The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 82

Facing north and exiting the Cheonma Church Main Hall, there’s a steep cliff to the right. Swish

And there’s a gently sloping road that extends northward. Swoosh

It doesn’t seem that high, but from the way the forest far to the north is clearly visible, the Cheonma Church Main Hall is definitely situated at a considerable height. Wow

Halfway between that forest and the entrance of the Cheonma Church, there’s a house. Creak

I’m walking along a path overgrown with weeds. Rustle

The stones underfoot suggest this used to be a heavily traveled road. Stomp

If you go a bit further north from the house I live in, there’s the ruins of a village that used to be inhabited just a few years ago. Gloom

But everything got destroyed when the Cheonma and Guseongyong fought in that area. Boom

The surviving people moved to the houses in the west, leaving the village abandoned. So now, it’s being swallowed by nature. Thud

There aren’t many people here, which is unsettling. Creepy

If I were the only one living, that’d be one thing, but kids living here isn’t good at all. Sigh

You need to meet people to live like a human, right? Ding

But not right now. For the time being, it’s better to stay here. The Cheonma Church is likely to be shaken up big time soon. Bam

From Guseongyong’s memories, half of the Cheonma Church betrayed the Cheonma. Maybe not half—maybe all of them. Gasp

If we look at the conversation Guseongyong secretly had with the party leader, there’s a reason for such betrayal. Hmm

The Cheonma gave power freely to Jeonyang, and Jeonyang wielded it recklessly. It’s only logical to believe that frustrations piled up and exploded. Boom

Of course, the result was Guseongyong’s death, and the Cheonma’s human form changed completely! Whack

Gender changed, skin color altered drastically. Who would believe that the Cheonma is still the Cheonma? Ha ha

Let alone understanding that a human’s gender could change in this world. Confused

I have no idea what will happen to the future of the Cheonma that’s wailing in front of Jeonyang’s corpse. Crying

I’ve speculated about the future. Hmm

The first person who would know this would be Gijacheon. He’s like the caretaker of the Cheonma Church Main Hall. Ping

If the Cheonma issues a command, he’s the first to hear it and can make fast choices for what comes next. Whirl

More than anything, Guseongyong doesn’t know that he created the Harvesting Period. He didn’t even mention him! Gasp

It sounds like he has ambition, right? Evil laugh

But there’s a backstabber right next to him. Clash

I’m curious how the Cheonma will react. If it goes well, a lot of Warmth might flow in! Sparkle

Imagining that joyful future, I headed back home. Step step

“Did you have a good time?”

“Choseol!” Clap

Soo-oh ran up to me with a big smile at my greeting. I hugged her, and she seemed really happy. On the surface, they look like an adult and a child, but there’s hardly five years difference between us! Giggle

“Did you not sleep?”

Soo-oh nodded. Since I went out at night and returned, dawn is almost here. Yawn

Staying up all night isn’t good for the body. Wah

“Let’s sleep for now.”

Gijacheon might come by in the morning, but it should be during the day, rather than at night. Tick tock

After all, we need to put out the fire that attached itself to the Cheonma Church Main Hall and see that unknown woman acting as the Cheonma. Whistle

Believe it or not, it’ll be busy. Zip

I took Soo-oh to a wall near the kitchen. Thump

It’s still warm here. But where is this real warmth coming from? Hmm

Anyway, I lay down there with Soo-oh. Sigh

The moment she snuggled into my arms, she immediately fell asleep. Snore

Right. Nod

As much as I don’t empathize, she must have been in quite a scary situation. The guardian went off to a burning building, and she was left alone at home. Sigh

It was definitely a rather harsh environment. Frown

Anyway, the presence of living creatures that lived in this house is soothingly replenishing my Warmth. I’ve just suckered it dry, but I’m slaughtering the small creatures around here. Eek

Huh? Blink

Could it be that if I absorb enough Warmth, I could even create a monster horde? Gasp

Of course, at first, I shouldn’t look like a god summoning dangerous monsters, so even if it’s possible, I didn’t. Ha ha

But if it’s a primeval forest visible to the north, there shouldn’t be traces of humans, right? Think think

Hmm. Hmm

I’ll have to think about it a bit more. Brainwave

Monsters from whom I’ve drained Warmth don’t kill each other. After they’ve had their Warmth drained, they seem to have the ability to sense it, targeting creatures with Warmth. Touch

And those deprived of Warmth don’t have any. Unless they’re lacking it, they won’t fight. Sigh

But they’re pitiful creatures, so I don’t really want to make too many. Sad

It feels like there’s just a faint chill. What could possibly be cold? Hmm

Of course, the Warmth they’ve sucked from living creatures is what I’m taking, so they’ll never be warm until they die. Chilly

And how long will they survive? Hmm

Since I can still sense them, I’ll have to keep an eye on them. Watch

As I was organizing my thoughts about the surroundings, light filtered in through the window. Shimmer

The long night passed, and the morning finally arrived. Ding

And there’s a high chance Gijacheon won’t show up today. Phew

It’s usually breakfast time, but since Soo-oh just fell asleep, I let her sleep a bit longer today. Zzz

I need to rest my body too. Yawn

Jumping down in a rush was a bad idea. I never expected my abdomen to be completely smashed. Ouch But somehow, I healed! Hee hee

So maybe that’s why the Cheonma noticed me. Hmm

Well, it ended well, so good is good. Thumbs up


Noon. Tick tick

Soo-oh and I had a late breakfast and lunch. Chomp chomp

While we’re peaceful, the Cheonma Church is incredibly busy right now. Zoom

The Cheonma is claiming to be the Cheonma, while people are pointing swords at him, calling him a monster. Gasp

Well, to the folks in this town, a blue-skinned woman looks like a monster. Haha

It seems Byeongil and Gapjae there both know that person is the Cheonma. Gapjae is preparing to run away, while Byeongil searches for people to inform that this person is the Cheonma. Swoosh

But people are ignoring him. La la la

Yup, even the party leaders are ignoring him. Sigh

But I know. Wise nod

They’re ignoring him, fully aware that the person in front of them is the Cheonma. It seems they think the Cheonma is weak since there’s a glint of murderous intent here. Shiver

Then Juggan the party leader spoke to Byeongil. Huh?

He said the current Cheonma is clearly lost in madness. Beware!

Since his appearance is so twisted, he’s no longer someone you can call the Cheonma and ordered Byeongil to draw his sword! Swish

It shouldn’t be hard to notice that the person with purple hair resembles the one I created during the Harvesting Period. Blink But no one is saying that. Hmm

Instead, the party leaders command their subordinates to attack the Cheonma like it’s an opportunity. Gotcha!

The subordinates take some strange elixir, veins popping out all over their bodies, and leap toward the Cheonma. Thud What junkies!

But the junkies couldn’t even reach the Cheonma. Dodge

From Byeongil’s perspective, without any prepared stance to swing a sword, a purple trajectory appeared in the air out of nowhere. Wha—

Following that trajectory, crushed corpses flew in the opposite direction from the Cheonma. Thud

Shouts of Cheonma Martial Art echoed from all directions. Shout

The Cheonma is examining the faces of the people one by one. He probably remembers them. Nod

At that moment, the Joo-gan party leader shouted. Hey you!

Isn’t it known to all that the current Cheonma cannot use the Cheonma Martial Art? He asked if killing the Cheonma and calling it the Cheonma would truly make one the real Cheonma. Sigh

Aha. Ding ding

That’s how they fabricate. So, no matter how much the Cheonma claims he’s the Cheonma, he ends up as an impersonator. Haha

Hearing that, the people of the Cheonma Church approach one by one, raising their swords for revenge. Charge!

Of course, I can still see people fleeing in between. Zoom zoom

The notion of the Cheonma in the Cheonma Church seems to be quite significant. Come to think of it, Eunchun was the same. No matter how much she wanted to go up, as someone who serves the Cheonma, she’s heading straight toward the abyss. Frown

Whether it’s that person’s peculiar sentiment or the power of the religion, it’s hard to say. Hmm

The Cheonma vs. Cheonma Church. Dramatic music

It’s a hilariously funny situation. Just then, the Cheonma opened his mouth. Gulp

“I am the Cheonma.” Boom

Ah. Ding

His voice was loud enough for me to hear from this distance. It’s a surprisingly soft voice, yet it reached me! Surprised

Soo-oh, who was helping me with the dishes, gasped and clung to me. Hug

I comforted her while stepping outside. Shhh

But the moment I stepped out, Soo-oh let out a short scream and clung to my body. To me, it just looks like the Cheonma Church Main Hall. Hmm

“What’s wrong?”

“Choseol! D-do you not see? There’s something scary over there!” Shiver

Soo-oh pointed directly at the direction of the Cheonma, trembling. Shiver

It seems there’s truly something I can’t see. It’s not that Choseol can’t see it; it’s that I can’t see it. The sensation of Qi and magic. Hmm

Now that I think about it, I haven’t felt that since the first world. Ding



A shockwave exploded! Kaboom

Wait, is a person really exuding such pressure? It’s not just a shockwave. Soo-oh held onto me and crouched down. Thump

How far are we from where the Cheonma stands to experience this? Huh?!



This time, a purple flash erupted. And the Cheonma Church Main Hall was left with five massive scars, as if clawed by a beast. Slash

Thud thud!

I can hear the sound of the walls and roof debris crashing down to the ground. Crash!


Then a deep, sharp slicing sound. Slice!

The Cheonma Church Main Hall literally split from the forest. Crack!

“I am the Cheonma.”

As the Cheonma’s words finished, people began to bow their heads and one by one started to prostrate before him. Bow!

“Cheonma! Cheonma! Long live the Cheonma!” Cheers!

A soft chant like a scream resonated before the Cheonma. It was a voice squeezed from their bellies. Gasp “Cheonma manifestation! Give us blessings!”

Then, in a more relaxed voice, people shouted. Now, almost no one is left without shouting. Hooray!

“The Church is invincible! The Devil will rule the world!”

At last, everyone where the Cheonma’s gaze fell buried their heads and cried out loudly. Their cheers reached me, they were so loud! Roar!

That wrapped up rather nicely. Wow

“Now, let’s get in, clean up, and do some exercises, Soo-oh.” Stretch!

Soo-oh looked up at me, trembling. Tremble!

“Choseol… aren’t you scared?”

I looked back at the Cheonma, who was watching the people repeatedly chanting praises. I was hoping for a more catastrophic result. Hmm

Boring. Yawn

I turned back to look at Soo-oh. Smile

“I guess it’s because I don’t feel anything.” Shrug

Since it’s a plain fact, I returned to the kitchen and resumed washing the dishes I had paused before. Splash

I want running water, dammit! Flow!

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