The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 78

Cheonma is ruthless. Bam!

As soon as I returned, I ground the livestock humans and made elixirs. Crack!

Of course, I didn’t just throw them into a grinder. I put them in a weird jar and closed the lid. During this harvesting period, like it was natural, they didn’t struggle and went quietly inside to die. Thud!

I brought warmth. Whoosh!

The bodies should have become stronger during the harvesting period, but instead of gaining strength, I feel they died even faster. Thud!

The human body is more resilient than it looks, and a harvesting period body is even tougher. But the brain remained shriveled as it was. Squish!

I suspect this is a power. Zap!

Powers arise to fulfill wishes that cannot be achieved solely through physical enhancement. At least, that’s my guess. Boom!

Because the harvesting period was originally living to die, when it became a harvesting period, it gained the ability to die more easily. Wham!

A creature that has had all rights stripped from it from the start, even when it becomes a harvesting period, ends up dead. Thud!

I can’t see outside through the eyes of the dead. Sigh…

Now, the next person. Whoosh!

The odd-job worker has started to learn martial arts. Considering Gijacheon made him learn martial arts, this must also be an experiment. Bang!

The last person. Thud!

The one who was Gijacheon’s protector describes to Cheonma what has changed as he checks his internal energy. Zing!

I already knew that physical abilities have improved. Whoosh!

But something unexpected came up! Gasp!

He explains with a big grin that his internal energy has become extremely easy to manage, as if he has undergone a transformation, saying that his qi now flows easily and the pathways are clean. Zoom!

Of course, even looking through his perspective, I can’t feel any qi at all. There isn’t a special passage in my brain that receives anything. Ding!

Perhaps this isn’t a materially existing organ. Pop!

Or it could be an organ that I can’t perceive. Ping!

Still, I think it should be connected to the brain. Does such special power exist in places I can’t reach? Hmm…

I have no idea. Shrug!

I believe a world that can comprehend this will appear someday. Wish!

By the way, Soo-oh clings to me and won’t let go. Squeeze!

Even when I ask why, she shakes her head. Is it because it got cold? Brr!

Saying she met a scary person doesn’t hold, because we exercised a lot together earlier. Thinking about it, it’s not scary now. Ha!

Another day passes. Tick-tock!

Even with the moon high in the sky, nothing special happens. Shh!

So, while I stay awake at night, I observe other harvesting periods. Peep!

Eunchun got out of bed and started practicing martial arts again after a few days. Thud!

Gapjae happened to discover my harvesting period and clenched his fist. Boom!

After trailing the harvesting period, he saw him entering Cheonggungdang. Creeeeak!

Gapjae headed straight to Jigwandang, where he explained what he saw to the leader of the place. Tap-tap!

The Jigwandang leader seemed to already know, and he questioned Gapjae. So, Gapjae stepped outside and sighed. Fffft!

He groaned, thinking he might get expelled for voicing that. Oh no!

But I know. Smirk!

No matter how much he hides his expression, I can read it. Zap!

The Jigwandang leader was flustered. Gasp!

Highly likely, he doesn’t know that the Cheonggung leader has created a new harvesting period. Crack!

I read that much, but I’m not sure why he claimed to know this or why he let Gapjae go. Hmm…

I wonder what will happen next. Tick-tock!

There are times when I wish my mind was sharper. It would be nice if I could figure out what these people are thinking and what actions they’ll take in the future… Sigh!

Hmph! Scoff!

Wishing for nonexistent abilities is futile. Duh!

I pondered on what to do with what I have. Hmm…

For instance, Byeongil, who is rapidly growing stronger while consuming elixirs. Chomp!

Last time, Gapjae got an elixir that could enter the crystallization stage. But Byeongil received an elixir that could enter the golden phase as a gift. Wow!

And he took it. Munch!

When the harvesting period consumed elixirs for the second time, he grasped much more than when he first saw them. Glimmer!

Elixirs add light. Sparkle!

They don’t expand the existing light. Whoosh!

But even if it increases, it can be immediately covered as much as it increases, so harvesting periods are what they are. Thump!

With this, I understood what effect the elixir has. Bing!

I also realized why humans are needed for elixir production. Nod!

If light is the soul, then applying a new soul enlarges one’s own soul. It’s like a technique of offering human sacrificial offerings. Oof!

I’m curious what will happen if I consume a harvesting period. But for now, it’s hard to know. Hmm…

I can’t see from the perspective of the harvesting period after it became an elixir. Flick!

But since I brought warmth, I’m excited about how it may transform. Will the one who consumed the elixir also become a harvesting period, or will there be absolutely no effect, or will it simply be the same? Excited!

Meanwhile, Jeonyang is training alongside Cheonma. Whack!

However, unlike others, Jeonyang isn’t consuming any special elixirs. Hmm…

If it were Cheonma, it seems he could offer something the best. Ding!

Maybe because it’s not yet at a stage where he can take it? I think Jeonyang seems strong enough. Flex!

It was then. Bam!

Suddenly, a huge commotion arose throughout Cheonma Church. Whoosh!

Fire. Roar!

People are shouting that there’s a fire and running around. Dash!

Eunchun and Byeongil immediately grabbed their swords and charged outside. But both couldn’t exit the place they were staying. Thud!

Eunchun was blocked by the woman he always slept with, and Byeongil was obstructed by the head of an institution that corresponds to bamboo among the ten creatures. Thud!

The ones blocking them explain the current situation. Whisper!

They say the leader has returned. Gasp!

Huh? Hmm?

Does this mean that the daughter of the former leader has become the new leader? I leaned in to listen to their conversation as I didn’t understand what they meant. Eavesdrop!

Juggan, the head of the place, doesn’t seem to want to explain in detail. He just tells Byeongil that our leader has returned. Then, he explains that the current Cheonma is a coward who took that position, and the real leader has returned. Ding!

Hearing that, Byeongil completely halted his movements intended to exit. Freeze!

And he asked if he just needed to watch. Juggan said that was fine and suggested they drink tea while the matter is resolved, guiding Byeongil back into the room. Sip!

Byeongil followed him inside. Thump!

Meanwhile, the woman named Miro who grabbed Eunchun said that the one who should be at the very top of Cheonma Church has returned. Wow!

When Eunchun asked if it’s Seong-go, Miro shook her head and negated it, replying that the church leader has returned. Hmm…

Interpreting that, the church leader is the former leader, and Seong-go is the daughter of the former leader. Oh!

The word church leader was powerful enough to halt Eunchun. Halt!

Eunchun completely stopped moving. Then, he asked Miro what Juggan had said. Curious!

The deer of the ten creatures. Wow!

Oh, I thought Eunchun had no thoughts, but it seems he knows who is trying to restrain him. Aha!

Miro responded to Eunchun’s statement, saying she was not here to follow that person’s commands but came here to catch Eunchun. She warns that he shouldn’t get hurt fighting outside right now. No!

Yes. Yes!

That’s a lie. Boo!

Even though she creates a desperate atmosphere, she’s not worried about Eunchun at all. I can tell that much. It’s hard to hide emotions. Truth!

As Eunchun again started to lose interest, he suddenly slashed Miro’s neck with the sword he was holding. Slice!

Huh? Oh?

As he looked down at Miro’s corpse, which had died in an instant, Eunchun spoke. Wow!

“No matter how strange you look, the one who made me the head now is the current Cheonma. Woman, I am not a fool who doesn’t know gratitude.” Snap!

Having said that, Eunchun opened the door and stepped outside. Bang!

A curious choice indeed. Hmm!

As Eunchun stepped outside, flames were rising from several buildings. Whoosh!

Eunchun glanced around and murmured softly that if the former church leader had returned, their target would be the current leader. Hmm…

Ignoring the sounds of people running around, he walked straight toward the place where Cheonma resides, wielding his sword. Swish!

While Eunchun headed deep into Cheonma Church, Gapjae thought about what he was thinking while watching the burning Cheonma Church. Hmm…

No, to be precise, he was near his room. After returning there, he pretended not to know anything and just held the water bottle. Splash!

Perhaps this is the best choice. Hmm…

Meanwhile, Cheonma entered Jeonyang’s room. When Jeonyang asked what was going on, Cheonma shouted that there was just a fire in Cheonma Church and told him to rest. Boom!

Jeonyang felt a pang of anger. Grr!

Ah, it seems their relationship is fraying. He probably thinks he’s being disregarded. Sigh!

Maybe now is the opportunity. Hmmm!

I woke Soo-oh up, who clings to me while sleeping. Wake up!

Soo-oh, barely waking up, looked at me vacantly. Then I pointed outside at the building of the Cheonma Church, which was burning vigorously. Burn!

Soo-oh’s eyes widened in surprise. I know without seeing her expression what kind of face she’s making. And I can tell she’s awake now. Ding!

“Soo-oh, I’m going to go over there for a bit, so wait for me here.” Go!

Soo-oh hesitated and clutched at my clothes. Clutch!

“Don’t, don’t go?” Panic!

Her scared voice looked up at me. I don’t know why she looks like she’s going to be abandoned, but… Hmm…

I planned to just leave Soo-oh behind. After all, I would return and have said everything I needed to say. Gone!

But suddenly, the memory of the Faded Man flashes in my mind like a bolt of lightning. Zap!

Sneaking along and causing trouble, right? Uh-oh!

No, I know what the child might do. But, just a week, and they’ve grown that attached? I haven’t even tried to earn this child’s affection! Sigh!

While I can’t say the memory is definitely correct, I still have no grounds to deny the memory of the Faded Man. Hmm…

Then what should I do? Hmm…?

Embrace? Hug!

As the memory suggests, I embraced Soo-oh. She was startled. Gasp!

“Please protect the house while I’m gone. Okay?” Nod!

At my words, Soo-oh’s eyes widened, then she nodded vigorously. And with a determined expression, she sat back down. Okay!

That was very simple. Easy-peasy!

I waved at Soo-oh and left the house. This peaceful area is quiet; however, the place surrounding the burning building is bustling with people. I need to hurry. Hurry!

The most important event is happening right there. Urgent!

Of course, since the building is full of Cheonma Church people running around, if I just go in, the chances of getting caught are high. So, I will use the secret passage that Jeonyang remembers. Shh!

If I’m lucky, I might obtain Cheonma as my harvesting period. Giggle!

Hehe. Heehee!

I headed toward the location where Jeonyang was. Strut!

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