The pet master

Chapter 06 The First pet.

Leaving the coffee shop, Max didn't even have to pay .

In this world the technology is a bit more advanced than back on Earth. After entering any shop, your credit card will be scanned by specific devices, then you can just order whatever you want and the price will be directly deducted from your bank account.

moreover, there is no need to worry about scams, and stuff like that, because the scanning device responsible for the transaction is completely under the government's control, the shop actually doesn't even have access to it.

the device will simply record whatever the customer consumes and deduct the price directly from his bank account.

Outside, Max got into a taxi while communicating with the simulator.

Simulator, it wasn't you who gave me my talent, was it? ?

[ding. reporting to The Host, your talent was indeed modified by the simulator to suit being a pet master, however it did not originate from the simulator unit].

As expected, Max originally guessed as much.

Because the origin of genetic talents was clearly recorded in this world's history.

Almost 600 years ago, this world was similar to Earth, just in a way more devastated state.

this world was on the brink of death, from all the pollution, and the irresponsible human activities.

However, when all Hope seems bleak, and humanity was descending into depravity.

Suddenly countless Dungeon gates, appeared in this world, some of them looked like doors, while others looked like a tear in the fabric of space itself, others had a more unique appearances, like a well, a whole, a cave, whatever you can think of.

Although these dungeons brought countless new dangers to the human race, it also helped revive the world, although slowly at the start .

with the different forms of mystical energy brought from the other side of the gate, combined with the magical technology and knowledge inside dungeons, this world was revived.

however, it wasn't all butterflies and sunshines.

60 years after the great descent, an SSS rank dungeon [ the blood gate], broke open. It was then, when one of the four continents of this world fell to the non-human races from the dungeon.

now that continent is called the Fallen continent, its original name forgotten, now it's nothing but a Forbidden zone to humans, even for the strongest of the human race.

That was a wake up call to the whole world. From that point onwards, every continent had a single ruler organization formed by the previous countries of the continent itself.

The Elder Association rules the northern continent.

The star union rule the Western continent, which is the one Max was born in.

The magic tower rule the center continent.

These three organizations kept a cooperative relationship between themselves.

That is the reason the second SSS rank dungeon that appeared 200 years ago, named [ genetic Biohazard], was cleared successfully, although at an enormous cost.

and this dungeon is the reason humans in this world are born with genetic talents, from the moment it was cleared a strange pulse wave was spread through the entire world, given every single human on this world, their own genetic Talent, although in an unawakened state.

To successfully awaken one's Talent, you need the Awakening serum, which is a technology gained from inside the dungeon genetic Biohazard.

Max couldn't help Marvel at the mystical nature of an SSS rank dungeon.

Just clearing one dungeon changes the genetic sequence of the entire human race. While Max was deep in thoughts, the taxi stopped in front of the biggest skyscraper in the city.

the star tower.

The biggest provider of all kinds of Supernatural merchandise, related to the common professions on Star continent.

Because of multiple reasons, including the type of dungeons that appear on the continent, the professions that were dominant on the Star continent are all related to pets.

With summoning being the dominant theme, followed by contracts related professions and pet masters.

Other professions also exist on the continent, but with a tiny percentage.

Max always felt lucky that He incarnated on Star continent.

At first he thought that it was the simulator's doing, bringing him to the best growth environment for pet masters.

but after asking the simulator, he found out that it was Pure Luck.

Walking inside, Max was approached by an old man,seeming to be the guide working for the tower.

Welcome to Star Tower. What can I do to help this young master?

Looking at the Old Man, max was slightly surprised that he wasn't received by some beautiful receptionist. Usually companies like to do that kind of thing, but no matter.

I would like to buy a pet, and some other necessities as well .

do you have something in mind, or should I introduce you to the pets available on this Tower branch?

No need, I already made my pick. I want the mountain fairy. I checked the website, and you should have one in stock, right?.

The old man looked surprised for a moment, then gave max sincere advice.

young master, the mountain fairy might be a pet with an S rank growth potential, but it's a hopeless case. Please reconsider.

I already made up my mind, plus it's not like I want it to fight or anything.

Max didn't elaborate on his decision. The more excuses he makes, the more mistakes he can show.

anyway this is a shop, and they didn't need to know why he wanted to buy it, they just needed to sell it.

The old man nodded, acknowledging Max's decision, at the same time, he didn't inquire anymore respecting the customer's privacy.

All right, follow me.

Young master, I believe you already know the price, 1 million credits.

Yes, I know it's not a problem.....

Usually pets with S grade growth potential are worth over 20 million, and that's for the cheapest and most common one.

However, the mountain fairy is a unique case.

Soon they reach their destination.

Next to the door, max looked at a screen that shows the pet's life parameters, and data.

Although there is a lot of information, only three were demonstrated.

Mountain Fairy.

State : juvenile

Growth potential : S rank

growth speed : - - F

In fact, the growth speed of the mountain fairy is normal. The reason it is considered so bad is that the mountain fairy is a race that can possess mountains, and share their lifespan. Because of that, their growth speed seems extremely slow to us humans.

until today this unique pet has never achieved its maximum potential, how can it?.

After all, it's only been almost 600 years from the first time Dungeons appeared, while experts predicted that it will take at least 10,000 years for it to reach the S-rank.


will you buy some accompanying food for it,The old man asked?

Yes, of course I want the Earth seeds, and the metal water enough to last for one year. Please make the calculations.

Picking the best food for it huh, I see that this Mountain Fairy is lucky to get a master like you. If you didn't show up, she would have stayed here forever, most probably.


Inside a cage like room, max looked at a tiny lonely figure. The fairy didn't seem to notice their arrival.

Normally pets with high potential will receive the highest care, for example, receiving a room that resembles the original environment of the creature.

However, this room seems to be bleak.

Even cleaning doesn't look like a daily thing here, and it's for good reason. After all, the Star Tower is a business organization. Their main purpose is to make money.

Looking at the cute, absolutely adorable little creature inside the dust filled room, Max's stone like heart pained a little.

The little thing looks like a fairy from the cartoon tinker bell back from earth .

However, this one had a light green skin instead of the human like one, and although this little one also wears clothes made of leaves, it's quite modest compared to the animation.

Hello there little one spoke max.

The fairy was stunned and jumped into the air.

Turning around, she regarded the two of them curiously. She knew the old man. He took care of her from time to time, but this guy is new.

She started flying around max, examining him curiously, seemingly not afraid of the newcomer at all.

Max gave her a gentle smile.

Hey little one, I am here to take you out of here. I want you to be my pet. Are you willing?

The mountain Ferry is still too young to understand such complicated conversation, however the tower had its own means to install knowledge about pet masters, and pet contracts in the pet's mind.

The fairy froze for a moment, then started flying around Max at high speed excitedly. She even slapped Max's head for some reason.

Max just chuckled, not minding her shenanigans.

The fairy was happily jumping around. She's about to leave this place, get a pet master, and maybe find herself a mountain.

Not long after, seemingly exhausted, she flew to Max's head and used his hair as a bed to sit on.

I believe that's a yes, spoke the old man, while smiling.

Max nodded with a rare, genuine smile on his face.

Let's finalize the deal. I also want a space ring, the one that can be used by normal people.

... After max picked and checked the things he wanted.

The old man spoke.


One communalised space ring, 3 cubic meters wide, 400.000 credits.

one pet contract a 110000 credits.

One year pet food is 520.000.

and not forgetting the pet itself 1 million credits.

And since it's your first purchase here, rounded up to a total of 2 million credits.

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