The Reincarnated Vampire Just Wants to Enjoy Her New Life

Chapter 167: Preparations On Two Fronts

In a long hallway made of polished marble where light shone down unfiltered as if in an attempt to prove the sanctity of this place.

But within the brightly lit halls, three dark shadows crept across the carpeted floors.

The few figures parted like few remaining puddles in a sea lost of its body. Soon, the darkened trio reached the enormous doors at the end.

Without bothering to knock, they opened it and passed through, the figures standing at each side pretending not to see.


"You've come at last."

A man, wrapped in white cloth with a hat standing almost as tall as his own pride called out as the door closed on the three figures.

"What is it old man?"

The shortest of the three, the dwarven warrior Ancaeus snapped at the aging leader.

"Hmph. How are the preparations?"

"They're going. Everyone at Arcadia are working to build an army using those artifacts you gave us."

The elf, Idmon, answered while her companion was left ignored.

"Good. In the meantime, the three of you, until the elves finish their army, make sure to protect the Holy Sword Harpe. You'll have your chance to avenge your fallen comrades in time."

With a few grunts of acknowledgement, the trio turned and left the way they came.

"The hell are we even doing?"

Once they were out of the cathedral the trio hand only moments before met the pope at, the tallest of the three, Hylas asked her two companions.

"I don't know. This is all going wrong."

"We're protecting the world from the encroaching darkness. And more importantly, we're saving all those poor spirits."

Idmon countered immediately.

"But you said that almost all of them went to that weird place in that forest, right? There were so many fairies there too."

"And this holy sword. It doesn't feel holy at all. If anything, I've never felt anything so terrifying in my life."

Ancaeus lifted up the sword he had been carefully carrying around. Careful, not to lose it, but rather to avoid touching it with his bare hands. His hand being sure to grip the weapon only on the adamantium sheath underneath the dragon scale cloth hiding the weapon. Both materials known widely to inhibit the path of mana.

"Is that really the church's greatest weapon against vampires? It scares me to even come close to it."

"Vampires are evil beings that grow strong consuming others. Anything that can destroy something like that would be of great value to the church."

"If you really think that, then you can carry it."

But to the dwarf's suggestion, the young elf averted her eyes. While the fact that she quickly took a few steps away from the weapon thrust towards her didn't go unnoticed, it did go unspoken.

"Anyways, are you sure about this?"

Ancaeus shouldered the weapon again by its strap, careful as to not touch it where the seals were weak.

"About what?"

Breathing out a faint sigh of relief, Idmon closed the gap between the group once again.

"Your people. I don't know what it was the pope gave you, but are you sure about bringing an army?"

"We don't have a choice. There's dark people on this side of the Abyssal Chasm. If we don't do something, who knows when they'll attack."

"But most of the ones we saw were fairies. They're our people."

"...They must have turned then."

But as harsh as her words were, the elven spiritualist looked away while answering, her voice wavering weakly.

"But so many of them? It wasn't like a few rogue fairies, but an entire settlement. Maybe even more than that."

His eyes dropped to the pearl white stone that made up the city's roads. The neat and well kept street without a speck of dirt or trash in sight. The bright sun glancing off of its surface hurt his eyes, yet he couldn't raise them.

"Or what? You think the demon lord decided to switch sides or something?"

Hylas's words cut right into the dwarf.

"Maybe, maybe if it was just her. Maybe they could've been tricked or something. But there were other dark people. Demons, dragonkin, dark elves, I think I even saw an imp. The fairies hate imps especially, don't they?"

Idmon nodded to the sorcerer's words.

"The fairies can be stupid and tricked. But the only explanation why they could be working with so many dark people, and even imps, is that they've turned traitor."

"Couldn't it be that it's the other way around then? There were only a few dark people. Maybe they turned against their own kind?"

"Along with the demon lord herself?"

The dwarf swallowed any words he had originally intended on forcing out as he grit his teeth. The two women's argument was beyond his ability to counter.

"What if...what if she wasn't the demon lord?"

"The pope himself said so, that the demon lord was a vampire. He even got the location right. Are you doubting the oracle from god?"

"I've never heard of an oracle from god telling us about any demon lords! This is the first time I've ever heard it happen!"

This time it was Hylas's turn to grit her teeth as she looked away.

"How do we even know that the pope wasn't lying? It's not like anyone can prove it."

"She was there. Just like he said."

Once again, Ancaeus grit his teeth as he looked on at Idmon.

"The demon lord was exactly where the pope said she was. The dark people don't dare enter the cursed forest. The only other time it had happened was when a demon lord lead them, and the hero of that era was able to slay the demon lord then."

"Don't they say that he got the wrong person? He killed some sort of saint or something?"

"Shhh! Don't say that here!"

Realizing her mistake, Hylas covered her mouth, glancing left and right. But once she confirmed that nobody overheard her, Hylas continued.

"How do we know that we're doing the right thing though?"

"If we do this, we can save all the spirits that they've captured. That's proof enough."

Despite how weak her voice had been all day, these words were spoken with the strength of adamantium.

"You're sure about that?"



"Mommy Mommy! Look!"

I turned to the source of the voice, and I saw one of my daughters awkwardly running towards me.

"What's that you got there Alicia?"

"Look! Look at what I got!"

My little girl lifted up the object in her arms for me to see.

"Oh wow! That's amazing! I really like what you did with the hair!"

Taking in hand the little doll my eldest daughter propped up to me, I examined the changes she had made. The hair that used to be braided was now let down its back back with a pink ribbon keeping it together.

The work she had put into it each time she wanted to make a change was quite evident, and there was no way it wouldn't bring a smile to my lips.


If I had any complaint, it was that it was a bit embarrassing that she had clearly modelled it after me. The hair, the ribbon, the black robes, she had even gone through the effort of painting the eyes red, though that part was more of a pair of misshapen blobs than eyes.

But even then, every bit of customization was hand crafted lovingly by Alicia's little hands, and it clearly showed.

I gave my little girl a gentle stroke on the head and kissed her forehead.

"Ah...! Sis! That was mean!"

Next to show up was my younger of my twin daughters, Fate.

While it wasn't like she was out of breath, it looked like the quick run Alicia had done had outpaced her more trepidatious sister.

"Come over here Fate."


My other little girl hopped into my arms and I sat her on my knee before checking to make sure she hadn't tripped or anything.

"You're so slow Fate!"

"But sis...!"

Despite the words Alicia gave to her little sister, she still gave her twin a pat on the head. Fate in turn flipped the lonely expression she was giving her big sister into a soft but warm smile.

"C'mon! Show mommy!"

"Ah, right! Mommy! Look!"

"Oh, what's this?"

The little doll that Fate was tightly squeezing in her arms was presented to me. It was a similar doll to the one her sister held, but this one had its long silver hair tied around its neck like a scarf, and its robes had specks of coloured paint on it.

"You worked so hard on it, didn't you? It looks so amazing!"


I gave Fate a few strokes through her silky hair and kissed her forehead.

"The two of you, did you work all morning on these?"


Alicia energetically spoke out, while Fate gave me a firm nod.

"Ah, you two really are amazing!"


The two of them gave out excited shrieks as I pulled them into an embrace.

*Knock knock*

"Come in."

"Oh, Scarlet. Have you seen your twins? They ran out of sight faster than I could chase them."

The door to my room opened up to reveal Flix. She was a bit out of breath as her eyes scanned the room.

"They're here."


When I let go of them, Alicia and Fate ran off towards the older girl, who then gave them both head pats.

"Sorry about that Scarlet. They ran off the moment they finished the changes to their celestials."

"It's fine. I can always make time for them. How about you? If they were working on their celestials, you probably were too, right?"

Flix's eyes flickered back and forth before they finally directed themselves to me excitedly.

"I did. Here it is."

The young foxkin girl pulled out her own doll from the bag slung onto her back and handed it over to me.

"Mmmm. This is very well done."

"Thank you."

Flix pressed her palms against her cheeks as she blushed at my words.

I turned the figure around in my hands, admiring the work.

Just like Alicia and Fate's dolls, this one had long silvery hair and red eyes, though the hair was in a loose braid down the back. A mermaid braid, if I remembered right. But unlike their version, this doll was wearing armour. Form fitting metal plates covered the body with rough patterns engraved along its surface.

The armour was one of the many template designs which had grown popular with Goddess's Realm players. These premade armours were then customized to suit the individual player's needs and desires.

Frankly speaking, the sheer variety of base designs that had arrived on the market was staggering, and really surprised me. Goddess's Realm had grown in popularity to such a degree that it was quite difficult to find anyone who wasn't connected to the game in some way in the Hourai Commonwealth.

"If all three of you've been working on your celestials, then I presume you were about to be off to play some matches?"

"Ah! That's right! Alicia, Fate, we need to go!"

Prompted by Flix, the little twins quickly put their dolls into their bunny shaped backpacks. The one Alicia wore was the same one I used to use, but there was no way I could give Alicia something without matching it to Fate. So I had made a copy with the help of the enchanting master Wayland.

The two were virtually identical. The copy was made to be that way. But even then, Alicia insisted on having the original.

No, they both wanted the original more, but Alicia forced her way insisting that it was her right as the older sister. Not exactly in so many words or so coherently, but that was the gist of what I got.

"Bye mommy!"

"Bye bye~!"

With their celestials put away, Alicia and Fate gave me a hearty wave.

"I'll be going out until evening as well. Do what Flix and Philia tell you, alright?"


"Leave it to me!"

I smiled at the energetic replies before the trio left.

No matter how many times I saw it, I still found it amazing that my cute little babies had grown so attached to the girl they had originally seen as their greatest enemy.

The three years since they had met had done wonders, and there was no traces of the aggression left.

Getting up as well, I straitened my robes before leaving my room.

"Oh Scarlet. Heading out?"

"Yea. But before that, how's things over here?"

On my way out, I made a small detour and spotted Philia as she was watching over several kids.


"Miss Scarlet!"

"Good morning!"

The kids all got up and ran over to me.

"Are you all doing alright? Not giving Philia any trouble?"


"Nu uh!"


I gave them pats on the head as they each gave their response before giving the subject of our conversation a glance.

"Oh? Then who was it again who refused to eat their carrots?"

Almost as one, a third of the kids turned to a lone figure and started their accusations. That third were all kids of the orphanage that Philia operated at my house. The rest were the kids of various parents who needed someone to take care of their kids for any number of reasons.

Thanks to the low mortality rate at the Hourai Commonwealth, orphans weren't popping up nearly at the rate they were at other places, so if Philia didn't start operating a day care, she would be out of a job in a few more years once the last of the orphans grew old enough to be independent.

"Now now. It's not good to be so aggressive in your accusations. But I do need to ask, did you really not eat your carrots?"

"But, but...they taste horrible."

"Hmm...but you know, I'm actually a little jealous."

"How come?"

"Because, you know what carrots taste like. I'm not able to eat them, so I don't even know what they're like."

That was, of course presuming that carrots in this world tasted different from Earth. But there was no way for me to know that in the first place.


"But you think that makes me lucky? Not having to know how yucky carrots are?"

The kid nodded.

"But you know, I think it's the opposite as well. While maybe carrots are yucky as is..."

I dug through my dimensional pocket and found the ingredients.

Then with some quick work, along with some time acceleration for the baking, I presented a batch of cookies made from carrots and made into simple monster shapes.

"Maybe they taste better if you make it like this?"

Being presented the plate of freshly baked cookies, the kid cautiously picked up the one in the shape of a dragon, then with a glance at me before turning back to the cookie, then once more at me before again to the cookie, the kid bit into it. After only a few moments, the kid's eyes lit up and the cookie was gone in only a few seconds and a little hand was reaching for another cookie.

At the sight of the carrot hater gobbling down carrot cookies, the other kids reached for the plate and it didn't take long before the entire plate was empty and every kid was munching on the treat.

"See? Carrots aren't always yucky. Now you see why I'm jealous that you can eat carrots?"

The kid nodded, mouth too full to verbally respond.

"I do think you're spoiling them a bit much..."

The older dwarf started.

"...But it is still effective. I do presume you'll be making those cookies once in a while, right?"

"Err, yea. It's not like you have time to make them even if I give you the recipe."

"That's right. My life might be much easier than before, but that doesn't mean that I'm not busy."


I couldn't help but feel like I was making thing difficult for myself instead though.

But the gentle smile that Philia gave me before turning to watch over the kids as they went back to playing together made me think that the little bit extra work was worth it.

"I'll be off then."

"Alright. Be back before dark."

"Yes, Mother..."

"Hah. None of that cheek, or I will take you across my knee."

Returning Philia's grin, I turned and gave a casual wave before heading out.

But in less than five steps after closing the door to my home, I turned around and glanced up. The smile on my lips was immediately strained.

Right there, above the large double doors, was a crudely built sign.

[Scarlet's Sweet Home]

The words were a bit crooked and each letter was painted in a different colour.

When the orphans under Philia presented the sign to me, there wasn't much I could do but put the thing up. I could only hope that in a few years when all the kids had grown up, nobody would mind that I take it down. Though a part of me felt like there would be quite a few others resisting the idea by that point.

Letting out a tired sigh, I turned and had a quick look at the building beside my home.

Years ago, it was the temporary shelter for most of the people that I had suddenly brought to the country.

But once everyone had found a job and got their own place, either on this side or on the eastern fairy side, the building was repurposed as a secondary storage house for the Hunter's Guild. The guild didn't exactly have a large place to store goods long term, so this setup ended up working great for everyone involved.

It was certainly better than just knocking the entire thing down once it had lost its purpose at least.

Once I confirmed that the building was in good shape, I turned and headed back across my home, and entered the dungeon proper.

"Oh, hello Miss Scarlet!"


There were a few young hunters doing some last minute preparations at the fountain room. Double checking their gear, filling their canteens with water from the fountain, one was even psyching himself up when I had entered.

"Be careful. The dungeon will always be here, but if you get badly hurt, you might not be able to ever come back."

"""Yes, Miss Scarlet!"""

I gave them a gentle smile in turn to their energetic reply before I put my hand on the fountain and thought about where I wanted to go.

With a light flicker of the all encompassing light, the kids in the room disappeared.

Or rather, I had disappeared and simply moved to a different, but identical., room.

Floor 136.

I had made quite a bit of progress after Philia and the others immigrated to the Hourai Commonwealth.

Once everyone was settled in, I was able to get more time for myself. Philia and Flix were able to get along with Alicia and Fate with a bit of effort, and eventually I was able to leave them in their care for extended periods of time.

Being able to have time for myself on a regular basis, I was able to finally make progress on the dungeon itself, raising my own level and learning the occasional new skill.

But compared to that, there were a few things which could be argued to be much more valuable.

The first was that I was ever closer to reaching the bottom of the dungeon.

The dungeon in Knossos held quite the treasure room at the deepest floor, and while what I got from there wasn't really that helpful for me, I could expect much more from the dungeon here, being several times deeper and harder than that dungeon.

The treasures behind each floor's bosses were already far more valuable than what I got from Knossos, though they were still of limited use for me.

But whatever was hidden at the depths of this dungeon, I didn't know if it would actually come to be useful for me. It could simply be a small mountain of precious metals and stones, or equally as grand but useless collection of items.

It would be nice if whatever I found could be at least of marginal use for me rather than simply be fodder to be sold.

But not depending on the unknowns of the dungeon, there was something else which I had gained these last few years.

Those were a pair of skills I had created.

The first was, what I was hoping, a form of immortality.

It was a simple skill that I had made, which prevented my HP to drop below one. The skill had several levels of safeties involved, from drawing mana from all sorts of different sources to keep my HP from draining to zero, as well as forcibly preventing the number drop reaching zero through purely system based means.

But as to if it would be effective in the slightest, I didn't know. I had no way to test it, and thus I didn't want to rely on it.

The second skill I had made though, was quite effective.

Almost on a whim I tried to modify one of the magic skills.

After being sick and tired of draining the blood of monsters to fill various containers for storage, I went ahead and tried to make a skill to make the process much easier.

Learning from the difficulty I had way back when I was draining that hydra's blood, I reconfigured [water magic] to only target blood, rather than almost any and all fluids.

There were problems in getting the specificity right, but once I overcame that issue, the new skill worked quite well, making draining blood from my hunted monsters trivial. Not only that, but I was able to cast spells using the blood as a medium.

Shooting out compressed streams or high pressure disks as attacks was highly successful. The only downside was that I needed a prior source of blood, as unlike with [water magic], I couldn't generate fresh blood on the spot without draining it from my own body or something.

But drawing blood from a fallen foe then using that to continue fighting had proven the new skill's effectiveness, with the only real limitation being my own MP.

Even that was solved by simply consuming some of the blood during combat, but to make things even easier, I changed the skill to draw out mana from the blood to self sustain the spells rather than rely entirely on my own mana pool.

A simple and elegant solution. At least I thought so.

Finally, outside of what I had gained from within the dungeon, I had gotten one more thing. A new weapon from Njordr.

It was an adamantium Bardiche.

In anticipation of facing off against another cold iron weapon, I had that made just in case. Everything from the blade to the shaft was made of solid adamantium, making the thing incredibly heavy. It felt heavy even with my inflated stats, but the weapon proved its worth even against normal enemies, as it had little trouble cleaving through most defences.

No armour and few shields could stop the heavy weight along with my strength backing it.

It was little more than a brute force weapon, and not in the least an elegant one. But its effectiveness had proven itself many times over, and had grown to become my favourite backup when my magic failed to fell my foe beyond arriving in melee range.

Turning towards the fountain room's exit, I equipped myself with my favourite weapon and a flask of blood hanging from my belt.

A quick confirmation of my stats to make sure nothing was out of place, and I took the day's first steps to clearing another floor of this virtually endless dungeon.

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