The Reincarnated Girl Will Live Quietly

Chapter 29

Somewhere in the forests of the North…


After the failed attempt on Sable’s life, the surviving assassins quickly fled into the forest. Once they were sure that none of the knights had followed them, the assassins stopped to rest. With the death of their leader, they were unsure what to do next. 


“Oh my, what are all of you doing here?” A feminie voice called out. 


The assassins hastily kneeled in front of the woman with a cold sweat running down their backs. None of the assassins had noticed her presence. 


She had appeared from seemingly nowhere. 


Oddly enough, she was walking barefoot despite the freezing temperature. 


However, none of the assassins dared to ask her why. 


In fact, none of them spoke until she broke the silence. 


“...So, can anyone tell me what happened?” 


Her voice was calm and relaxed, but each assassin felt a growing feeling of dread in their stomach. Unable to handle it anymore, one of the assassins finally spoke on behalf of her colleagues, describing the events of the attack on the castle and the failed attempt on Sable’s life. Throughout her explanation, the woman calmly listened. 


“...I see.” She responded once the assassin finished speaking. “To think you would all lose.” 


Her lips spread into a thin smile. 


“Master, please give us one more chance! We won’t fail you again!” Another assassin cried out, dropping his head onto the snow. 


The woman broke out into a fit of giggles. She found it laughable that he was still trying to beg for his life.


Her gaze landed on the assassin who yelled out. 


“Funny. I was thinking the same thing.” The woman snapped her fingers. 


Growls and roars began to sound out in the forest. To their horror, the assassins were suddenly surrounded by beasts. From the crazed looks in their eyes, it didn’t take them long to realize that the beasts were corrupted. The assassins fell backwards in fear. 


Yet rather than attack, the beasts simply paced back and forth as if waiting for something.


...Or someone. 


It didn’t take long for them to find out. 


“Don’t worry.” The woman extended her arm and pointed at the assassins. “Unlike you all, they won’t lose.”


As if they had been released from their invisible leash, the beasts moved past the woman and descended upon the assassins and all hell broke loose. A few assassins tried to fight back, but they were mercilessly ripped apart along with everyone else. Their screams and the beasts’ howling rang out throughout the forest. 


After a few minutes, only the howling of the beasts remained. 


With an unsatisfied expression, the woman snapped her fingers. 


Without warning, the beasts suddenly turned on one another and began to rip each other apart. 


It was a scene of pure carnage. The trees and snow were painted crimson as flesh and viscera splattered across the ground. 


Grinning from ear to ear, the woman watched the horrifying scene in front of her with amusement. Blood had pooled around her feet, but she remained still and continued to watch the beasts killing each other until all that remained were mounds of unmoving corpses. 


Once she could no longer sense a living presence, the woman finally turned and walked away from the scene, leaving bloody footprints behind her. 


There was a hazy, faraway expression on her face as she mumbled to herself. 


“To the victor go the spoils...” 


The woman took another step forward, but before her foot could hit the ground, her figure flickered for a moment, and she suddenly disappeared. 




“Are you sure about this, Sable?” Grand Duchess Adelaide looked worriedly at her. 


“Yes, Your Grace.” Sable replied with a determined expression. 


In the aftermath of the attack, the knights had gathered the bodies of the assassins and laid them out in the courtyard. Sable had requested to examine the bodies hoping that she could find a clue as to the identity of the organization that the Marquis was a part of. After she had saved their companions, the knights were more than willing to accommodate her. 


As she looked over the assassins, she found that she didn’t recognize any of them. Not only that, but their clothes bore no symbols or markings that would indicate the identity of their organization. 


Sable was at a dead end. 


That was until she heard a knight call out. 


“Your Grace, I’ve found something!”


Making her way over, Sable could see that the knight was examining the scarred assassin. He had lifted up the leg of his pants to reveal a small marking on his ankle. 


Upon closer inspection, Sable realized that it was a chess piece. 


“A pawn?” Bel muttered beside her. 


“Check the others.” Adelaide ordered. 


Following her command, the knights quickly checked the other assassins, but they shook their heads. Only the scarred assassin had the mark. 


“Sable, do you recognize this mark?” Adelaide turned to her. 


Searching through her memories, Sable tried to recall if she had ever seen the mark, but it was to no avail. She glanced to the side at Bel, but she also shook her head. 


“No, Your Grace.” Sable frowned. “I’ve never seen it before.” 


Seeing as the mark only appeared on the scarred assassin, Sable figured that only the higher-ranking members would probably have the mark. It was likely that her father would have one as well. 


If that was the case...


Bel, do you think…?” 


“Perhaps.” Bel placed a hand underneath her chin. “Though we’ll need to find some way to drive him into a corner and expose his connection to the Terror Incident and the assassins.” 


She spoke with a slight indifference, but there was a faint smirk on Bel’s face. 


It was finally time to go on the offensive. 




“No, absolutely not.” Adelaide adamantly refused. 




“Sable, do you realize what you’re asking? The Marquis already tried to take your life not once but twice. There’s no telling what he would do if you went back to the Capital now when he knows you’re still alive.” 


“Then what if the Grand Duke takes me with him? I can act as a witness, can’t I?” Sable turned to the man in question. 


Grand Duke Lione looked back and forth between Sable and Adelaide before sighing. 


“I need to report everything to His Majesty first. Then, we can discuss if Sable can go back to the Capital.” 


Sable furrowed her brows. Seeing her expression, the Grand Duke patiently explained.


“Accusing a noble like the Marquis is a serious matter. If we tried to investigate on our own, I doubt that the other nobles would just sit idly by, especially those allied with the Marquis. With approval from the King, they would have no choice but to back down while we conduct an official investigation into the Marquis.” 


“Not to mention that Lord Auberon has yet to return.” Adelaide added. “You have no choice but to wait if you want to help your mother.” 


At the mention of her mother, Sablefelt a cold feeling wash over her. 


That’s right.” 


In her excitement, she had forgotten about her mother. She wanted to jump at the first opportunity to take her father down, but Auberon had yet to return with the Winter’s Tear. Her mother was still sick. 


Sable inhaled deeply. If she moved too hastily, she was more likely to make mistakes, and right now, she couldn’t afford any. 


“...How long will it take to send a message?” 


Seeing her calm down, the Grand Duke and Grand Duchess both let out sighs of relief. 


“Depending on the weather and how discreet we need to be, it will take a few days for a messenger to reach the Capital.” 


“I see.” Sable replied with a nod. There was no guarantee that Auberon would return during that time either. 


Feeling a wave of tiredness hit her, she stood up from her seat and rubbed her eyes. 


Isadora moved to stand beside her and grabbed her hand. 


“Mother, I’ll take her to my room.” 


Adelaide nodded and the pair left the study. 


With Aly and Isaac still recovering, Isadora had taken the responsibility of being Sable’s escort. Although Sable insisted that she was fine, Isadora had begged her to stay in her room rather than the guest room she always stayed in. 


This way, she reasoned, she could maintain peace of mind as Sable was right next to her, and it would be a lot safer with the Grand Duke and the Grand Duchess nearby. 


Unable to refuse her, Sable complied with the other girl’s request, and now they were rooming together. 


Holding each other’s hand, they quietly made their way through the halls.


“...Hey, Sable?” 








“How did you know how to cure the poison?” 


Sable froze. As their hands were still linked, Isadora stopped alongside her. 


“You’ve mentioned that you had a mentor once before, back when we first visited the greenhouse.” Isadora continued slowly. “How come you don’t contact her anymore?” 


Sable hung her head down, her expression hidden. 


“...We should go to your room.” Sable looked up with a tired smile that didn’t reach her eyes.


The expression on her face was not one a child like her should have. It was a mixture of pain and resignation. 


Floating wordlessly beside her, Bel wore the same expression on her face. 


Realizing the seriousness of her question, Isadora quietly led Sable to her room. 


Sitting on the bed, she gave Sable’s hand a reassuring squeeze, waiting patiently for Sable to speak. 


After a long silence, Sable finally spoke. 


“...A few months ago, I would have never dreamed, let alone entertain the idea, of going against my father. Quite the opposite - I was willing to do anything for him as long as he paid attention to me. And for a while, that was the norm.” 


There was a bitter smile on her face. 


“Until he ordered me to kill my master.” 




A few years had passed. 


Sable was growing used to her life with Avinya. Their daily routine consisted of lessons, gathering herbs, and performing experiments. Additionally, Sable was in charge of taking care of the tasks around the house as her master was oftentimes too absorbed with her experiments. 


Occasionally, they would also visit the nearby town to replenish their supplies. 


It was on one such occasion that she met her father. 


Although Sable wrote letters to him regularly, he rarely replied, and it was even rarer for him to visit. 


Sable was in the middle collecting groceries with her master when a well-dressed servant approached them. 


“Young miss, the Lord would like to see you.” 


Sable widened her eyes in surprise, while Avinya frowned slightly. 


“Father is here?” 


“Yes, young miss. I will take you to see him.” The servant gestured for Sable to follow. 


However, he paused when he saw Avinya following from behind. 


“I’m afraid the Lord only wishes to speak to the young miss.” 


Avinya narrowed her eyes, but after glancing at Sable, she stepped back. She opened her mouth to say something to Sable, then, seemingly deciding against it, she shook her head. 


“This way, my lady.” 


The servant led her through the market to a carriage parked on the side of a street. Sable could easily recognize the carriage belonged to a noble with its extravagant and flashy designs. 


Opening the door for her, Sable stepped onto the carriage. Waiting for her inside was the Marquis. 


“You wanted to see me, Father?” Sable took the seat opposite to him. A familiar sense of anxiety arose in her chest, but she pushed it down. 


The Marquis stared at her in silence. 


“...You’ve been getting along well with that woman.” 


There was a faint hint of surprise on her face. 


“Did he read my letters?” She thought. 


“Yes, Father. Master says I’m doing very well in my studies.” 


Marquis Marten clicked his tongue, and Sable flinched. 


Had she said something wrong? 


 Before she could say anything else, the Marquis reached into the pocket of his coat and pulled out a vial. He then held it out to her. 


“Take it.” 


Carefully reaching out, Sable grabbed the vial and examined it. 




“I need you to kill that woman.” The Marquis coldly ordered. 


“Huh?” Sable was stunned. She struggled to process the words. 


“W-What are you saying, Father?” Sable stammered. “T-There’s no need to kill her, is there? She hasn’t done anything wro-” 


“You ignorant child.” His sharp reply caused her to shut her mouth, and she stiffened in her seat. “I sent you away for a few years and suddenly, you think you know everything? It was a mistake to send you to her.” 


Sable hung her head in apology. 


“I-I apologize for speaking out of line, Father.” She hesitated. “B-But why do you…”


With an exasperated sigh, the Marquis glared at her. 


“Can you do it or not?”  










“Is everything alright?” 


After her brief meeting with her father, Sable had returned to Avinya with a dazed expression. On their way back to Avinya's home, Sable was lost in thought, and Avinya had to repeatedly call out her name in order to get her attention. 

“What did you talk about with your father?” 


Sable flinched and looked away. 


“I-It’s nothing. We should go back now, Master.” 


Without waiting for a response, Sable rushed ahead of Avinya, unaware that her master’s gaze was filled with suspicion. 

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