The Outbreak

C.56 : Truce of Sorts

"If you don't want to go to war, then what do you want Orissa?" Kira asked Orissa who looked at her finger nails and looked back up with a serene smile on her face.

"Like I said, coexistence. We don't have that many people in various fields like your species does and it will save us time and effort if we used what was available to us."

"I find it hard to imagine a vampire acting or playing in a movie unless they want too, which means we'll be very bored. And as you well know, a predator's mind when bored will only cause misfortune to the weak."

"Is that a threat?" Irene looked at Orissa sharply to which Orissa pursed her lips and giggled, a delicate hand covering her mouth. A few of the vampire guards growled at Irene in warning.

"No? It wasn't. I will kill enough of you so you will understand never to resist. That is a threat. Humans are silly. If enough lay down their lives, they're heroes. If too little do so, they are labeled as fools."

"No one would have died if you didn't choose to do what you did." Irene spat out venomously to which a vampire actually blurred towards her, but an animalistic snarl reverberated throughout the room and their body stiffened midstride.

"If you're fighting for survival, will you care about the enemy? Kindness and compassion is a luxury when you know victory is assured. Come back." Orissa's voice became commanding and cold, and everyone watching shivered when the vampire reluctantly retreated to her side once more.

"Forgive my escorts, they don't seem to tolerate insults." Orissa shrugged, the cold queen like image fading away into a more relaxed atmosphere while Kira stared at the vampire in question.

"Can I speak to them?" Kira gave Orissa a look that could be said to be provocative. Orissa curled her lips back in a grin and her tips of her fangs became visible, not fully extended, but still long enough to be noticed.

"Go ahead." Orissa looked at the vampire on the right and nodded at them. The vampire stepped forward, ignoring the guns and looked at Kira quietly.

"Can I ask for your name?" Kira didn't appear frightened, but every vampire present could hear her heart racing and knew she was nervous along with everyone else.

"Go ahead." Orissa smiled and nodded gently when the vampire turned to look at her for permission. Their voice was charming and clear, like music from a world renowned singer.

"My name is Calista." Calista answered politely, but the tone of 'please stop talking to me' could be felt from the viewers. Seeing Calista answer her, Kira continued.

"Then Calista, do you have any thoughts of Sapphire City? On what the Vampire Queen Orissa did?" Kira saw Calista shake her head but didn't elaborate on the question.

"Why are you here? Does she actually inspire loyalty or does she rule by fear? As vampires are former humans, don't you feel anything when so many lives are lost-" Kira kept speaking until Calista's growl cut her off.

"Humans will continue like always. There are billions still alive, if anything, Her Majesty actually helped you conserve a bit more resources." Irene frowned because she understood Kira was trying to appeal to this vampire's humanity, but it didn't have an effect at all.

"Then how do you see us, humans I mean?" Calista turned to Orissa who shrugged indicating she didn't care what she said, so she turned back to Kira and answered her.

"Like food? A source of entertainment? I don't think much about it aside from when I hunt." The Secretary of Defense eyes narrowed when Calista shrugged slightly.

"Orissa, you could control the ghouls through your mind, so how do we know you're not controlling these vampires under you?" When Kira's words fell, every chatroom exploded into activity.

"Kira, tread very carefully and choose your next words wisely." Orissa lost her usual smile and her expression was cold, the intent to kill causing the humans present to shiver.

"It seems you want to imply that Her Majesty became Queen through suspicious methods? Are you saying that vampires must value human life because we used to be human?" Calista intervened and countered.

"Even if you do hunt humans for blood, all those years of being human and being alongside humans mean nothing to you?" Irene spoke with anger and indignation.

Calista raised a hand and removed her hood, revealing her beautiful face and long blond hair. Calista's almost glowing red eyes burrowed into Irene's as she took in the police uniform.

"When I became a vampire, do you know what was happening to me? I was being r*ped, and it surely wasn't a vampire who was doing so. I cried out for help, but those who heard either pretended to not hear me or to watch with wrectched smiles."

"I saw a pair of crimson red eyes staring out of the darkness. I begged for help and I received it, not from humans, but one you would deem as a monster."

"I was turned that night. Fellow concern for humans? When I was human, I was abandoned and left to experience humanity at it's worst. Her Majesty may not want a war, but I will fight for Her Majesty if I need too."

"It's like knowing that humans are on some level inferior to us? Just imagining you all clamoring for war is amusing actually and your faces filled with despair when you lose will be amazing." Calista's eyes brightened at the thought. 

"Okay girl, control yourself." Orissa snickered when Calista snapped out of her daze and pulled her cloak back over her face, hiding her nervousness and embarrassment within.

"Yes Your Majesty." Calista bowed and stepped back, licking her lips when she smelled Orissa's mouthwatering scent of chocolate, wine, and something more mysterious mixed in.

"I wouldn't control my subjects, no worries." Orissa smiled when Irene gripped her pistol's handle angrily, but had no choice but to let go. Kira sighed because she started to come to the conclusion that vampires were exactly predators with little to no remorse.

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