The Outer God Needs Warmth

Chapter 44

Hyungkesuni fell for the Outsider’s words.

The Outsider called it persuasion, but in reality, it was a threat saying, “If you don’t do what I want, I’ll kill you,” so to be precise, it was more appropriate to say she had caved in.

At the moment Hyungkesuni sold countless worlds to avoid a terrible fate, the Outsider, instead of being happy, was pacing nervously, contemplating how to navigate the current situation.

The Outsider thought, “If it’s just about saving Hyungkesuni, then I can make her a hero.”

Right now, the human in question was under the Outsider’s control.

If all else fails, the Outsider considered transforming into the royal zombie giant, Outsidemon, declaring himself the villain while broadcasting that the author had come to stop him but failed. This thought briefly crossed the Outsider’s mind and then vanished.

The Outsider’s head seemed to work well when crafting cowardly schemes.

However, the Outsider thought there was a major problem with this plan, so he quickly discarded it.

Because if only Hyungkesuni survived, even with a book, the Outsider had a significant problem: he couldn’t read the book.

The Outsider had two ways to remember the book:

One was for the Blessed One to read it once, or the other was to lick the light of someone who had read it all.

The fact that the Outsider had no way of reading it himself revealed his true nature.

Anyway, it was enough if a Blessed One read the book.

But the problem was that there wasn’t a single Blessed One left in this world.

Hyungkesuni had hunted them down and killed them.

While Tisah healed and rebuilt the kingdom, she had certainly done a lot.

Let’s talk about Hyungkesuni now.

First, this was during the time when the cult called Future Hope Church still existed.

When Yasle wouldn’t listen to her, Hyungkesuni warned him five times before parting ways.

A long time ago, when Hyungkesuni and Yasle first made a contract, she had agreed to help Yasle in exchange for the condition that if he ignored her words, she would leave. Therefore, it wasn’t that she betrayed him when she suddenly left the Future Hope Church; it was simply that it was part of their contract.

In fact, it was reasonable for her to warn him five times and for him to stay quiet and leave.

To tell the truth, Hyungkesuni started helping Yasle for rather sinister reasons, so it was odd that she had helped him for decades.

For reference, the sinister reason was nothing specific. From Hyungkesuni’s perspective, Yasle was not so much a cult leader as he was a priest-like young man who was properly raised in the religious nation of Yeongyang Church Nation.

A bit devout and merciful but a hardliner who doesn’t forgive heresy.

On the other hand, Hyungkesuni was like an evil witch from a fairytale.

A typical case of weak over strong.

If she needed something, she went to the village, placed a curse, and robbed them, and when a strong person came to kill her, she’d scatter curses and run away.

Because she laughed every time she escaped, people nicknamed her the Witch of Delight.

To those who faced her, she only appeared as a witch mocking them while fleeing.

Then a priest came to seek out the wicked witch.

Filled with revenge for the loss of his country, he sought the witch.

Finding it amusing, the witch decided to cooperate.

She was curious to see how a devout and righteous young man would fall from grace.

The higher one rises, the further they fall. Just how true is this fact?

And sure enough, as she had expected, Yasle became someone better described as wicked rather than just trash.

Yasle brainwashed and manipulated people solely for his revenge, ultimately falsely accusing innocent people of crimes and burning them alive.

Watching him, Hyungkesuni found delight in how even someone so wonderful could fall so low. If she didn’t harbor cowardly thoughts that she wasn’t the only one, it would be a lie. So she gifted Yasle, who had fallen to her level, a present.

“When an evil monster comes, tame it and use it.”

With that simple thought, she revealed to Yasle how to summon a deity.

However, the monsters they had anticipated, evil and powerful like demons, never appeared.

Instead, a dull girl emerged who seemed to have special powers but could do nothing.

Of course, being a cowardly soul from the start, Hyungkesuni began to doubt her safety when the crossbow fired by a warrior of faith disfigured the girl’s face and she regenerated.

Because that crossbow contained a curse meant to draw down and kill a deity.

It was indeed a genuine curse that had a record of killing monsters that could be called primal or bestial gods in Yeongyang Church Nation.

However, that distinction soon blurred.

The girl-shaped monster required warmth to regenerate and, more than anything, was foolish enough to walk around with her wounds open.

And it seemed this came from her ignorance of the physical body rather than being from her power.

Without care, she looked like she would collapse and die at any moment, so the doubts gradually faded.

An incorporeal monster had entered the body of the girl. And if the body was destroyed, it would die.

Hyungkesuni was under that illusion.

But not long after, she directly learned of its true nature from the Outsider.

On that day, Hyungkesuni understood that what she thought was the laws of the world was actually the Outsider’s actions of devouring people, and that the monster had been dragged out from a place where laws existed and descended into this world.

An Evil God had been unleashed.

Thinking that way, Hyungkesuni hurriedly consulted Yasle, but he wouldn’t listen. Instead, he pressed her, questioning what the problem was as he was functioning well according to the contract.

After failing three more times to persuade him, she heard the name Outsider spreading around. The situation was getting worse.

Finally, Hyungkesuni, gripped by fear, cornered the Outsider and understood the impact that the Outsider had over the entire Future Hope Church, and promptly ran to Yasle.

Yet again, Yasle did not heed Hyungkesuni’s words.

So, greatly disappointed, Hyungkesuni left Yasle immediately.

No one knew it, but this was the last chance.

The last opportunity to stop the Outsider from extending his hand into this world.

Unaware that this opportunity had vanished, Hyungkesuni returned to her hiding place.

Not long after she returned to her shelter, she realized that Yasle had died by her magic.

Above all, she sensed the presence of the banishment magic only the leader of Yeongyang Church Nation could use. Knowing what was banished by that magic, she lightened her heart to mock Yasle or perhaps to mourn him, and made her way to his corpse.

On the way, she discovered a Blessed One using Yasle’s magic and her heart froze.

Had it been simply the magic of Yeongyang Church Nation, she might have passed it off. But it was mixed with Hyungkesuni’s magic.

The forbidden technique that took hundreds of years to modify specifically for her, known only to Yasle.

Many Blessed Ones were using it.

With her keen intellect, Hyungkesuni instantly realized what had happened. It was then she comprehended that an extremely dangerous skill had truly passed to the worst opponent.

And she completely confirmed it when someone opened a pathway to the outside and used magic to summon an evil being.

Immediately, she used her safety mechanism that she had buried when she handed it to Yasle to block it, and went to kill the one who attempted the summoning.

Until that point, she hadn’t thought to kill the Blessed One so thoroughly. She merely thought she had killed someone foolish trying to call the Outsider.

But when she saw Andrew’s mirage where numerous Blessed Ones were putting their heads together to call the Outsider, her mind changed.

As the coward she was, she imagined the worst-case scenario where the Outsider could rise again in this world, and promptly slaughtered the Blessed Ones.

Then she immediately returned to her hiding place to research how to ensure that wouldn’t happen again.

While searching for a method, Hyungkesuni realized that only the Blessed Ones were using Yasle’s magic.

Hyungkesuni speculated.

They were connected to the Outsider.

Hence, even with the gods having left this world, they were using Yasle’s techniques.

Soon, Hyungkesuni concluded that there was no future unless she eliminated all of them and created magic to locate the Blessed Ones.

Then she hunted and killed them one by one.

Tisah had also been a target, but upon hearing that the deity of Seongsin Church had performed a miracle in the skies, she went there just to be safe. Confirming the immense divine power there, Hyungkesuni excluded Tisah from her target.

And one cannot deny that part of the reason she excluded him was fear that even she couldn’t take on an entire nation. There was also the desire not to face a true hero under divine protection.

But without excluding Tisah, she couldn’t ignore the Blessed Ones. The cowardly nature of Hyungkesuni spurred her into action, and after a long time, she succeeded in killing everyone except Tisah.

So after killing the last Blessed One excluding Tisah and checking repeatedly in a paranoid fashion that no one remained, at last.

Hyungkesuni returned to her secluded life with a sense of relief.

However, unfortunately, the Outsider descended through the last remaining Tisah.

And the result of her hasty arrival was this.

Captured, she was threatened by the malicious Outsider.

Though it seemed like she had a choice with the Outsider’s words, anyone with a brain knew there were no real options.

Whether she refused or complied, she would still be eaten by the Outsider and have her knowledge taken away, changing nothing, so eventually, she decided to comply with the Outsider’s words to at least save her own skin.

And within herself, she consoled that she had only been threatened.

Thus, Hyungkesuni’s decades of effort crumbled in an instant, and she fell to being an instrument of the Outsider.

She had brought it upon herself.

If she hadn’t known how to summon the Evil God.

If she had opposed the sacrifice of innocent people.

No, from the moment Hyungkesuni followed Yasle because she wanted to joyously witness the scene of a person she had initially judged to be good falling into vengeance, this result was already set in stone.

Not particularly evil, but she had a bad disposition.

Just like modern people who want to see a famous person fall from grace, that’s the degree.

She drew a line, claiming it had nothing to do with her what Future Hope Church was up to, and closed her eyes to the terrible deeds they might do. Just that much.

Like a common person who derives comfort from seeing someone else’s misfortune through the internet while living a better life than them. Just that much.

The results of such actions rolled and rolled until what Hyungkesuni personally named the Outsider erupted into reality.

And she received a suggestion that was nothing short of a threat and accepted it.

She had fallen off the edge of a cliff.

And then.


With a loud sound, the door burst open, and anonselus kingdom’s soldiers entered a place filled with people resembling the modern art museum, their heads resembling purple blobs.

Just prior, he had forced his way into Tisah’s bedroom, which had strangely no one coming out to search for the witch that had unexpectedly flown in through the window.

Even if he was to be punished for disturbing the royal family’s personal time, safety was more important. He was a responsible and excellent man.


And as the price of that responsibility, he witnessed a bizarre sight rarely seen in modern worldviews. The price paid for his courage was so gruesome that he involuntarily sank to the ground, screaming.

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