The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 32 A Doctor's Appointment

After logging out, Adam decided to take a nap for a few hours.

While he could've let the gaming pod do its usual magic, he decided to sleep naturally to rest his mind. The intense combat and meeting of the trio had drained him physically and mentally. It's one thing to fight non-stop for 3 days, but social engineering isn't his forte; he is glad it went the way it did.

Of course, there is another reason why Adam makes it a point to log out regularly. He wants to spend as much time as possible on a pre-apocalypse Earth. What he's doing in the World of Pangea is of utmost importance, but he will take every bit of opportunity to enjoy the relative tranquility of the world before the apocalypse.

And that is why he decided to visit his favorite family member after waking up.

"Hey Selene, I'll take a nap for a couple of hours. Are you free by then? I can visit you at the hospital. But I'll be sleeping for now."

He sent her a message and didn't bother to wait for a response. If he wakes up with a confirmation that she's free, he will go. If not, he'll just log back in.


3 Hours Later

- Sure thing, we're not doing anything. A VIP patient and his family are here so they don't want the newbies messing up things for them.

It was the response Adam received from Selene upon waking up. Looks like it was sent about 30 minutes after he slept.

Adam took a quick shower and decided to wear a suit; in case he met the rest of his family, at least he would look as best as he possibly could.

He brushed his hair up and wore a pair of glasses. At this point in his life, Adam used to wear contacts, but the gaming pod would not allow a user to wear any contact lenses in case of prolonged stay- it's why he bought a pair of glasses as he's having less and less need of contacts.

When he deemed himself decent enough, he called for an xBer.

"On my way. Let's eat at the cafeteria."

In reality, Adam lives not far from the hospital. This is why he decided to pay a visit to his sister.

During the ride, he went to check the online forums for any interesting news but nothing in particular caught his interest.

There's the regular update by the Dark Sun and Magick Maidens alliance regarding their exploration, claiming that they are closest to reaching the Sanctus Lux Fortress. However, their so-called updates don't give anything substantial for other gamers to discern anything useful from. The online community is starting to accuse them of just posting empty updates for the sake of staying relevant. But of course, Adam knows that they are indeed ahead of the competition.

Other than their update, nothing else of note caught Adam's interest.

He also tried searching for news about the new group that didn't form in his first life, Arbalest Unit, but there appears to be no update regarding their activity. All in all, the Lorikan server is mostly quiet as players are busy either exploring the region or trying to get to the fortress.

Adam himself isn't particularly in a rush to get to the fortress. He knows that the Imperatrix would just issue a series of quests such as hunting more undead, liberating small abandoned towns from monsters, and doing miscellaneous tasks to maintain the fortress- among others. Finally, after a certain rate of progression has been reached, she will issue the quest to collect the Necromancer's Heart which would have all players explore the region again.

Instead of doing all that, he wants to fully explore the crypt he's in and perhaps complete the blacksmithing quest if time permits.

Of course, getting to the fortress would finally give the players access to a steady source of consumables. But Adam isn't worried about this at all. If anything, he wants the players to discover the difference between the common potions sold in the world and the caliber of his potions sold at the auction house.

These were the things running through Adam's head when the cab stopped in front of the hospital.

"Thank you, sir." said the cab driver. "Have a nice day!"

Adam left him a generous tip, hence explaining the extra courteous behavior of the driver.


- I'll wait for you by the entrance.

It was a text from Selene.

As soon as he reached the hospital entrance, he found his sister Selene there waiting for him. He went to approach her.

"Dr. Cosmos? I'm here for my doctor's appointment with you."

"Sorry?" Selene began to say in confusion. "I think you're mistaking me for-"

Then she looked at the man.

"ADAM!? You look so different!"

"Hey, sis. What's up?" Adam asked again.

"Yeah, I'm good. I got the rest of the day off thanks to the VIP patient. They don't want the newbie messing things up." replied Selene. "But why do you look so different? I almost didn't recognize you!"

Adam shrugged his shoulders. He doesn't know what to say in response.

All he did was clean himself and wear decent clothing. The suit he's wearing is not cheap, but it's not particularly expensive either. It is the same with his shoes, and watch, and he doesn't have any unnecessary accessories.

But of course, that is how it seemed to him.

If his own sister did not recognize him, it speaks volumes of how drastically different he looked from his usual appearance.

Originally, the 23-year-old Adam tries to keep up with the current fashion and styles. But what he usually ends up doing is combining bits and pieces of a certain look from several different sets of styles. That, and he tried all sorts of weird styles to his hair in an attempt to imitate the cool guys he sees in school.

The result is a walking fashion crime scene in the form of a human being.

But now, he's dressed in a decent leisure suit and only essential accessories like the watch and glasses- the classic middle-aged gentleman look. His hair has been simply brushed up with no fancy styles giving him a neat and mature look.

No wonder Selene didn't recognize him.

"I guess independence suits me." shrugged Adam, not knowing what to say to his surprised sister. "Anyways, do you want to eat somewhere?"

He was planning to have dinner with his sister at the hospital cafeteria but seeing as she's got the night off, he asked if she wants to eat somewhere else instead. He was going to get outside anyway; the meals he snatched from the Cosmos dinner had finally been completely and fully consumed.

"Would you believe me if I said I want to eat two cheeseburgers and a bowl of fries?"

"Knowing you? Make that four cheeseburgers and two bowls of fries."

"That is a horrible thing to say to your sister-"

"-but completely accurate."

The siblings ended up going to the nearest restaurant they could on foot and just ordered a simple dinner.

While waiting for their food, his sister immediately bombarded him with questions about Adam's unexpected decision during the family dinner.

"So, mind telling what that was all about?" asked Selene.

"Well, what else can I say?" shrugged Adam, as if it's the most obvious thing in the world. "Med school isn't for me. Pro gaming is."

While Selene knows this, she couldn't help but feel like there's more to it than that. After all, she knows Adam more than anyone else in the family.

And likewise, Adam is closer to Selene than anyone else in the family.

Selene considers Adam her true twin- not Keira, and this is something Adam agrees with. Nathan and Keira were the popular student types surrounded by admirers, followers, and other cool kids in school. On the other hand, Selene and Adam were the types to shut themselves in a room and just play games all day. They're not anti-social, but you'll never find the two as the life of the party or the type to socialize for the sake of socializing.

It's as if the genes of sociability went completely focused on the two, while the loner genes went to the other two.

It was only when Selene started med school that she started developing sociability. But Adam remained the shut-in guy.

Selene was expecting Adam to follow a path much like hers and was ready to be there for him and offer any advice to help him adjust, but Adam's announcement threw that plan out of the window.

On one hand, she's impressed with her brother's decision. And with the benefit of knowing he's at least financially able now, she knows Adam won't at least starve. But on the other hand, she is very surprised that Adam found the courage to do what he did.

'I guess Adam matured while I was finishing med school', Selene concluded.

His appearance alone is surprising- no more fashion abomination in the form of Adam's weird clothing choices. But more than that, the way Adam spoke to their father with confidence and determination is still in her head and if she hadn't been there she wouldn't have believed it happened.

"I gotta say, Adam, that stunt you pulled during dinner was epic!" said Selene. "After dropping such a bomb, you finished your meal and took some take-home. In front of father. Tell me, how long did that food last?"

"Earlier today," truthfully answered Adam. "It's why I asked if you want to eat at the cafeteria."

"Well, you do look well-fed," observed Selene. "I guess you weren't missing your meals, after all."

After a few more banter, the food was delivered, and the siblings ate it in silence. It's one of the things that the two get; when it's time to eat, eat. When it's time to talk, talk.

No pointless taking of pictures, no superficial critique of the food, and no extra banter.

The siblings eat like a military trainee- less than 5 minutes and the food is done.

Shortly afterward, Adam asked for the bill and paid for their meal.

"Oh that's right, Adam's a well-earning man now." Selene teasingly said to Adam. "Do you earn that much from gaming? Are you sure you didn't sell an organ or something? You're not secretly a drug dealer, are you?"

"Well, I sell potions in-game," Adam thoughtfully answered. "So I guess, in a way, I sell chemical compounds."

"I still find it hard to believe you earned that much in less than a week," said Selene enviously. "I wish I followed my heart too."

There was an awkward silence between the two.

Selene, like Adam, didn't want to pursue a career in medicine. She wanted to be a journalist.

But of course, she didn't dare to break away from the family tradition so she obediently finished med school.

"It's not too late, you know?" said Adam, looking at her straight in the eye. "Follow what you want. I can, and will, support you."

For a split second, Adam saw Selene's eyes flicker. And in that brief moment, she considered the idea of abandoning her hospital shift and just seeking the hottest headlines and delivering them to the world.

Sure, Selene may not have a degree in journalism, but she'd still essentially be an actual journalist if the news she delivers on her personal channel is something that the viewers will flock towards. If the air that journalism breathes is news, then the blood that circulates in it is the attention of the public.

In the age of social media, the internet, and virtual reality, it is not impossible to pursue a career in journalism independently. The only thing one needs is the will to do it, and content to deliver- and Adam is planning to have Selene cover his exploits in the World of Pangea. It is why he didn't upload any video even though it would have most definitely garnered him massive views and revenue.

Pangean News will become an integral part of the future; initially as the most in-demand form of entertainment pre-apocalypse and especially during the apocalypse- any information about Pangea became valuable as humanity sought any and every bit of knowledge from Pangea that can give them an edge in survival.

But Selene's reaction immediately returned to their usual bright smile with a subtle hint of unhappiness.

"No, Adam, turns out I don't have the kind of spine and guts that apparently you have," responded Selene wistfully. "Trust me, I'm a doctor."

"Well, it's your decision, sis," Adam respectfully acknowledged her response. "But if you ever change your mind, or if you need anything, just let me know, okay?"

He gave her his address as well as a spare key- after all, he spends so much time playing that he may be in-game if she ever visits.

"What!? You live a few minutes away from here!?," asked Selene. "Why did it take you this long to visit? I was worried about you, you know?"

"Well, I was busy making money, you know?" Adam responded smugly.

"Okay. Fine," said Selene. "But just so you know, Nathan, Keira, and Mom are all ready to lend you some money if you ever ask."

"I don't need money, I have more than enough-"

"Let me finish. All I'm saying is that we're still family," said Selene, interrupting Adam. "Don't worry about Dad, he'll get around to it. He's a smart dad, but he can be slow at times. But we're here, okay. All of us are here, okay?"

True enough, Adam acknowledged this. He may not be as close to the rest of his family as he is to Selene but in the end, they are family.

There is the occasional, no common, clash of personalities every so often, but in the end, each member shows their care in their own way.

"I understand." nodded Adam. "I will make my presence known to the rest of the doctors eventually."

"Okay, that's good enough for me!" said Selene brightly. "Nathan is almost upset that you're pretty doing well, you know?"

When Adam said he'd become a pro gamer, the rest of the family believed that he had a very good chance at succeeding. It's just that they couldn't outwardly say it as the 'family tradition' is to pursue medicine. But of course, no one expected him to have the guts to do it in the first place and secure an impressive amount in less than a week. Not to mention, Adam only showed them a quarter of his real earnings; only Selene knows the full amount.

If they knew he earned so much in such a short period, they would have assumed he was doing something illegal.

"Thanks for the tip," said Adam. "Now I'll make sure to buy a fancy car first before visiting that asshole."

"He dreams of owning a Bugatti, if that helps," said Selene mischievously. "It's only around $4 million, I think he's close to saving up. He says he should be able to buy it in less than a year."

"Cool. Give me a month, then."

"Ha! As if!"

"Let's get out of here, I want to smoke."

"Wait, you smoke now?"

And the siblings continued exchanging stories.

It was a nice, pleasant evening. After a few more minutes of talking, Selene received a message that she needed back at the hospital.

Adam accompanied her back to the hospital.

"Such is the life of a doctor," Selene told him with a sigh. "I've said it before, but I'll say it again. Glad you followed what you want."

"Okay," said Adam. "Let's hang out some other time. And don't forget my offer, okay?"

"If you can make $1 million in less than a year, I'll think about it." Selene jokingly said.

"Deal! I'll make that much in 3 months!"

Of course, Adam knows what he's asking is not something to be considered lightly. But it's better to plant the seed now rather than later. While he is not one to drag someone to a path they don't like, he knows his sister wants a different path in life. More importantly, he knows that someone who was part of Pangea will have a higher chance of survival than someone who didn't.

Fortunately, time is on his side. And Adam is patient.

With that thought running through his mind, he hailed a cab and went back to his apartment.


At Dr. Isaac Cosmos' office, there sits two men; a man in his middle age and an old man about 70-80 years old.

The middle-aged man is none other than Dr. Isaac Cosmos himself, while the old man is a VIP that his hospital is currently catering to. As a testament to the man's prestige, Dr. Cosmos had to postpone a very important surgery to accommodate the man that sits before him now.

"Is this really the only way, doctor?" asked the old man in Mandarin. "I must say, I was hoping you could tell me something my doctors haven't said already."

'I'm afraid not, Mr. Hao." responded Dr. Isaac Cosmos in competent Mandarin. "Even with the current medical technology, some things cannot be avoided."

"I see." Mr. Hao said with a sigh. "I suppose there's really not much I can do, is there?"

Hao Jun, the head of the Hao family, and the Hao-Wei Conglomerate has been diagnosed with several diseases that just a few years ago were deemed incurable. Fortunately, the means to save his life has already been established- as was said by the doctors of one of the biggest hospitals in China that he also happens to be the owner of.

But what was initially fantastic news was deeply soured by the necessary procedure.

"As I'm sure your doctors have already advised you," Dr. Cosmos patiently explained. "The procedure will require you to go under for an extended period of time, I'd say about-"

"Yes, yes!" Mr. Hao interjected in mild annoyance. "My doctors and family said pretty much the same thing. That I need to be in an induced coma for 3 years!"

"-I'd say about 2 years." Dr. Cosmos concluded, not letting the frustration of his patient interfere with his diagnosis.

"What did you say?" said Mr. Hao slowly, "Can you repeat that, Doctor Cosmos?"

"Which part, Mr. Hao?" Dr. Cosmos politely inquired.

"How long do I need to be in a coma?"

"I see. Yes, Mr. Hao. As I was saying, you will need to be in an induced coma for 2 years in order for the procedure to be completed."

"Two years... not three years?"

"That is correct. Two years. With the current technological level of my hospital, I guarantee you that we can cure you of your disease within a period of 2 years- not a day more."

"I must say, you did say something I haven't heard from the rest of my useless doctors," said Mr. Hao while stroking his beard.

At the age of 72, it is hard to believe that the man has been diagnosed with not one, but three previously considered to be terminal diseases. The way he carried himself exudes power and authority- as is expected with the current head of the Hao-Wei Conglomerate.

The man casually pulled a metal flask of liquor from his breast pocket and drank from it.

"What? I hope you're not going to try and stop me, Dr. Cosmos?" asked Mr. Hao jokingly. "I'm diagnosed with three diseases but none of them has to do with liquor."

"No, not at all Mr. Hao." Dr. Cosmos conceded his point.

He would normally not allow such behavior in his presence, but speaking with Hao Jun of the Hao-Wei Conglomerate well fits the situation of 'not normally'. And so, he said nothing.

"As you know, Dr. Cosmos," said Mr. Hao. "I'm not going any younger, at my age every day- never mind a year is becoming more and more precious."

"Going in a coma for three years, or two- if I was to believe you," he continued. "Is a huge chunk out of my remaining year in this world."

"As glad as I am to hear that I only need to be dead for 2 years instead of 3," Mr. Hao concluded. "I still couldn't help but feel like I'll be dead for 2 years just so I can live for a few more years."

"So, do you understand where I'm coming from?"

A week ago, Dr. Cosmos would not have dared to think that this piece of information would be so useful, but now the opportunity has presented itself. And he is not one to let it go.

"Going in a coma for 2 years is not as inconvenient as you may think, Mr. Hao," said Dr. Cosmos emphatically. "At least, not in this day and age. Have you heard of the VR game called World of Pangea?"

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