The Scarlet Paladin

CH 10: Partying up

“Congrats my child, 3 lovers in a day was more than I was expecting” The ethereal voice spoke from beyond the shroud of light.

Claire panicked for a second then realized she was dreaming,” Thank you…. It just kinda happened, I don’t know how..”

All three were already attracted to you. Yet you never noticed”

“Really?” She paused. Ana was ogling her before she knew about her class and Jasmine did hint at more. Shaking her head to get rid of the thought, she had questions she needed answered.” Why me? Why now?”

A pause as the light flickered. Claire saw a small glance of her goddess. Her hair was a similar red to her own, but it flowed as they were weightless. Finally she spoke,” Do you know the Tyrant King?”

 Claire nodded, he was a former hero who’s greed led him to attack the gods. Everyone was taught this story. Nearly 500 years ago he rose up to defend humanity from demons and the Demon Lord, but his arrogance pushed him to conquer the continent. Then, to the realm of the gods, where he slew dozens of them before being betrayed by his Patron. The god of war decided that he went too far and betrayed him. After which, the remaining gods divided up the powers of the lost gods and decided humanity’s punishment. The Tyrant’s Curse was inflicted upon humanity.

“Correct. A curse to demasculinize the human race and birth less males. It’s why men are so fragile and feminine.” Claire wasn’t surprised she could read her thoughts, but hearing that men weren’t always rare or physically weak was new. Every story she read made the Tyrant out to be an exceptional man that was either a demigod or half giant. “It’s led to the oppression of men and families needing to spend a fortune for a baby. I want you to change this.”

“So that’s why you gave me a cock.” She barely saw the figure nod, the light being too bright to really see. 

“Keep growing in power, start by freeing your brother and his fellow harem boys. I will reach out when I can to guide you. Good luck.”

With that, she woke up. Her breath was haggard and she was covered in sweat.


After the craziness that was her birthday, she decided to spend time with her mothers. She mainly helped Eve around the house and then helped Jane with any chores that she needed. She wanted to spend some extra time with them since she was going to be adventuring soon and traveling. Her mothers loved it, they were beaming with happiness all day and were emotional by night. It felt good to spend a whole day with them. 

She also leveled up after gaining the twins as lovers. Her defense, strength and resistance all gained 1 point each and she earned herself a skill. 

Weak Taunt: Distract your enemies with a shout. Enemies with lower wisdom or resistance will redirect their attacks to you. Cooldown 150s.

With this, she can keep enemies off her backline. Her mothers and the new level up kept her busy the whole day after her birthday. Thankfully, her goddess didn’t visit her that night and she was able to rest soundly.


Now two days after her birthday, she was meeting up with the twins to discuss their first assignment. Jasmine was with the twins at their meeting spot, the little shortcut Claire and Jasmine had their encounter at. Claire’s heart rate spiked upon seeing her, they hadn’t spoken or seen each other in two days. Her being here was a good sign right?

“Hello Elsie and Ana. Hey Jaz,” Claire said, trying not to be awkward. All three looked at her with a look of… was that anger? She wasn’t quite sure.

Jasmine spoke up first,” Holy shit, this cock is insatiable. I must have jacked off 10 times yesterday. I couldn’t even leave my room, Daphne would have seen it”

“I knew you two had a thing going!” Elsie said. She eyed the two as they both looked away in embarrassment.” But, same. Nothing we tried would satisfy it for very long”

Jasmine and Claire looked at Elsie. It took a minute and an awkward pause, but it slowly dawned on her. She accidentally let slip that she and Ana helped relieve each other. Now beet red and squirming, the twins tried to retreat. 

“Hold up, did you two… fuck?” Jasmine asked.

“N-n-n-no” Ana said a bit too loud. “Just… just used o-our hands and uh… mouths.”

Claire felt her cock begin to harden and her bulge became more noticeable. She did not expect this. Looking to her former teacher, she was having a similar reaction. She squirmed, watching Jaz’s cock grow through her pants. Claire needed to redirect the conversation, else we could throw adventuring out the window.

She took a deep breath and said,” I’m sorry, I should have expected this. We’ll come up with a solution later, right now we should focus on formalizing our party and finding a request.”

Jasmine closed her eyes and started her breathing exercise. The twins tried their best to calm down. When she was calm enough, Jasmine said,” You’re right, I have most of the paperwork done, just need your signatures and a name. Couldn’t come up with one so maybe we can use that to get our minds off of… that”

“I have a few we could try. Originally, I thought centering the name of our party around me as the leader, but with Claire’s class, it’s probably better to name it after her.” Elsie began. Jasmine and Ana nodded, Claire was a bit confused. “ With that I tried thinking of names: Do we incorporate the goddess? Virility? Or try to be more subtle? Maybe red for her hair or emerald for her eyes? And what monster or animal?”

“Red wolves?” Jasmine offered.

“Nah, already exists. Any color and wolves has been taken for centuries.” Elsie said. 

“Goddess’s champions?” Claire added. “Champions of the Goddess.”

Elsie rubbed her chin.” Maybe in the future, it’d be a bit too arrogant and put a target on our back to use it so soon. If we knew her name we could use it, but we don’t”

“Warriors of Restol?” Ana tried.

“That’s not bad I guess. Pays homage to our village.” Elsie responded.

“Seraphs of Scarlett?” Claire asked. Added her hair color and the goddess connection quite cleverly she thought. 

Elsie perked up,” That‘s good, but maybe something more like ‘Scarlett Seraphs.’ Simple and catchy. I like it.”

“Plus it hints at Claire’s connection with a goddess.” Ana added.

“I’ll add that as our name. If you three could sign here.” Jasmine said as she held a paper and quill. 'I'll get this to Elizabeth and have her process it.”

Claire signed and began to smile. Her friends seemed to share in her happiness as the Twins signed as well. Claire took her first step to accomplishing her goal. With enough experience she could join Riefleheim's order of knights or with enough resources she could just buy back her brother. 

She put forth her hand and offered a few words.” From now on, we are a party. We work together and get stronger”

“I think our first major goal should be establishing our own base. It’ll take a while, but it’s a good long term goal” Jasmine added, putting her hand on Claire’s. Claire’s heart jumped at the touch and met her eyes. Those gray eyes met hers and her chest began to burn. 

“Short term, finish an E rank quest and then D rank” Elsie said, adding her hand to the pile.

“Also how to deal with… our, uh…. Gifts” Ana added. Putting her hand at the top of the pile.

Claire smiled as all three looked at her. “I’ll do my best to figure that out”

With that, she raised the pile with her hand. The girls followed suit and they let out a cheer. Now their journey officially begins.

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