The Outbreak

C.23 : Saving the Sister

Alice didn't want to go too far so after a final kiss and a firm but gentle squeeze, she retreated and that gave Orissa enough time to push Odelle away with a bit of strength.

Unlike Alice who was a fragile human, Orissa had no such reservations with Odelle, which was clearly shown when she flew up, her back touching the ceiling with a muted thud, but landed lightly on her feet with a grin a moment later.

"You're gonna make me need a masseuse. Don't you know how to treat a lady delicately? Look at how Alice is unscathed and my back is now bruised." Hearing the bitter words leaving Odelle's mouth, the man wanted to ask if she was okay, but Orissa scoffed.

"You bruised? The world would have a better chance of spontaneously exploding and vanishing before such a light push hurt you. Even if I threw you out of an airplane, you'd be perfectly fine."

Hearing the obvious disdain in Orissa's voice, Odelle assumed a hurt look before smiling like usual, gesturing to the man who was a bit stupefied by the conversation taking place.

"His sister is gonna be... Used? By the guy who wants to assert dominance I think?" Hearing Odelle utterly butcher his story, the man spoke up quietly.

"I offended him somehow and he wants me to regret my actions, so he wants to defile my sister to get to me." Though his voice was calm, the man spoke through gritted teeth.

"So...? Is it like those novels with the extremely arrogant characters who always get slapped after getting a big head?" Odelle wasn't quite sure but because she had explored some novels similar before, she shrugged at Orissa.

"But then why don't you go help then? It's not like they'd even beat you, even if they had lots of people." Orissa slumped on the couch with a dazed expression that practically radiated 'Do It Yourself'.

"I just thought it'd be fun you know? How about this, if you kill more people than me, I'll give you five grand." Odelle smiled when Orissa perked up visibly but the man spoke again.

"Do we have to kill them? I mean, that guy is a prick, but his followers probably don't deserve to di-" He fell silent when Orissa reached for the fork again.

"Forgive me for being blunt, but they want to have their way with your sister and you don't wish them dead? Are you really her brother?" Orissa asked with suspicion dripping from her tone.

"They're just following orde-" Orissa looked at him as if she were looking at some brain dead idiot, and his voice failed him again so he just kept quiet.

"Who do you think snatched her? Not the guy, he wouldn't do that with his status unless he's as dumb as you, and do you think his lackeys are good people? They could gather evidence and report him, but have they? Don't say stupid things, it makes me want to tear your brain out and see if there's a defect."

Her words chilled him to the bone, because unlike someone who was just speaking to vent, Orissa could easily do as she wished, and he wouldn't be able resist at all.

"What's the room number?" Odelle spoke, and the tense atmosphere faded as Orissa lost interest. Talking to an idiot was fun, until they amazed you by their sheer stupidity, in which case, it got annoying really fast.

"Room 605. That's what they told me when they contacted me." The man spoke again, sneakily glancing at Orissa to see if he somehow displeased this almost crazily dangerous woman.

"So how do you know your sister is there? What if she's somewhere else? Would you just go and surrender yourself?" Orissa placed a hand beneath her chin and asked curiously.

"I-" Odelle decided to save the man some embarrassment and then gestured to the door, so Orissa huffed as she got to her feet with animalistic grace and opened the door.

"Come along. Alice, if you're coming, stay in the hall until we clean them all up." Odelle followed Orissa to the elevator and waited with Alice and the man behind her.

When the elevator doors slid open, it's interior was empty, but that didn't surprise Orissa since she had thrown that guy off the roof earlier, if people still came and went freely, she'd question their sanity.

Pressing the sixth floor button, the elevator closed and descended, Alice and the man's scents becoming nervousness mixed with hope. If he could save his sister, he would be delighted.

The doors slid open and a dimly lit cooridor appeared with rooms in varying positions so as to not seem to cluttered. Walking to the room with a large 605 on it, Orissa knocked gently.

The sound of voices and footsteps coming closer made Orissa decide to push the man into the doorway and stand off to the side. She really doubted they'd do anything to the man just yet.

The door opened and a man in casual clothes looked at the man in the doorway with ridicule. He looked to the side and saw Odelle, Orissa, and Alice and his eyes widened in shock.

"Carl is expecting you." He stepped aside and gestured for the man to enter, his eyes occasionally landing on Orissa's and Odelle's faces ever so often as they walked by him and into the room.

"There you are, and look, you brought amazing beauties as well." Orissa guessed that the guy sitting on the couch lazily was Carl, and with a quick check, she smelled the air and confirmed another woman was present, in another room.

"Return my sister to me Carl." Neither Orissa or Odelle spoke and just watched the proceedings with a bit of interests. From the sounds and smells, there were probably five more people excluding the sister and Carl but even if they were all armed, they wouldn't be able to do much.

"When you took that spot, I told you I'd make you regret it right? How about you get to your knees and beg me, and perhaps I'll let you go." Carl smiled maliciously as he believed he was the one in total control, sadly he didn't account for two freakishly powerful vampires who he looked at with undisguised lust.

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