The Reincarnated Master Craftsman Just Wants To Live A Peaceful Life.

(Chpt. 81) Lies and deception

Back again, well... That last chapter was very long so I had to take a little break. Enjoy the next Aizen mini-arc. I would say it's one of my favorite ones that I've written. Thank you everyone for waiting!



“Heeey, remember how I saved your life?” 

“Oh no…” Long time no see Dan. “What is it this time?”  

“Well you see, I was wondering if you could do me a favor.” Dan thought for a second. 


“So you mean you want something.” 

“Pretty much,” I admitted it 

“Sigh, shoot.” Dan was defeated, that was fast. 


I smiled. 


“So there should be a church around the capital.” 

“Aha.” He urged me to keep going with his eyes to keep going as he drank some water from a pitch.

“And so… I wanted to become a member!” 

“PFF!” He spit his water. “You what?!” 

“Well, you heard me.” 


He paused for a second. “That… Well, how do I put it… Why?” 

“It’d be fun,” I said with an ear-to-ear smile. 

“Okay then… That’s it?” He sighed. 

“Well, yes.” 


Dan stayed silent as he looked at the surface of his desk with a lost look, I didn’t really know what to think about it. 


“Okay, and what will you do if you get a position?” 

“Well, that’s only for me to know.” I smiled. 

“Sigh, okay you win.” He dropped on his chair. “Just, don’t blow it up like the castle.” 

“... I don’t know about that one chief…” 

“Don’t…” I nodded. 


“Alright, looks like we have our agreement.” I nodded once again. “So, let us get started.” 


He sat up-right. 


“Tell me, do you place your faith in the divinity?” His tone was dead serious, I became a bit stiff from the sudden 180. 

“Y-Yes.” Was the divinity something the church believed in? I need to keep that in mind. 

“Good, then sign here and here.” He pointed at a piece of paper. 

“Okay, but how? I see no pen or coal or anything for that matter…” 

Dan smiled. “Blood will do.” 

“Eh… Is this like a blood pact thing?” 

“No, just for the novelty of it.” Ha.


I sighed. 


“Fine, you got me this time! And only because it’s original...” I bit my finger with my little fangs, or rather what remained of them, it was slightly painful but I kept biting. A sharp sensation ran through my finger, without a second thought I plastered it on the page.”Done.”

Dan was frozen. “That was a joke…” God damnit Dan… 

“Well, whatever the deed is done.” I wiped my finger although it kept bleeding, but nothing too bad, besides what would I be if I flinched from my bleeding finger? “Although, I will get my revenge, Dan.” 


Dan froze for a second. “... Right… Anyway, it is done, now wait a second.” He went under his desk and rummaged for a bit. “Here, take this and go to the cathedral.” It was a white tunic. 

I thought for a second. “Where is the cathedral?”

“Right…” He paused for a second. “So, you know the castle, you know the noble district and since you are here, hmm…” Was it that hard to give directions? “Okay, so you entered the capital for the first time through the south gate, right?”

“Yes…” Could it be?! Dan is bad at directions…


“So, the capital is divided into three main roads, which is the noble residential area, the main central road or whatever and the other one.” Aha. “Anyway, just walk on the left path, was it a pedestrian area?” He paused. “Ah, whatever… Just take that path and if you keep going straight you will end up getting to the cathedral, it’s white with golden ornaments.”

“Just like the capital…”

“Yeah…” Wow, helpful… “So do I just dress up in these rags and show up there?” I started walking towards the door. 

“Pretty much.”


“Dan…” I looked him straight in the eye as I opened the door... “If you’re lying to me, this time I won’t let you off easy.”

“... Yeah…” Sweat dripped down his forehead. He wiped it. “You already got what you wanted, now go away, I have to finish my work!” 

“Says the person that I met while they were taking a random vacation…” 

“That is⁠—” I shut the door.  


“Sigh…” I looked at the white thing Dan gave me. “I am not going to wear these…” I muttered as I put them away, I did not want to look like some type of nun that wears all white… 


I sighed yet again and dejectedly walked down the path of shame (going down the stairs as I look at the ground). The adventurers looked at me with a bit of awkwardness. 


“W-What if she gets revenge on me?!” I stopped in my tracks as on a stair, I had heard something interesting. 


“Relax, there is no way she is resentful she looked like an angel.” 

“B-But, I forced her into giving me her identity!” She breathed heavily. “A-And her name was Dark Shadow, can’t it be any more ominous!” Aa-aah, so that’s how it is for now. 


‘Kuro took a quest and left, so I should do something interesting as well. Actually, I was already going to do so, but let’s’ add a bit of a twist. I wonder what I could d⁠— 


“I am telling you to calm down, she was too busy protecting a little girl, there is no way she’d do something to you, it’s not like she had a bodyguard for the girl.” Oh, so that’s how it is. 

“Thank you…” I silently muttered as I finished my eavesdropping, people were looking weird at me so I had to move. 


‘So I guess I will go look for Fenri, probably in the mansion… No, he is in the mansion, he gets groomed and fed, of course he would like to be there.’ I exited the guild and backtracked my way to the mansion. 


I was greeted by the guard as usual and went upstairs, the first thing I did was go to Cecil’s room. 


“Woof?” He looked at me in confusion as he snuggled in bed all alone, no one was here but him. 


“Let’s go have some fun.” I smiled, Fenri quickly realized what was happening and dropped back to the ground, he stretched like a dog and then happily wagged his tail next to me, eyeballing me with those puppy eyes of his.  


“Want to play God for a bit?” I asked with a smile, and of course, he looked at me with excitement. I grinned seeing how great this was going so far, if I bring Fenri with me seeing he is wearing some really fancy items that practically make him look majestic (when he doesn’t act like a dog), I have this in the bag. 


Without telling Fenri anything, or without telling anyone anything we left the mansion. The guard gave us his farewell, although all we did was wave. We walked, as usual, nothing really happened until we got to the main plaza, then people started pointing and staring as usual. How do people live like that? Or rather, I know why they point and stare, but still… 


I sighed once again as we entered the residential area? What was it, middle-class area? Everything looked pretty normal, houses and a few stands here and there, although I did notice that there were more inns and vendor stands, and less actual shops. I continued walking, although the foot-traffic wasn’t anywhere near as dramatic as in the main street or whatever it was, I guess it really was a residential type area? I sighed and continued walking, although there was a trend I noticed. 


People became a lot more, “tidy” the more I walked, Fenri was too busy being a dog or something, since I did not see him move or act differently, although I didn't truly understand what was going on in his mind sometimes. 


One thing was nice though, the color of the houses wasn’t eye-catching, or rather, eye-blinding, although I only noticed such a trend on the castle and the noble streets as well as in the walls, I guess making everything white is not as easy as the king would like it to be, although I have a feeling it is simply because he can’t afford it. Well, it was good for me, it spared my eyes. 


“Hey, girl are you lost?” Some thug looking guy said from afar, while it sounded fun I just ignored him. I had greater plans. 


We continued walking, which seemed to make him confused, thankfully he did not come after me, maybe he was genuinely concerned? I will never know, not like I cared. 


After quite a bit of walking, I had gotten bored and was looking at the ground. “How long is this going to take?” I asked myself as I raised my head. “Oh.” It wasn’t going to take that long after all. 


There I saw it, it was a cathedral, nothing out of the ordinary, the building was exceptionally huge and it looked almost as big as the castle, it was definitely taller than the castle, with its pointy towers, big and spacious arches running around the entire structure and golden ornaments on everything that was slightly pointy, corner? Sure why not, spike, sure why not. Even the windows had gold on the borders, it was quite obnoxious actually. 


Fenri looked at me with slight confusion, but I grinned, I am sure he had no idea as to why I wanted to come to the church, but well, I thought I could make something fun happen. Although as for now, Fenri would have to guess.


I happily continued walking towards the eye-burning cathedral, it had gates and all. It was weird, it had knights although they had white armor and white weapons, so much for white, eh? I guess I should try wearing the tunic? 


I sighed in defeat and stopped in my tracks, I went into a dark alleyway, it seemed to continue going into a network, although I guess the slums are in between all the buildings? Weird design but okay. I stopped and took out the thing that Dan gave me, I sighed in defeat yet again. 


“Now to… Hmm…” I started thinking, should I leave my clothes on or not? Well, I was still dressed with the robe I was given, I suppose it would look weird to keep it on. I sighed yet again and removed my robe, it felt weird seeing it was so comfy, all that comfort taken away. Without thinking twice about it I started putting on the other robe Dan gave me, although it was a tunic, they seemed pretty similar to me. 


One arm in, and then the head, and then the other one? I was starting to get used to clothing, or rather, to dressing up. I never really changed clothes aside from very few times back in those days. Well, the past is far behind now, huh? I was completely dressed, it felt weird. I was sure Fenri was looking at me funny.


I looked at him, his attention was somewhere else. “Fenri?” aand he started growling, I looked in the direction he was looking. There they were, one was the thug that asked me if I was lost, his arms thin as bone and wet unkempt clothes, the other guy was in a similar state, I wonder what happened to them. 


“Well, well, well, if it ain’t one of those stupid church servants?” Em, what? “It’s because of you people that we can’t live as we want!” I was stone-faced... “Tch, I am going to teach you a lesson!” He pulled a knife, although he was stopped by his friend’s hand before he could do anything. 


“Think about it, we are only here to take her money, not to kill her!” He tried reasoning. 

“You heard him girl, hand over your money.” He waved his knife around.


“Well, I have no idea what your problem is, but I suggest to let me go, I am not feeling murderous today.” I nonchalantly informed him, I also had no money, but that was beside the point. 


He stopped for a second before turning bright red. “Let’s see who is feeling murderous today then!” His friend stiffened and pulled out a dagger as well, I guess they were committed. 


“I’d advice against it…” I said as they approached me, Fenri looked at me with a bit of confusion, I guess I wasn’t Kuro to him. “Don’t do anything, just stay put.” And so I commanded Fenri. 


He moved out of the way as both men rushed me with their little and pathetic daggers. One horizontal swipe, which was dodged by my crouch, his friend came from his side and lunged himself at me with his dagger at my slightly broken posture. I dodged sideways, I was no stranger to following blade movements. 


“Why do you have it to make me do this…” I muttered in defeat. 

“All it takes is for you to die, and then I’ll come after your family just like the church did to mine!” 

“I wouldn⁠—” I was interrupted by a pitiful attempt to stab me. “At least let me finish talking…”

“There ain’t no talking for the dead.” He swiped again at me, I guess he really wanted it.

“If you put it that way then…” I dropped my shoulders, if I had to defend myself then I guess I’d like to have a little fun. “I guess I can test that…” 


I was once again swung at, his friend also joined in this time, making coordinated attacks and a bit hard to dodge. I got a bit of breathing room as they slowed down from moving too much, their stamina was running out. I smiled and focused on the gauntlet. I wondered what it could actually do, well according to the description it’s kind of a shapeshifter. I supplied mana to it.


“Oh, wow, that’s a terrible feeling…” It didn’t feel good, but I noticed the scales shined gold for whatever reason. The thugs froze at the weird sight, I had paused as well, although it did not take long before they tried to attack me once again. 


In my stupid distraction, I saw the aggressive thug already on me. In a panic I closed my eyes and swiped almost as I still had claws, it felt as if I had missed, although I heard a horrible crunching sound. I opened my eyes, the scales were golden and bloody, they were completely soaked. My vision focused on the floor, all red… The remaining person was flabbergasted and froze in fear. I felt a burning sensation on my opposite arm. 


“What did I d⁠—” I was interrupted by a shriek of horror, the person ran away. I was still slightly confused, I inspected my surroundings. “Oh no…” I worded my regret. Dismembered parts on the ground and an unrecognizable corpse. Humans were fragile… 


“You didn’t need to do that!” I exclaimed as I looked at Fenri, but alas, he was completely clean. I was the one that had done it, without even realizing it. I had even failed to acknowledge that I was the one that had killed him. 


I placed my hand to cover my eyes, I did not want to cry. Such a disappointment was painful, it was unexplainable, my lips quivered. “Why…” I hopelessly muttered. 


“Girl, are you okay?” Someone behind me asked, for a strange reason I was filled with anger.

“Do I look okay to you?!” I shouted. I had done yet another mistake, how many of them left? 

“Oh my goodness…” 

“Oh god…” 


Bystanders started to pile behind me, I felt as if my heart had frozen, as if everything was going to come to an end, just for a stupid plan. 


“I can’t deal with this…” I muttered as I took a seat and leaned on the wall, the ground was still bloody, but it didn’t matter. I had done it, and now I had to pay the consequences, the least I could do was accept fate. 


I wordlessly looked at the ground, waiting for my fate to come, would I be arrested for killing someone? Would something else happen? I heard some conversations going on in the background, some directing their voice at me, but I did not reply. I don’t know how long I spent looking at the ground, but eventually, everything faded to black. 


* * * 


I slowly opened my eyes, I was alone in a dimly lit room by a single candle. I noticed something like a warm pile of fiber next to me. I froze for a second, it was breathing, or rather… It was Fenri and he was sleeping. I was confused. How was I here? 


I stood up by placing my hand on the surface I was on, only to discover that I was in a warm and fluffy bed. The ceiling stood tall, and the entire room was well-furnished with a table and chairs, and there were two doors, one with lights and one without. The candle was waving it’s uneven light, I turned to it, it was a small oil lamp sitting on a table with a folded piece of paper. I looked around the room once again, I was alone with Fenri. With no other choice, I grabbed the note. 


“Take a bath, it’s already prepared and waiting. We know you might be altered from the events that happened. Everything will be explained afterwards.” 


“Em, what…” I muttered in confusion, everything was just so unexpected and random. I thought for a second and recalled what happened afterwards, in an instant my mood plummeted. 


I moved myself from bed, the clothes I was wearing fit my very loosely for some reason. I sighed and made my way to the door that had light coming from underneath, there had to be people there, right? The room did not have windows so I had no idea where I was nor what time it was.


I opened the door. “Hey, if you are going to kill me just do⁠—” I paused as a warm air struck my skin. It was the door to the bath. I dropped my shoulders in disappointment. As I was about to turn around I saw a mirror, and noticed something. 


I got closer and placed my hand on it, looking at myself, I didn’t feel like I was looking at myself. Downcast eyes, unconfident mouth, my clothes were hanging and I also had a bandage that was stained red running on my left arm, was I this… frail girl? Was this all I was? I am no dragon, but I don’t want to be miserable either. I thought about it for a few minutes. 


I had killed someone, but was that a reason to also die? Was it a reason to be so disappointed in oneself? Sure, I wasn’t supposed to kill someone, but mistakes happen. Mistakes happen… 


“Sigh, I should just stop thinking about it.”  I looked around and remembered the note. “If I was meant to be killed, it would’ve happened already I suppose…” With a much more relaxed and carefree attitude I removed the robe I was wearing and set it on a little table inside the bath. The robe was comfy but it was kind of oversized. 


As I was about to enter the tub that was in there I froze. “Where is my gauntlet?” I sprinted out of the bathroom in panic, I couldn’t afford to lose something like that. Or my clothes for that matter. As I frantically searched I looked at Fenri and realized something. He was laying on top of an object, I got closer and realized that he was lying atop a rather familiar set of clothes and well… the gauntlet. I sighed and went back to the bath. 


My heart was beating fast, the mere thought of losing the things that Kuro had given me was terrifying. It was something I should avoid at all costs. 


I stood with bewilderment inside the bathroom, the situation was chaotic, I truly had no idea what had happened. I normally would’ve bust out the door, but I was feeling mentally drained. Bath seemed relaxing, or rather, it was alluringly relaxing. It made me question if the place I was in was to be trusted. 


I shook my head. ‘What, am I thinking? Fenri is here, I am sure if they had ill intentions he would’ve done something already.’ I relaxed my shoulders and looked around the bath, I had to at least get familiar with the room, the last thing I wanted was to get into the bath not knowing where something was. 


A pair of towels next to the sink, the room was quite small and had a full wall mirror next to the bathtub. The tub itself was built along the wall, so it wasn’t portable. It was actually quite fancy with carvings running across the entire thing. I noticed a weird trend, it had wings and lines of something that seemed like air, except there was no such thing as an angel. It had swords or other weapons in general. 


I did not think much of it, seeing I had no idea where I was in the first place. At least I knew that if I was supposed to die it would’ve happened already. I relaxed my entire body and sank into the steamy bathtub, the warm sensation overwhelmed my body, it almost felt as my hands and feet were burning; they were cold. 


I saw nothing akin to a soap, nor something like a body wash, nor a liquid to poor on myself. Although the water in the tub already seemed to have some type of mixture, seeing it was bubbly and foamy. I took the liberty to wash my back with its non-existent wings and my extremities without rush. 


“Ouch…” I couldn’t help but feel pain as I rubbed my wound on my left arm. “I did this to myself huh?” I muttered as I looked at my bloody hand. I guess I wasn’t in a great state either. 


“Should I see?” I asked myself as I peeked over my shoulder to my arm yet itchy arm. “Well, I guess it doesn’t hurt to look…” I started removing the bandage, it certainly hurt. I deviated my sight for a second and saw a rolled bandage next to the sink. I guess I was also supposed to tend my wounds. I wonder why it isn’t as simple as licking it and rubbing it and be done with it? Sigh… 


I kept peeling away the bandage, every time I rubbed it the wrong way it sent jolts of pain throughout my arm, although I did not flinch much, I was no stranger to such a sensation. Although it was quite unpleasant knowing that the waves of pain were caused by no one but myself. 


A bit more of unraveling I started to see the bandage become thin and mostly light red. ‘I guess I was still a human if I bled, no? Actually, dragons bled now that I recall…’ I shook my head as I derailed and finished peeling the bandage. 


“Oh, that’s more than I imagined,” I muttered as I saw the fact that my skin was completely gone and muscle tissue seemed scarred and well, it was bloody in general. I adverted my gaze and just soaked in the bath, pain traveled through my arm making me shiver but I just kept myself in the same place. The pain died down and it just felt pleasant, although every time I moved it came back. 


“Looks like I really messed up.” I let out a lighthearted chuckle at my silliness. To believe a dragon would injure itself with its claws. That was certainly something new. I sighed as I recalled I had killed someone, it was certainly unexpected, and I was still yet to hear the repercussions for my acts. 


“Ah well, whatever…”  I shrugged it off, the fact that he died didn’t bother me much, it was a rule of nature, however, breaking my own words and the path I set for myself was hurtful. But, I suppose life isn’t life if things don’t go sideways. At least that’s what I remember. 


“I can’t be conquered, I can’t be tamed, for I am, The Legendary Dragon.”  I muttered with a playful voice. “Haha, those words aged fast~” I kept a smile thinking about the random things I had experienced, it wasn’t all smiles and laughter, but I certainly had been having fun recently. 


I washed myself and regretfully exited the bath, I couldn’t stay in the water forever, although it would’ve been a nice feeling. My wound did not hurt as much anymore for some reason, the water had healing properties, something changed inside me? Meaningless questions that didn’t matter. 


I sighed as I started clumsily drying myself with a towel I picked up, starting from hair, then feet, thighs torso and arm, then I paused as I looked at my injured arm. I sighed and steeled myself, directly rubbing a wound is painful no matter how anyone approached. And so I started patting it to dry it, it gave me a burning pain every time I did it, but the last thing I wanted was for it to get wet and build some type of moss on it. 


I sighed once that was done and dropped the bloody towel on the ground. The bandage stared at me and I did the same, it was time to wrap myself, or rather, wrap my arm. I took the bandage and started to clumsily wrap it, I had no experience doing something like that before, but it felt quite nice after a few spins, it was tight and snug. I buried the leftover inside the inner folds to avoid it from unwrapping. 


Once that was done I relaxed my tense shoulders, having constant pain caused by yourself and an injury caused by yourself was slightly embarrassing. I made my way back to the room I woke up in, the oil lamp was still the same. Although I noticed something, Fenri was gone. 


“Huh,” I muttered in confusion. “I wonder where he is? Hm⁠—” My body hit the ground with a slight thud sound. “W-What?” I panicked as Fenri licked me repeatedly, he paused for a second and looked at me in the eyes. “I guess you care about me as well…” I muttered with a soft voice, and of course, he licked me. 


“Sorry…” I hugged him as a tear dropped down my eye, I wasn’t the only one, or rather. It wasn’t as black and white as I thought things were, even if Kuro had shown me he cared I did not think almost anyone else did. But then I thought about it, Fenri was always nice to me, so was Ari, and Kuro, some other people were nice to me for no reason. It made me think. 


I paused as I heard a knock on the door and the click of the handle. “W-Wait!” I panicked for a second. The door unclicked. 


“Is something wrong?” A gentle and soft voice asked from the other side of the door. 

“Just… wait a minute, okay?” I was still undressed and snuggling with Fenri. Now, it didn’t bother me to be seen, however, since Kuro gave it such an importance I guess I should respect her wishes. 


I quickly grabbed the clothes on the bed, first putting on the leather bracelet I helped Kuro make and then my other set of clothes, they felt clean and warm. ‘Huh, where’s that terrible tunic Dan gave me?’ I tilted my head in confusion but shrugged seeing I did not care enough about it. 


I adjusted my clothes in a rush, last thing I wanted was to be disrespectful to the person that tended my wounds. What was it? “Don’t bite the beak, for your world depends on it”? Or something like that, old griffon saying. 


I fit in my shoes as if they were slippers and opened the door in a rush with completely unkempt clothes. There he was, a tall man with gentle features and a clean face, wearing a long white robe and some type of funny-looking hat. Was it called a biretta? Regardless, human culture had weird names for things. He looked at me with surprise. 


“No need to be in such a rush you know…” He said with a bit of a surprise.

“Haha…” I awkwardly laughed. “Sorry about that.” 

“It’s okay.” I had no idea how to reply. “May I come in?” 

“Em, sure…” I still had no idea what I was doing, formal things were not my thing, as far as a dragon was concerned it was just a hierarchy.


I gestured him to go inside after me, he took a seat on a chair next to the table. I followed afterwards and sat across the man I had never seen before. 


I sighed seeing I had no idea how to continue. “So, why am I here?” I informally asked not being able to keep the play up. 

“Ah right…” Looks like he was taken aback by my straightforward approach. “So, you were injured, and we brought you here, we cannot have young apprentices die on us.” 

“Ah, I see…” Looks like that tunic Dan gave me saved me there, alright Dan you don’t owe me anything. 


“Anyway, looks like you are doing fine now by the looks of things.” I awkwardly laughed and nodded. “So, now into the serious things.” His face hardened and looked at me directly in the eyes. 


“What is the wolf to you? Who are you? We have never had this happen…” Oh no. 

“Em, the wolf saved my life and mistakenly injured me in the process…” Oh god, what am I doing?! One wrong word and everything becomes a dumpster fire… 


As I nervously sat Fenri gave me a funny look. I glanced at him with pleading eyes, thankfully he realized I was in a desperate situation. And was going to play along by the looks of things. 


“Okay, then… So, you expect me to believe this majestic creature saved you?”

“Yes…” I looked at the table and placed my hand on it making a fist and clenching it really hard, it added a dramatic effect.


“Okay, so, why were you the only one covered in blood?” I froze and thought for a second. “So?”

“Well, just look at the wolf. As someone that states their faith in divinity how could you not see it, I who has spent their entire life in a humble village praying every day.” I gestured towards Fenri. “The moment I saw him, I knew I was safe. His rigid posture and majestic features, those bracelets that seemed to be made from god himself… Can’t you feel it!?” I smashed the table. 


The man was frozen. ‘What had I just done!?’ I paused as I saw his eyes shake. ‘Or maybe it was the right thing…’ 


“You know…” I worded with fake melancholy. “Ever since I was a little girl I had dreamed of becoming a priest, I had always aspired for the stars. There used to be a tale about a white wolf and the thousand stars, if you prayed hard enough he might save your life, or so it said. I prayed and prayed, not for the sake of saving myself, but for saving every single soul that believed in the divinity.” I started rubbing my arm with my right hand, like really hard. “I-I” I started stuttering from pain. “I-I, just want to be like you… Aaa…” I started crying from the immeasurable pain I was feeling. 


The man hurriedly stood up and didn’t say a word, rushing out of the room as he wiped his face. Exiting the room in a rush, I did not get to see his expression. 


[Title unlocked: Swindler.]


You have acquired a silver tongue, as delicate and fine as silk, yet as sharp as a knife. Your words are carefully chosen and delicate. 


[Title unlocked: ⁠.- -.-. - --- .-.] 


Your mere actions express more than a thousand words and a million tales. For you have found the hidden meaning in empathy and manipulation. 


I saw two things flash on my head, although one of them was a bunch of symbols I did not understand. I liked the description though, I am sure I would be overjoyed if I had gotten it when I was still a dragon. The other one was self-explanatory, however, the part that bothered me the most what I did.


I dropped my shoulders and just tried to clear my head. 


“I guess I really did it…” I muttered as I wiped the tears off my face. Fenri did not have a happy look and started biting me, although he was clearly trying to not make me suffer any more pain.


“Sorry, it was lying or something worse…” Fenri stopped for a second, almost as if he knew what I meant and started licking me. I guess I was forgiven. 


I moved myself to the bed and laid on my back. What had I done? I was inside the cathedral just based on the man I had met, although I wonder, were my lies convincing enough? No, they were definitely convincing enough. Although, I can’t believe I had done that… 


My arm was still burning with a lingering sensation from the pressure I had exerted on it. Looks like I had become a true swindler, and whatever the other title meant. Sigh, I might’ve overdone it. 


“As long as I keep this life for another day, anything… Isn’t that right?” I looked at Fenri, he gave me a lick. 


I did not move from the bed and eventually fell asleep with Fenri poised on my arms. I relaxed and my mind started drifting until I fell asleep. It was peaceful and relaxed. Nothing like ever before. 

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