The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 26 Interlude: Mimic’s Loot

Adam lit several cigarettes in a row, still deep in thought.

Then, all of a sudden, an idea- a very simple idea, came to his head.

“Of course! Why don’t I just do that?” he said to himself, somewhat frustratingly. It was such an obvious solution that he can’t believe he didn’t think of it before.

As a matter of fact, it was something he didn’t even consider up until now.

Adam looked at the trash can where he burned his notebooks a few days ago.

He wrote so many details on it of things to come, various events to take advantage of, yet only now did he realize a glaring error in his so-called plan for survival. And every single aspect of his plan hinged under the premise that he will work alone.

But did it really have to be that way?

[DreamWave Capsule initiating systems.]

[Initiating life-support system… 1%]

[Initiating language translation systems…1%]

[Initiating trauma regulator…1%]

[Synchronization: Ready]

Adam found himself back again in the room with the mimic’s loot. He decided to take the loot and placed it in his bag. While he was putting them in his bag, he took the time to review the descriptions and stats of each item again.

Kriegsmesser (Rare-Upgradeable)

Type: Curved Greatsword

Damage: 130

Weight: 12

Durability: 100/100

Requirements: 32 STR, 18 DEX

Description: A greatsword shaped like a curved knife. Requires high strength and dexterity in order to wield properly. Can be upgraded, needs essence and relevant items to improve this equipment.

Adam has proven himself proficient in several weapons, but a two-handed greatsword is not something he is very proficient with. As he was originally an Alchemist, he never had that much physical stat and therefore cannot wield such a heavy weapon properly.

With his strength stat at 28, he deemed it more than sufficient to handle most weapons he is familiar with. Furthermore, he had no plans of wielding anything that requires a higher strength stat.

And more importantly, this Kriegsmesser has a rightful owner that Adam is waiting for. So for now, it’ll stay in his bag.

The next item is a shield.

Sanctified Shield (Rare)

Type: Heater Shield

Armor: 25 Physical, 30 Dark

Weight: 8

Durability: 60/60

Requirements: 10 STR

Description: A shield issued to a knight belonging to a long-forgotten order. However, the blessings still remain. Offers protection from Dark-type attacks.

Special Effects: Divine Recovery- Health Regen +10%, Holy Reflection- Deals holy-type damage if an Undead strikes at it.

While the Divine Recovery effect is a good effect to have, having a shield would reduce Adam’s combat offensive options. The shield in his hand would make it hard to use a bow, cast a spell, or take out his dagger for a quick stab.

Besides, a shield is meant to block an enemy’s attack; but Adam prefers either dodging, parrying, or deflecting attacks directed at him. Blocking is a last resort.

In a roundabout way, he wouldn’t have to block anything if he can utilize other means to defend himself. So the shield isn't ideal for his style.

As for its effect, he already has an equipped ring that provides a health regen. So he’s not really missing out on that regard.

And as for the protection against Dark-type attacks, he could do without it. Besides, as a Pyromancer, he will have his own means of defense against dark-attribute attacks- though it will come later down the line when he’s reached a higher rank in Pyromancy.

Just like the Kriegsmesser, the best thing to do with the shield is to put it in his bag. Next, the Paladin Armor Set.

Paladin's Helm (Unique)

Type: Helm

Armor: 15 Physical, 10 Dark

Weight: 5

Durability: 30/30

Requirements: ???

Description: A helm issued to a knight belonging to a long-forgotten order. However, the blessing still remains. Offers protection from Dark-type attacks.

Paladin's Armor (Unique)

Type: Armor

Armor: 55 Physical, 50 Dark

Weight: 24

Durability: 120/120

Requirements: ???

Description: An armor issued to a knight belonging to a long-forgotten order. However, the blessing still remains. Offers protection from Dark-type attacks. When worn with the other Paladin’s equipment, special effects will be unlocked.

Paladin's Gauntlets (Unique)

Type: Armor

Armor: 25 Physical, 20 Dark

Weight: 7

Durability: 40/40

Requirements: ???

Description: A gauntlet issued to a knight belonging to a long-forgotten order. However, the blessing still remains. Offers protection from Dark-type attacks.

Paladin's Leggings (Unique)

Type: Armor

Armor: 35 Physical, 30 Dark

Weight: 14

Durability: 50/50

Requirements: ???

Description: A leggings issued to a knight belonging to a long-forgotten order. However, the blessing still remains. Offers protection from Dark-type attacks.

It is considered a unique set due to its ability to withstand both physical and dark-type attacks. With the innate defenses of the gear, it is no wonder Paladin Rebecca became a force to be reckoned with.

But the set’s impressive stats also comes with a very high endurance requirement. With a combined total weight of 50, a high strength and endurance stat and/or perhaps a trait that lessens weight burden on the body is crucial in order to wear the armor and still move efficiently in battle.

Either way, Adam is not planning to wear any of the pieces so he placed it in his bag.

He had decided to keep the items as leaving them out in the open is too risky. It is far better to take control of the situation than just leave it to fate.

The next item is a Cleric’s staff. Obviously, it is also not something Adam can take advantage of.

Sanctified Cleric's Staff (Uncommon)

Type: Staff

Damage: 15 Physical, 30 Divine

Weight: 8

Durability: 30/30

Requirements: Cleric

Description: A medium used by clerics and white mages to cast holy-based spells. Amplifies the effect of Holy spells cast by the user’s level of Clarity. Adds 100 MP, +10 MP Regen.

But for the next two items, Adam didn’t put them in the bag. Instead, he took off the necklace and ring he was wearing and put those in his pocket instead. Then, he equipped the ring and necklace that he got from the mimic.

Sanctified Ring of a Holy Knight

Details: Converts 50% of a user's attack power into holy-attribute.

Sanctified Necklace of a Holy Knight

Details: +200 HP and MP, increases HP and MP regen by 20%

The effect of the ring is self explanatory. A holy-attribute attack against the undead? If he’s dishing impressive damage with fire, a holy attack is even more effective. In fact, Adam suspects that even if Rebecca came here right now, this ring alone could very well tip all the fights to her favor.

And as for the necklace, it is a single item that increases both his HP and MP. His previous ring only provides MP, and necklace only the HP. Now he’s got both effects for the price of one.


[You have equipped an item that modifies your attack attribute.]

[For as long as you have the Sanctified Ring of a Holy Knight, 50% of your total attack will have the holy attribute.]

And finally, the last item is a small orb with intricate designs; Adam recognized it as a very complex rune tracing. Only a grandmaster-level Rune Tracer could have done such an array on a very small and delicate item.

He knows how to activate it but he has his doubts as to whether he deserves to be the one to activate this item or not. Other than the Paladin Set, it is this item that caused him to consider what he needs to do.

The item is called a Soul Effigy.

Only someone with either a high social status or an incredibly wealthy individual would be able to have such a rare and powerful item in their person. Needless to say, the Paladin who once owned these items belonged to the former.

A Soul Effigy allows a user to leave an imprint of themselves.

As someone savvy with the World of Pangea, he can put two and two together and have a pretty clear idea on what the Soul Effigy contains.

Most likely, the soul of the knight wants the user who picked it up to kill as many undead as possible in exchange for keeping the Paladin’s Set. After all, the Paladin’s Set requirement is nothing but “???”.

Obviously, there’s a hidden requirement to be met first before the person who wears it can enjoy its benefits.

With the cloudy thoughts in his mind finally cleared, he placed the Soul Effigy in his bag. He decided to let the rightful owner access it.

Although he doesn’t know when that would be, he is certain they would cross paths one day. After all, Rebecca has the qualities to be recruited by a professional guild like Flora, her talent is definitely noticeable.

‘Until then, I’ll hold on to this.’ he vowed.

Feeling considerably better, he continued his one-man raid.

But before leaving the room, he decided to throw a Fireball at the room where the mimic was hiding from. Ever since he discovered the hidden room, it had been setting off his senses.


Instead of the usual intense-red fire that materializes in Adam’s hand, this time it is a red and gold flame- clearly signifying that his spell now has divine properties.


[You have dealt 288 damage to Wall Mimic Lvl. ??.]

“I knew it.”

A Wall Mimic, per its namesake, is a monster pretending to be a wall.

While a chest mimic is a monster in the shape of a treasure chest, a wall mimic’s modus operandi is to pretend that it’s either an invisible or illusory wall. Then, when an unsuspecting prey discovered it and entered the ‘room’, the Wall Mimic would crush the prey and eat it whole.

However, a chest mimic within a wall mimic is unheard of even in Adam’s first life. Despite their shared name, there had never been any known instance where a Wall Mimic housed a Chest Mimic.

Furthermore, a wall mimic is far more rare than a chest mimic. For every dozens of chest mimics that has been discovered, there is one unconfirmed report of a wall mimic sighting.

‘I guess there’s something new to learn even for a regressor, huh.’



He did not dare engage the Wall Mimic in melee- a ranged option is a far safer tactic.

[You have slain Wall Mimic Lvl. 95. You have absorbed 5000 Essence.]

“Why thank you, Wall Mimic.” said Adam sarcastically.

As for the loot it dropped, the Wall Mimic was guarding a full set of Cleric’s Robes.

Since he’s no Cleric himself, it is of no use for him. He unceremoniously chucked it all into his bag.

With everything in the chamber finally sorted out, he made a quick check on his status window before resuming his one-man raid of the crypt.


Unbeknownst to him, two floors above him, the trio that is Bex, Jess and Dex has already entered the crypt.

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