The Runesmith

Chapter 418 – Visiting A Mage Tower.

“Everything is fine, you should stop worrying. If you're that concerned, then why don't you just come back?"

“I will, after I'm finished, but I'm not sure how long it will take. If anything happens then…”

“Yes, I know, you've explained it to me five times now.”

“Did I?”

Roland responded to his somewhat annoyed wife. He had been calling her every day since he left, realizing that perhaps this frequent communication was unusual for people in this world accustomed to conveying messages through letters when separated. After bidding his farewell, a new day commenced at the academy, and Roland was scheduled to join Arion for a lecture. Despite not being an actual assistant professor, he still had to fulfill the responsibilities of one. Neglecting these duties might raise suspicions among the other mages, potentially leading to his expulsion once they discovered he was merely here to acquire their knowledge. Something that could even get his friend Arion in trouble as he had vouched for him.

"Are you ready, my friend?" the black-furred feline asked with a slightly concerned tone.”

“Yes, something wrong?”

“Well, aren't you a bit overdressed for the occasion? We have a long day ahead of us.”

“It's fine, I'm used to it, and my heavy armor-handling skill is over tier 3 already.”

As always, Roland was clad in his heavy runic armor, which had become like a second skin to him. The more he wore it, the more his skills improved, and when he created the heavier red mithril variant, his proficiency shot up like never before. Normal individuals would likely struggle to take a few steps in what he was wearing, but to him, it had become second nature.

“I guess we all have our peculiarities about us… That is what makes us into mages!”

“You’re making it sound like mages are all weirdos in one way or another.”


Arion responded with a burst of joyful laughter, but Roland understood the sentiment. Mages were an eccentric bunch, yet this choice of attire granted him the ability to move through the magic halls with his full arsenal, and no one would question him. Being part of the enforcement department also came with its peculiar benefits. Today, he would visit that place to discover the nature of his actual duties. Arion assured him that it wouldn't be too demanding and that he would soon have more free time to dedicate to his research.

“Well then, let us depart, I shall give you a tour of the Runic Department first, then we shall visit the mage towers!”
“I can’t wait.”

Even though he responded in a somewhat monotone voice, Roland was genuinely intrigued by what the mage towers could offer. He was already familiar with the four main elemental mage towers created under Xandar's rule. Xandar was an Arch-magus and, more specifically, an Arch-elementalist. Renowned for employing potent elemental spells during his tenure, he was considered a formidable force. Some speculated that he had even reached the pinnacle of tier 5 mastery, but the details of this old wizard’s history were impossible to confirm.

Soon, the two oddballs set off and seamlessly blended into the diverse crowd. Scanning the surroundings, Roland observed other floating creatures, golems, and individuals clad in equally peculiar attire. In comparison, his full suit of armor didn't stand out too much, especially considering the eccentric clothing some other professors were wearing. The Runic Department was located outside the main building, near the mage tower attuned to the element of fire.

It made sense as they approached a somewhat secluded metallic building with large chimneys resembling a factory. Once inside, Roland was reminded of the dwarven forge back in Albrook, although this one was somewhat larger and more outdated. The interior housed various workers, not limited to dwarven craftsmen but inclusive of smiths from various races.

“This is where the real magic happens.”

Arion remarked with a gleam in his eyes as they entered. After a glance it was clear that there was a prevalence of runic constructs here, even some golems were being used for labor. However, there was something off about this place, compared to the smaller dwarven forge from Albrook, there was a lot less movement.

“The Runic Department is responsible for creating a variety of magical tools, from simple charms to complex artifacts. We pride ourselves in supplying all departments with our runic artifacts!”

“Is that so… doesn’t seem like they are that busy though… Is that person sleeping? Wait, are they drinking alcohol?”

“What? Hey! What did I say about drinking in the morning!”

Arion directed his attention toward a trio of individuals hiding in the back and indulging in alcoholic beverages. The peculiar group consisted of a dwarf, a human, and a beastman. Even when Arion shouted, they showed little reaction, as if such occurrences had become commonplace for them.

“Hey, don’t ignore me!”

As the scene unfolded, Roland took a moment to survey the forge. It was well-equipped with all the essentials for crafting runic items. There were multiple runic smelters, each varying in size and shape, along with a diverse array of anvils and forges. Although the tools appeared worn with time, they were all present, some even crafted from materials he had never seen before. Roland envisioned himself easily creating a proper runic set here if the need arose.

Arion continued to scold the trio in the corner, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a professional environment. Roland, on the other hand, approached one of the runic smelters and examined its intricate design. The enchanting glow emanating from the magical forge captured his attention.

“Quite an impressive setup you have here.”

Roland remarked, speaking more to himself than to Arion. His friend floated back to his side after scolding the workers here and quickly responded to the praise while trying to regain his footing after the mischievous trio made him look bad.

“Yes, it’s one of the oldest runic forges in the academy. We take great pride in our craftsmanship. This isn’t all, this place goes underground. We have many testing facilities and also take care of the conservation of all the mage towers!”

As Roland observed the workers in the Runic Forge, he noticed that they were not just crafting mundane objects. Some were imbuing magical properties into everyday items, while others were carefully rune-crafting complex runes onto enchanted artifacts. It was a dynamic environment, albeit with a touch of chaos.

Yet, to no surprise, there was a noticeable shortage of tier 3 personnel, with only one Master Runesmith in the entire department. He wasn't present at the moment, indicating a less-than-ideal situation for the department. Mages had the option to order better-crafted items from external sources, and some affluent nobles even preferred this route. Possessing a more advanced tool or artifact from outside the academy made them appear more prestigious than relying on those built within. Which left the department with less work and bored craftsmen who only were used for mage tower repairs.

“Now, let us move on…”

Arion led Roland on a comprehensive tour of the entire building, introducing him as the new assistant professor. Roland was granted unrestricted access to the entire facility, providing him with the space and resources needed for his research. While deciphering the mystery of the mana phantom was one challenge, creating a fully functional prosthetic limb presented another. It made sense to initiate the construction here and commence testing, especially with access to a wealth of research papers. Arion, being eager to learn new things, also stood as a potential collaborator in creating the proper runic operating system. All the tools that he needed were here and he was satisfied.

“Now then, let us depart towards the mage tower, don’t think we will have enough time for all of them, so how about we limit ourselves to the tower of fire for today?”

“That is fine with me, I’ll just visit the other ones on my time if you are busy later.”
“Marvelous, let us go.”

Exiting the Runic Workshop, they proceeded towards the mage tower attuned to the element of fire. These mage towers were colossal structures that soared high into the sky, each aligned with a specific element. Roland couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation, as these towering structures were considered the pinnacle of magical craftsmanship. Now that he was part of the academy, he could freely explore them, using the guise of conservation and repairs as a cover.

Soon, they stood before a structure that spiraled skyward, adorned with ancient runes that emitted a fiery crimson glow, casting a warm and inviting light. The exterior, crafted from enchanted obsidian material, shimmered with an otherworldly luminescence, as if the flames housed within danced beneath the surface. The tower’s outer surface featured intricate sculptures of mythical fire creatures, captured in poses of perpetual motion, their forms seemingly fashioned from living flame. With the phoenix living fire sculpture overlooking everything from its perch atop the tower.

Although termed ‘mage towers’ they weren't confined to being tall structures; they could encompass entire castles or have cities built around them. What defined a tower as a mage tower, according to Roland’s knowledge, was its core. Uncertain about the contents within, he hoped the tour would unveil this secret. The entrance to the tower was embellished with intricate fire-themed runes, emitting a warm, orange glow. The magical barrier surrounding the tower recognized the emblems of Arion and Roland, allowing them entry.

As Roland and Arion entered the mage tower, they were greeted by a wave of warmth and the soothing crackle of magical flames. The interior was a spectacle of fiery enchantments and mesmerizing displays of controlled flames dancing along the walls. The architecture seamlessly blended with the elemental theme, and the atmosphere resonated with the raw power of fire magic.

“Welcome to the Tower of Flames.”

“It does look grand indeed.”

Inside, they found themselves in a grand hall adorned with intricate tapestries depicting legendary fire mages casting spells. In the center, a spiraling staircase coexisted with something resembling an elevator shaft stuck in its midst. As they entered, Roland observed several students stepping onto a platform surrounded by a red shield. Shortly after, the platform ascended into the air, likely transporting them to a higher level where fire-specific spellcasting classes were conducted.

“A convenient way to move between floors, especially for students carrying heavy books or equipment. If you’re interested, I can lend you the schematics for the device.”

“Ah? Sure.”

At a glance, Roland could somewhat figure out the inner workings of the runes as they used a variation of the floatation spell to rise up into the air. There appeared to be a guidance system in this construct that kept it stable in one place, and it seemed like something he could potentially implement in his own workshop. The only hindrance was the considerable amount of magical energy required for such a spell. Such an invention could only function effectively in a tower like this that was at its base, a grand mana gathering and storing artifact.

“Well, then we don’t have much time, so let us descend.”


“Indeed, there we will reach the ‘heart’ of the tower.”

While students and teachers were engrossed in the morning lessons, the two of them moved to the side, approaching one of the animated tapestries. The decoration depicted a famous scene from an old war, where a rain of fire produced by the ancient mages had turned the tide in their favor. As they reached the tapestry, a peculiar event unfolded - one of the flame beasts depicted on the fabric moved out to greet them.

“Greetings Professor Arion.”

“Well met.”

“It is not time for the scheduled maintenance yet.”

“I am aware of that but I wish to show the inside of the tower to my young friend here, he is the new assistant professor.”

A floating cat was conversing with a bird made of flames but by now he had gotten used to the peculiarities of this academy. It seemed that this being was some type of familiar or part of the tower itself. The mana pattern it had was the same as the mana radiated by the tower itself, it was not a construct produced by a separate item or mage.

“Everything seems to be in order.”

The firebird turned towards Roland, and he sensed a scanning spell in action. It dawned on him that this entity was somehow connected to the tower, and possibly to the entire institute. Soon after, the tapestry began to shift and burn away, revealing a large metallic door. It swung open to unveil a set of stairs leading downward.


“Quite. I haven’t been in a mage tower before.”

Roland didn’t hide the fact that he was highly uneducated when it came to magical towers and also other fields related to magic. He was here to learn and not to appear smart in front of other people.

“Well, in short, that was the tower spirit.”
“Tower spirit?”

“Yes, how about I explain on the way to the tower chamber.”


As they descended the stairs, Arion began to explain the concept of tower spirits, and Roland translated the knowledge into a more familiar context. It appeared that the spirit served as a mediator between the tower owner and the spells being produced. Roland could perceive it as akin to an artificial intelligence construct with control over the tower, bound to the person who created it.

It all made sense considering that a human mind wouldn't be capable of storing all the information within the mage tower. Activating separate portions of the runic spells without some operating system would also be rather difficult. Only Rune Mages and people like Roland would be capable of such feats. The tower spirit functioned as a helpful assistant who could receive orders and possessed a degree of intelligence.

As they continued down the spiral staircase, Roland couldn’t help but marvel at the complexity of the magical architecture. The walls seemed to be pulsating with the magical energy that resonated within the tower and the further down they went, the stronger the mana became. Arion, on the other hand, continued his explanation, shedding light on the nature of the tower's core.

“The tower spirit is essentially the consciousness of the tower itself. It’s a magical construct designed as a mirror image of the tower owner, they usually have their own specific personality that can be affected by the owner but also the element they are attuned to. The spirit has access to all the knowledge of its creator! Isn’t that marvelous?”

“It is quite interesting. Could it hold lectures for you?”

“Uh, lectures? I guess it could…”

Roland was quite intrigued by this finding and could already imagine how much more work he could do if he had something like a mage tower spirit as a helper. Perhaps it would be even possible to have it automate all of his golems like an AI helper. With help of an AI, it would be possible to make his armor even more advanced as it could do all the hard calculations for him. While his casting speed was already high, it could potentially become inhuman

As they reached the bottom of the staircase, a massive metallic door stood before them, adorned with intricate fire-themed runes. It looked imposing, radiating a strong magical aura. The tower spirit flapped its fiery wings and hovered nearby, seemingly guiding them but perhaps also watching their every move. Roland could see it acting as a surveillance system that he needed to watch out for.

“This is the entrance to the tower's most important chamber, it is the life and blood of every tower. Only a select few have access to this area, primarily the Arch-magus and a few high-ranking professors. However, we from the Runic Department have special privileges when it comes to these places so you will be able to visit the other towers later. Nevertheless, please don’t cause any troubles, the tower spirits will always be watching you and act acordingly if you overreach… ”

Arion approached the door, and with a wave of his paw, the runes on the door glowed brighter, and it slowly swung open. The heat emanating from the chamber beyond was intense, as if stepping into the heart of a blazing inferno.

As Roland entered, he found himself in a massive chamber that seemed to defy the laws of space. The walls were a continuous dance of flames, and a platform floated in the center, surrounded by an intricate network of magical pathways. On this platform stood a colossal oval object which resembled an egg and it was pulsating with vibrant fire energy.

“This, my friend, is the core of this Tower of Fire, an egg of a Phoenix. It’s where the essence of fire magic is concentrated and harnessed. It’s thanks to this artifact that the flames continue to burn but this isn’t all. If you follow one of the pathways, you will reach the tower spirit crystal but that is not something that even I can easily reach. But don’t worry, you will find all the tower spirit research in the library if you wish to tackle this problem yourself.”

Roland couldn’t help but be awestruck by the sheer scale and magical prowess on display. The core seemed to resonate with the very essence of fire, casting a warm and ethereal glow throughout the chamber. He could feel the magical energy all around him and it created a sort of yearning. To make such a creation himself would be a huge undertaking but perhaps not an unreachable goal.

“Now then, while I would love us to go over the runic structures here we are on a tight schedule! Let us go back to the lecture hall!”

Just as soon as they opened the chamber door, they found themselves needing to depart. The tour of the academy wasn't yet complete but there were duties Roland needed to fulfill in his role as an assistant professor.

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