The Runesmith

Chapter 427 – The Hearing.

“What are you waiting for, get over here!”

Viola's eyes blazed with fury as she stormed towards Lucienne. The imposing figure of her Baskerville Knight loomed beside her, ready to enforce her will. The other students and enforcers in the hallway instinctively moved aside, creating a path for the impending clash.


“Did you really think you could escape the consequences, Lucienne?”

Viola sneered, her voice dripping with disdain.

“I'll make sure you regret ever crossing me and the Castellane house will nev…???”

The young girl was about to go into a rant, but her voice suddenly vanished. The mages in the vicinity instantly noticed the perpetrator who had cast the spell without even uttering one chant. It was the armored Enforcer who had now placed himself between Viola Castellane and Lucienne Arden.

“What’s the meaning of this?”

Roland’s voice traveled through the corridor, backed by his magic and intimidation skill. He had made it sound a bit more menacing and distorted to further mask his true identity from Lucienne. Even now, he was not trying to expose his identity, which could also put his life in Albrook at risk. For the time being, his role was that of an enforcer who adhered to the rules, and the people before them were rule breakers.

“Why are the detainees walking free? Why is the man who attacked an enforcer here? Explain yourselves!”

Elythaes, who he had faced before, had been healed and was back to shadowing Lady Viola. He was fully armed, and his hand never left his hip where his swords were placed. It was clear that he was ready to attack the moment he saw an opening. After the intimidation skill was used, the students' knees started to buckle, and only Viola remained standing as she was being protected by the Baskerville Knight.

“You have no authority here. They were released by the Deputy Head of the Department. Now stand aside!”

“The deputy head?”

One of the other enforcers who were present called out from the side. The Enforcement department was quite large, and the second in command was the Deputy Head Enforcer. The two people who had been previously guarding the room where Lucienne was being held showed an adverse reaction when the deputy was mentioned, it was clear that some type of internal power struggle was taking place. Roland, as someone relatively new, couldn’t really call into question someone of that position, or at least not if he wanted to follow the rules. Thus, after hearing his name mentioned, he decided to back off but kept himself in front of Lucienne.

He could tell that his sister had gotten cold feet after seeing Viola so soon. It was clear that fear had been ingrained into her through months of abuse. She showed signs of prolonged bullying where the victim found themselves unable to think rationally in the presence of their tormentor. Her eyes were darting around as she was trying to avoid Viola’s gaze. This was a bad sign for the hearing, if she decided to withhold information, Viola would probably go unpunished.

“That’s right, the Deputy head … “



Before the enforcer could push his own agenda, he needed to regain control of the situation. Roland was quick to quiet him down. Even if the students were free to walk around, there was nothing within the rules that allowed them to approach the afflicted party.

“You tried approaching the victim with threats, if you continue with these actions, I will have to detain you again.”

The enforcer, realizing the severity of the situation, reluctantly stepped back. Viola, however, was not one to be deterred easily. She glared at Roland with a mixture of anger and frustration as her plans were disrupted by this unexpected interference. However, she could do nothing more than scream into nothingness as the silencing spell didn’t allow her voice to travel.

“Don’t worry about her, just focus on the hearing.”

Roland turned to the side while ignoring the hissy fit that Viola was going through. She was even being held back by her trusted knight who at this point knew better than to try his luck. His tone was gentle and aimed at Lucienne who was finally able to calm herself down. Eventually, she looked at the angered Viola with a more resolute expression and soon the two of them vanished around the corner to finally hear a maddened scream after the silencing spell was removed.

“She sure is a nosy little brat…”


After the two were a ways away from the group of students, he gave his true opinion of the marquess’ daughter. Describing her as an annoying brat made his sister chuckle and smile. The air started to clear up, and the tension was lessened. Soon, the two were on their way towards the hearing room, with the other students trailing slightly behind them. The atmosphere was heavy but after his annoyed comment, Lucienne’s mood seemed to have turned for the better.
“We are here, how are you feeling?”

“A bit nervous… but I will see this through!”

“Good, let’s go then.”

Lucienne clenched her fists while looking at Roland’s back, soon the large gate before them parted and they were greeted by members of the mage council. Just like before, Master Rathos was performing his duties as one of the judges. After Roland’s inauguration it became known to him that this old Merlin-like man had a very high position in the institute, he was the Vice Headmaster. Thorne was also here, along with Delauder who would be his main opponent.

‘I don’t recognize the rest, five judges in general… Arion mentioned that Delauder is probably taking bribes but not like I can mention this here without any evidence…’

“Ah finally, we can begin.”

Rathos smiled towards Lucienne as she entered along with Roland. Delauder on the other hand whispered something to another judge they were sitting with. It was clear that some of them were already bribed and even if Thorne took his side, there was a possibility of them losing this case.

The hearing room was grand and adorned with magical symbols etched into the walls. The five judges sat at a high table, their expressions a mix of curiosity and sternness. Roland could tell that Lucienne was feeling anxious but it was too late to turn away. He could only stand and watch as she was called forward to confront the prying eyes of the council of mages.

“Lucienne Arden, you are here today to present your testimony regarding the recent incident involving the Institute training facility. Please speak the truth and hold nothing back,”

Announced Thorne with a commanding voice which made Lucienne stand up at attention.

“Y-yes, Professor Sir.”

Lucienne responded, her voice trembling slightly. She stole a quick glance at Roland, who stood beside her and gave her a resounding nod of encouragement. They had discussed how the hearing would go, so she responded with a nod of her own but before she could speak, someone else interrupted her.

“I will remind you that speaking falsehoods in the presence of the high mages is forbidden and will be severely punished! If you can’t prove any of your claims, I would also advise you to…”

“Professor Delauder, please watch your tone.”

Delauder was quick to interrupt Lucienne before she could even start, luckily Thorne kept him from speaking further. It was clear that he was trying to give her a warning before she even began her testimony, perhaps to intimidate her into silence.

“I, um, I would like to report what happened during the training exercise...”

Lucienne's voice was soft, and her hands were trembling slightly. Roland noticed the anxiety in her eyes, but he also saw a spark of determination. Thorne nodded encouragingly, signaling her to continue.

“Well, it all started when Lady Viola…”

Soon she was explaining the situation and how Viola pushed her into coming along for this unsanctioned trip. As Lucienne recounted the events leading up to the confrontation at the training facility, the atmosphere in the hearing room became tense. Thorne listened attentively, occasionally exchanging glances with Rathos. Delauder, however, wore a scowl, clearly displeased with the direction the testimony was taking.

Lucienne detailed how Viola had orchestrated the entire expedition, using her as bait to collect rare Blood-Vulture feathers. She described the relentless bullying she had endured throughout the year, painting a vivid picture of the oppressive environment created by Viola and her associates. The metallic spider's recordings further supported her claims, capturing the moments leading up to the monster stampede.

The five were intrigued by the metallic plate he brought over to showcase the holographic image, but it didn't seem to be something entirely new to the group. Crystal balls, illusory magic, and other spells could produce similar effects. It took some time, but he presented them with snippets of the encounter, mainly focusing on how badly his sister was treated. At the end of the trial, he would be directly questioned, so he decided to showcase all of his recording evidence at that juncture.

As Lucienne spoke, Roland observed the judges closely. He could sense the skepticism in Delauder's eyes, but Rathos seemed genuinely concerned. Thorne maintained a neutral expression, carefully considering the details presented. After Lucienne finished her testimony, Thorne nodded approvingly.

“Thank you, Lady Lucienne, your testimony has been noted, please head to the waiting room while we continue with the hearing.”

Roland was somewhat surprised at how well his sister spoke out about her circumstances. There was a lot of detail in her stories, but he knew that there wasn’t really any evidence to confirm the bullying claims at this point. The only hard evidence came from the recordings he took, which his mage peers seemed to enjoy. He could see them eyeing the holographic images with interest but couldn’t speak out about the technicalities as the hearing was taking place.

“Now then, let us continue, let Lady Viola Castellane in.”

Lucienne was led to a separate room while he stayed behind to listen to what the main suspect had to say. He noticed his sister glancing in his direction, her eyes reflecting concern, but he couldn't accompany her any longer. Once all the students had completed their questioning, he became the final witness, possibly holding the key to determining how the case would be handled.

Viola Castellane's entrance proved to be a spectacle; she skillfully turned on the waterworks and portrayed herself as though on the brink of fainting. It was commendable how adeptly she could act at such a young age. Her performance demonstrated that she was quite ready to mingle with other nobles and join in some of the theatrics they partook in.

“L-Lady Castellane, please take a seat. We are here to hear your side of the story but if you’re not feeling well then perhaps we should postpone this hearing…”

Delauder promptly suggested postponing the hearing, signaling a desire to prolong the process and likely inform the Castellane household about the developments. It was evident that he aimed to exert pressure on the Institute from outside, potentially allowing Viola to escape punishment. Fortunately, Thorne, being committed to the pursuit of truth, swiftly dismissed the idea.

“If she needs a rejuvenation elixir it will be provided but we will not postpone this hearing. Are you able to continue?”

“Y-yes, if the Professor insists…

Viola Castellane, despite her earlier theatrics, took her seat and composed herself. Her gaze shifted between the judges, trying to gauge their reactions. Delauder, however, was visibly irritated by the turn of events. Roland just remained silent making sure to take in everything this snake-like teenager was about to say.

“Good let us continue then. Lady Viola, please provide your account of the incident at the training facility. Be truthful and concise.”

Thorne's stern voice cut through the room, and Viola began narrating her version of events. She wove a different narrative, depicting Lucienne as a troublemaker who had coerced the group into undertaking the unsanctioned expedition. Emphasizing her own innocence, she asserted ignorance regarding any mistreatment or bullying of Lucienne. Addressing the Elythaes incident, she deflected the bribery attempt, portraying it as a decision made solely by the man himself.

“My esteemed Professors, I want to assure you that I harbored no intention of causing harm to Lady Lucienne. While I admit to losing my temper during the monster attack, I was genuinely uncertain about what course of action to take. I simply wish to extend my sincere apologies to dear Lucienne if she misconstrued any of my actions. It's possible that I may have miscommunicated my intentions!”

Viola's words were skillfully crafted, and her tone held an air of innocence. It was clear that she had experience in manipulating situations to her advantage. As she spoke, Delauder's scowl eased, and he nodded approvingly. Thorne, on the other hand, maintained a poker face, his eyes carefully analyzing every word.

“Lady Viola, your testimony is noted. We will now proceed with questioning the other students…”

Once the testimony concluded, he observed Viola being escorted to another waiting room. Her intense gaze fixed upon him, conveyed a sense of indignation as if she wished to launch a fireball in his direction. Following her, the remaining four students came forward, merely regurgitating Viola's narrative. As anticipated, Elythaes confirmed the bribery charges and attempted to shoulder all the blame. Now it was only Roland who remained and his words would be the last deciding factor.

“Do we really need to hear out the outsider? He clearly has an agenda against the students, I saw we just let them off with a warning!”

Professor Delauder, seemingly fatigued from the lengthy hearing that had unfolded over multiple hours, appeared unwilling to entertain further discussion. Thorne, however, was determined to ensure a fair investigation.

“No, every testimony is crucial. We need to hear what everyone has to say. Assistant Professor Wayland, please step forward.”

Finally, the moment had arrived for him to take action. Initially uncertain about how to vindicate his sister, a fortuitous opportunity presented itself on this very day. Without this minor slip-up, Viola might have escaped punishment. However, with additional evidence highlighting her questionable character, he felt increasingly confident that the outcome would sway in his sister’s favor.

“There isn't much I can add beyond what has already been testified, and I've already submitted the recording of the incident. However, I have something else that my esteemed colleagues might find intriguing. Please, take a look.”

Roland finished the sentence before presenting the mages with another holographic recording, the one he took from their morning talk with the accused Lady Castellane.

“What are you waiting for, get over here!”

“Did you really think you could escape the consequences, Lucienne?”

Her voice grew louder in the recording, and although he had previously cast a silencing spell to quiet her, he continued to record every word she uttered. Even upon realizing her voice was being silenced, she persisted in her belligerence towards Lucienne.

“I'll ensure you regret ever crossing me, and the Castellane house will never forget this disgrace. Hey, are you listening to me? Stop hiding behind that nobody. Do you think they will protect you forever? Just wait, Lucienne. My father will crush that little family of yours!”

"What is this? Is that really Lady Viola talking?"

The holographic recording played Viola's threatening words in the hearing room, casting a heavy silence over the gathered mages. The room's atmosphere shifted, and the judges exchanged glances, clearly taken aback by the venomous tone in Viola's voice.

“This... how can we be sure that any of this truly happened? We don't even know how this spell this outsider uses truly works. It's probably just some illusion that he prepared beforehand! Who is he even truly? Is Wayland even his true name? How can we trust a person who hasn’t even been here for a week!?”

“Prepared beforehand? Why would he do such a thing? Do you have any evidence to back up such a claim, Professor Delauder? Professor Arion from the Runic Department assured us that the runic device being used is valid. Are you insinuating that Professor Arion is lying?”

While Delauder could cast accusations at Roland, a newcomer to the Institute, Arion's reputation was already well-established. He couldn't insinuate that both of them were falsifying information without proper evidence. The possibility of launching another set of hearings loomed, but this would also risk uncovering dirt on Delauder himself. Scrutiny of his department might reveal the bribes he had accepted, something he desperately wanted to avoid. While the mages were fearful of the nobles, there was still one person that they feared more than them.

“That is…”

“Do you wish for an investigation to be launched into this issue? Should I remind you, that we will have to inform the Headmistress if we choose to? Do you wish us to go forward with such an investigation?”

“... No…”

“Very well, we will take this evidence into account, and it will be thoroughly examined. Assistant Professor Wayland, you are dismissed, please wait outside.”

“Of course.”

His task was complete; he had presented all the evidence at his disposal, and now it rested with the council of mages to make their decision. It was evident that Delauder had been influenced and would vote against punishing Viola. Thorne stood by his side, but the stance of the remaining council members remained uncertain. Although they had shown some interest in the recording technology during the hearing, its impact on his sister's case remained uncertain.

‘I guess this is it… will they punish her or not? Either way, Lucienne might be in trouble, what should I do…’

As the large gates to the hearing chamber closed behind him, he began to worry. His sister's future was on the line, and perhaps, with his own actions, he had set something into motion that could not be stopped. However, if push came to shove, he was prepared to respond in the same way he did at the training ground. The old Roland, who would once flee at the first sign of conflict, was no longer present. He was determined to see this through to the end, even if it meant making enemies of some nobles.

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