The Protagonist’s Party is Too Diligent

Chapter 475


I let out a deep sigh.

“So… you’re telling me that instead of just turning back time and dodging, I actually had to practice, conduct research, and make it my own to avoid getting hit?”


“But you thought that effort was just a trick.”


“And because of that, you’re feeling guilty.”

Lucas nodded.

I stared up at the ceiling.


I have no idea how to explain this mess to this guy.

“Hey, listen.”

I raised a finger and said,

“First, I had no choice back then.”

Lucas looked at me. Just by his expression, he seemed pretty blank, but I felt a hint of interest in his eyes.

“Look. One of the fastest swordsmen in the world swung his blade at me. But I had no leisure to dodge. Sure, you didn’t mean to kill me, right? So the incoming sword wasn’t necessarily a death blow. There were plenty of ways I could’ve ended up mortally wounded, though.”

I shrugged.

“I could’ve lost an arm or leg, or I might’ve had my guts spilled out. Who knows? So, is there any way to deal with that? I just had to turn back time to minimize the damage. It wasn’t something I wanted to do.”

If we’re being picky, I kind of wanted to shoot something like a ball, too. But digging deeper, that was still part of my survival efforts, so at least it wasn’t something I did on purpose.

“So, it’s a bit ambiguous to just call it effort, right? I was only dodging the flying stones.”

Lucas crossed his arms.

That gesture clearly said, ‘No, I still don’t get it.’

I extended another finger and said,
“Second. Anyway, I was just lucky. If I didn’t have the ability to turn back time, there wouldn’t have been any chance to grow my skills. I probably wouldn’t have survived this long. My ability to twist my opponent’s victory into defeat is no different from cheating.”

I gestured with my hands, lifting them slightly toward the ceiling.

“So, I really don’t understand what you’re saying. Are you trying to make me feel guilty on purpose?”

“…I just wanted to learn how to wield a sword!”

…Oh my.

“I didn’t grow up in a rich environment like you did in my childhood. But all the adults were stronger than me, and so I learned swordsmanship just to resist. And, quite accidentally, I discovered I had talent.”


“In the end, it’s quite similar to you. If I belittle your abilities, it’s no different than slandering my own efforts.”

“What’s wrong with that?”

I crossed my arms in the same way.

This was a bit uncomfortable around my chest, so I crossed my arms lower, but then it felt like I was unnecessarily emphasizing my chest, so I just let my arms hang.

It’s nice to look good, but other than that, there’s not much use.

Well, if I were asked to choose between having it or not, of course, I’d pick to have it.

“Now that you know, isn’t that enough? Let’s just think positively about each other and move on, okay? The person involved says it’s fine.”

Lucas was still unmoving.

I let out another sigh and stood up.

“Anyway, I’ll give you some time to think. Honestly, time is all we have right now. I’ll come back again.”

I said that and turned around.

Lucas didn’t stop me.

I stepped outside the mansion and stretched my back.

The soldiers still looked at me with tense faces. They seemed scared of what weird thing I might do again.

To calm those soldiers, I walked forward confidently.


Honestly, Lucas’s attitude was incredibly frustrating, but—

I felt a bit relieved. At least, I think I said all that I wanted to say.

Before coming here, I was at a loss about how to sort this out.

Maybe when the Sword Saint said ‘You must teach him yourself,’ it wasn’t really about teaching swordsmanship, but rather telling me not to pass the responsibility onto someone else.

If I had just said that, I would’ve probably been dodging again.


Still lacking in training, huh.

I sighed deeply and walked to where the car was parked.


I decided to give Lucas a little time.
The next destination was where Jayden was.
Having just spoken with someone who was as hard as a wall, I wanted to talk to someone who seemed a bit easier this time.

I also wondered why I was so fiercely trying to restore relationships. But somehow, if I didn’t do this, I felt like I wouldn’t be able to sleep peacefully for the next few years.

They’re probably planning to keep the ‘Emperor’s Children’ locked up forever. To protect Alice and my life, of course.

For the time being, it seems like they have no intentions of escaping, but who knows, maybe their thoughts will change over time.
So, I figured it would be better to clear things up and solidify Alice’s throne instead.

And… there was a bit of sympathy as well.


As soon as I entered the mansion, Jayden sprang up from his seat. I almost turned around and left.

But still, I had to try talking. That was why I came here.
Forcing my feet, which naturally wanted to retreat, to go forward made me stumble a bit, but in any case, I succeeded in moving forward.

“Are you that nervous to see your sister again, that your footsteps are trembling like this?”

“No, not at all.”

“…Just sit down for a bit.”


As I abruptly spoke informally, Jayden seemed shocked, freezing up.
I pulled a chair in front of him and sat down.

The mansion’s halls were massively spaced apart to avoid the Emperor or the Emperor’s children conspiring together.
It took me over an hour to get here by car, even though I was outside the Capital.

“Don’t be surprised just because I’m informal with everyone else. If I stayed formal like this, we wouldn’t be able to talk.”

As I said that, Jayden sat down with a stunned expression.

I thought it would be easy, but now that I think about it, he might be difficult as well. I doubt he’ll understand me the same way Lucas did.

“So, Sylvia, my sister.”

Jayden quickly recovered.

Leaning slightly on the table and grinning a bit too cheerfully, Jayden asked,
“What’s the matter? What brings you here?”


Seeing that expression made me feel even worse.
It was something I really didn’t want to say, but after some hesitation, I finally managed to say,
“…I need a little help.”


At my words, Jayden’s shoulders straightened.

“You know we had a clash with swords, right?”

“Of course, I remember. It wasn’t for a glorious reason, but still, it was the most heroic battle of my life. I’ll never forget it.”

This guy is also a battle freak, just like Lucas, but in a different way.

“…Don’t you care about honor?”

“I have my pride, but I fought with everything I had. And I lost. Then it’s a knight’s way to acknowledge the defeat cleanly. Plus, I’m in a much more positive state than being dead, right? So here I am, able to meet my sister!”

Jayden spoke as if genuinely pleased.
I scratched my head.

“Well… that’s nice.”

I let out a small sigh and muttered,
“I’d like you to help Lucas a bit.”

The face that had just been cheerfully smiling crumpled in an instant.

“Me… help him?”



How should I persuade him?
Since they’re brothers, I didn’t think we’d be able to communicate with the same words.
In reality, the two of them looked like siblings who were slightly irritated with each other, and it’s highly possible they think of each other that way as well. Ever since they discovered they actually share blood, it’s only gotten worse.

But because of that, Jayden probably wouldn’t feel inclined to help.
Even if I told him about Lucas’s condition, he probably wouldn’t think it was that serious.

No, more than that, if I reminded him how many times Lucas has challenged me, he might go berserk.
Even if I’m the only child of the Emperor without blood ties, Jayden would still see me as his sister.

But still, I have one sure weapon to use on Jayden.

“Ugh, sigh.”

But even that seemed incredibly awkward to bring up.

“…For a day, I’ll speak formally and call you ‘Brother.’”

“Three days.”


When I opened my mouth and looked at Jayden, he grinned and said,
“As much as you know me, I know you, Sylvia. The fact that you came to me to ask for help means it must be something I can’t assist with. So three days. No negotiations.”

I clutched the back of my neck.

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