The pet master

Chapter 25 new location.

Inside the cabin, Max stood with a magnifying glass in one hand and a set square in the other. In front of him, a holographic 3D map of the simulation world displayed. The laptop beside him showed several articles on geography, covering topics such as basic geography, mineral vein distribution, and finding blessed lands. Meanwhile, Lucy watched Max anxiously as he gestured in the air like a madman.

Max's current expression clearly showed his frustration. Geography was clearly not his area of expertise, and he couldn't help but feel annoyed at the lack of a zoom function on the map, despite all the technological advancements of the simulator.

Due to the presence of the blood Essence, Max made a cautious decision to alter the mountain in this simulation. The mountain where Lucy constantly simulated had undoubtedly concealed some secrets, but it also harbored numerous perils

As long as the mountain is not especially bad, Lucy only needs to survive long enough until she reaches E-rank.

Once that's achieved, Max will have a promising chance to acquire the blood essence.


After an unknown amount of time.

Lucy sighed in relief. Max finally stopped his crazy shenanigans. In her heart, she decided to stop being mischievous, otherwise with Max's current appearance, he might really go mad some day.

Max didn't notice Lucy's strange gaze.

"little Lu come here."

To Max, Lucy seems a lot smarter, most probably because of the increased attributes, so he decided to explain a little to her.

"little Lu, listen carefully. We are going to play that game. Don't think about me. Once you become stronger, we will meet".

Max kept going on and on, explaining everything in simple words.

Lucy nodded solemnly. Max wasn't sure how much she understood, but still he started the simulation.

He already picked a new starting location. This time Lucy shouldn't have any trouble, since the location seems deserted.

simulation started.

[ding,] as the simulators started, Lucy lost focus.

[In the first year, you found yourself in front of a mountain.

You were confused about your new surroundings, although you told your pet master you understand, but you were just caring for his mental sanity. In fact, you were daydreaming and didn't listen at all. Being confused about what to do, you decided to possess the mountain in front of you first.]

Looking at this scene, Max's eyebrow kept twitching fiercely

'you little, just wait in till you're done and I will deal with you'.

[in the 2nd year, thankfully, you seem to remember some of your pet master's words and decided to grow stronger first,

You already possessed the mountain and started to take control of it; because of your high attributes and your innate ability, your progress is astonishingly fast, but you were slightly distracted, not completely sure about your situation, which slowed down your progress a bit] .

[in the 6th year, you took complete control of the entire mountain, on this year you seem to understand your situation,

Your cheap master put you in this test without telling you.

Although still annoyed at your cheap master's actions, you decided to be the bigger person.

Cheering yourself up, you start working hard to get stronger].

Max was completely speechless. His expression expressed one word.

"I am innocent".

[In the 7th year, you switch to training your Misty Mountain skill.

If you can reach a certain level in Mist control, you might be able to cast the world of Mist like the protagonist in your new series, that way your cheap master won't be able to hide from you.]

[In the 11th year, your Misty Mountain proficiency reached the primary mastery. You also felt some weird energy in the surroundings, but you ignored it in order to practice the Misty Mountain skill. The surrounding terrain is completely deserted, even the Wildlife around is rare. Although you are bored, you have more time to practice.]

[In the 15th year, you continue practicing, but today an earthquake hit the surroundings. Although you aren't strong but resisting a weak earthquake isn't a problem for you. Under your blessing, the mountain was mostly unaffected.]

"an earthquake, huh?"

[In the 16th year, you continue practicing, but your progress is slow.]

[In the 18th year, you switched your focus to the energy in the surroundings. You had the feeling this will be useful in your practice of Misty Mountain].

[in the 24th year, you continued practicing, trying to merge the Mist with the weird energy in the surroundings, but another earthquake hit, this slowed your progress a bit.]

[In the 30th year, your efforts were rewarded, and your Misty Mountain proficiency reached the advanced mastery. You tried to cast the world of Mist from the series; but you ended up filling the mountain by Mist, sadly you couldn't control reality itself within the Mist like the protagonist. You didn't know where you went wrong.]

"What.?. Good guy. You, a greenhorn, want to control reality."

Max was dumbfounded. He always chose flashy works to inspire Lucy, but this seems a bit too flashy.

[In the 37th year, your progress in Misty Mountain came to a complete Hult. Not knowing how to proceed, you felt bored and started playing with Mist, making giant shapes. You made a big face looking like your cheap master, taking extra effort, making it a little more handsome than it should be.

Knowing your master's insecurity about his not so handsome face, he should be happy by your efforts.]

Max was holding his face, making sure his eyebrows didn't twitch.

"At this rate, I will develop myokymia out of anger "

[In the 44th year, the earthquakes started occurring more frequently. You suffered some damage but not much].

[In the 50th year, you started messing around with the energy around. Pulled it towards the mountain, making the mountain grow faster. This made it easier to resist the frequent earthquakes.]

At this point, Max was sure he made a big mistake. This place is a dead end. He had some suspicion about what caused the earthquakes,and if his guess is right, then Lucy won't last long.

[In the 59th year, the earthquakes became stronger and stronger, and more frequent. This made it impossible to make progress.]

"Sigh.. I shot myself in the leg". Up in till now, max didn't let Lucy watch works about cowardly protagonists because he wants to explore the secrets of that mountain. Thus, Lucy will most probably die with the mountain.

"Sigh. Now I wish I didn't change locations. What do I know about geography? Why did I have to play smart-ass? ".

max felt regretful, but at this point there's nothing he can do.

[In the 67th year, the earth started cracking, the surrounding mountains collapsed. Looking at the mass destruction, you felt awed and seem to understand something.]

"oh, making a comeback?". Max had a bit of expectation.

[In the 80th year, the Destruction has reached a certain limit,and you seem to comprehend something, just a little more.]

[In the 81st year, an earthquake never seen before hit you, and the mountain split in half, and you died with the mountain.]

[ding, simulation ended.]

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