The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 74

As night fell, the child was moaning in pain. Ugh…

Of course, with a bug inside his body, it wouldn’t be right to expect him to feel better immediately after throwing it up. In fact, considering how much the bug was parasitizing him, some backlash was to be expected.

He had coughed up a lot of blood too. Cough, cough!

Watching the child quietly while thinking about taking away his warmth if he died. Sigh…

The child was clinging tightly to the hem of my clothes.

So, I sat beside him and observed the gaze of the other four Harvesting Period members.

First, Gapjae.

I thought he might have a plan after seeing the previous leader’s daughter, but as soon as his shift ended, he walked away from his room.

According to the memory of the four, he headed toward the best place among the ten factions.

The factions are Sun, Moon, Mountain, Stream, Bamboo, Pine, Turtle, Crane, Deer, and Herbal Plant. In short, they’re all members of the Ten Great Longevities.

There’s a ranking within the factions too. Just like there’s an unseen ranking in any city, it’s surprisingly not the Sun that holds the top rank, but the Herbal Plant.

Why, you ask?

Because the pharmaceutical business has made a lot of money since ancient times. Of course, what’s written as medicine is often used for other purposes.

It’s even said that humanity’s first crops weren’t grains, but hallucinogens, so that says it all.

Gapjae was heading there.

Once he arrived, he urgently called for someone, claiming there was an important matter to report to the faction leader. And indeed, he met with the faction leader.

The faction leader was a middle-aged man.

Upon meeting him, Gapjae immediately sold the information he had obtained this morning about the previous leader’s daughter entering.

The faction leader listened carefully and then asked what he wanted.

Gapjae requested a special elixir that could help him reach a certain spiritual level.

The memory of the Faded Man started to shine. He exploded with rage about mixing martial arts with a sect.

Isn’t it Eastern fantasy? Just like the stories of the “Bongshin Chronicles”? I push down the memories that come to mind while wondering if he should really be exploding like that.

The faction leader told him that in return for giving him that, he needed to become his hands and feet. Gapjae nodded in agreement.

Then, the faction leader summoned someone, who brought a unique elixir with a very peculiar name. He handed it over to Gapjae.

Gapjae took the elixir and examined it closely. It looked like a chunk of meat plated with gold foil.

Suddenly, Gapjae got mad and shouted at the faction leader, asking if this was even a worthwhile elixir on his journey to enlightenment.

The faction leader responded that he would give it after he successfully completed the next task. And with that, he seemed to have nothing more to say and dismissed Gapjae.

Gapjae stormed out, demanding it be given to him after he completed the next task. Of course, the faction leader didn’t respond.

While he was returning to his room, surprisingly, a smile appeared on his lips.

He murmured to himself that he had obtained what he wanted.

It’s a technique of asking for something difficult, then accepting something easy in return.

Then he returned to his room and swallowed it, sitting cross-legged. And astonishingly quickly, something began to seep from the elixir into his body.

Looking at his body’s reaction, it was clear that the nutrients weren’t seeping in. If they were, they should enter through the intestines, but instead, an unknown power permeated his body immediately upon ingestion.

An unexpected thing was that the tip of the radiant purple light turned white. The light grew brighter.

Therefore, it enveloped the area.

Thud. With a twisting sound, Gapjae’s physique slightly improved.

Oh ho!

It’s a drug that affects light.

That’s right. It’s a world with enough skill to summon me. But I’m amazed by this kind of technique.

As the light increased, the warmth also grew slightly.

I desire that warmth.

It’s possible to increase the warmth and siphon it off. There’s a high likelihood that consuming such drugs won’t simply enhance the effects. If they could just bulk it up, it would be easy to mass produce, right? Seeing as that’s not the case, each elixir likely has its limitations.

This world.

I thought it would just be a simple martial arts world, and the only technique I’d obtain would be the one to summon me. But it seems I need to explore this world further to gather more information.

While being careful not to shatter the world as much as possible.



It’s truly a beautiful night.

Eunchun and Byeongil are sleeping now, and Jeonyang is engrossed in the newfound power, sparring with Cheonma.

Location? Far away from the building he lives in.

He’s jumping around almost as if flying through the air, sparring with Cheonma.

It’s quite fascinating.

When he swings his sword, a purple blade of energy flies out. Swish!

When he takes odd steps, he jumps a great distance in an instant, and when he stamps the ground, the same technique that Byeongil used comes out completely.

As Jeonyang’s power grows, Cheonma seems to look even more impressive.

However, something is strange.

Cheonma’s movements differ from Jeonyang’s. They’re not movements starting from the same root; they’re completely different.

Now that I think about it, Cheonma said he couldn’t use Cheonma Martial Art at all. That means he must know other martial arts.

The term “Gyuwa Protection” popped into my mind from Faded Man’s memories, but I left that out, as I wasn’t sure.

I thought it was martial arts, but it seems there’s an element of the immortal sect in there. If that’s the case, it wouldn’t be strange for something else to be included. I shouldn’t fit this world with knowledge that isn’t of this world.

Cheonma and Jeonyang sparred until just before dawn.

Jeonyang fainted, so I didn’t see any more, but he gathered a lot of information.

I think I can gain much from this world.



The child who had been moaning throughout the night was now sleeping quietly. Zzzz…

“I thought it was a monster, but it acts like a human.” Ha!

While I was contemplating what to do with him, suddenly, a voice was heard.

I turned my gaze and saw Cheonma, still dressed like a pretty boy. Honestly, it’s kind of funny compared to the outfit Jeonyang had seen at dawn.

“Is this child yours?”

If I think he seems human, then I need to make him feel that way. I’m considering claiming ownership of the child.

“Indeed. Everything belonging to the Cheonma Church is mine. Why? Is that child pitiable?”

Lying about him being pitiable would raise suspicion here.

It seems more plausible to say that someone thought they were a monster, only to find out that they have human traits.

“No. He can’t eat properly and can hardly move.”

Cheonma leaned against the doorframe.

“For someone who can’t do that, you seem to be taking good care of him. Plus, he has items you never gave him.”

He pointed to the blanket covering the child. Well, that’s true. But it’s not that significant.

In fact, Cheonma doesn’t seem to be taking it too seriously either.

“This child has warmth.”

I’ll stick to the truth.

Cheonma stared at me intently.

“Imitating a human is quite grotesque. Do you want something?”

Imitating a human.

In other words, it means it looks human? Impressive!


Cheonma. Then, let’s be greedy.

“This item is important to you, so I’ll take it. Is that okay?”

At first, Cheonma had a look of, “Of course,” then turned towards me and the child with a questioning expression, before cracking a bitter smile.

“Take it. It’s yours.”

“Wow, warmth!”

I didn’t say I needed the warmth of a human.

Since he personally thinks so, it’ll be hard for him to doubt it in the future. A monster craving a human’s warmth.

Does it look like that?

Then, I’m successful. Of course, given everything that has happened till now, he will constantly cast suspicious glances in my direction. But the level of doubt will likely decrease a lot.

Moreover, I now have an easy-to-understand hostage.

This person might not care about the hostage, but there’s a significant difference between having one and not.

Doesn’t having a means to control come with a lighter heart?

“Oh, and we need food and a warm blanket. The nameless child is suffering.”

With each word I spoke, Cheonma’s gaze softened more and more.

Conversely, I was worried about his increasing contempt, but that’s something I should adjust gradually.

Just then, the child jolted and trembled.

Then, he drowsily rose from his spot.

He looked back and forth between me and Cheonma, startled, before trying to stand up but then plopping back down again.

He still didn’t have the strength.

I held him and laid him back down on the blanket again. While patting him, Cheonma, leaning against the entrance pillar, asked me.

“A nameless child?”

“He can’t speak.”

Cheonma looked surprised. It seems he wasn’t aware of the detailed situation.


Considering that the parasites have vanished from the child’s body, things might get risky. There are many events yet to happen for the Cheonma Church to fall into chaos.

Then, here’s an opportunity.

I should show him what it means to enter the Harvesting Period.

I grabbed the child and lifted him up.

Looking at the child with a swollen face staring at me, I asked, “I’ll hand you over, but let’s make a deal. Once you finish everything later, I’ll get everything you have. How’s that?”

Cheonma muttered something like a spell quietly. Well, it can be considered a spell after all. He’s summoning the Harvesting Period.

The child hesitated. So, I clarified it for him.

“If you want to belong to me, agree.”

The child slowly nodded.



I turned him into the Harvesting Period. The child’s skin transformed like porcelain, cracking open to reveal white skin underneath.

As the outer skin turned to dust and disappeared, a girl with purple hair sat there, looking stunned.

I covered her with a blanket and turned to Cheonma. He was staring at me with wide eyes. Exactly. It’s not just about giving power; it also means healing. It’s something hard to understand unless experienced.

Now that he understands what the Harvesting Period can do, use it wisely.

“This can only be used on three people a day. And you can’t use it on the same person again. Be careful.”

Cheonma nodded grimly.

It’s a satisfying morning.

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