The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 82: Please, Marry Me!

She was who she was. The world revolved around her. If her happiness came at the misfortune of others, then so be it. She really was a selfish mental case. What did the asura see in her?

Pierre looked around and with a fright realized Feng Wu was no longer in the room. “Where is Xiao Wu!? I don’t see her.”

“The little miss left. She must have gone after the asura that fled.” The old necromancer knew Feng Wu left some time ago but had decided to not bring attention to it.


Jier and Wolf used magic to transform into beams of light so they were incredibly fast. Feng Wu didn’t have this kind of high level magic so she could only use her martial arts to catch up. Naturally she was far behind; physical steps, even if they were airy and light, were still no competition against Wolf and Jier’s magic movement.

Though she lagged behind she was able to stop and ask the flowers and grass for directions. This ability of hers to chase after someone was just as good. It was how she stayed on their trail despite not catching sight of them.

The chase led her out of Rime-Frost and to the mountains.

The mountains were far from the city and it took Feng Wu an hour just to reach the base. Considering her sources, she was definitely on the right trail. While she was at the base of the mountain, Jier and Wolf were on the other side of the mountain engaging in a fierce battle with the asura.

The conclusion was obvious; it was two against one after all. Wolf bound the asura, intending to take him back to the temple in the morning to stand trial.

Feng Wu didn’t know any of this. She was busy staring at the hot spring in front of her. It was as clear as the one on Yuehua Mountain. Back home in the wintertime, she bathed in a spring just like it. There was one difference though. The one back home was special because of all the medicinal herbs her master planted all around the perimeter. He had put a great deal of effort and care into it.

Bathing in the hotspring didn’t just eliminate aches and pains, it also strengthened the body and increased longevity.

The sight was hard for Feng Wu. It made her nostaligic and she wanted to return to Yuehua Mountain.

She looked around, and upon seeing no one in the area, put her hair up and took her clothes off, then dipped into the spring.

“Ah… so comphy.” Her face relaxed as two puffy red blotches appeared on her cheeks. She looked even more adorable.

Right then she decided to stay in the spring instead of chasing the asura. Jier and Wolf were strong so she wasn’t worried. She’d only given chase because she didn’t want to be left with Dusha and Sheila. They were annoying and she didn’t want to stay with them. It was rare for her to actively dislike people, but the two grated her nerves, so she left at the first opportunity.

Soaking in the spring made Feng Wu homesick and she soon forgot all about them. She missed Yuehua Mountain and everything there. She missed her master, the grass, the trees and all the cute animals.

Thinking about everything made her eyes red, but she refused to cry and held the tears back. Master said she was a strong girl and a remarkable sword user. Living by the sword meant not shedding tears. Feng Wu dunked her head in the water as she thought about her master.

She held her breath and stayed under letting the water rush over her head. She pulled her head out of the water ten minutes later, gasping for air. An unfamiliar boy stood chest high in the water in front of her.

“Ah! I didn’t know anyone was here! I’ll leave right now!” He came to the spring intending to bathe, but now he was just really embarrassed! He didn’t expect to find anyone else in his spot, nevermind a young girl. He liked girls… but he’d never been this close to one before. He was even interrupting a girl while she was taking a bath!

Maybe it was because of the heat from the hot spring, or maybe it was because he was blushing from embarrassment, but a big round red blotch appeared on both his cheeks. He splashed frantically over to where his clothes were piled on the side of the bank. As he did so he realized she was following him with her eyes and watching him rather intently.

“Er… um would you mind turning around or closing your eyes while I dress?” If Feng Wu’s eyes hadn’t looked so clean and pure, he would have thought she was a female predator.

Feng Wu stared stupidly at him for a moment longer. He couldn’t figure out what she was thinking but she raised her hand and a sheet of water suddenly sprang up and splashed him. He reflexively turned his head and shielded his eyes with his arm.

Feng Wu rose out of the spring and called her clothes over with a wave of her hand. By the time he dropped his arm she was fully dressed and standing on the bank.

Feng Wu looked at the boy still in the spring. “You stay, I’ll leave.” Her cheeks were no longer red and her breathing was back to normal. She looked at him in the water.

The moonlight seemed to gather around him, reflecting off his body and giving him an aura of pure light. It was an irresistible sight when paired with the faint receding blush on his cheeks. It was criminal how good he looked.

“Ah! Thank you.” He was uncertain how to react or what to feel. It was the first time he experienced something like this. Usually boys were expected to leave in these kinds of circumstances. A girl conceding… was a first.

Because Feng Wu remained where she was after she finished speaking, he was prompted to ask, “Is there anything else?” He hadn’t expected her to stick around. He thought it was an awkward situation but apparently she didn’t share that sentiment.

Instead of leaving she walked closer and continued staring unblinkingly at his body with her big dark eyes. “Please marry me!”

He was left dumbfounded by the earnestness on her face. She didn’t behave like a shy maiden at all. There was only sparkling adoration in her eyes. [Is this the fabled “love at first sight?” But aren’t girls normally shy when confessing? She’s clearly not shy at all! She doesn’t look nervous or anxious either. Just.. . super serious?] Had this not been the case he really would have thought she was just teasing him.

“Boom!” A loud crash sounded as a red figure fell from the sky and bounced off a tree branch before flopping onto the plush snowy ground.

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