The Outbreak

C.43 : Consequences

"Too many people are being killed too quickly, soon there won't be anyone left!" Wolf Three looked at the screen and frowned when the other helicopter veered right, dodging a makeshift projectile just in time.

"The vampire is trying to take out the helicopter since that ghoul can't reach it and with the helicopter trying to stay in the air, it can't attack the ghoul in the camp."

"Then they're on their own?" Irene couldn't see any way the ghoul could lose at this rate because over fifty soldiers were now injured or dead. If before the ghoul was far away and could be said to be a bit sturdy, then now it was confirmed to be almost impenetrable to small firearms.

"We have another Battalion half an hour out, but they can't last that long." The Secretary spoke, watching the same scene on a different screen, not seeing any hope until the helicopter's tail in the air was clipped by a flying tree.

"They'll have to land soon, but I don't think they can survive long enough to do that." Wolf Two watched as the helicopter wobbled in midair and then dove down towards the camp, rapidly accelerating.

"Is it out of control? No, they should still be able to avoid the camp." Wolf One watched as the helicopter gradually aligned itself with the ghoul who was slaughtering soldiers and collided, going up in a ball of flames and burning fragmented metal.

The ghoul staggered out of the burning wreckage, but it stumbled back, a hole in it's chest where a tank finally managed to land a hit. Seeing the giant ghoul taking damage, the others did the same and tied down the ghoul with well-placed shots, making sure to aim for vital areas.

Half a minute later, under the combined efforts of the soldiers on the ground, the helicopter crew's sacrifice, and the tanks, a massive hole was blown through the ghoul's head which made it stiffen, and a moment later, it collapsed to the ground, twitching minutely and then went still.

"It's dead." Kira let out a breath because that giant ghoul was too terrifying for anyone to face. The surviving soldiers cheered, even though the sound was muted, Kira and the rest could see their relief and joy.

"The vampire still hasn't appeared either but we don't have enough people left to carry on." The Secretary of Defense Thomas was grave because their seemingly well thought out precautions were useless.

"Movement from the treeline." Wolf Three barked thinking it was the vampire, but three lumbering figures rushed out and everyone in the room realized they were being extremely naive.

"She had three of them? And she didn't save the other one, so I doubt making them posed any difficulty to her... She probably wanted us to feel the hope of living before being dragged back into despair." 

"It's not only them, the ghouls in the treeline are rushing out as well. They're going to be killed." Thousands of pale figures rushed out from behind the three giant ghouls, rushing to the remains of the Battalion like an unstoppable tide.

"Can you contact her again Kira? We can't let the three hundred soldiers left die like this." The VPA Director asked quickly, so Kira took Irene's phone and looked at the contact history, tapping on the unknown number and calling it.

"Orissa!? I know you're there, stop this now!" When the call connected, Kira almost yelled at the phone angrily feeling five points dumb and five points mentally insane for not stopping them.

"Why?" Orissa's voice carried confusion, as if she didn't understand what Kira was talking about. Irene walked closer and turned on the video chat and showed Orissa the screen.

"You can stop three hundred innocent soldiers from dying, and you've already proved your point, deaths now are just pointless." Orissa's face appeared on the phone's screen.

"It's not that whether or not deaths are pointless but the fact that every action has consequences. It seems you humans still think I wouldn't do what I said, I have no problems doing it. But, I feel it'd be a pity."

"Do you not have a ounce of compassion inside you?!" Irene berated Orissa who raised an eyebrow with a cheerful smile, one that showed her longer than normal canines.

"I do feel it a shame that we had to kill so much people, kind of like when you step on ants and feel it's a pity? It's not that I'm being cruel, but that every human who dies can no longer stand against us."

"Compassion is a privilege given when you have absolute superiority and undoubted victory within your grasp. My people are weak, so I can't mix something like compassion and empathy with survival because I may as well just turn myself over to you then, right?"

"It's not that I depise humanity, in fact, I like to read your novels and eat your food. Your creativity is very amazing~ But, I can't enjoy that if the vampires are killed, so I have to ensure I carve the consequence of offending me into your brains so you don't do it again."

"Sure, three hundred will die tonight, but after this, your fighting spirit will be low, and thousands more can live. It would be idiotic to not do this. Surprising as it may seem, I'm saving lives here~"

Orissa shrugged on the big screen when someone connected the phone to it sometime when she was speaking. A small head popped into view and a beautiful girl who looked like an angel looked at the camera curiously.

"It's a phone you can use to call and talk to people from really far away. Do you want one Zaylee?" An almost unbearably pure smile appeared on Orissa's face when she looked at Zaylee.

"Oh, before you jump to conclusions, she wasn't kidnapped by me. She's a Royal Vampire standing at the same height as me." Orissa stroked Zaylee's hair, letting her hold the phone while several people noted the Royal Vampire part.

"She's a child? Is she the child you spoke of in the meeting?" Orissa nodded to Kira's inquiry and placed her chin on Zaylee's head and looking at them when they flipped the camera around.

"Zaylee? Are they... Is Orissa treating you well?" Irene asked Zaylee who looked at her with curious eyes and then nodded and smiled radiantly like an angel.

"Mm! We play a lot and she reads me stories. She even let me explore by myself!" To Zaylee, everything new was a novelty, something she hadn't experienced before, so she was truly happy.

"Then can we come visit and do some tests to make sure you're really okay and you can go back to them after?" Kira asked in a gentle voice so Zaylee looked at Orissa who gave her a smile that said do as you please.

"No. I'm okay. I have lots of friends now so they can tell me if I'm not okay." Zaylee grinned mischievously at the phone and then wrapped her slender arms around Orissa and hugged her with squinted eyes.

"So you know, she doesn't know too much of the situation, but to see that she herself doesn't trust you just shows what little hope you humans actually have left. Kira right~? I hope tonight stays in your memories so you don't do anything like this again."

The ghouls who had slowed during their conversation lunged out, entering the camp while the giant ghouls rushed to the tanks and flipped them. In less than three minutes, the camp was silent aside from the shambling ghouls.

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