The Second Life of Adam Cosmos

CHAPTER 14 Cavern

"Master Vetius, I was wondering, do you have a pickaxe and a bag I can use to store the ores?" Adam asked.

His request was simple but necessary. If he were expected to gather materials, he would need the proper tools. Surely, he wasn’t expected to hack away at rocks with a dagger.

Vetius turned his hollow gaze toward Adam, the faintest semblance of understanding passing through his skeletal form. "Yes… you... need… tools… to… work…"

A wave of his bony arm followed the blacksmith’s slow, deliberate words, and once again, a hidden passage opened within the workshop. This time, it led to what appeared to be a storage room stocked with a wide array of tools.

"Take… what… you… need… and… go…"

“Yes, teacher. Thank you, teacher.” Adam responded, bowing with respect before entering the newly revealed warehouse.

Inside, the room was stocked with everything a blacksmith—or, in this case, an apprentice—could need. Adam scanned the shelves, quickly picking up the essentials. He found a Bag of Holding similar in design to the one he already possessed, but this one was empty and ready to be filled with supplies. Perfect for the task ahead. He slung it over his shoulder and began gathering the tools he would need: a pickaxe for mining, an ax for breaking through any wooden obstructions, a lantern, several oil flasks, and a few parchments with a writing tool in case he needed to take notes or draw a map.

He didn’t bother asking Vetius for a map. Adam had a feeling the quest wouldn’t be so easy. Exploration must be part of the test, he thought. If the blacksmith intended for him to navigate an ancient cave system, then part of the lesson would be finding his way through it without guidance. And no master worth their salt would hand over a map to shortcut that process.

To his surprise, Adam also found a basic alchemy set in the storage room, along with dozens of small packets of glass powder. It was a convenient item for field alchemists, allowing them to craft bottles on the go. The process was simple—one just needed to channel a bit of mana into the powder to shape it into the desired container. After the bottle was used, it could be returned to powder form and reused thrice.

'This will come in handy, Adam mused, slipping the alchemy set into his bag. Though he hadn’t used his alchemy skills much yet, he had a feeling that might change as he ventured deeper into these unknown tunnels.

Fully prepared, Adam stood in the center of the room, surveying the equipment he had gathered. The bag from Vetius’ warehouse hung over one shoulder, and his original bag, filled with items from the hidden room he had found earlier, was strapped to the other. Carrying extra weight wasn’t ideal, but Adam didn’t know how long this quest would take. Having the ability to sell unnecessary loot at any moment would be crucial.

Pangea wasn’t designed to give players the convenience of an unlimited inventory like some games. Instead, the developers had implemented DreamWave’s trading system, allowing players to exchange their items for in-game currency, other goods, or even real-world money via the Mercury Auction House. But there was a catch: a player could only sell what they physically carried, making inventory management a vital part of survival.

Satisfied with his preparations, Adam left the storage room and re-entered the main chamber where Vetius waited. After one final glance at his teacher, he stepped through the passageway Vetius had opened for him.

Immediately, the door behind him closed with a dull thud, sealing him in. The atmosphere shifted as Adam realized just how far underground he was now. The air was cooler, the weight of the earth pressing down around him. Just how deep does this place go? he wondered. This didn’t feel like part of the temple or the catacombs anymore. He had descended into something entirely different—something older.

Adam lit a torch, the flickering light casting long shadows against the jagged walls of the underground cave system. With his heightened Perception, he could sense more than most players would. The faint echoes of distant drops of water, the shifting of unseen rocks, the soft vibrations in the ground. Everything was amplified, but there was more than just the natural sounds of the cave. There was something else. Something alive.

This place… Adam thought, scanning the environment. It feels ancient. The cave system seemed untouched for centuries, as though no human had set foot here for a thousand years. Yet, at the same time, it didn’t feel abandoned. There was an eerie presence in the air, a sense of movement just out of sight.

The path before him was rocky, uneven ground, and littered with large stones. It wasn’t the kind of place one would expect to find high-quality ore, at least not at this depth. Still, Adam reasoned that following the rocky route made the most sense. If he were to find ore suitable for crafting a dagger like Vetius’s, it would likely be hidden deeper in the earth.

Adam’s instincts told him that most enemies he would encounter down here would rely on senses other than sight—creatures of the dark accustomed to living without light. He needed to adapt to that mindset. His ears were attuned to the slightest shifts in sound, his feet sensitive to vibrations in the ground, and he was always looking for anything that felt unnatural.

As he ventured deeper, the sense of isolation grew stronger. The cave swallowed up the light from his torch, making it difficult to see far ahead. But Adam pushed forward, trusting his instincts and his training. His task was clear: find the right ore, bring it back, and craft a dagger worthy of his master’s approval.

'For the first time since I started playing Pangea, I don’t know what to expect. This was uncharted territory.'

None of the live streams or gameplay videos had ever shown this part of the world. Either no one had discovered it, or those who had kept it a closely guarded secret. In either case, Adam was on his own now.

After walking for some time, Adam paused, listening carefully. He could feel a faint tremor beneath his feet—a subtle indication that something was nearby. He tightened his grip on the pickaxe, ready to face whatever challenges lay ahead.

This was the true start of his quest. A test not just of his blacksmithing skills but of his ability to survive and adapt. The road ahead was uncertain, but one thing was clear: if he were going to prove himself worthy of being Vetius’s apprentice, he would need to navigate both the dangers of the cave and the intricate demands of the craft.

'Time to find that ore.'


Rocks, rocks, more rocks, and even more rocks.

Adam’s path stretched out unevenly before him, solid but rugged, testing both his endurance and patience. Hours had passed since he first set foot into the depths of this underground maze. While he initially felt confident, that assurance slowly gave way to the realization that this task was far more grueling than he anticipated. As the minutes bled into hours, the rocky terrain began to change, with subtle differences appearing in the stone—textures, colors, and shapes that signaled he was moving deeper into unknown territory.

I’m here to become a blacksmith, not a miner, Adam thought with frustration creeping into his mind. Why did it feel like he was mining half the time instead of forging weapons? The task Vetius had set him was becoming more of a test of endurance than craftsmanship. Of course, the undead blacksmith likely hadn’t considered the physical toll it would take on a living, breathing human.

Before Adam could voice his complaints aloud, a low rumble vibrated through the ground beneath him.

Rhmmm… Rhmmm… Rhmmm…

The tremors were subtle, but Adam’s heightened perception immediately picked up on them. Every sense went on high alert as he stopped dead in his tracks. His muscles tensed, and his hand reflexively dropped the torch, freeing his grip as he drew both his sword and dagger. He stood still, waiting, poised for the inevitable confrontation. Whatever it was that had triggered the vibrations was close—and it was aware of him, too.

Rhmmm… Rhmmm… Rhmmm…

Adam's mind raced. No sense in pretending I haven’t noticed it. Let’s see if it reacts to this.

He decided to strike first. “Firebolt!”

A jet of flames shot from his hand, lighting up the cavern as it flew through the air—but it missed its mark. His target, whatever it was, remained just beyond his immediate sight. However, the fire had the intended effect. The creature, startled by the blaze, made itself known.


The source of the vibrations revealed itself. A massive, reptilian creature, reminiscent of a gecko but nearly the size of a full-grown wolf, emerged from the shadows just meters away. Its scaly body shimmered in the light from the fire, giving Adam a clearer view of his opponent.

Thanks to his enhanced perception, Adam gained some rudimentary insight into the creature:

??? Lvl. 20

HP: 700/700

The fire seemed to terrify the creature as its eyes widened, and it froze in place, clearly unaccustomed to such an element. Adam wasted no time. If fire scared it, then fire would be his weapon.


The spell struck the gecko squarely in the face, the flames licking across its crystalline scales.

[You have dealt 98 damage to Crystal Gecko Lvl. 20.]

Adam narrowed his eyes. The beast's name had now appeared in his vision. A Crystal Gecko? That explains it. Crystal beasts were known for their tough, impenetrable outer skin, particularly across their upper bodies. Blades would hardly make a dent in that hardened exterior. However, their bellies were far more vulnerable, lacking the protective crystal coating. Just like a porcupine’s spikes didn’t cover its stomach, the crystal beasts’ defense had a glaring weak spot.

Taking advantage of the creature’s stunned state, Adam dashed forward, aiming to exploit that vulnerability.


The Crystal Gecko managed to turn just enough to shield its underbelly, but Adam’s strike was still powerful enough to send the beast flying backward.


[You have dealt 56 damage to Crystal Gecko Lvl. 20.]

Despite the superior craftsmanship of his weapons, the damage was mitigated by the creature's crystal armor. Yet, Adam pressed on. The flames from his firebolt continued to torment the gecko, keeping it immobilized.

This time, Adam didn’t bother aiming for its belly. There was no need to overcomplicate things. The fire would do most of the work.

He slashed and stabbed at the creature, focusing on areas where the flames hadn’t yet consumed it. The gecko writhed in pain, unable to counterattack as the burning sensation overwhelmed it.

In just a few moments, the battle was over.

[You have slain Crystal Gecko Lvl. 20. You have absorbed 824 Essence.]

“Not bad. I guess fire attacks work wonders against its kind,” Adam muttered, still keeping his guard up as he scanned his surroundings. There was always the possibility that more geckos were lurking in the shadows, waiting for an opportunity to strike.

After several seconds of careful observation, he determined the Crystal Gecko had been alone. Only then did he allow himself to relax. Sheathing his longsword, Adam knelt beside the fallen creature and drew Vetius’ dagger, preparing to dissect it.

In World of Pangea, monster loot wasn’t handed to players automatically. There were no glowing item drops or instant rewards. Instead, Adam had to carve into the beast’s body and manually search for anything of value—just as one would in real-world hunting.

Carefully, he opened the belly of the gecko, slicing through its flesh with precision. Adam wasn’t just looking for general loot; he had something specific in mind. Crystal beasts were known to consume valuable gems, ores, and minerals, and the gecko might have devoured something useful.

But as he sifted through its stomach contents, he found nothing. It must not have eaten in a while. That explained the creature’s aggressive behavior—it had likely been starving and desperate, hunting anything it could find.

“No ore here,” Adam sighed, rising to his feet. “Looks like I’ll need to go deeper.”

And so, he continued his journey, pushing further into the cave's depths. Hours passed without further incident, the silence only broken by the sound of his footsteps echoing through the hollow cavern. Just how big was this place?

Eventually, Adam found himself in a massive underground cavern, far different from the rocky path he had been traversing. The space was lush with underground flora—glowing moss, towering mushrooms, and a small river that trickled through the center. It was a stark contrast to the barren rock he had been walking through for hours.

He could sense small creatures darting through the undergrowth, but none of them posed any threat to him. Relieved, Adam relaxed as he approached the cavern’s center.

“This place… doesn’t seem dangerous,” Adam remarked, inspecting the moss and various plants around him. As a seasoned alchemist in his previous life, he could tell that none of the flora nearby was poisonous- or, at least, not in its current state. He didn’t have an Identify skill yet, but his experience told him this area was relatively safe.

He scanned the cavern, noting the abundance of ingredients. They weren’t the ores he was searching for, but there were plenty of materials he could use to craft potions. An idea struck him.

I have the alchemy set I took from Vetius’ warehouse. I could make some potions while I’m here.

The more Adam thought about it, the more it made sense. Who knew when he’d find such an abundance of ingredients again? This cavern was a goldmine for potion-making, and since there was no time limit on his quest, he could afford to take a day or two to brew some mixtures. After all, preparation was key in a world like Pangea.

He set down his bags and began systematically collecting samples. First, he prioritized the herbs that could be used to craft restorative potions—those that could replenish stamina, health, and mana. He also searched for ingredients to brew poisons and other concoctions that could be useful in combat.

Hours passed as he harvested the flora, carefully storing each ingredient in his bags. Finally, with a sizeable collection, Adam prepared to log out and revisit the Mercury Auction House. He needed to sell some of his loot, upgrade his membership, and ensure he had enough funds for his next venture.

“Log out.”

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