The Outbreak

C.39 : Hellish Night Pt. 3

"You did all this to negotiate? Killed thousands for what?!" Irene yelled angrily because previously, the despair and helplessness couldn't be directed at any one person, and now it could.

"To protect the Vampires under me of course. If we remain broken and separated, we would eventually die out due to you humans, and I think we also want to live, perhaps even more than some of you humans do anyway~" Orissa's voice was playful which made everyone in the room realize she thought nothing of the effects of her actions.

"You all seem upset, well, I can't hear very much over the phone, but I'll just say what I want, okay~?" Kira walked to the phone and muted their side and ordered someone to trace the line and then unmuted it.

"Oh, you cut out for a moment. Well, anyway, I want to make a place safe from humans and those retarded dogs for us, but you humans obviously wouldn't let us do that peacefully, so I decided to apply a bit of pressure~"

"If you had let us help you, would things have gotten to this point? Would so many have had to die for this 'plan' of yours?" Kira asked Orissa who chuckled on her end slightly.

"You came to 'help' me armed with two groups of soldiers in tow. Who would believe you in that situation? Not to mention, have you seen what humans have done to their fellow humans, imagine us who are different from you?"

"So you take it upon yourself to do this? What's to stop the government from sending an army to hunt you down? You should know humans are united!" Kira spoke calmly, but the inner anger surfaced at the end.

"Well, I can create the ghouls you're dealing with whenever I feel like, and I made them more resistant to the sun, so no hope of outlasting them during the day now~"

"And... Are humans united? Sure, you wish to be, but let's say I cause chaos in a country and leave another untouched, wouldn't the tensions between the two rise? That untouched country would probably invade the other even before you're done trying to deal with us. In that case, can you tell me where exactly it is that your human unity flew off too~?"

"If you let us help you, we can fix this!" Kira understood all too well that humans weren't united when it counted, but hearing someone else say the same thing as their enemy was concerning.

"Help us? Then would you perhaps divert blood away from the hospitals, the humans who need it desperately, for our consumption? No, I don't think you will. Do you know what I saw yesterday that made me want to do this~?"

"We were traveling around looking for other vampires, and we saw one who was amongst humans and doing fine. Perhaps there was hope for coexistence between us then... but then I saw the ugly side of the world." Orissa's voice became cold and merciless like a demonic goddess from hell.

"A vampire, on the ground with her body turning to ash due to those idiot dogs. Her limbs were torn from her body, and even her throat was torn out, yet she still wished to live, still resisted the pain of her body deteriorating to dust."

"So I healed her, and do you know what? She was a child, not even eleven years old, a vampire yes, but still, a child. To be made to suffer just because of what she has become isn't just, nor fair, and when she told us her story, I realized it was not humanity's decision to decide what is or isn't just or fair."

"The times she has been outside her home could be counted on one hand, and could you really call that place her home? She was locked in a cage like an animal, treated like something less than sentient despite being human..."

"She was barely fed and beaten regularly, and she had to survive by eating human excrement. If she didn't become what she is now, wouldn't she live and die experiencing the true 'fairness and justice' you humans love to preach about?"

"I've realized you humans all spout about justice and fairness when you are unaffected, and everyone else be damned. I will not allow the vampires to fall victim to your retarded ideals, and I will not apologize for bringing death to those who were unlucky, it's just that they now have a use, and they're doing their job extremely well."

"Humans always wanted to live forever, so many tales and stories, so much money spent to extending the lifespan of your species. We vampires have an endless lifespan and are immortal, do you think those wealthy and important people will want to live and die in a century when they can live for an eternity?"

"Go ahead, tell the public about us, tell them that we vampires are the enemy, but there are those who aren't satisfied with being a frail little human and will undoubtedly want what we can offer them, something you cannot~" The teasing undertones returned in Orissa's voice again.

"Humans are greedy selfish creatures. You cannot unite humanity without telling them about the foe you now face, but doing so will make them want to jump ship and switch sides, so what can you do humans~?" Laughter like a bell came from the phone's speaker.

"Call your higher ups now, or it won't just be Sapphire City that will be lost to my pets." Orissa's voice became calm and serene, and the room was silent until Kira nodded and someone contacted the Viral Protection Agency's Director who was in a meeting on video call.

"Kira? I'm in a meeting right no-" The Director had several people nearby who looked over, all their expressions grave and serious because they also read reports of Sapphire City's situation.

A soldier connected Irene's phone to the screen and a figure appeared, a beautiful woman with black hair and purple eyes staring at them, her pointed ears looking graceful and elegant.

"I take it you old guys are mostly in charge? Great~ My name is Orissa and you can consider me... the Vampire Queen. I'm here to negotiate a truce of sorts with you on behalf of my people." Orissa's voice was musical and relaxing, but the watching frowned heavily.

"She's the one behind the chaos in Sapphire City. I examined the blood and the virus is a mirror image of the Sanguine Virus." Kira filled the Director and company in on her findings.

"You created those things?" A man in a suit, looking half a foot into the grave spoke gravely to Orissa who gave him a sunny smile, looking extremely innocent and beautiful.

"Yes, if I didn't, humanity would never have listened to us otherwise." Seeing Orissa admit to the accusation without deflecting, one of the men slammed the table and got up angrily.

"Why should we listen to anything you say monster?! You already caused the deaths of thousands and can be said to be one of the world's most dangerous terrorists! You should know we don't negotiate with terrorists!"

"Yes yes, bravado. Look, I'll put it like this, you can probably use a nuclear weapon to destroy Sapphire City and clean up the remaining ghouls, but some will spread and continue to infect, and if you do get them all, I can create more and let them go in a more important city, maybe Capital City this time? Will you cleanse the remaining cities of your country then?" Orissa smiled again, but this one contained infinite coldness and brutality.


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