The Runesmith

Chapter 488 – Forced To Reconsider.

Roland's eyes widened as the claws stopped inches from his face, crackling against the barrier of dense mana. The tension in the air was palpable, and for a moment, all movement ceased. The inn's walls seemed to close in around them, the few onlookers too stunned to react.

Hadley, the maid-knight, stood poised like a coiled spring and ready to pounce at any moment. Her eyes locked on Roland’s helmet which was glowing. He knew that she was probably a trained knight and bodyguard but he had underestimated her capabilities. Her status remained hidden to him and thus he assumed that she would not be much stronger than any other tier 3 class holder he had encountered. 

‘Does she have a second tier 3 class? Why would someone like this be defending a teenage girl? Who is Margaret exactly?’

Roland had made a blunder and underestimated what he was dealing with just like his opponents did with him. Now he realized that the recent string of victories had bolstered his confidence to a dangerous level. He had thought himself untouchable, but now he was facing someone with enough skill to push him back, something not many had managed. 

The stand-off couldn’t last. He needed to diffuse the situation before it escalated further, but his options were limited. If he pushed back, the entire inn could be destroyed in the ensuing fight, drawing unwanted attention from the Count's forces. This would probably be held against him and could jeopardize Robert’s case. Without him around, there would probably be no one around to exert any kind of pressure against the opposition. However, backing down might mean losing control over Margaret and the other girls, putting them all in danger. 

“Miss Margaret… and Miss Hadley”

Roland began talking, his voice still calm despite the situation. 

“I apologize if I startled you, but you must understand that your safety, and that of your friends, is my top priority. The city is becoming more dangerous by the hour, it would be better if you returned to the academy, this issue is not something you should involve yourself in…”

Hadley's eyes remained locked on Roland's, her stance unwavering no change in her expression. It was as if this woman had no mind of her own and would only follow the orders of her young mistress. Margaret, however, seemed to soften slightly as she realized the gravity of the situation. Her initial anger gave way to concern, not just for herself but for Lucienne as well.

“Luci is my friend, and I won’t abandon her when she needs me the most!”

Margaret replied, her voice firm yet tinged with worry. It didn’t seem that she had any plans on leaving. Roland was now stuck between a rock and a hard place. The young girl was unwilling to budge and her guard wasn’t saying much. If he decided to push it any further, the ensuing battle would probably cause him to be imprisoned. The count would certainly see this as a good excuse.

"Your loyalty to Lucienne is commendable, but staying here could do more harm than good. I’m sure you understand that your young lady will just be getting in the way, it would be wise to return to the institute where it’s safer.”

Roland attempted to reason with the maid but instead of getting a reply, she pushed further against his mana veil. He had not yet exerted all of his power but there were too many people around them for the usual explosive tactics. Any stray mana beam could harm a bystander who was walking peacefully outside, this was not something he wished to have on his conscience. 

"And if something happens to Lucienne while we’re gone? What if she needs us, and we’re not here? Professor you might be powerful, but you can’t be everywhere at once."

It didn’t seem that he was getting through to them but perhaps what she was saying made some sense. If he was forced to rescue his brother later, then perhaps leaving Lucienne in their care would be the right move. The guards Francine Arden arrived with weren’t too great. This maid he was struggling with would probably be the best guard Lucienne could have. 

‘The count probably won’t target students from the Institute in some strange attempt to blackmail me, right?’

Roland began contemplating his options. The primary reason he wanted these three students out of here was for their safety. The maid was strong, but it was clear she would only protect Margaret. However, the young girl had already demonstrated a few times that she was a good friend, and his worries about their safety might be unfounded. This wasn’t the optimal resolution to the situation, but confirming Hadley’s strength had its benefits.

He paused, his mind racing as he weighed his options. The situation had spiraled out of control quickly, but he couldn't afford to let it escalate further. The young girls were more of an annoyance to him than anything else. Perhaps he could win the battle against the maid but she wasn’t his only problem. For the time being it was better to relent. The trial could take a while and eventually these brats could get bored.

“You do realize that once we are back at the Institute, all of you will be punished? Are you sure you still wish to remain even if you get expelled?”

After all other options had failed, he attempted to bring it back to the institute. He was still a deputy professor and could push for their expulsion. Perhaps Margaret was in a high enough position to resist, but her two other friends were not of any high nobility. He did not want to use the strategies of his enemies but they weren’t giving him other options. 

“That is…”

Margaret hesitated for a moment and looked at the two other girls there. Marlein and Atasuna could not afford to offend anyone but they stood firmly.

“We will stay!”

“Yeah, we won’t leave Luci here alone!”

The two replied and he quickly responded.

“She is here with her mother, she isn’t alone.”

“No, she needs us here!”

“Now listen here…”

Roland started to get a bit annoyed about how the girls were ignoring the whole issue. They were uninformed about everything but didn’t seem to care if they were a burden. 

“Do you really want to get expelled?”

“We won’t get expelled! You wouldn’t do that, Professor Wayland, you’re not that type of person!”

“I’m not?”

“You won’t!”


Margaret responded with a lot of confidence. She had a strange grin on her face as if she knew all the answers. It seemed that she had seen through his bluff as he wouldn’t really bother expelling the three or calling for a hearing to do it. 

“I assure you, I am not bluffing. If you continue to obstruct my mission, you may very well face serious consequences…”

“Then we will face them head-on, together!”


The girls all cheered together while looking at Roland in various ways. It was clear that they wouldn’t budge and if he wanted them out of this city, then force would be needed. 

‘Is this what they call the rebellious phase? I hate teenagers…’

Roland sighed deeply but there was no way out of this debacle. The three girls had decided to make their own beds and now would need to sleep in them. He was just trying to protect them by sending them home. However, his brother and own sister were still more important 

“Very well, you can stay then…”

The girls smiled brightly as he finally relented but he still needed to make it clear to them that there would be consequences.

“... Don’t be too happy, I will still report this to the institute and your parents might be called in later. If the other teachers decide, then you might get expelled for this. You sill have time, think about it.”

Margaret's triumphant smile faltered slightly at Roland's warning, but she quickly recovered. The other two girls exchanged nervous glances, but their resolve stood firm. Hadley, the maid-knight, finally lowered her claws, but her gaze remained fixed on Roland as if anticipating a disabling spell. For a moment, he considered it but ultimately decided to relent.

“Thank you, Professor but I will be staying.”

“And so will we.”

Replied Marlein and was quickly followed by the girl with animal ears. 

“Yeah! We will.”

The confrontation had not gone exactly as planned, but at least it had ended without bloodshed. He still had a job to do, and he couldn’t afford to waste any more time on these stubborn girls. With a final, lingering glance at Hadley, he took a step back to take out something from his spatial rune. The maid did not react, seemingly feeling out his intent.

“Fine, take this with you, if something goes wrong, just press on the middle. If you do, I’ll know that something is happening.”

The device he handed them didn’t look like much - a simple rectangle inscribed with runes and a spot to press down. He gave one to Margaret and to each of the other girls as well. The little spider golem had stayed by their side, unable to enter the estate with Lucienne, but that wasn’t enough. Each of these devices would transmit the location of the girl holding it, ensuring that if anything ever happened to them, he would know immediately.

“Thank you, Professor. I promise we’ll be careful but what about Luci and her brother? Will you please tell us?”

They had not been informed about what was happening so he decided to fill them in. Once the people in the inn realized that the two tier 3 class holders would not be fighting, everyone went back to their business. The tension in the air began to dissipate as Roland took a seat at one of the empty tables, gesturing for the girls to join him. Despite his irritation, he recognized the importance of keeping them informed, especially since they were adamant about staying.

"Alright, listen carefully."

For the next few moments, he recounted the story of how Robert had been imprisoned and needed to seek legal action. He didn’t reveal everything, but he shared enough to make them aware that there was little they could do about it. His gaze shifted to Margaret, the biggest unknown in the group. Part of his reasoning for sharing this information was the hope that she might have the ability to pull some strings to help Robert. She appeared to be from a highly influential family, perhaps nobles above the rank of count.

Hadley probably informs her parents about her every move, perhaps they are someone that could help with this?’

It was a stretch but the possibility was there. If an influential person appeared to vouch for Robert, then even the count couldn’t do much about it. Only thanks to Robert’s mistreatment was the trial being held but it still looked grim.

"So... Luci's brother is in serious trouble, and the Count isn't playing fair. Is there something that we can do to help, Professor?”

“Not really, unless you are related to a Duke or the royal family.”

The girls seemed distressed and even Margaret had her head down. It didn’t seem that the wild card was willing to help, or perhaps she could as it would reveal some hidden identity she was trying to hide.

“Well, if you are going to remain, then perhaps you should visit Miss Lucienne and her mother when they return. I will return to the count's estate for now and make my preparations, the trial is in three days so for that time, please don’t cause any trouble and support your friend…”

Roland watched as the three girls exchanged worried glances, their earlier bravado replaced by a realization of the gravity of the situation. Margaret, still clutching the device Roland had given her, looked up at him with a certain determination.

“Professor, we’ll do what we can.”

“I’m sure you will… Remember to use that device if anything happens. I’ll be checking in periodically.” 

With that, he rose from his seat and gave the girls a final nod before turning to leave. He knew that the situation was volatile, and every moment counted. The count's forces were a looming threat and had already gathered around this inn. Once he was outside, he could see some of the soldiers following his every move.

‘I’ll have to get used to this. I only have three days to gather all the information about this case but even if I can prove everything within a reasonable doubt… it won’t mean anything.’

There were ways to proceed, and he also needed to speak with Count Graham. While it was unlikely that the count would back down from the accusations, it was always best to plead with him before taking further action. Perhaps with enough money, the count might relent. As long as Robert could be saved, Roland was willing to settle for his brother's exile and loss of honor.

‘I’m not sure if Robert will be willing to… he worked hard for his rank and level.’

As he approached the count's estate once more, he attempted to act casually. He had already mapped the area extensively and knew the weak points in the defenses. He could slip through unnoticed if needed, but for now, he needed to make his presence known.

The gates of the estate loomed before him, and as he approached, he was stopped by multiple heavily armored guards. They eyed him with suspicion but nodded in acknowledgment when they recognized him as a deputy professor from the Institute.

“Professor Wayland, the Grand Commander, is expecting you.”

One of the guards said.

“He is?”

“Yes, he should be waiting at the entrance to the estate, one of the guards will guide you there.”

“Very well then, lead the way.”

It wasn’t that surprising that the accuser wanted to discuss things with him. At this moment, Roland was the main driving force behind Robert’s case. He had a suspicion of what the count wanted from him and this was a chance to see where he stood. Soon he was led towards the estate where Leopold was waiting for him.  The Grand Commander stood with confidence and nodded as he arrived.

“The Lord is expecting you, please follow me.”

The Grand commander turned around and probably wouldn’t take no for an answer. Behind him, three other knights appeared along with one mage, all tier 3 class holders. Roland followed the Grand Commander through the opulent halls of the mansion he was led into. He caught glances of the people inside, some of them whispered while others looked away in fright.

Through the help of his monitoring device and his drones, he had a good idea of where he was being taken. This was not the way towards the office the two counts had previously talked in but a much larger room. As the large doors swung open he was greeted by many more guards standing to the sides. At the end was Count Graham De Vere, protected by several layers of magical shields that were invisible to people that couldn’t sense mana.

‘There are enchantments everywhere, even I would have problems breaking through all of this… this man is quite resourceful.’

There was a reason why Graham had won his new title and why his influence was so great. Roland stepped into the grand hall, his eyes scanning the ornate surroundings - rich tapestries, polished marble floors, and a vast array of rare artifacts adorning the walls. The Count's imposing presence at the far end of the room, flanked by his elite guards, was a testament to his status and power. Yet, even with all of these defenses he was not shaken and could not show any fear either.

His gaze was steady and unwavering as he watched Roland approach. He was dressed in an elegant, dark military uniform adorned with symbols of his house, a clear sign of his wealth and influence. Beside him now stood Leopold, the Grand Commander, his hand close to his weapon.

“Deputy Professor Wayland, how is the Arch Magus fairing?”

“She is doing well.”

He could tell that the man was probing for answers. The count had likely spent the previous night conducting background checks on everyone. Without knowing their backgrounds, he probably wouldn’t have acted. The primary reason for the summons was likely related to the multiple royal gold coins on the desk next to the count. For now, Yavenna’s name would shield him, preventing them from uncovering his true identity. This is why they had probably opted for a different approach - one involving a direct bribe…


I would like to officially inform all my readers that I have started writing a new story called Heavy Metal [ A Monster Evolution LitRPG ] 

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