The Runesmith

Chapter 434 – Advancement Classes

“They want me to take part in the Advancement classes?!”

“It does seem that way but my friend, it might be better if you didn’t raise your voice, I think you scared some of the students…”

Roland glanced around at the numerous other people seated in the Institute cafeteria. He found himself there out of necessity as his home rations had run out, two weeks after his arrival. His initial plan to leave within this timeframe had clearly failed. It would be another two or three weeks until he could depart, considering the time it would take for the Spiritualist to arrive.

Usually, each professor had their peculiar method of obtaining food, but as a new member, the cafeteria was the best option for Roland. It was a sizable space open to both faculty members and students. Following the two recent incidents, involving Viola and the count's son, people were starting to fear him. Particularly the ones from the nobility side, whom he had primarily clashed with.

While there were a lot of uneasy glances and quiet conversations there, Roland focused on the person across from him. It was a surreal sight to witness Arion, who resembled an ordinary black house cat eating while keeping this feline form. He was using runic utensils and floated a silvery fork and knife to cut through a piece of medium-rare steak. It was quite distracting but eventually, he managed to pose a question, and this time in a more hushed tone.

“Going back to what you mentioned… They want me to join the students during the next Advancement Classes?”

“Indeed! It seems that the other professors are expecting more from you! Isn’t it grand?”

“Grand huh?”

Arion was quite happy about this turn of events but Roland just wanted to be left alone. His recent actions were driven by a dormant protective instinct for his sister, something that he himself didn’t quite expect and it wasn't something that he wished to prolong. He was familiar with the concept of advancement classes and if he agreed, he would have to leave the institute. Despite the likelihood of it taking less than a week, it would certainly disrupt and prolong his ongoing research.

“I’ve carried out my duties, I should be able to decline the order, right?”

“You wish to decline?”

When Arion heard about Roland’s intentions he stopped eating. While it wasn’t that simple to describe the emotions a cat was showing, it seemed that he was slightly concerned.

“You disagree?”

As Roland asked, his feline friend just nodded.

“Surely you will reconsider, think about all the benefits!”

“Benefits huh?”

“Indeed, you’re still under a trial period and not considered a true member of the Institute but this would be probably enough!”

Roland nodded as he was aware of the merit point system that was so popular in this academy. This system extended beyond students to also include teachers, a category he was now under. His recent enforcement duties had earned him some merit points and successfully safeguarding students during a formal expedition would likely secure him additional privileges. Becoming a permanent member of the Institute would grant him more privileges, one of which he was interested in. He would be able to use the teleportation gates as a means of travel and use them to travel home in a matter of moments.

‘It would be great if I could do that and if I witness a teleportation gate opening, it will make it easier for me to recreate the technology later… but this sounds suspicious…’

The entire proposition seemed like a scheme to Roland. It gave off the impression that people were attempting to usher him out of the Institute, and he had a suspicion as to why. Given the numerous enemies he had made among higher-ranking individuals, it wouldn't be surprising if the Castellane nobles pursued him once he was outside the Institute's protective walls. Roland deemed it much safer to wait out these weeks for the Spiritualist, as he believed no harm could befall him within the Institute.

“Before I give you an answer, which one of the advancement classes is this? Is it for the Freshmen or the Seniors?”

“Oh, it’s for the Freshmen, so it will be much simpler.”

“Of course, it’s for the Freshmen…”

The advancement class was a special catchup method for anyone who fell behind in levels. There were only two of them, one for the Freshmen who were around the age of fifteen and the Seniors at the age of eighteen. The class was in place to help people reach either the second tier 1 class or their first tier 2 class. Considering that his sister was still behind in that regard, it was probable that she would be forced to take it.

‘Do they know that we are related?’

Now his suspicions were growing, it was one thing if people were trying to get to him but another when his sister was involved. The expedition seemed almost tailor-made to remove both him and Lucienne from the Institute. Despite this, he doubted anyone was aware of his true identity. As an assistant professor, he still had some rights and could decline this mission if he wished but it would set him back by some weeks or even months. Perhaps this was what his enemies were expecting him to be, someone who was trying to quickly move up in the rankings, someone who would not decline an opportunity to earn more credit points.

The advancement classes promised a great number of merit points as when something went awry, they would need to shoulder all of the blame. If any nobles were injured or killed during their watch it would be disastrous and the teacher could end up in jail or on the gallows. On the other hand, the freshman class was regarded as relatively easy and involved encounters with monsters ranging from levels twenty-five to fifty. Considering that he was a tier 3 class holder, this would be a cakewalk.

“If I recall correctly, those classes take place at the nearby dungeon, correct?”

While there was a training facility with monsters on campus grounds it was not used by students for leveling up purposes, or at least not the lesser nobles or the commoners. Instead, they needed to do it at a more dangerous location which was the nearby dungeon.

“That’s right, it won’t take that long with the Institute airship so you’ll be able to continue your research and lecture the young minds in no time! There hasn’t been that much work for my department in years, how wonderful.”

“Sure wonderful…”

“Oh, now speaking of your research, there might be a way to hasten the process!”

“Hasten the process? Do tell?”

While discussing the advancement classes it seemed that Arion had recalled another issue, something that would make the trip a bit more advantageous.

“Remember that Spiritualist you wanted to see?”


“Well, they actually live there.”

“They live close to the dungeon?”

“Not quite, they actually live inside of it~”

“They live inside of a dungeon?”

“Indeed, I told you that they were a peculiar case! Are you going to go?”

“Give me a moment, I have to think it through…”

“Sure thing, but don’t take too long, other assistant professors would probably love to go too.”
Arion chuckled while finishing up the rest of his steak. Roland, when given this information, just remained silent. There were things that he didn’t like about this situation as from his perspective this was an obvious trap. It wouldn’t be strange to assume that sometime along the trip he would be ambushed by someone. Either people hired from outside or perhaps members from this very magical school, it was impossible for him to trust anyone.

Then there was also his sister, who could potentially be in the same boat as him. Given the notoriety of the Viola incident, there was a possibility that some students might attempt something against Lucienne. However, it would make the Castellane noble house look guilty if something befell her. Roland's father was a powerful military man, someone that even this house had to contend with.

At this point, he was uncertain of how Wentworth and the Castellane patriarch would address this delicate issue. Even if the Arden estate was one a Knight family under them, now they were nobles with their own rights. His old man had been gaining more accolades and would not take such things while lying down.

‘I don’t think they would do anything too drastic but the danger still remains… Then there is that Spiritualist…’

He knew that there was a chance that this Spiritualist would not even come to the mage meeting as Arion had informed him that they occasionally missed it. Although there were alternative methods of researching spiritual energy, seizing the opportunity to consult with the Spiritualist appeared to be the fastest route. If all things went according to plan, then he would have an answer to his phantom mana question. It would allow him to transition from the theory phase to practical tests, something that he was slowly building up to.


“Ha, I know that grunt! I knew that you would join it, you’re a true researcher at heart! There is no reason to put things off when they are right before us! Just reach up and grab the opportunity when it presents itself!”

“Ah… yeah sure… How much time to I have before we leave?”

“Hm… think you have three days. For some reason they really rushed this class forward, it was supposed to be taken next month.”

“I wonder why…”

Roland replied in a mocking tone while taking small bites from his plate. It was quite uncomfortable to hide his face under his helmet while eating but he made it work. Luckily, no one dared to interrupt him and eventually after his talk with Arion, it was time to leave.

‘I have to prepare for all occasions.’

Over the next few days, Roland made preparations for the upcoming Advancement Class. He visited the forge to make some adjustments to his armor and golems. Packing food that would last him for several weeks was important as going to the dungeon could always go awry, just like it did with Robert. As the departure day drew near, he found himself waking up early and calling his wife, who, as before, reassured him that everything was fine.

“Be careful and come back soon.”

“I will, if everything goes right then I should be able to get back in a week or two.”

Both of them chuckled as they knew that his luck was not the best. After finishing his small chat he made his way to the designated meeting point for the Advancement Class. The airship that would take them to the dungeon was already waiting, and he could see a mix of students and a few other assistant professors gathering. It wasn’t as big as the one he used to get here but it was quite decent.

The bow was crafted entirely from wood and featured an interesting implement at the top end. At first, Roland thought it might be a bowspirit with a unique figurehead. However, upon closer inspection, it became evident that this section was in motion and resembled something similar to the wings of fairy creatures. These wings complemented the sails, which themselves bore a resemblance to larger insect wings.

When there he noticed a few familiar faces, one of them was Master Rathos, the Vice-Headmaster and second in command of the institute. This man at a glance seemed like the gentle grandfather type but he was still a powerful mage, perhaps the second most powerful one in the whole academy. Although the Headmistress possessed greater individual power, this man had more connections within the institute. Yavenna Arvandus was seldom seen which led many to consider Rathos the true decision maker of this place.

“Ah, Assistant Professor Wayland, glad you could make it. With you around, I’m sure everyone will be at ease with this year's Advancement Class.”

Rathos greeted Roland who appeared wearing his Enforcement Department robe. This man was in a sense his boss so he decided to at least be cordial when responding.

“Thank you, Master Rathos. I’m just doing my job and will ensure the safety of the students.”

“With such an outstanding mage like you, I’m sure everything will be fine.”

The man smiled and walked to the side. Rathos was not here to come along for the trip but to make sure that they left with everything. Besides Roland, there would be two other mages of tier 3 variety. These two were probably the people he had to look out for the most.

First was an assistant professor who was part of the same department that Delauder came from. While he couldn’t scan his status screen to check for his strength, he was probably a tier 3 mage who focused on elemental magic. He was not here yet but this man would be the de facto leader of this short expedition.

The second was a female mage who on the outside looked like a woman in her early thirties. She had arrived not long after he made his appearance and was followed by a large feline creature. The creature seemed to be either her familiar or a summoned beast. Its fur was light blue with black stripes and the horn on its forehead was probably used for spell casting; it was quite similar to Agni’s. Someone that he wished was with him during this trip.

To his surprise, the woman in question noticed his arrival and turned towards him with a smile. She headed his way with the large tiger trotting next to her and scaring some of the students who were now arriving.

After she arrived he was able to take a better look at her appearance. She donned a somewhat long yet form-fitting robe that actuated her rather endowed proportions. Her eyes were a piercing shade of green and complemented her brownish medium-length hair nicely. Her meticulous appearance suggested a considerable level of care for her looks which were potentially enhanced by magical means.

“Assistant Professor Wayland, isn't it?”

“Yes, that’s me, can I help you with something, Madam?”

“Madam? Just call me, Ulfine and this is Thunderclaw, my very trustworthy companion.”

The tiger that was called Thunderclaw gave out a low growl. It was as if it was acknowledging Roland’s presence or existence. This beast here was no joke as he could tell that it was a tier 3 just like its master and considering that it was not a human, he decided to take a look.

Name :

Horned Thunder Liger L 167

Type :


It seemed to be a combination of a Lion and Tiger. Its level was comparable to Agni’s but the stats were slightly beneath his, which was just a testament to his rare evolutionary path. Nevertheless, this beast seemed to be quite intelligent and also capable of casting spells. As Roland observed the information about the Thunder Liger, Ulfine extended her hand in a friendly gesture.

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Wayland. I’ve heard about your recent activities in the Enforcement Department. Quite impressive, I must say.”

“Thank you, Miss Ulfine. Regretfully, I’m not to acquainted with the people within the Institute, I have not been here for too long.”

“Oh, that’s fine~ If you don’t know something, just ask.”

She chuckled while giving off the air of someone easy to talk to. As he was introduced to this new person other people continued to arrive, Lucienne and her two dorm friends being among them. He could see his golem trotting behind them with a light greenish coloring.


Name : 

Lucienne Arden L15


T1 Mage L15

Name : 

Atasuna L17


T1 Mage L17

Name : 

Marlein L14


T1 Mage L14

All of their levels were fairly low but it wouldn’t take long to reach the twenty-fifth one. To the sides, he observed boxes being transported towards the ship, containing items intended to aid in the student’s leveling. While their methods weren't drastically different from his, they weren’t as efficient.

As the preparations continued, Roland found himself thinking about the upcoming journey. He had the dual responsibility of safeguarding his sister while also keeping an eye on everyone else. Besides the woman and the leader who hadn’t arrived yet, there were separate individuals he needed to be wary of. Knights from the nearby academy would join them at the dungeon and they were a potential threat. Nonetheless, his primary objective was to reach the Spiritualist and bring an end to his teaching life once and for all.

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