The Reincarnated Master Craftsman Just Wants To Live A Peaceful Life.

(Chpt. 74) Walking down a skewed path (3)

And, we are back. Sorry about the week without chapters. Please make sure to follow my profile so you know whenever I make a small announcement. The new novel is coming along great and might be up by the end of the month! Thanks for reading. o/

I stood there thinking, the teaching experience was kind of boring so far, the kids praised me for no real reason, they were ignorant and completely dumb, I didn’t know how I really felt about it. It was an utter disappointment. 


“T-Teacher could you teach me a new magic spell?” 

I tilted my head. “Teach?” I paused. “Things have truly degraded huh…” I muttered my own thoughts to myself. “How about you make your own magic spell?”

“”T-That’s impossible!”” The students roared in unison. 


Hearing their nonsense I facepalmed, teaching was not for me, I was excited for bossing kids around but it was more of a getting bossed around or helping them out, and frankly I did not feel like I should resort to tyranny like the elf. I sighed in defeat. 


“Well, you all fail then! I quit!” I proudly informed them as I walked into the teacher door and closed it behind me. “Ah… the blissful silen⁠—”  


“What do you mean quit?!”

“I have so much left to learn!” 

“I-I need to know her secrets!” 


Or so I thought, these people were truly crazy. Before they could open the door I thought about the old man’s room and with a bit of mana, it teleported me there, almost instantly. It was truly interesting how the thing worked. 


“Oh…” The old man let out a stupid gasp as he saw me show up out of nowhere. 

“What do you mean, oh?” I sighed. “By the way, those kids are crazy.” 


“Ha?” He was taken aback. “You seem like the crazy one to me, showing up out of nowhere, challenging the elf teacher I don’t know the name of, and then trying to replace him!” Eh…

“Anyway, what’s with those kids, as soon as they find something new they become like vampires searching for blood…” I posed my counterargument, I couldn’t care if I was in the wrong, I wasn’t going to give away my knowledge if they were just going to use me as a tool to propel themselves to further heights. Which made complete sense, but still!


“Well, of course, they’d do that, that class is the top!” He paused in excitement. “If they can become a top tier archmage maybe they can get a high standing in the church of the seven faiths!” Eh… “You know how influential the church is, some people desire fame, some money, some just want to be special. That’s just how it is.” 

“It explains a lot then…” I paused. “So what about you?” 

“Eh…” He blushed. “Well, I have other things on the side that are not allowed by the church.” Eh, don’t tell me… He is blushing, it’s normally meant for any type of relationship, and what’s not allowed by the church… 

“Do you like beastkins?” 


He froze… “I-I never said that! H-How could I do something so filthy!” Waa, his reaction made it more than obvious. 

“So you like them… Oh well, who cares.” I shrugged, I just found it funny to tease him for a second, however, the old man did not seem to find it funny seeing he had an agape mouth.


“You know, I thought you came from the church, so I thought that was my life sentence right there…” He scratched his neck. “Truth is, I kind of thought you were some sort of agent of the church, since well… you are too powerful for your age, although something was weird, and this confirms it!” What confirms it? “You don’t mind beastkins or seem to care about the church, even though they are the most influential organization across the continent. So… You must be…” 

“I must be?” 

“The hero!” Another retard… 


“And you are also crazy… How could someone that has ki⁠— put to rest thousands of uh… things be the hero?” I struggled to not make it super obvious. “Wouldn’t that be the demon lord in any case? Besides, I am excluded from that category anyway, it’s impossible for me. Because I⁠—” I hurriedly paused as I gave away too much information, I just did not like being bunched up with random things of fate and things that made no real sense. 

“Not from that category…” He muttered trying to get somewhere, oh no… “Okay I give up, you make no sense.” Ah. “Although I am interested to hear where you got the information you told me earlier.” 


I tilted my head in confusion. “What information?” 

“People who have reached the limits…” Oh… 

“Well, what can I say, it’s a secret…” I averted my gaze. 

“Oh, really? Then I guess I should call the church. You raise plenty of red-flags, you know?” 


I glared daggers at him. “So, is this your true self?” Surprisingly, the old man backed into his seat and gave me a pleading gaze and slight teary eyes. 

“I just want information, there is nothing that I care more about than knowledge… Although just judging by the feeling of death I am feeling, you must be one of them...” Looks like I had made a mistake. I froze for a second, which made the old man smile. “I knew it the moment you mentioned it! Looks like I win!” I did not understand his reasoning, defeated I occupied a chair in front of his desk. 


“So now that you know, what? Church time?” I asked with a slightly amused voice. 

“No, that would be a waste, I want to know how to reach the limit!” He sounded like a young person all over again, I guess the excitement was getting to his head. 

“There is no secret to it, just kill monsters endlessly and it will happen eventually…” He got to thinking and reluctantly opened his mouth. 


“But, you did it with people no? I can just tell from the aura you gave me just moments before, you are no stranger to threatening.” Well, things go out the window, I suppose. 

“Hunt or be hunted. Not going to say more, you are stepping on thin ice old man!" Truthfully, I wanted to forget about all the things I did. "I just came to relax from your crazy students and probably quit, not that interested in answering an interview here...” I tiredly said. 


“If that’s how it is, I won’t pursue further, you already brought plenty of joy to my boring life. And as far as the students go, if you really dislike it so much, feel free to leave at any time, we aren’t really paying you and the only teacher that would handle them was the elf, he kind of enjoyed how masochi⁠— I mean, how cooperative they were…” … Don’t say anything…


I stood up and started walking towards the door. “If that’s how it is, I am leaving… Tell Cecil I will give her private lessons whenever you see her.” 

“... Sure…” He was slightly confused by my request. 

“The mask does not suit you.” I pointed with a wry smile at the mask he had been wearing the entire time. “Maybe find a magic eraser or something.” He did not say anything but I could tell he wanted to argue. Without thinking about it I left the room through the normal door. 




Immediately collapsed on the wall next to the door as I painfully held my head. 


‘I… screwed up…’ I regretfully spoke to myself. ‘Giving away such information, and only gaining some stupid reason to why the students were crazy, it was the church, boohoo who would’ve thought. And yet another person knows of my strength, killing him won’t do good, leaving him alone might not do harm or might harm… what a problem…’ I grieved over my mistake for minutes, spinning the same thought on my head trying to make up a solution, yet I arrived at nothing. 


‘Sigh, I wonder what will I be doing now? The capital seems plenty boring, or… wait... shouldn’t there be a church somewhere?!’ I split into a grin having a new adventure to pursue, maybe it wasn’t the best way of going about things, but I sure would have some extra fun. 


With a new-found decision, I stood up with a better mood and made my way to the unholy thing that called itself an elevator. Slowly but surely it moved down as instructed by my command, it also had a slight melodious yet repetitive ring that I did not notice, it was calming but it got annoying after the first minute or so. 


After going down through the cage of hell and sort of melodious-terri-bad tone it finally opened with a pleasant ding. And then I felt an odd sense of hostility as I walked out, and sure enough, the receptionist was staring me down as if she was going to attack me any second. 


“Youuu… What did you do?!” 

“I have not done anything, leave me alone already you crazy wench!” I frankly wasn’t going to deal with her so I just flat out insulted her and left, unexpectedly she froze for a second giving me the chance to actually escape. 


I stood on the school’s plaza and decided to think about where I could get information about the church, after around a second I remembered something. I had better things to do!


* * * 


I slammed the door. “Heeey, remember how I saved your life?” 

“Oh no…” He paused with fear as he stopped doing documents, long time no see Dan.


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