The Reincarnated Vampire Just Wants to Enjoy Her New Life

Chapter 62: Discoveries in the Dungeon

"So is this your first time in a dungeon?"

While I idly listened to Claret's almost evangelical tellings of her old master's tales, one of the members of the adventurer party I was waiting with spoke up. The man was wearing a hard-looking leather chest plate, bracers, and greaves, all painted bright red. He wore a hard leather cap with some crudely drawn decorations as well as large, wide, and flat wooden plates in place of the round shoulder guards I expected. There was a pole axe leaning against the closest tree beside him.

While not completely matching, the other members of his party wore similar gear painted in the same bright red.

There was a man with a sturdy looking shield that resembled a Roman scutum leaning against a tree beside him, along with a mace hanging off of his hip. The third man had a quiver filled with arrows on his belt and a bow laying in front of him. Beside him was someone who lacked the shoulder plates and greaves the others had, and instead had a wooden staff with some sort of jewel embedded in the head.

"For this dungeon."

"You've been to other dungeons and you didn't know about queuing for the boss room?"

"There weren't many other people in the dungeon I went to."

Trying not to sound too suspicious about not knowing something that was probably general information while simultaneously avoiding talking too much about my past, I answered him as simply as I could.

"What sort of dungeon is that? I've never heard of a dungeon that's not popular!"


"Ah, well, it's really out of the way. Not near any big cities."

"What's that? Some sort of undiscovered dungeon or something?"


"Does such a thing even exist?"

Thinking fast, I tried to divert the conversation.

"Ah, well, maybe there's no dungeons that nobody's discovered, but there are some that outside of civilized lands."

"Oh right, like there's probably some in the demon lands that nobody on this side's ever seen."

"Demon lands?"

I latched on to the strange term the adventurer with the bow let out, half out of desperation, half out of curiosity.

<They're the lands...>

"Those are the lands controlled by the demons and stuff. Not really the kinda place you wanna go."

Claret glared at the the one that unknowingly interrupted her. She was probably more angry that the fact that she lost her chance to show off to me than actually being interrupted though.

Well, I wanted to ask why it was bad to go to the demon lands, but I held my tongue to avoid suspicion. That, and to give something for Claret to answer later on. It would probably make her pretty happy.

"I think you're the first person I've met that didn't know that. You must've really come from the boonies if you didn't know about those demons' lands"

"Ahaha, yea, I guess you can say that."

It wasn't really wrong. It took me years before I met any people, and the closest settlement I found was quite the distance through a monster infested forest.

"If you want, how about you join our party? We can teach you all sort of things."

The man with the poleaxe got up and came over, offering a hand.

"No, I'm fine. I've got people I'm with already."

I shook my head and hoped that it would be enough to deter these guys. I was already with Alicia and Claret, and was looking forward to discovering what Alicia could do, but both of them wouldn't ever get a chance to shine if there were people hanging on to us the entire time we were inside the dungeon.

"You're by yourself right now, aren't you? How about we go together for now then? Safety in numbers and all. Hell, if they're as cute as you sound, maybe we can all form a big party together when we meet up? Where are you planning on joining up with them anyways?"

(As cute as I sound? What the hell? Now I really don't want to be with this guy.)

"Deeper inside the dungeon."

"Deep? How deep?"

"Very deep."

"What, so like the fifth floor?"

"No, a lot deeper than that."

"So then the tenth? The twentieth?"


"It can't be the thirtieth. That's the last floor!"

"We're planning on staying inside for a while, so that's the aim."

Well, it was whatever the deepest floor would be. It was a bit strange that this dungeon was only thirty floors deep when I got past eighty floors of my home dungeon with no indication of it ending soon, but maybe it just varied a lot?

"That's...umm, anyways, so you're going to camp out in the safe zones then? It's not like we haven't done that before either. If we spend a bit of time gathering food, it won't be hard to stay for as long as you've planned."

"Hey, what're you going off making plans on your own! This was going to be a day trip!"

At the yell of his party member, the axe man quickly jumped back to his group and whispered his argument.

"C'mon! What's wrong with spending some extra time in the dungeon? If this girl's half as cute under that hood as she sounds, it'll be a waste to let her go so easily! And just look! She's covered up, but it's obvious that her curves are even better than Matilda's!"

Though he was whispering, his words didn't escape my ears.

<Master, can I this impale this rude bastard?>

Apparently it didn't escape Claret's ears either.

<Don't. I want to avoid unnecessary trouble.>

<Then how about I erase all of them?>

The dark spirit hanging off of my shoulder had a dark smile that belied the gentle looking face she naturally had. As to emphasize how she was feeling, her hands formed into tight fists and shook a little.

<Don't. I don't want to have such a thing on my conscious.>

<Master! You're always too kind to bad people like this! But since it's what you want...>

Fortunately, or perhaps as expected, she backed off in an instant.

While I was finished talking to Claret, the other party continued arguing. I turned my head in exasperation, and just as I was hoping for a way out, one presented itself. The light emitted from the boss doors had faded before I noticed, and it seemed like the others hadn't either.

"Hey, are you guys going to..."

But it seemed like the argument had gotten a bit heated, and they didn't notice my words.

(Well, if you're not going to, then I will. And if I'm lucky, the boss room'll reset before they even notice I'm gone.)

Taking advantage of the situation, I got up and went over to the boss doors.

Putting my hand on the door, it easily and silently hinged in as I pushed, and I was inside at once.

Like usual, there was a boss waiting for me.

The boss room was quite simple, just a circle of trees with vines and thinner trees intertwining each other filling the gaps. There was three goblins waiting in the middle. Two unarmoured ones each with stone axes, and a slightly bigger one wearing what looked like a half-rotten pelt as armour, and wielding a spear in both hands.

Just as the slightly bigger fodder started to point and yell at me, I fired off a trio of ice arrows at them at high velocity. By the time the sonic booms produced by the pieces of high speed ice reached my ears, they had already shattered against the far wall. The sheer force of the impact as the super sonic projectiles made their heads explode in a gory mess.

Ignoring the bodies, I hopped over to the far side and waited for the boss chest to appear. Once the goblin corpses finally disappeared, the chest appeared as if it grew out of the ground. Kicking it open, a bottle filled with some sort of blue liquid was sitting inside patiently as I considered leaving it and moving on.

It would've been nice if it was a pair of boots or some sort of other clothes, but that was probably asking too much for the first floor boss.

But I picked it up and threw it into my bag anyways. It might come in handy someday, though I doubted it.

The goblin drops...I ignored entirely. I didn't want to concern myself with goblins more than I had to.

With that, I took the passage down to the next floor.

<Wow. I was surprised how fast that happened.>

Just as I entered the next fountain room, Alicia spoke up sounding a little off.

<They were a pain, so I'm actually glad they ignored us long enough for us to move on.>

<No, I meant those goblins.>

<Oh, well I don't think it's worth wasting time on such weak enemies.>

<I guess. But the way you took them out so quickly made me jump.>

<Sorry. I didn't really think about how you're not used to seeing fights yet.>

<It's fine. I need to get used to it anyways.>

<Still, the way I did it was pretty bloody. I should've went a better way.>

<No! Do it how you think it's best! I need to get used to seeing fights, and it's not good for you to lose your edge just because of me!>

<Well, it's not like I'll have much trouble. Those guys said that this dungeon is only thirty floors deep, but I got to the 87th floor in our home dungeon, so I doubt I'll be pushing my limits anytime soon.>

<The 87th floor?>

<Is something wrong Claret?>

Her words sounded more thoughtful than usual, with a tinge of melancholy and what sounded a bit like nostalgia.

<No, umm, if I may. Was there a town or maybe the remains of one at the entrance of the dungeon you're talking about?>

<No, nothing like that. It was just a small clearing surrounded by a forest.>

<I see. I'm surprised to hear about another dungeon that deep.>

<Is it that unusual?>

Alicia took the words out of my mouth. Metaphorically, since we were talking through our minds.

<Yes, it's very rare for dungeons to have that many floors. I only know of one that has more than fifty floors, but if you remember, the settlement was built up around its entrance. If Master hadn't noticed anything like that in the one you were at, then it must be a different dungeon.>

<I see. Well, maybe you can show us that dungeon in the future? It sounds a bit interesting.>

It seemed like this was an important place to Claret, and probably the previous Scarlet. I was curious about it, but just as importantly, it would be good to let Claret visit it someday.

<Of course! I can show it to you whenever you want! It's your dungeon after all!>

<My...I already have a dungeon. I don't need a second. And that's the previous Scarlet's dungeon right? If there's a village around it, it must already belong to someone else now, right?>

Or rather, the other Scarlet had her own dungeon then? That village must've been where she lived as well, at least for a little while. It wasn't too surprising that another vampire would try to make a dungeon their home. It was incredibly convenient in quite a lot of ways, so most would try to live close to one at the least.

<Then I can beat out whoever dared to do such a thing and it'll belong to you again!>

<No beating people to take ownership of something that the other Scarlet lost, alright?>

<I understand Master.>

(This girl, really.)

With that, I moved on. There was some traces of people having used this fountain room as a camp site, but I ignored them and moved on.

The second floor turned out to be...another forest. The trees were of a different breed, but I could only tell by the shape of the leaves.

In terms of monsters, there were more goblins and loam wolves, but they showed up in greater numbers than the previous floor. There weren't any rush rabbits though.

Just like the first floor, I found a place with no people and took to the skies and rushed through past all the monsters and other adventurers to the boss room. Fortunately, unlike the first floor, the boss door wasn't glowing, so we didn't have to wait to fight the boss this time.

Pushing the door open, we were greeted another circular room and a group of five monsters. It was two loam wolves and three bigger wolves, the same kind I saw on the first floor of my home dungeon. Rather than taking them out immediately, I had an idea.

<Claret, could you back off for a minute?>


Either she didn't want to, or was incapable of hiding her disappointment to my order, but the dark spirit got off of my back and floated by the wall out of the way. It was probably better that someday I get her used to not being in physical contact with me all the time. I needed to remember to make time for that.

<Hey Alicia, how about you try taking these guys on instead of me?>

<Huh?! Me?!>

<Oh, that sounds like a great idea!>

<In theory, you should be able to use my skills. How about it?>

<But, I've never fought anything in my life!>

<They say that there's a first time for everything. On top of that, these guys can't hurt us with their difference in strength, and we're locked in the room so there's no worry about someone seeing.>

As if to prove that, the wolves had already started to attack the moment the door closed behind me, yet I had no difficulty avoiding all of their attacks. No matter how fast they ran or how they tried to snap at me, it was a simple matter of staying a step ahead of them at all times. Even when they tried to surround me and attack from multiple sides at once, [Sense Presence] eliminated all my blind spots and I didn't have to even look to know which way to dodge their pounces.

Even if they did somehow catch me, it was doubtful they could even draw blood. I've had experience trying out various things back home, including drinking blood from still living monsters. On occasion I got hit by low level monsters, but surprisingly they hardly even scratched me. It did hurt a little, but it was pretty easy to bear. To the point that I once secured a bear monster's head in place by holding its lower jaw while it tried to gnaw through my fingers while I drained it of its blood. All I was left with was a few red marks that quickly faded.

<Since that's the case, just try it out. If there's anything you don't understand, just ask.>

<Umm...alright, about...umm...not that...uhh...oh, how about magic? If I can use some of your magic, maybe it would be pretty helpful?>

(Certainly, if she could support me with magic while I concentrate on physical combat, it would expand my capabilities quite a bit. At the very least it's worth a shot even if in the end such a combo didn't work.)

<It's worth a shot. Try it out.>


I continued to dodge the monsters while Alicia tried something, though all I could get out of it was her usual humming. It was so nice to hear it again, even if it's only been a few weeks since I last heard it.

But no matter how long I waited, I couldn't feel even a hint of magic.


<Is something wrong?>

<...How do you use magic anyways?>


<Ah, I guess it would've been better for me to explain first?>


<It's okay. It took me a while to figure it out, so it would probably be weird for you to have been able to figure it out in a few seconds.>

Even if I did have the disadvantage of not even having all the required skills to do it at first.


<So, you use magic by first moving your internal mana to a specific point, then imagine what sort of effect you want. Since I have all the magic types except dimension, almost all forms of magic you can imagine should be possible. Try starting off with something small and simple.>


In my mind, I could see the face of Alicia's growing red as she puffed her cheeks out concentrating on her mana. But maybe it was expected, but there was no feeling of mana being moved at all, much less any trace of any magic no matter how hard she tried.

(Maybe something's wrong?)

It wasn't like I've ever successfully taught anyone how to use magic, so I didn't know if what I was telling Alicia was of any use.

<I've been thinking, but does Alicia have any mana of her own in her current form?>


Claret's words weren't something I even considered, since I just presumed that all living and unliving things had mana from my personal experience. It was pretty universal, and I had the feeling even plants had their own mana.

<Well, mana is produced by the body, but right now Alicia doesn't have her own body. Even if she could use your skills, Master, she might need her own mana first to use magic?>

It was an oversight I hadn't considered. From a theoretical standpoint, it was possible. I didn't want to let go of the possibility, but it might've been something that wasn't worth trying at the moment. It was probably best to leave it for when we were resting.

<So I won't be able to use magic then?>

The dejection in Alicia's voice hurt, and my mind raced to find a way to ease her pain.

<Well, that's not for sure. Maybe since you're hitchhiking my body, you don't have access to your own mana, but that doesn't mean that you won't ever be able to use magic.>

<But you can't use magic without mana, right?>

<Umm...well, that's true, but...look, maybe you can't use magic right now, but that doesn't mean it's forever. The original plan was for you to get a new body someday. This state we're in is just temporary. Since that's the case, once you have your own body, you'll be able to use magic all you want!>


<Of course! We'll find a way to do it! Whether we use an existing body...>

<I don't want to take someone else's body.>

Well, I kinda figured that from the beginning. It was my mistake to mention it.

<Well, sure. There's always the option to make a new one from scratch!>

<Oh right. I remember that some people make things called golems.>

Claret interjected an option, though it was another one I expected Alicia wouldn't like.

<Golems? What's that?>

<Well, they're things that are shaped like people, and can move on their own. But if they're what I'm thinking they are, then they're only human shaped. They don't really look that human, but rather look more like a stone or metal statue?>

<I don't want that either. If I can't do the things we used to do together, I don't want it.>

It kinda figured. It wasn't really unreasonable of an expectation at all, at least I didn't think so. Even if I had no solid ideas as to how.

<Well, the only option left is to grow a new body from scratch?>

A Frankenstein style patchwork body was also an option, but Alicia would probably reject it from a conceptual level, even presuming I was able to make her understand what sort of thing it was.

<Grow a new body? Like a baby?>

<Yea, I guess that's what it would be.>

<Maybe your baby, Scarlet?>

The shock of her words made me trip over my own feet. As if waiting for the moment, the wolves all pounced on me and tried to tear my limbs apart. But unfortunately for them, it felt more like I was being stabbed by a bunch of disposable plastic knives, rounded tip and all.

Forcing a bit of composure, I smacked a few of the monsters with my fists, knocking them across the room as blood and gore splattered from the impact.

The remaining three jumped back then started to growl as they slowly circled me as I got back up.

<Umm, well, let's figure out how to put you into a new body before thinking about how we make the new body, alright?>

<Ehehe, mommy Scarlet...>

She wasn't listening at all. Instead, her words made me sigh. Thinking back, she pushed on this bit quite hard way back when. Maybe rather than an older sister figure, she was really craving a mother that wouldn't abandon her? Did our year together not change that, or was she secretly thinking of me as her mother the entire time?

I could only sigh at my own thoughts at that point.


<Ha! Ummm, what is it Scarlet?>

<No umm, that thing...>

<What thing? Something about the monsters?!>

She was hiding it. It was possible she didn't even realize what she said out loud. I hoped she would fix that problem in the future, especially if I might trip up hearing some weird fantasy of hers.

(I'm really not ready to become a mother, or even to think about it.)

My hand went to my belly, and just the thought of it bulging while housing another life inside was disconcerting.

<How about you try out my other skills. Any skills based on moving my body are probably out of the question, as is things that use mana. That said, they're not the only skills I have.>

<Hmmmm...what's this [Scan]? Oh!>

<Huh? Did [Scan] work?>

<I think so. Something popped up. There's a lot of something that appeared. Can you see it?>

<I can't, but that's probably the results of [Scan]. It's a skill that I made that displays information about a target. You're probably looking at the data of one of the wolves.>

<Really? I can't understand any of it. It's hard to read and there's so many things written down. It would be nice if I could show you so you could tell me what the parts mean.>

<Well, most of it isn't that...huh?>

For some reason a window opened up showing some data of some something. It was hard to make heads or tails of it because it was only a small segment. Considering I hadn't done anything to cause this, I could only think of one cause.

<Alicia, did you do something?>

<Huh? I don't think so. I'm just looking at this information that [Scan] is showing me.>

<Did you think about showing me some of that?>

<Well, it would've been nice if you could tell me what it meant.>

As she spoke, another window appeared featuring a different set of data.

<I think the segments you wanted to show me appeared to me.


<Yea. Try actively trying to do it.>


Once again, another window showed up.

<It worked. Looks like you can show me segments of [Scan]. I wonder what wait...>

<What is it Scarlet?>

When I thought about it, [Scan] shouldn't have had a feature to make segments of data appear, especially segments that weren't previously defined, as the windows that appeared were completely arbitrary segments that didn't correspond with anything specific. But that was the entire point of [Interpretation], the base skill I used to make [Inner Monologue], the skill that was housing Alicia inside of.

<Can you try opening up my status screen and imagine showing me a part of it. Not the whole thing, but just a part, any part.>


She was unsure where I was going with it, but obediently did as I asked. After a moment a segment of my skill list showed up in my window. It looked like I was right, it was a feature of [Inner Monologue] that was inherited from [Interpretation] due to me making the minimum number of changes to bring back Alicia. It was actually a pretty convenient oversight.

<It looks like you can show me anything from any of the window you're looking at.>



<Congratulations Alicia!>

<Thank you Claret!>

Now that I thought about it...

<Alicia, can you see Claret?>

<I can?>


<Claret's a spirit, so you shouldn't be able to see her without [Spirit Perception]. Looks like that's a skill of mine you've been using this entire time without any of us realizing it.>

<Really? Maybe there's a few more skills I can use then?>

<Try them out. I think we're done with these monsters though.>


With her permission, I fired off ice bullets at the remaining wolves, taking them out in an instant. I picked up a decorated knife from the chest. Remembering that I had lost the only blade I had, I secured it to my belt before moving on to the next floor.

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