The Outbreak

C.64 : Police Arrive

"Well, how are you Zaylee?" Orissa turned her eyes to the blue kitten in her lap, laying diagonally with a hint of indulgence in her eyes, smiling when she heard a low purr.

"Great. Lidia, do you have a phone?" Orissa's lips twitched in a strange way when she thought about calling the police, but she took a deep breathe and dialed the number.

"911 what's your emergency?" The operator on the other end asked politely so Orissa took a deep breath and changed her tone to an almost frightened one.

"Can you send people to this location please?" Orissa had no intentions of explaining much and instead kept giving vague details as to what was going on and then after telling him her address, she hung up.

"You could have answered normally?" Odelle half asked half stated to Orissa who nodded but then shook her head and gave Odelle a look of helplessness.

"If I call too many people over, we'll be seen as weak. If too little come, then we'll have to bear the brunt. Although I didn't explain much, they're now obligated to send someone over, they're not here to help..."

"They're here so when they try to 'dissuade' the attackers and inevitably fail, we can do as we wish without being seen as the bad guys." Orissa tapped Zaylee's nose lightly and smirked.

"I don't get it, why do they think they can win? Did they not see you in action last night?" Odelle muttered while rubbing her forehead, unable to rationalize why they'd attack after seeing such a feat no human could achieve done a night before.

"The sun maybe?" Orissa shrugged and wanted to return to the desktop she was at before when Lidia interjected and drew both their attention to her.

"They're clouded by emotions and have convinced themselves that as we are vampires, we'll  be limited by the sun. Of course, if they thought about it, they'd realize they'd have a lot to lose, but they're too agitated."

"Well, thanks?" Orissa was a bit skeptical because even if she was utterly furious, she would not send herself to what could be defined as certain death for people she didn't even know.

The room fell silent as even Odelle sat in front of a desktop, but unlike Orissa who was browsing through a selection of games, she was looking at clothes.

"Your Majesty, police forces have arrived and the women who were at the conference last night have also turned up." A vampire spoke from outside the door and then his footsteps moved away.

"Do you think I can send them back now?" Orissa looked at Odelle with dead eyes and asked, but Odelle lightly shook her head to which Orissa sighed and got up, placing Zaylee on the chair.

"It's just like them to ruin my plans! Do I have to arrange an unfortunate accident for them?" Orissa mumbled as she moved through the halls after changing her clothes and took the elevator down to the first floor.

When she stepped on to the first floor, she could see nearly ten police officers and two groups dressed in black combat clothes armed with rifles looking at the nearly twenty vampires around them warily who all wore black cloaks.

"Yo." Orissa greeted the familiar women as she approached, the vampires straightening out of their previous crouches and stepping back, easing the nerves of nearly every human present slightly.

"You called the police here so we came to lend our assistance." Kira spoke calmly while staring at Orissa who was wearing a dark jeans and a white blouse that made everyone stare for a bit.

"Oh. Then let me extend my thanks in advance." Orissa spoke with a faint smile while examining the humans present, both the police and the others with her purple eyes before returning them to Kira and Irene.

"You didn't explain much on the call so can you fill us in on why you need so many officers here?" Kira continued when Orissa returned her eyes to them and asked.

"Sure, we seem to be getting targeted by some random people and to prevent more chaos, I wanted the police to dissuade them from doing something foolish." Orissa smiled kindly at them as if she didn't commit mass murder less than a week ago.

"Do you have proof-?" Irene asked and was quickly silenced when Orissa's previously neutral eyes turned cold as she gazed at her with coldness. Her body leaned forward slightly as her stance became slightly predatory but she caught herself at the last moment and sighed.

"Can't. You can leave and go back, but then those who come later will remain here permanently." Orissa spoke in a calm tone, as if discussing the weather and not human lives.

"You do know although we have agreed to let you exist here, killing will only ignite more backlash against your people." Kira spoke up again and saw Orissa's head nod and her eyes widened in surprise.

"I'm not an idiot Kira, I know that killing today will only suit other peoples agendas, so I don't want to, but if they attack, I'm left with little choice but to kill, as you can see, I can't do much else." Orissa raised two hands in helplessness.

"So that's why you called." Irene murmured. From what she had seen, she knew Orissa had no problems killing, so was confused when they got a report saying a certain building was going to be attacked.

"Then what do you want to happen?" Kira looked at Orissa's purple eyes and saw them shift as she pondered for a moment and then her silky voice flowed out.

"They can't attack. If they do, I'll have to retaliate in kind." Orissa shrugged helplessly because although she would make their situations unstable, if someone walked in and killed a vampire with no consequences, soon it would become the norm.

"Meaning?" Although Kira could guess what the consequences would be, she wanted Orissa to say it. Although vampires were strong, they weren't numerous, so if one did die, it was a huge loss to the vampires side.

"One vampire's death will have the lives of all humans in a city accompany them." Orissa spoke plainly, but her words made everyone's hearts thump because if her ghouls seiged multiple cities, then forget repelling them, even not being overrun would be a blessing.

"You would kill that many for a single vampire's death?" Irene growled and was met with several low growls from the vampire standing in a rough circle around them.

"Like I said, vampires don't die naturally, so even if I bury the country, I won't be able to bring back my dead. I like humans, but I must protect my vampires, so if humans have to die because humans are the ones who killed my people, I can only kill and kill until humans understand that fact." Orissa shook her head and looked past them at the door.

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