The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 66

In an instant, the largest harvesting area disappeared.

There are still 117 entities, but each one exists only once in a world.

I was originally going to say they were people, but there’s something like a whale and another creature that looks like an octopus, so it’s a bit off to use the unit ‘mis’.


I thoroughly rummaged through the memories obtained after swallowing a whole world.

But that took quite a bit of time.

The point in the first world where the harvesting period increased the most.

At that time, I was observing all the harvesting periods at once, so it’s strange that it took this long just because their numbers increased.

Assuming it’s a possibility.

First, a simple assumption.

The numbers were too high.

Really, all living beings had fallen to the ground.

If you don’t know, let’s classify first.

Bugs have light but no warmth.

Even stones have light. No, however, it seemed like almost everything material vanished when a glass bottle broke, right?

But if it’s too small to be seen by the human eye, it seems like it doesn’t have light. If they had light, people would be sparkling with it, right?

That means single-celled organisms or bacteria have no light.

It seems like having a nervous system is a condition, but let’s just keep it as an assumption for now.

And once it’s an animal, light is a given. But warmth varies from animal to animal.

Some small animals have great light and a lot of warmth, while some large animals have little light and warmth.

If we classify animals, the ones that seem to have higher intelligence tend to have more warmth.

Of course, there’s a huge variability among individuals, but on average, humans have the most warmth. Of course, the low and high points are both high.

But they’re not the highest. There are those with great light and warmth. Half of them were once beasts. But they gained intelligence and acquired special powers.

According to the faded man’s memories, the closest thing would be yokai?

But they originally cannot breed with their own kind. And they don’t necessarily have to eat people to live.

Of course, there are some with strange desires who marry other races or even pair up with humans.

In terms of warmth, they surpass the average person by more than tenfold, but conversely, it’s the amount an average person can gather if they pray together.

Hmm. But if the harvesting becomes excessive, the glass bottles would break, so should I target this area?

Let’s put it on the candidate list for harvesting.

I considered using the sentence named contract document as used by the outsider church, but if it expands just like last time and the world collapses…

If it collapses, hehe.



Honestly, it was amazing.

But, no. My heart is so drawn to it.

What should I do?

Still, I have to forget it. You know that you can’t gain much that way.

I think of the game that faded man often played.

It’s a game that many people played, almost like a folk game, but it’s a game that quickly gets forgotten like a folk game.

There’s a population count involved. There’s a limit to how many can be ruled.

We need to impose a restriction like that.

Cheap and lowly ones against the strong and expensive ones.

We can’t create a universal religion like Rebecca did. It needs to be a more secretive and sinister secret society.

That’s right.

There was also a secret society in the first world. Remnants of the Seongsin Church were left behind and were moving around diligently. They were looking for traces of the summoning magic that Rebecca had secretly experimented with, organizing data and preparing to bring down the outsider church.

Though it’s too late now.

Surprisingly, there were quite a few secret societies.

Of course, there’s no worldwide organization, but there are quite a few at the village or city level.

There are even types like vigilante groups.

But this can only be done once we either rise to the top or increase the number of people to a certain extent.

Currently, there’s only one way to influence other worlds.

If someone happens to fall to the bottom of the surface, we catch that person and turn them into a harvesting period. Now we can make them a harvesting period without blowing anything up.

Then they gain power and sometimes acquire special abilities to change their lives.

But those who experienced the bottom only use the methods from the bottom.

It’s a way that inevitably gets blocked somewhere. Violence can be powerful, but without wisdom, it can’t go far. And those who have gone through too horrific experiences find it hard to take in others.

Then, they end up alone and collapse.

Just becoming a harvesting period doesn’t make one a flawless superhuman.

Even if there’s enough wisdom to overcome that, sadly, no one has formed a family.

Currently, the abilities I have are not organically connected. I wish to create an environment where I can be called immediately once I become a harvesting period.

It would be great if there were at least a feature to increase harvesting periods.

It’s tough.

A deeply despairing person. No, intelligent beings can be turned into harvesting periods.

After about ten years of inserting Yasle’s memories, I can be called.

If I think of myself while reading the contract document, I can create a harvesting period.

Perhaps a compromise is needed.

Or perhaps an order.

Step one is already set.

Make someone who is close to the surface a harvesting period.

That’s the very first step.

Next, it would be best to control the order.

Should the next step be to have them recite the contract document rather than immediately inserting Yasle’s memories?

Think about it, this is the blessing agent.

By inserting an advertisement saying that one can receive blessings when reading this sentence, the contract document is sent to the harvesting period’s head.

First, let’s try to increase the harvesting periods as much as possible.

It takes too long to wait for light to fall close to the surface.

Besides, there are many experiments to be done as we go up. The more attempts we make, the more we can learn.

But rather than being overly greedy, let’s build it step by step.

We’ve done well so far, right?

So that’s what I did.

There are still many memories I haven’t processed, but over time, those will be resolved slowly too.

There are quite a few living beings here. It would be useless to discard microorganisms simply because they have no warmth, as they allow us to see a world on the brink of destruction.

Since I can multitask, I’ll analyze them slowly.

I looked up.

Light is floating in the sky.

Once, I thought there was only sparse light. That’s because there were moving lights nearby.

But now I know.

The sky is literally a night sky. Up there is the universe.

Countless tiny stars combine to form galaxies, and galaxies form clusters, floating there are truly innumerable lights.

However, there’s a difference from the night sky seen from a planet.

Here it’s a flat universe.

Some might be horrified, but it’s true.

I am infinitely spread out. I really don’t know if there’s an end or not.

Because there’s no side. All the light is above me. I once thought I might be a sphere, but I realized that wasn’t the case after I reached up with my arms.

I saw arms rising from all directions.

There’s fundamentally no curvature.

Is death really possible?

I forcibly threw that subtle question at the faded man lurking in the corner of my mind and pondered how to obtain warmth.

I’m inserting an advertisement to give the contract document.

Anyway, once connected, we can speak in our own languages, so there’s no need for translation.



No matter how long I wait, it doesn’t increase.

I’m sure someone said it. They clearly stated the contract document.

But it failed. Even though a person who is not a harvesting period repeated after them, it still failed.

What’s going on? Is there a condition?

For example, must I have been to that world at least once?

The failures keep happening.

Do I have to wait for another endless period of time?

Do I have to wait for someone like Yasle to draw straws by chance? Just how many attempts would that take?

How long do I have to wait?

If time could be divided infinitely, I think I could definitely ascend.

But does that mean I have to wait for that time?


My brain is still vivid with heat.



A thread has come down. It’s not sent by the harvesting period. It’s different from the magic of Yasle or Hyungkesuni, which felt like fishing lines.

But before I could think, I grabbed it.

I can’t miss an opportunity when it comes.

Rather than a thin thread, it resembles a piece of cloth more closely.

That thread pulled me upward.

Upward. Upward. Again upward.

The unconnected glass bottles swiftly flashed past my sight, and I entered one of them.

And I opened my eyes.

I opened only one eye. Because I didn’t have one.

My body was twisted and bound by countless pieces of cloth. The cloth was damp and blocked my breathing. Faint sounds could be heard beyond countless damp fabrics.

Purplish light faith, seasons of chaos.

They call me by that name. Another cult, perhaps? There are strange murmurs beyond that, and it seems the language this body knows isn’t among them.

I tried to raise my arms. But I was blocked by the damp fabric. No, is it even there? I wonder? Even trying to twitch my fingers or toes, the cloth is pressing against me. This must be an obsessive level of binding.

What’s more, I can’t breathe and that’s really frustrating. I’ll have to completely reweave this body.


I’m taller than Rebecca Rolfe. But I’m almost like a single block woman. Originally, I had black hair and slightly yellow-toned skin, but now I have purple hair and white skin.

Cracks split all around, and the damp fabric is being sucked into those cracks. With a screeching sound, the cloth devours the pillars to which I’m bound.

I stopped creating things that would crush this world out of fear, like last time.

I looked ahead.

No, why can I only see one side?

Ah, don’t I still have my eyeball?

Something’s caught. Should I say it’s locked? I squeezed my eyeball down as if someone was claiming ownership of it and restored it.

And I greeted people with both eyes.


The people around me bowed down while saying the phrase purplish light faith, seasons of chaos. This body seems to be another victim.


Still, I’ve returned to the world.

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