The powerful cultivators in the city

Chapter 182

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Mrs. Bai sneered: "We were originally going to transfer the old man to Yanjing for treatment yesterday, but the national doctor said that you are a skilled doctor and can definitely cure the old man, so we waited one more day. Now it seems that Waste of time!"

"Mrs. Bai, please be polite."

Ling Zhongce looked unhappy and couldn't help but said, "Just because we can't find the cause of the disease doesn't mean my master's medical skills are bad. There may be some special reasons. After all, Mr. Bai The symptoms are very strange..."

"Come on, the old man has been in the hospital for so many days, and the cause of the disease has not been found. If it's not because of poor medical skills, what else can it be?"

Mrs. Bai interrupted him rudely, "You can only make excuses for your own incompetence. What else can you do? "

All the doctors looked unhappy when they heard this.

This sentence was equivalent to calling them all quacks.

But no one objected.

No matter what, it was a fact that they did not cure Mr. Bai.

Mrs. Bai snorted and said to Chief Bai: "Ziping, let's hurry up and go to Yanjing. We can ask authoritative experts to consult with the old man there. Staying here will only delay Dad's condition."


Bai Ziping He sighed and nodded.

"I'm not going to Yanjing."

However, Mr. Bai waved his hand.

Everyone was stunned.

"Dad, why not? When you get to Yanjing, you can ask a better doctor to treat you. . "

Bai Ziping asked in surprise.

"Doctor Ling and Doctor Xie are already the top Chinese medicine doctors."

Old Master Bai said to Zhongce and Xie Yunhui, "Even they can't diagnose the cause of my illness. What's the point of going to Yanjing? At most, it will add a few more It's just traditional Chinese medicine."

"As for Western medicine, Yanjing may have better doctors than them."

Old Master Bai pointed at Zhao Yingda and others and said, "But Western medicine mainly relies on medical equipment, and there are only a few ways to check. Here I can't do it. It has been done. Have you found the cause of the disease? How much better are the medical equipment in Yanjing than here? "

"Mr. Bai, the medical equipment in the First Hospital is world-class. Even in developed countries in Europe and America, it is almost the same as ours. . "

Zhao Yingda replied.

"You heard it, didn't you?"

Mr. Bai looked at Bai Ziping and other family members.

"But Dad, there is no way to cure your disease in Jiyang. At least there is hope if you go to Yanjing."

Bai Ziping said with embarrassment."Then I don't want to bother with it anymore."

Mr. Bai shook his head and said, "At my age, the dirt has already buried me up to my neck. Compared with my comrades who died on the battlefield, I have lived decades longer and have enjoyed enough. , what else is there to be dissatisfied with. ”

His tone was calm, without any fear of death, but instead revealed a broad-mindedness of looking at the world.

Everyone couldn't help but show admiration.

Chen Hao also nodded secretly.

Let alone other things, just It is just that Mr. Bai has such a broad mind that most people cannot match.

"Dad, although that's what I said..."

Bai Ziping was about to persuade him again.


Suddenly, Mr. Bai groaned and covered his mouth with his hands. Right abdomen, face showing pain.

Everyone was shocked.

"Mr. Bai is sick again, hurry up, nurse, bring the sedative and inject it into Mr. Bai."

Zhao Yingda reacted quickly and turned back to shout.


Suddenly, Chen Hao exclaimed.

Everyone was stunned.

"Master, what's wrong?"

Ling Zhongce asked.

"Mr. Bai is not sick!"

Chen Hao looked solemn, and after taking a look at Mr. Bai, He immediately turned his eyes to the window.

Just now, his consciousness suddenly saw a black line as thick as a steel needle shooting in from the window and piercing into Mr. Bai's right abdomen.

The stabbing pain that Mr. Bai was experiencing was caused by this black line. .

Everyone was shocked.

"If it's not a disease, what is it?"

Chief Bai asked.

"Curse technique."

Chen Hao said word by word.

He had already seen that the black line did not really exist, but was a The projection similar to divine thoughts means that it has already acted on a certain person or object.

The black line is full of cold and cruel negative aura, which is the biggest feature of the curse technique.

Chen Hao was quite shocked.

Although this curse technique seemed very primitive and crude to him, not even as good as small magic such as sleight of hand and hypnosis, it was still a magic after all, and it was beyond the scope of the secular world.

I really couldn't believe that there was someone else on earth who could do this besides him. Use magic.


Everyone was shocked when they heard this.


"Curse technique? It's ridiculous!"

Mrs. Bai said angrily, "You can't find the cause of the disease, so you start talking nonsense?"

"Doctor Ling, is this your so-called master with superb medical skills? Is he a miracle doctor or a charlatan?"

She looked at Ling Zhongce and asked angrily.

Chief Bai and other family members also looked gloomy.

As modern people and in high positions, they naturally would not believe in such absurd things as curse techniques.

"Master, how did you determine this... this curse technique?"

Ling Zhongce was also dumbfounded.

Although he had great respect for Chen Hao, the curse technique was really beyond his understanding.

"Teacher Chen, although Mr. Bai's symptoms are indeed very strange, we still have to talk about science."

"Yes, this curse technique seems a bit... far-fetched."

Zhao Yingda and other doctors were also stunned and said tactfully.

If they were not extremely convinced of Chen Hao's medical skills, they would have regarded Chen Hao as a mental patient at this moment.

"Chief Bai, I know you may not believe what I say, but I still want to remind you that someone must be plotting against you behind your back."

Chen Hao said solemnly, "This curse is not only aimed at Mr. Bai, but also at Mrs. Bai, your children and other family members, making them suffer bad luck, and even bloody disasters, endangering their lives."

His spiritual sense has seen that in addition to the black lines that have penetrated into Mr. Bai's body, there are also many gray lines that have penetrated into Mrs. Bai and Chief Bai's son, daughter and other family members.

Although the gray lines did not make Mrs. Bai and others feel as severe pain as Mr. Bai, they made their foreheads darker, and a strange bloody light flashed from time to time.

That is a sign of bloody disasters.

"Shut up!"

Mrs. Bai was furious. "It's okay to talk nonsense, but you dare to curse our family!"

"What miracle doctor? Are you crazy?"

"That's right, get out of here!"

Other family members were also furious.

"Mr. Chen, please don't promote feudal superstition in front of me. For the sake of Dr. Ling, please leave immediately, otherwise I will call the public security department and let them deal with it."

Bai Ziping said with a sullen face.

I really didn't expect that someone would play tricks on him, the provincial party secretary.

No matter how well-mannered and sophisticated he was, he couldn't help it.

Xie Yunhui and others looked at each other in dismay, wanting to persuade him, but didn't know what to say.

After all, they couldn't agree with the art of cursing.

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