The Outbreak

C.4 : Final Heartbeat, Humanity Forever Lost

Whether there were buildings in his way or a street, Milo simply ignored them. Even acting on pure instinct, he knew what his body could endure and what it couldn't.

Leaping several meters into the air or even dropping the same to the ground, he didn't even feel the impact or strain of his actions. In under three seconds, Milo had moved over two hundred and fifty meters.

He stopped on a seven meter tall building, his vision focusing on the crowd beneath. Much like a telescope or binoculars, his eyes zoomed in on the objects of his focus.

"We have to head back now. If the dorm leader finds us out this late, we'll get in trouble." A young man looked at his friends and warned, but he received a middle finger for his concerns.

"Yeah yeah. So what? Because that street was cordoned off, we had to take this way. I wonder what happened, cops were all over that place." A slightly older youth with short brown hair grumbled aloud.

"So where's Linda? I thought you had that in the bag?" One of the boys in the group spoke mockingly to the one with brown hair, but the answer never arrived.

The sound of air being displaced sounded and a figure appeared above one of the boys in the group. None of them couldn't react because it was too unexpected and sudden.

Milo's eyes locked on one of the boys, and with a smooth and fluid motion, his hand swiped the boy's neck. All they saw was a blur and then heard a wet cough, then the boy crumbled to the floor, blood pouring from the thin but deep lines in his neck.

"Mitch!" A rather reckless boy charged forward and locked eyes with Milo's inhuman ones. A deranged smile formed on Milo's face, looking both incredibly beautiful yet dangerous at the same time.

"W-what is that?" Another boy sputtered in fear, and everyone got a good look at Milo. Like before, he wore the same clothes which were too big for him now, but his beauty overshadowed the strangeness quite well.

The boy who had been attacked by Milo stopped twitching and his breathing stopped. Milo noted that his heart had also stopped, and felt it a pity that he didn't drink right away.

"Run!" One of the more level-headed boys yelled and took off, but that only sealed his fate. Milo acted on instinct, thrusting his hand forward to pierce through his chest without hesitation.

Milo's claws pierced into the boy's skin when a growl sounded from the shadows. Milo stiffened and leapt back, eyes staring into the shadows, bending into a defensive crouch, lips curled back showing his fangs.

A hostile gaze locked onto Milo, and a sense of danger surfaced. The sound of paws hitting concrete sounded and a larger than normal wolf walked out of the shadows whilst sniffing the air warily.

It's eyes were a reflective yellow, and it's lips were curled back in a quiet snarl. Milo could see it's muscles tensing beneath it's sleek fur. The humans present froze in disbelief because they were in a city!

Sure there weren't much people nearby, but to see a wolf walking down the street was outrageous. The wolf didn't pay any attention to them and remained unnaturally focused on Milo.

"That's why I smelled something unpleasant." The woman landed nimbly on the ground besides Milo who whirled, fangs extended in warning, but she ignored that and pointed at the wolf.

"If it bites you, it's strain of the virus will cause your cells to destabilize for a while. If you want to experience pain and weakness, be my guest." The woman gestured to the wolf but Milo growled and slid back into a defensive crouch.

"Like we underwent changes because of the virus, that thing did too. While we have no natural predators, they are very annoying. Be careful not to get bit. If you do, I'll leave you to experience the sun in all it's glory." The woman hissed and pounced at the wolf. The wolf moved far faster than it should have and slammed itself into the woman, snapping at her with it's jaws before retreating.

Her claws slashed the wolf's flank as she fell back, shaking the blood from her nails with disgust. The wolf stepped back and let out a short but loud howl. The woman scoffed and retreated rapidly.

"Leave now! If they manage to surround you, I don't think they'd let you go." The woman spoke to Milo who has used the distraction to creep up behind one of the boys, grabbed his neck and sank his fangs into his throat.

Warmth filled his mouth with an overpowering flavor Milo couldn't compare anything with. He greedily gulped down the blood, and his rationality returned gradually.

Milo shivered in euphoria as his cells embraced the source of warmth. His heart which had been beating erratically thumped and few more times and then went silent. At the same time, his mind changed once again, his emotions becoming distant, not gone, just harder to feel.

"I-" Milo spoke a word but was cut off when another growl came from behind. He leapt backwards, but it was too late! Sharp teeth closed around his forearm, breaking his skin and causing reddish black blood to trickle down his pale arm.

"Idiot! I said to leave... but you weren't in control so I'll help you this once." The woman leapt down, punching down as she passed the second wolf.

"Damned dogs. Always expect more if you see one. They're annoying like that." Milo retreated and watched the wolf plop down, a loud crack sounding from it's back where her fist had hit it.

Taking a few steps became difficult because the seemingly endless strength within him started to fade away. Not only that, he could feel a strange heat building where he had been bitten.

The woman rolled her eyes and grabbed Milo's arm and leapt, dodging the jaws of the uninjured wolf at the same time. The wolf growled but the woman ignored it and focused on moving quickly.

"If enough of those things bite you, you'd end up unable to move. We both carry different viruses, but theirs seems to counter and fight our own, thus weakening us temporarily and causing pain."

"Don't worry though, you can't die from the bites. You'll just be really miserable." The woman smirked at Milo who even with his now muted emotions felt like punching her smug face, but he couldn't muster much strength.


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