The Scarlet Paladin

CH 7: Jasmine’s meeting

Jasmine left her and her sister’s house after cleaning up. Her encounter with her student was still at the forefront of her thoughts. The pleasure she felt when she blew Claire and the satisfaction from it all. Every lewd thought she began to develop of her student from the past couple months came back with a vengeance. The usually stoic assassin was flustered and red faced as she headed to the guild hall. Before entering, she took a long, deep breath and adjusted her new appendage in her pants.

“I need to at least act like a professional.” She said before slapping her cheeks with her hands and releasing her breath. She took another couple of deep breaths with her eyes closed, entering her state of calm. Her heart rate slowed and her face lost its red color as she returned to her professional self.

She entered the building and approached Elizabeth’s office. They planned to meet after the last of the children got their classes. A lot was to be discussed depending on the classes each of the children received. Jasmine made a mental list of each one, Jessie Carpenter was a foreman, Lyn Carpenter was stoneworker, Elsie Bree was a magician, Ana Bree a white magician and Claire Owens was a Paladin. Three combat classes and two worker classes, usually not the best ratio for a village.

She opened the office door and was greeted by the sight of the lady reading a report. She silently sat in the chair in front of Elizabeth’s desk and waited for her to finish reading. Whatever it was caused Elizabeth to frown.

“10% increase in taxes, are you fucking kidding me?” She swore to herself. “We already hand over 50% of our profits to that bitch and she wants more?!”

“All of us? Or just businesses and the guild?” Jasmine asked.

“Everyone.” Elizabeth said with an exasperated sigh.” That idiot is going to bleed this land dry”

The idiot she was referring to was Lady Myrtle Lloyd, the local lord of their lands. She came into power nearly 15 years ago and has been running her fief into the ground. High taxes and funneling resources to her castle has left many villages bitter and on the verge of collapse. Restol village was the exception, Elizabeth and her wife were able to stem the problems with their management skills and contacts. 

“Did Claire tell you about her class?” Jasmine asked.

“No, and I didn’t ask. Figured she’d let you know” She said.

Jasmine paused, wondering how much to tell the elder. “It’s…. An interesting class. There’s so much potential as well.” She paused again wondering how to explain Claire’s skills.” She’s a Paladin able to buff her allies. One gives a stat boost and the other gives an experience gain bonus. With levels and time, she could be on par with a hero.”

Elizabeth perked up. “She said she was a Paladin, is she actually a god’s champion? Only thing I can think of that’d rival a hero.”

Jasmine shrugged.” Maybe in the future, but it's an unnamed goddess with no defining trait.” She decided to keep the virility part out. “ Maybe with new skills she’ll know more, but for now all have are her three relevant skills.”

Jasmine explained the skills, leaving out the cock gifting and lovers, instead explaining in terms of a party. Lovers were replaced with party members, the gift was left out and any bond was told as comradery. After summarizing, Elizabeth took a deep breath and began thinking.

“You’re right, that does sound promising.” A smile slowly forming on her face.” Numbers could be overcome with that stat increase and experience gain. Finally, we’ll be able to get rid of that idiot Lady.”

Jasmine nodded. The true topic of conversation and the reason for Elizabeth’s joy. Overthrowing Lady Lloyd and rebuilding the Lloyd Fief to a better state. Before the current Lady of the Fief, there was prosperity and villages thrived. But the previous lord was cast out by Myrtle and her power seized. Thus the slow decline began.

Myrtle’s guards were the ones to take Ryley and she didn’t even wait for his coming of age or give a proper dowry to the Owens family. Everyone felt his loss, Elizabeth told her it was like losing her own kids again.  Claire and her mothers were zombies for months after he was taken, the gods only know how many other Ryleys Myrtle has taken.

On top of that, the current tax rate has killed industries and shops in the fief slowly over time. Were it not for stubborn pride, Jasmine doubts many people would stay. But people are proud of their homes and want them to be improved. Elizabeth was the same, slowly building resources, connections and exceptional people. It was under her guidance that the children were taught their disciplines, construction and combat were needed in the near future. All to get Ryley back and free them from the Lady.

“Elsie will probably recruit Claire the moment she finds out about her class. Those two are talented at a distance, but completely useless in close quarters. A frontliner is the most necessary role.” Jasmine said. 

A giggle escaped Elizabeth. Elsie and Ana were her students growing up. She knew their strengths and personalities like the back of her hand. “True, hopefully Claire can put up with Elsie’s personality. I know she can be…. a lot to handle.”

Jasmine started recalling their trial runs of partying and how hard it was to control Elsie. The fight with the Troll nearly crippled Jasmine and she was still a bit salty about it. Had Elsie just listened to Jasmine and not get overconfident, they never would have had to face it. Claire would have to reign in that girl's arrogance if she wanted to succeed. 

That thought caused something unexpected to happen. Images of Claire punishing Elsie with her cock and the girl choking on it. The tears soaked streaks of mascara on Elsie’s face as she received her punishment. It caused Jasmine to fluster. Her chest tightened and her own cock began to rise. She squirmed in her chair and crossed her legs to hide her recent change “This thing is dangerous” She thought to herself. Before beginning her deep breath exercises.

“I think Ana might actually be the one to look to.” Jasmine finally spoke. “Ana both praised and scolded her sister after the fight with the Troll. It seems like Elsie actually listens to her.”

“Mmm, Ana may be shy, but she loves her sister and wants what’s best for her. They’ll need your guidance if this party is to grow.” She said

“I know, it’s just… complicated.” Jasmine explained.

“Your feelings grew from familial to romantic?” Elizabeth asked. 

Jasmine nodded and the older lady rubbed her chin. Silence befell the two as Elizabeth thought and Jasmine squirmed. Jasmine had spoken of Claire’s feelings with Elizabeth before and how to handle it. Jasmine’s hesitation must have clued Elizabeth into her own feelings. 

“I don’t see a real issue. You never took advantage of her while being her teacher and you’re not that much older. Your former relationship ended as teacher and student today, now you can have a more equal relationship as party members.” She spoke.

Jasmine’s tenseness finally released. Her shoulders relaxed as she thought about her words. It is true that their relationship as teacher and student did end with Claire’s birthday and they could become equals. She could look at Claire as a woman now and not the girl she taught. That feeling of guilt slowly gave way to a feeling of hope.

“You’re right, I guess. No real harm in trying” Jasmine responded. She now knew what she had to do and asked for the papers to form a party. After gathering everything she needed, Jasmine left and headed home. Finally free, she began to think of the future and what could happen with Claire. A big, goofy smile was plastered on her face as she returned home.

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