting it from magical and elemental attacks, and anyone who approached would suffer sustained frost damage.

The Alpha snarled and opened its maw, releasing a blast of icy wind. Adam ducked behind a rock formation, but the frostbite of the attack still reached him, chilling his bones. He knew he couldn’t afford to be caught by that again.

As the Alpha closed in, Adam countered with a Fire Bullet, the smaller, faster spell striking the direwolf’s side. Although the Frost Cloak quickly smothered the flames, Adam continued to fire off more Fire Bullets, forcing the Alpha to keep expending its energy to absorb the damage.

The beast lunged again, and Adam rolled to the side, narrowly avoiding the razor-sharp fangs aimed at his throat. He sprang to his feet, slashing his longsword across the Alpha’s flank. The blade bit into flesh, but the Frost Cloak absorbed much of the blow, leaving only a shallow wound.

Adam cursed under his breath. He needed to find a way to break through that magical defense.

The Alpha circled him, its eyes glowing with malice. It lunged again suddenly, aiming to pin Adam against the cave wall. He sidestepped, slashing at the wolf’s leg. The Alpha howled in pain; the wound was more significant this time.

Realizing he needed to weaken the Frost Cloak, Adam quickly summoned another Fireball. The ball of flame pulsed with intensity, casting long shadows on the cave walls. With a determined shout, Adam threw the Fireball directly at the Alpha.

The beast couldn’t dodge in time. The Fireball exploded against the Frost Cloak, and for a moment, the flames and ice warred against each other. The cloak flickered, struggling to maintain its form against the intense heat.

Seeing his opportunity to break through the Alpha's defenses, Adam took a deep breath, summoning his fiery energy.

With a fierce shout, Adam unleashed a rapid barrage of Fire Bullets, each shot aimed at the Alpha's weakened Frost Cloak. The repeated strikes of the Fire Bullets, combined with the residual heat from the Fireball, began to overwhelm the Frost Cloak, causing it to shimmer and crack under the relentless assault.

The Direwolf Alpha howled in pain as the flames began to sear through its icy protection. The Frost Cloak flickered and finally shattered, leaving the beast vulnerable.

Seeing his chance, Adam charged forward, slashing his longsword across the Alpha’s exposed side. The blade cut deep this time, drawing blood as the wolf staggered back, its once formidable defenses broken.

But the fight wasn’t over yet. The Alpha, though weakened, remained a deadly foe. It snarled, summoning the last of its strength for a final attack. Adam knew he had to finish this quickly.

With one last burst of energy, Adam unleashed another round of Fire Bullet, aiming directly at the wolf’s head. The spell struck true, smashing the Alpha’s defenses and exploding in a brilliant flash of light. Adam took no chances as the beast released a final, ear-splitting howl.

First, he conjured the special dagger he looted from the Lich Boss he had slain a few months ago.

Sacrificial Dagger (Rare)

Type: Dagger

Damage: 90

Weight: 1

Durability: 30/30

Requirements: 5 STR, 10 DEX, 10 MYS

Description: A dagger owned by Dark Priest Novhekaar. It is kept in excellent condition despite the constant use of sacrificial rituals to extract the essence of his victims.

Essence Absorption: Absorbs an extra 10% essence from the victim if used to deliver a finishing blow.

Without hesitation, Adam drove the Sacrificial Dagger into the Alpha’s chest, directly into its heart. The Direwolf Alpha let out one final, pained howl before collapsing, its life force rapidly draining away.


[You have slain Direwolf Alpha Lvl. 159. You have absorbed 23,850 Essence.]

Adam stood there, breathing heavily, his weapon still raised. The cave was silent except for the faint crackling of the dissipating frost magic.

He had done it. The Alpha was defeated.

“Finally,” Adam breathed, a sense of relief washing over him as he stood over the vanquished beast. The treasure hidden within the cave was now his for the taking.

Adam sheathed his longsword, unconjured the dagger, and took a moment to collect himself. The fight had pushed him to his limits, but he had prevailed. The Howling Cave was cleared, and he could finally claim his reward.

Regarding rewards, the battle with the Direwolf Alpha in the cave had an unexpected benefit.

During the fight, a wall in the cave had been shattered, revealing the treasure Adam had been searching for. He would have likely spent hours scouring every nook and cranny if not for the wall breaking.

"Thanks, Direwolf Alpha," Adam said with a satisfied smile. "You made my job easier."

Inside the newly exposed space, a collection of items awaited him. Adam reviewed each item with a mix of excitement and nervousness.

The least remarkable loot was a pile of gold- about five thousand coins. While this would be a significant find for most players- even Adam, it paled compared to the other items in the cache.

Among the treasures were several high-quality potions that Adam noted he could trade or sell, as they were not needed for his current needs. The potions included:

Elixir of Regeneration x6

Greater Healing Potion x12

Potion of Enhanced Agility x4

Invisibility Potion x3

There were also magical accessories meant for other classes that Adam couldn’t use. Though not the most powerful items available at this stage of progression, most guilds would be glad to have these in their arsenal. The accessories were:

Amulet of Precision

Ring of Arcane Empowerment

Cloak of a Shadow-Ranger

Belt of Strength

Adam was thrilled at how much he could earn from these items alone- both in gold and real-life currency.

Next is the armor set he was aiming for.

The Pyromancer's Black Leather Armor set was, without a doubt, the greatest find. The set bonus alone made it well worth the effort.

Pyromancer's Black Leather Armor (Unique)

Type: Armor

Armor: 40 Physical, 25 Fire, 30 Frost

Weight: 8

Durability: 100/100

Requirements: Fire-Wielding Classes

Description: This black leather armor feels like cloth but is strong enough to provide physical and elemental damage. The armor set is activated when worn together with the Pyromancer’s Black Leather Armor's Bracer and Gauntlet.

Pyromancer's Black Leather Bracers (Unique)

Type: Armor

Armor: 25 Physical, 15 Fire, 20 Frost

Weight: 2

Durability: 40/40

Pyromancer's Black Leather Boots (Unique)

Type: Armor

Armor: 35 Physical, 15 Fire, 20 Frost

Weight: 3

Durability: 50/50

Pyromancer's Black Leather Armor Set Bonus:

20% casting cost reduction for Pyromancy Skills/Spells

20% damage increase in Pyromancy Skills/Spells

With a 20% reduction in casting cost and a 20% increase in damage for Pyromancy Skills and Spells, Adam knew this armor would elevate his pyromantic abilities to new heights. Combined with the similar effects of his Ignition Gloves and Flame Aura, he could use Pyromancy spells more frequently and effectively. A single Fireball from him now would pack the power equal to the combined power of at least three players specializing in flame spells.

The defensive bonuses were equally impressive. The armor's protection rate is at the same level as most heavy armor sets available. It was no wonder Tyler Evergreen had worn this set for most of his gaming career. While many armor sets have far more benefits, the Pyromancer's Black Leather set provides a simple yet crucial boost to a flame user's abilities. Finding an armor set with impressive defense and powerful enchantments would be no easy feat.

Adam couldn't help but smile, imagining the enhanced power and resilience he would gain.

And finally, an unexpected gain made his victory even sweeter.

"Now I know why they didn't reveal the loot they found," Adam grinned. "These are game changers."

Among the treasure, nine scrolls stood out, each capable of unleashing a level of devastation that no guild could produce. Adam's eyes widened as he reviewed each scroll.

Scroll of Earthshatter

Scroll of Tempest's Wrath

Scroll of Frostfall

Scroll of Starfire Descent

Scroll of Venomous Mists

Scroll of the Deluge

Scroll of Divine Judgement

Scroll of Necromantic Dominion

Scroll of Inferno's Spiral

These scrolls were not just powerful; they were game-changers that could turn the tide of any battle. Although their potential was tempting, Adam knew he had to stay focused on the task at hand. There would be time to use them later.

While Adam savored his triumph at the Howling Cave, a message echoed through the realm, transmitted by Imperatrix Demetra using the Aquila spell.

[Aquila of Declaration]

[You are recognized as an ‘ally’ and will be able to hear the caster of Aquila of Declaration for as long as the skill persists.]

“Legionnaire Auxiliaries and Otherworlders, I am Imperatrix Demetra of the Sanctus Lux Fortress. I am reaching out to issue a quest of crucial importance.”

“First, a horde of trolls seized an item of significant value. Its recovery is imperative.”

“Second, a group of nobles was abducted by bandits near an area not far from the Fortress.”

“Those interested in this quest will report to the Fortress for further details. Successful adventurers will be generously rewarded.”

[Aquila of Declaration has ended.]

‘It’s finally happening. I suppose it’s time for me to rescue the nobles. ‘

He decided not to register for the quest; he saw it as a waste of time. The briefing would offer basic information he already knew from his knowledge of what initially transpired.

As a regressor, Adam did not need the Fortress officer’s briefing. He already knew the locations of both the device and the kidnapped nobles. All he needed to do was get there.

With that decision made, Adam packed up all the loot he had acquired into his Spatial Ring. He summoned his undead steed again and prepared to journey to Fort Vindomora, where he intended to rescue the abducted nobles.

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