The Queen Villainess Eavesdrops on My Heart and Won’t Let Me Slack Off

Chapter 152: His Ideal Golden Age

Chapter 152 His Ideal Golden Age

In the depths of the Kambu-Saxa Desert, 70 kilometers east of the city of Serena, a new city is being built on the foundation of an oasis.

The storage area, which received large quantities of supplies from caravans of different races, was being meticulously checked and transcribed by a petite girl with long purple hair holding a notebook.

"If the Night's Watch were here, they would surely be surprised by the identity of this young girl. She is the beloved daughter of the Duke of South Carniton, and yet she is dressed in obvious orc-style, shabby clothes and working so diligently."

This young girl is none other than Cornelia Cannington, who fled to the Elven Empire with her father but was robbed of all of their food by Tasika halfway through the journey.

The Duke of Nankanin has become an immortal flame in the Temple of the Eternal Stars, but his family and children in the empire refuse to receive him.

Tasika is not the kind of cruel queen who likes to kill entire families, and during online chatting, she also heard Roger talk about the chilling plan of killing people and hanging them on street lights.

Therefore, she ultimately chose to respect the Duke of South Kington's last wishes and sent his family and servants to the Elven Empire.

As for this group of already quite poor guys, the living conditions within the Elven Empire are not within the concerns of the new Orc Queen.

"She is just helping Lord Charles have some fun, she doesn't really sympathize with these noble ladies and young masters."

The slow pace of life, luxurious material enjoyment, and rich entertainment activities in the elven empire have long been recognized and desired by the upper class of all races, but all this enjoyment is built on an economic foundation.

As the oldest and self-proclaimed most elegant race on the mainland, elves have always held high standards.

The wealthy can enjoy everything within the Elven Empire, but the poor living there may not be much better off than in other countries, and may even be worse off.

If you are not an elf, don't believe in the gods of nature, cannot provide sufficient money for immigration, you will not even have the most basic human rights.

The arrogance of the elves is high as mt tai so the wealthy outsiders who contribute coins there are discriminated against, let alone poor people who go there to earn a living.

Hey, I'm afraid I may get a lot of disdainful looks, ok?

Of course, due to the many problems in the Orc kingdom and the lower level of education compared to the empire, there is an urgent need for laborers who can read and do arithmetic.

Therefore, Tera extended an olive branch to humans who were willing to stay and work in the desert.

This is also a way to slowly alleviate the hatred between orcs and the empire. As long as there is communication, the relationship will improve over time.

Making money, nothing to be ashamed of.

However, to Tasika's surprise, among these captives, there were few servants willing to stay in the orc kingdom, but instead it was Lady Kanilia who wanted to stay in the desert.

Tasika personally met with this very talented magical girl and said, "Your servants all feel that the desert is too desolate and the orcs are too barbaric. There is no future in staying here. I need a reason for you to choose us."

"Canilia's emotions were very calm, "Is it closer to the Empire here?"

Tasika, do you really think I'm a stupid bear?

Kanilia shrugged and said, "Okay, I can see that you're working for the Empire. If possible, I hope to return to the Empire someday."

Tasika didn't refute her speculations and personally sent the Duke of South Karneton back to the Empire. She would surely cannot escape the scrutiny in her own daughter's eyes.

Just as a treasonous daughter of the empire, I joined the Terran Orc Kingdom in order to achieve the goal of returning to the empire.

Is it too curved to save the country?

And, both the empire and herself can be considered as her father's killers.

Tasika thought that Kanilia was too calm, her expression becoming even more serious, "Even if you are unable to avenge your father, working for us instead is not very persuasive."

"From the moment he betrayed loyalty due to greed, death became inevitable..." Connie said with certainty, but sorrow still showed in her eyes.

After all, that is her own father, even if he did something wrong, he also loved her for more than ten years. And even if he was deeply entrenched with the nobility, he still has emotions.

However, the final message from the Duke of South Kington to the whole family was not to seek revenge.

Moreover, just because she used to be a spoiled wealthy young lady who enjoyed leisure, it doesn't mean she'll always be like that.

From the beginning of her fugitive life, she quickly matured, smartly and rationally recognizing the sudden decline of her family and the inseparable relationship with her father's wrong choices.

By secretly paying attention and investigating, she basically figured out what the Duke of South Kington had done.

Know that he hoarded grain and wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to turn over; it was found that he had contact with the Tianming Army before.

The magical makeup palette that deceives oneself into signing a soul contract was able to flow into the South Cannington mansion due to the secret contact between the father and Charlotte.

So, she exposed Roger's power, which led to the Duke of South Karniton taking the lead in forcing the Queen of Eternal Night to abdicate and then become a sacrificial pawn on the road to the Empress's centralized power...

Did he do it himself?

Fate is so wonderful.

"In fact, I am more in favor of the Queen's ideology and the support of Prince Charles. I believe that the Empire will become the strongest country in the world. I don't want to repeat my father's mistakes and miss the opportunity."

In other words, if we go to the Elven Empire, we won't be able to cling onto their coattails.

Canaria knew that in order to stay here, she had to get Tasika's approval, so she didn't hide anything and openly expressed her thoughts, explaining everything.

Anyway, her family has already completely declined and come to an end. These are no longer secrets.

Tasika spoke sincerely and nodded lightly, "The Queen is an unprecedented great monarch, and Lord Charles is dedicated to the people. Their cooperation can indeed create an unprecedented era of prosperity."

"Do you also approve of my idea?" Canilia looked at Tasika with surprise.

She has kept these thoughts to herself all along, not daring to tell anyone around her. Even her decision to stay in the desert was made secretly without letting her family know.

Unexpectedly, Tasika, the female orc queen, immediately understood her, and Asa, who seemed to understand even more deeply than her, couldn't help feeling a pleasant surprise at meeting a kindred spirit.

"Of course, because I have heard Lord Charles talk about his ideal country and have been striving for it all along."

Tasika suddenly became talkative and shared with Kanelia the parts of her conversation with Roger that didn't involve any secrets.

These theoretical things - which are often called delusions in this era - are usually not believed even if they are spoken about.

But Kanilia is different, she looks from the outside of the empire to see its changes, and can see more than those who are in the midst of it.

She thinks that Roger's grand plans indeed have the possibility of being achieved.

"Indeed, Mr. Charles is not an ordinary person!" Canillia remembered the handsome young man she had met at the ball, and realized that not only was he good-looking, but his thoughts were also so profound, transcending time.

"Of course, the ideals of adults have always guided me forward!"

Tasika proudly agreed to Kanilia's request to stay in the Terra Kingdom and serve.

"She has developed some liking for the people of her age group who can discuss Lord Charles with her."

No matter how loyal those orcs are, praising an imperial man (especially an imperial who has sniped an orcish alliance), would damage the Queen's reputation.

So, the Roger Supporters Association-Terra Branch was established, with Tasika as the president and Conilia as the secretary.

There are two major issues in daily life.

First, what does Lord Charles' ideal era look like?

Secondly, Mr. Charles is so handsome!



Empire, the mysterious capital, commoner's district.

Roger never imagined that he would have such high prestige in the Green Vines Empire and gained so much trust from the common people.

Although this trust was borrowed from the East Wind of the Eternal Night Empress, it was only after the Empress had unconditional trust in him that the people of the empire began to change their perception of him.

It's as if an unknown small brand hired a top celebrity endorser and then quickly became well-known.

"But in the end, it still depends on the quality of the product, and Roger has done many extraordinary things that have practical significance."

Either it happens to be an opportune moment, or it arises from sudden inspiration, or it's a matter of saving the country, or it's the ideal painting that has always been in his heart...

The process from being an ordinary person to now has been very long, and the coincidences of fate and his initial motivation are now impossible to trace.

Good news, is the current situation still not bad?

He almost can't remember when he started to identify with this empire and was willing to regard it as his home in another world.

With the full support of a powerful and enlightened emperor, they ultimately faced internal and external troubles to put the country on the fast track to becoming stronger.

He thought that he could quietly contribute to the development of this country without recognition, but he didn't expect that the people here would be even more down-to-earth than he had anticipated.

With just a glimmer of light, they repay with ten times the gratitude, a hundred times the effort, and share the love and admiration once exclusive to the Eternal Night Queen with him.

And it's not just a little bit, it's a lot, making Roger feel uneasy and feeling that it far exceeded the amount of gratitude he deserved for what he had done.

He wanted to sincerely shout out, "What abilities or virtues do I have?"

It can only be said that life for the subjects of the empire is somewhat difficult, but they are not foolish. They are able to distinguish who is sincere and who is just seeking fame and reputation.

Patriotic fervor, when used properly, can't only lead to unstoppable militarism but also create a magnificent image of building a new Green Vines despite enduring hunger and hardship.

Compared to these commoners, some modern guys who have been fed too well by Grand Druid are undoubtedly troublemakers.

Longing for the outside world, cursing at their own home, and then throwing tantrums and swearing at those who benefit, making many places a mess.

With them as a comparison, Roger couldn't help but feel that the defeated Tianming Army made the beloved citizens of the empire shout with joy, "Long live!"

"They are too naive and too easily satisfied."

Captivated by such affection, he is willing and happy to give in!

He glanced back at the Eternal Night Empress and thought that this despicable Empress was not stupid and probably could see through these relationships, but she was still moved by them.

Is this what it means to work tirelessly day and night to fulfill the duties of an emperor?

Such heavy faith can indeed suffocate people.

But this feeling of being trusted and needed is really nice!

Roger's gaze turned back, he looked down at the cheering crowd; there were so many people that he felt dizzy.

But when he made a decision, there was no longer the initial tension and anxiety.

"He revealed a confident and extremely friendly smile, and with a magically amplified voice, he spread it throughout the entire venue:"

Thank you everyone for supporting the Night Watch. We are a newly established organization and have done some things and achieved some results during this period, but it is not worthy of your praise. Some people say that things are getting better now, but I don't think so. There is still a huge gap between the current situation and my ideal prosperous society.

Everyone thought Roger was in Versailles at first, but as soon as you established the Night Watch, you smashed all those noble lords into the mud, and the empire went straight into a new era of aristocracy. Is this what you call "some achievements"?

But later he began to describe an ideal prosperous age, which really made these people agree with Roger's previous statement.

Compared to such a beautiful world you really can't stop, Commander-sama!

"The flourishing era in my dream, besides having meat for every meal, at least should eradicate famine, the occurrence of people starving to death should not happen again!"

"In my ideal era, there would be a powerful productivity. Our products would be sold to a diverse universe. We would be the ones establishing trade rules and everyone would enjoy the wealth brought by trade!"

"The flourishing world of my ideal will not initiate wars, but any enemy that invades us will pay the price in blood and be trapped in the ocean of the people's war."

"In my ideal era, every child should receive education. They will become an ideal and goal-oriented new generation of aristocrats, who will become the managers of this country and the real masters of this country... The sharpest weapon in the hands of Her Majesty!"

Roger suddenly saw the Eternal Night Queen's face change behind him, and only then did he think quickly and add half a sentence afterwards.

I almost directly said "anti-imperialism, people's democracy"!

Fortunately, the people below were enthusiastic and didn't notice Roger's abrupt turn.

"These subjects of the empire who cannot even eat their fill, have never heard of such a bright future ahead in this era."

Although the current way of life seems unreliable compared to before, Lord Charles speaks with confidence and provides detailed examples without hesitation; it's completely unlike him to make things up on the spot!

As a modern person, Roger doesn't know how to achieve the four modernizations specifically, but he can certainly talk about what modernization looks like in a convincing way!

If you can't write code, just talk about how fun games are, isn't that just talking the talk?

Moreover, Tasika has discussed many things and he just reviewed them recently, so he really knows them well.

As they watched the citizens being fooled, Roger's tone became more intense, "For our empire, for our queen, for the great victories we will always achieve, cheer!"

He raised his fist with force and swung it towards the sky, facing his people who also screamed and shouted while swinging their fists. Together with Roger, they all roared out loud.

"Long live the empire! Long live the empress! Long live victory!"

The Eternal Night Queen watches Roger's enthusiastic expression, but her trembling hand behind her back makes her feel that this scene is somewhat abstract.

Who would have thought that such a timid and cautious guy would one day pretend to be a madman and deceive the people?

This inevitably made her feel guilty.

After Roger stepped down from the front, the Night Queen said softly, "Sorry for making you live as someone you don't like."

"Who says I don't like it?" Roger sneered

The Night Empress' eyes became warm and she felt incredibly touched.

After raising this young boy for so long, is it necessary for him to become his own knight and offer everything to protect himself?

Unexpectedly, Roger added a sentence afterwards, "For this empire, I will also become capable of anything."

Eternal Night Empress:...

I was wrong, I was really wrong. How could I think that this fool could understand anything?

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