The Princess of Lucifer

Chapter 61

“ so would mind telling me what I did wrong this suspense is kinda making me scared for some reason.”  Roxanne said to lighten up the mood.

“ Not helping Roxanne” Amy said dryly. 

“ oh come on amy at least tell me what I did wrong” 

“ you  sigh… let me ask you Roxanne what is the reincarnation system stands for “ Amy Asked, 

“ hmm isn’t it there to filter the souls to remove the karma and faith and then let the Cleansed soul reincarnate. “ she asked unsure. 

“ that is mostly correct but it isn’t all. The reincarnation cycle is also there to limit the growth of one world. 

In ancient times there are more trees but now there are more humans. And if you count it you would notice that the number of souls are actually the same. 

And what you did my dear Roxanne is making the entire cycle run through you. Do you now get why I am angry. If you somehow loose the control over this not only you but your entire planet would face a huge backlash.

This is also reason you were that tired , you didn’t just mess with one soul you messed with an entire system. “ Amy said shocking Roxanne. 

While she knew dealing with souls is pretty tricky she never thought that she would One day mess with the entire reincarnation cycle. 

“ I’m really sorry about that but I’m a little confused at something here amy how could I just a regular fallen angel interfere with the reincarnation cycle this easily. Isn’t there supposed to be like a guardian or some weird barrier that protects it from any outside interference. “ Roxanne asked confused. 

“ Yes that normally would be done but did you forget your pantheon has the most worshipers meaning more souls and your idiot grandfather thought it was a good idea to create a sacred gear that can directly interfere with the reincarnation cycle and what’s more the heaven’s system which should normally protect it let you through due to the authority you have. “ 

“ oh “ that’s all Roxanne could say. In short this is all because of many lucky coincidences.  

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Roxanne slowly opened her eyes and saw something she didn’t expect. Everyone was having a nice picnic while chatting happily. She felt a little wronged though. She was being scolded for many more hours but all of them are having a picnic. She puffed her cheeks in anger. 

“ oh  sweetie you woke up at last  but why are do you look  so down “ Azrael asked when she saw her daughter waking up. For some reason she could tell that her daughter is pouting for because of her. 

Roxanne shakes her head and got up from the comfy mattress that she was sleeping in. She had better things to do than throw a tantrum for these things. 

“ mama are you feeling all right. Are there any side effects you are feeling “  since this is the first time she actually manipulated the soul to this degree she was un sure of any side effects that might have slipped from Ciel’s predictions. 

[ master I take offense to that ]  ciel complained in her head, 

‘ well ciel it’s not that I’m doubting you or anything but it’s never hurt to be careful ‘  Roxanne quickly explained, ciel can be very vengeful if she wants to.

“ no I don’t feel any “ Azrael shook her head she truly didn’t feel any different. And her powers seems to working fine as well. 

“ * phew * them we can take down this barrier but please tell me as soon as you feel any discomfort” Roxanne said as she willed the barrier to become smaller. 

Soon the barrier began to shrink until it was just three meters wide barely containing what it should have protect. 

Roxanne braced her self to take action in any case something went wrong. Slowly people began to feel the barrier’s effect leaving them . 

First was Artoria as she was the furthest from the group followed by Michael and Gabriel. 

And just when the barrier passed through Azrael she began to feel it. The pressure from the heaven’s system boring on her. 

She tried to call her powers to negate the effects when she heard her daughter’s words. 

“ mother don’t , the system will retaliate don’t forget I optimized it before we came here “ 

Nodding her head she calmed her powers down and endured the pressure. But the next moment the pressure vanished. Confused she looked at her daughter to see her purple eyes glowing golden. 

Soon Roxanne’s eyes began to turn back to purple. She looked at Azrael and said , 

“ there I adjusted the system for a bit. Now the oppression for mother is no longer there. “ 

Michael and Gabriel who heard this was surprised but not much actually. In thisr minds Roxanne is Someone who cleared almost half of the errors that were there for a centuries in a few hours so they expected this much isn’t that hard for her. 

What they don’t know is even their father wouldn’t be able to do that in a few minutes as changing the system requires a lot of energy and he was the damn creator of the system. At least he would need an hour to do it without taking any risks. 

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“ are you sure you can’t stay here for any longer “ Gabriel asked while pleading with her eyes to Azrael. 

Don’t judge her okay she just got to meet her elder sister after a long time and she misses her too much to let go this early. 

Azrael smiled wryly at Gabriel’s actions. No matter how much time passes it seems her little sister is still as spoiled as ever. 

“ Don’t worry you can talk all you  want at my place  after this peace treaty you guys are organizing “  Roxanne said  surprising Azrael and Artoria a little. 

Roxanne never invites someone to her house this easily. And especially supernaturals . And if she’s inviting you that’s means that person has her trust. And Roxanne although is cheerful rarely gave her trust to strangers. 

“ is that fine “ Gabriel asked with her eyes shining in excitement. 

Roxanne nodded with a smile. 

“ yayyyyy” she jumped around happily. Making everyone else chuckle at her adorableness. 

“ well then it’s time to leave “ Roxanne said as she turned to Michael and said, 

“ Although you may already known this but since I’m in charge of the security for the peace treaty I will act as a neutral party. So keep my involvement with the system a secret for now “ 

Michael nodded. If words gets out that a single girl has the control over two of the three factions it will cause some chaos that will  definitely hold back the meeting . And you would never know if a chance like this would even come in the future. 

Seeing that everything is in order Roxanne snapped her fingers to materialize a teleportation circle to teleport to their house directly. 

And soon they all disappeared leaving a blinding light. 









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