The Outbreak

C.15 : Idiots, Potential Cure?

PoV : Orissa

Orissa slammed into the ground, but performing a feat of inhuman agility, she managed to use the force of impact to straighten herself, landing on her feet lightly.

"A dog... Don't you have anything better to do?" Orissa dodged the wolf leaping through the remnants of the glass window, grabbed it's hind leg while it was still in midair and threw it at the armed people.

An unlucky person was smashed with the wolf, and due to the physique difference, the person's organs and bones gave way even before the wolf slammed them into the armored van behind.

"Any further action will result in a fight!" One of the people spoke, and Orissa assumed it was the person in charge. She couldn't help but wonder if these idiots were that brainless.

"In the restaurant, someone attacked me and that cracked the glass when I was about to kill that human. Two more people came in to fight with me... and you now say we'll fight if I continue? We've already started!"

The commander had no chance to react because Orissa grabbed a nearby sign, a thin metal one off the wall and threw it like a Frisbee. The sign passed through the commander's body and sank halfway into the armored van.

"Now that this imbecile is dead, can we continue? I haven't killed a dog yet!" Orissa flashed her fangs, ignoring the panicked people around. Even before the wolf could recover, some of the armed people opened fire.

Dodging to the sides, she grabbed a rifle from one and jabbed it into another's chest like a piercing weapon. Honestly, it worked just fine because the man toppled to the ground devoid of life.

As for the one she 'borrowed' her weapon from, she backhanded them in the face, or rather helmet. The helmet couldn't withstand the impact, and even if it could, the person's neck wouldn't be able to.

Like plastic being distorted, the helmet and head beneath deformed and the person flew back, deader than dead before they even hit the ground. Maybe they received new orders,  but the people chose to protect the pedestrians.

She grabbed a gun from the ground, and aimed at the wolf. Since she had never fired one before, she was unaware of all the safety procedures, but then disregarded them.

If she happened to get injured, she could heal before she knew it. She pressed the trigger and was pleasantly surprised when the gun didn't even shake.

With her eyesight and control, all the bullets that left the gun's muzzle hit the wolf, drawing blood. Orissa realized that the wolf had fur more durable than human skin, but not quite as impervious as her own.

Ignoring the impacts, the wolf leapt again and a smile appeared on Orissa's face. She didn't dodge like before, instead she flipped the gun around, held the muzzle and swung the stock like a baseball bat at the wolf's head.

Even without her insane strength, it would have probably hurt the wolf, but factoring in her unreasonable strength, the people in the surroundings got to see the spectacular view of the wolf's head sinking in.

It flew backwards faster than it came over, smashing into a wall leaving a sizable dent. Blood flowed from the massive gash in it's head, and the wolf didn't seem to be conscious after that.

Like Odelle said, a wolf's heartbeat ran quicker than a humans, but this one was slowing down, to the point where it would be fatal without a doubt to a human.

"Well, since that's over, let's kill those annoying b*tches and leave." Orissa headed back to the store, and stepped through the broken doorway, smiling menacingly when she saw the woman who called herself Kira blocking her from the remaining people in the restaurant.

"Kill me, but leave them be." Kira said in a shaky voice that made Orissa smile. Two days ago, she wasn't even in control of her own life, and now she could end over fifteen at once, oh how things changed.

"I will kill you. Then I'll do the same to everyone here." Orissa walked past a table, tearing off the top and went to throw it at the gathered crowd when Alice rushed forward, blocking Orissa's path.

"You know this would leave you in two pieces right? You sacrificing yourself will do nothing for those behind you because they'll be the same."

"It's partly my fault for bringing you here so just eat me. Spare them." Orissa stared at Alice who's heart raced, but Orissa couldn't accurately say if it was purely fear or not because she could swear she smell Alice's arousal in the air.

"You're weird." Orissa dropped the table and appeared in front of Alice, canines fully extended, she made sure Alice was looking straight at her. She smiled and nuzzled her neck, and after making a mocking smile towards those two ladies, she gulped and dug her teeth into Alice's neck.

She could feel Alice tremble as her knees went weak, so she pulled her closer and moved back, dragging her along. Once again, the taste of blood flooded her mouth and she couldn't help but let out a delighted moan.

Alice who seemed to be having problems already directly pulled Orissa into a hug, tilting her neck in such a way to give Orissa easier access to her neck.

Orissa vaguely kept track of everyone, but she could hear hurried intakes of breath, perhaps both fear and anger. After she decided she had enough, she pulled away and licked Alice's neck with her long tongue, making the latter let out a girlish squeak in response.

"Since she pleaded for your lives, feel free to leave. I really want to kill you two, but I did accept her proposal." Orissa looked helplessly at Alice who was now half in a princess carry and smiled slightly, for reasons even she was unaware of.

"We really just want to help you Orissa! Give us a chance! You can be normal again!" Kira tried again, not wanting such great research potential to get away from her.

"Do you want to know something? My heart... it has stopped. If, and I mean if, you managed to concoct anything close to a cure, I wouldn't be cured because humans cannot survive without a heart. I would die if I became human again, so you see. Not in my best interests."

Orissa gently lifted Alice and walked to the exit, looking at the half conscious girl in her arms who sported a silly satisfied smile on her cute face.

As she stepped on the street, the remaining soldiers on scene tried to surround her, but she leapt up to the roof and vanished from their sights, carrying Alice along with her.

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