The Outbreak

C.7 : Arrival of Night, ‘Shopping’

"Ready?" Odelle walked into the bedroom, looking at Orissa who had sprawled out looking at the phone in her hands. She nodded and got up, following Odelle.

"Just like you feel the sunrise, you can also feel the sunset. The ever-present heat will recede. Oh, UV light burns as well, but because it isn't as widespread as the sun, you can avoid it or normally."

Five minutes passed and the endless heat wafting in started to recede. Slowly at first, but it was noticeable. Orissa glanced at herself in the mirror one last time before following Odelle outside into the hall.

Before, Odelle had gone through the window, but now she left using the actual exit. The duo walked down the empty hallway and headed down the steps to the first floor.

The energy expenditure of walking down four flights of steps was practically unnoticeable with how much energy Orissa now had. She felt a bit self conscious about her clothing, but aside from an old lady with a cat in the foyer, it was empty.

She wasn't too thirsty, but she was overly aware of the old woman's beating heart. The sound of blood being pushed through her veins. The cat went rigid and bared it's fangs and yowled in warning and fright.

"Sammy, calm down." The old woman patted her cat's head and headed to the stairs, ignoring her cat's outburst. Odelle gave the cat a look, her eyes changing as she did so.

The cat immediately stopped moving, it's body trembling in fear. Odelle retracted her gaze and led Orissa to the door, pushing it open. A cool wind blew inwards, but it didn't cause Orissa or Odelle to react because they were incapable of getting cold.

"Stick to the shadows if you have to move during the day." Odelle snatched the phone from Orissa's pocket and looked at a map for a suitable nearby clothing store.

"Animals have better senses than humans, so they tend to freak out if they smell us. Usually sending out predatory intention is enough to shut them up." Odelle walked into an alley and slipped the phone into her pocket.

"It's a few buildings over." She leapt up to the roof three stories above, and continued moving, not waiting for Orissa. Even if she didn't appear concerned, Orissa knew Odelle could accurately track her movements from sound alone, so she didn't have to look back to see if she was keeping up.

Orissa followed Odelle, leaping across a short two meter gap in pursuit. She wasn't sure why, but the feeling of climbing and running now gave her a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction.

Odelle pointed at an exquisitely designed store front. Orissa was confused because the lights were still on, meaning there were still people inside. After a quick glance, Odelle dropped down to the sidewalk, followed by Orissa.

"There's still people inside!" Orissa hissed at Odelle who shot her a quizzical look as she pushed open the glass door, holding it open for Orissa as well.

"How are we going to get the good clothes if there's no one there? I don't mind measuring you, but I think you might want a professional to do it, it is your first time after all."

"Did you forget you'll need underwear as well?" Orissa growled at a volume too low for a human to hear as she passed Odelle and entered the building with weird feelings of anxiety and nervousness surfacing.

"Good evening, can you help us?" Odelle walked over confidently and for the first time, Orissa noticed that her clothes were all extremely detailed and crafted, probably custom-made.

There were two people, a man and a woman, one behind behind the register and one standing across from her. The woman behind the register looked up and frowned apologetically.

"We close in five minutes, so you may want to come back tomorrow or order something online. We have a website up as well." The woman was a bit stunned by Odelle's beautiful appearance, but she hid it pretty well.

"Ah. Sorry for the inconvenience then." Odelle didn't seem bothered and walked further into the store, shocking the two employees. The one nearest to her tried to stop her.

"You can come back tomorrow. We're about to close up and we don't get overtime." Orissa stared at the man tried to grab Odelle's shoulder, but Odelle shrugged him off easily.

"Orissa, pick something." Now that Odelle had spoken, everyone's attention fell on her. The two employees were shocked by Orissa's beauty, and the man even felt that perhaps his spring had come.

"Fine. The sooner we finish the better." Orissa started to browse the racks of clothes, ignoring the discomfort she felt. The woman behind the register decided to call the manager since the situation was strange.

"What about this? I think you'll look really amazing in black." Odelle lifted a form fitting black dress while nipped at the waistline. Orissa wasn't sure she even had enough money to be able to afford it as it was extremely well made.

"Is there a problem?" Before the person entered the room, Orissa could hear their footsteps, breathing, and heartbeat. A smartly dressed woman with glasses walked over with a slight frown.

"Can you help find some underwear for her?" Odelle looked at the employee behind the register, ignoring the manager who looked a bit stiffled in return.

"Can you please leave? We close soon but you can come back tomorrow." Orissa felt a bit rude for ignoring the woman, but she did need clothes so she kept looking at the options.

"Call Alexander." The manager seemed to have had enough because shortly after she spoke, a man walked in wearing a security uniform. He also blanked a bit at their beauty, but he had a job to do.

"Can you come with me. If you refuse, we'll have to call the police." Orissa picked out a pair of black lace underwear she felt matched the dress and showed Odelle.

Maybe because Orissa was the smaller more vulnerable of the two, the security guard walked over and tried to take the undergarments from her in an attempt to get her attention.

Odelle curled her lips back in annoyance and attacked. Orissa felt that although he was being annoying, he was doing his job, so she also acted. Her hand deflected Odelle's, causing her to miss his throat, leaving a few light scratches on the side of his neck, causing blood to trickle down slowly.

"Wait. He's just doing his job." Orissa leaned backwards gracefully, dodging a hand aimed at her head. Odelle forcibly stopped the attack and sighed, ruffling her hair in annoyance.

"Fine. Find some clothes then. Can one of you please help her with the measurements?" If previously the people present were annoyed at being delayed, then they were outright terrified now.

How would you feel if someone crossed several meters in an instant, but another person also did the same and deflected the attack you weren't even aware of at the time?

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