The Otherworldly Adventures of a Super Naive Girl

Chapter 499-500: Stay or Leave; Nearly Had a Heart Attack

499: Stay or Leave

Ai Lin laughed in his face.

Feng Wu stood by and looked worriedly over at Ming Xi fighting the little girl spirit, then she turned back to look at the people who wanted to leave Ming Xi and runaway. They were bad people! Master said those who flee the battle field were bad people, so these guys were bad guys.

“If you want to go, then go.” Feng Wu said expressionlessly.

Ai Lin was stunned. This wasn’t the time to throw a fit! Did she really want her sweetheart to stay and be cannon fodder?!

“Feng Wu! Don’t make trouble!” Mogefei admonished.

He also thought Feng Wu was throwing a temper tantrum. It was the wrong time to be making a scene. Ming Xi and Yaoyue were about to be left behind. The two of them could really die if they were left in a place like this.

Tian Ya looked disapprovingly at Feng Wu. He didn’t think she should be angry at Ming Xi, not while his safety was at stake.

“You’re telling us to go? Xiao Wu, what you do mean by that?” Zi Cheng was dumbfounded.

“Don’t you want to go?” Feng Wu was puzzled. Didn’t they want to leave? Why were they mad now that she was letting them go?

“You also agree with the rest of us that we should leave those two behind?” Someone carefully probed her.

Everyone knew she and Ming Xi were close; most suspected they were a couple. But sure enough, the husband and wife, when faced with calamity flew away separately.

Look this isn’t as bad as it looks. Even his little lover is OK with us all leaving. When it came to life and death, it was every man for himself, thought the crowd.

“You can leave if you want. I’ll stay with Ming Xi.” Feng Wu said seriously.

Rui Baby would be back soon. He had said the seven-colored phoenix would be able to help. The only thing was to wait for their return so they could all leave together.

Oh my god! This girl wanted to stay behind with her man!

True love!

The group of men sighed. They felt embarrassed for having thought poorly of her earlier. Why couldn’t they find a woman like that, one who was willing to live and die with them? Such a beautiful charming beauty.

“I’m staying too.” Tian Ya couldn’t very well leave Ming Xi behind.

Everyone saw it. There was more consensus to leave Ming Xi and Yaoyue behind. It was reality, even if Mogefei and his group didn’t want to admit it.

They couldn’t let everyone stay and die together.

Tian Ya didn’t care what the others thought; he wasn’t going to leave a companion behind.

“Tian Ya, go with them!” Ming Xi suddenly turned around and shouted. He was doing his best against the little spirit, but he was still at a disadvantage.

The little girl had been practicing for over a thousand years. Plus, she had a natural psychic body. So although his light magic was good against spirits, it was little use against her.

Even Yaoyue’s necromancer magic barely had much effect. The little girl was simply at a higher level.

Ming Xi estimated that if they were to categorize her level using human standards, she would be at saint/holy level. It wouldn’t do any good to have more people around. The only ones who could do any damage at all were Yaoyue and him.

If Xiao Wu’s sword was with them, their odds of winning would have increased dramatically, but unfortunately, Xiao Wu’s sword was in the midst of leveling up.

Ming Xi smiled bitterly at this. He wouldn’t last long with his current strength. Instead of everyone staying together and dying, it would be better if everyone who could leave, left. There was no need to stay and die together.

“Senior Sister, you go too. I’ll hold on here.” Ming Xi said calmly.

What?! Ming Xi was planning on sacrificing himself for all of them! They were moved beyond words. They couldn’t help but admire him.

Yaoyue had not expected Ming Xi to let her go. Just now, Ming Xi wasn’t the only one paying attention to what Zi Cheng had said. She heard it too. It was just that she was busy fighting the spirit and couldn’t do anything about them. It wasn’t like she could run over to them.

She was unwilling when she heard them try to use her and Ming Xi as cannon fodder. She was no hero and certainly didn’t hold any sentiment like self-sacrifice.

How many people could give up their lives so that others could have a chance to live? Not many.

Seeing that Ming Xi was willing to let her go, a warm current went through her heart and admiration grew for her junior.

“Zi Cheng, do it.” Ming Xi said lightly. There wasn’t a trace of despair in his voice or resentment in his eyes. He was calm, as if he wasn’t staying to die, but staying as a guest.

“Ming Xi! Have you really decided?!” Mogefei shouted in disbelief.

Mogefei and Tian Yan had similar personalities. They were both calm and barely showed any expression.

This was the first time Mogefei shouted and displayed strong emotion.

“Take Xiao Wu away.” Ming Xi glanced at Feng Wu. He wanted to protect her, but he didn’t have the spare energy to do so if she stayed. He hoped that when they met again, she would be uninjured.

Mogefei sighed. “OK.”

It was Ming Xi’s decision. Mogefei knew the teachers would be disappointed, but Ming Xi had made his choice. It was either everyone dying together or sacrificing one person for everyone else. They were lousy options.

It was heart wrenching but most would have done the same. As a leader, he had to protect his team, but he was derelict in his duties. He’d already lost Geente and now he was going to lose Ming Xi.

Seeing Mogefei promise relieved Ming Xi’s heart.

Feng Wu looked at him stubbornly. Her eyes were firm and her intentions were clear. She didn’t say anything else, but she was not going to leave.

“You can’t leave!” The little girl was angry. Why did people always want to leave?! She only asked them to stay and play with her.

With that said, the ferocity of her attacks increased.

Ming Xi had an even harder time keeping up. He pushed Yaoyue out of the battle sphere the same time Zi Cheng activated her talisman.

The moment the passage appeared, people jumped in line to get in. Mogefei grabbed Feng Wu, intending to pull her through it to safety, but Feng Wu lightly touched his arm, making it numb, and pushed him through the passage instead.

Tian Ya didn’t intend to go in even though he was close to the passage. He was serious when he said he would stay. Unfortunately for him, just as the passage was about to disappear, Feng Wu went behind him and shoved him in.

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By the time Tian Ya felt the shove, it was too late, and he was inside before he could react.

He only had time to hear Feng Wu say,” Ming Xi told you to leave,” before the passage closed behind him.

Tian Ya had a powerful urge to complain. Did this girl forget? Ming Xi had told her to leave too!

Indeed, Feng Wu did forget – selective memory. She forgot the parts she didn’t want to follow.

Ming Xi only realized Feng Wu was still there after the passage had closed. Several emotions hit him. He was shocked, happy, but also annoyed.

He clearly told her to leave. Did she not realize what she would face by staying behind?

He couldn’t stay angry though. His heart softened when confronted with the persistence in her eyes.

“Ming Xi, don’t be afraid. I am with you.” Feng Wu said seriously as she looked at him fighting.

“Why are you willing to stay with him?” The little girl stopped attacking for a moment, her eyes full of envy and curiosity. She wondered why the girl human was willing to stay with the golden-haired man. Was it because he was good looking?

Even a spirit like her could tell he was really, really fine. Well at least she had never seen anyone look as good as him in all her thousand years.

“He is the father of my son, of course I want to be with him.” Feng Wu answered the little girl seriously.

Master had said a wife and husband must not separate. And since Ming Xi was Little Bun’s father, she had to be Ming Xi’s wife and him and her husband. Therefore, obviously they had to remain together.

Besides all that, she was simply unwilling to leave him alone at this time.

“Is that so?” The little girl tilted her head in confusion.

“Yes.” Feng Wu nodded.

“Then are you willing to stay with me?” The little girl’s eyes were full of anticipation.

“I don’t want to.” Feng Wu shook her head and answered honestly. Xiao Ye was still with the vice principal and she was looking forward to seeing him again.

The little girl’s face sank and her face stopped looking cute. Now it was cold. “Even if you don’t want to, you’ll still stay in the painting and accompany me forever.

Without another word, she began attacking again, but this time she was focused on Feng Wu. Feng Wu’s refusal had apparently made her angry.

Ming Xi helped Feng Wu block most of the attacks. Even if Feng Wu couldn’t do anything to the little spirit girl, she could still dodge and evade.

The long-forgotten, middle-aged man stood to the side watching the scene anxiously. He knew nothing he said would matter.

Sweat dripped from Ming Xi’s forehead. He struggled to block her attacks. He wasn’t a necromancer, and it was hard for him to fight the little girl spirit.

Most of his attacks were actually defensive blocks.

The little girl sneered and increased the speed of her attacks. She took advantage of a gap in Ming Xi’s defense and patted Feng Wu.

Ming Xi’s heart nearly stopped. He knew the consequences of that little pat. He was heartbroken when he thought about Feng Wu turning into ice and her soul being sealed in a painting.

Just when he thought he was about to watch a tragedy unfold, an inexplicable thing happened.

The little spirit girl let out an ear-piercing scream filled with panic.

A bang and a scream later and she disappeared to the living room as a stream of light as though something terrifying was chasing after her and she had to escape as fast as she could.

What? Ming Xi was speechless. What just happened? Did Xiao Chun wake up?

Of course Xiao Chun was still asleep. How could he wake up so quickly? It was Pure Flame. As Xiao Chun’s good friend, she couldn’t let something happen to Feng Wu. She knew how much he liked Feng Wu. So naturally when she realized Feng Wu’s life was in danger, she didn’t hesitate to strike. The result was the moment the little spirit girl touched Feng Wu, Pure Flame was on her like a light and gave her a serious burn.

Who knew how many people the little girl had already killed. The sins on her body were deep, so the moment Pure Flame touched her, it felt like the fires of hell were burning her. No wonder she screamed like mad.

Feng Wu had thought she was a goner. The sensation of dying left her feeling cold. She had encountered death before, but it had never been as terrifying as this. Honestly, her heart nearly stopped.

“Pure Flame! Thank you!” Feng Wu knew who had rescued her so she thanked her savior wholeheartedly.

Pure Flame, who had materialized as a little guy, nodded before disappearing back into Xiao Chun’s body.

Pure Flame wasn’t like Xiao Chun. She did not recognize Feng Wu as her master, but remained by Feng Wu’s side because she was good friends with Xiao Chun.

Pure Flame would help if Feng Wu was in danger, but Feng Wu couldn’t tell Pure Flame what to do.

“Xiao Wu!” Ming Xi’s heart nearly stopped for a moment. He had been so scared. By the time he came back to his senses, his back had been soaked with sweat. He stepped forward and pulled Feng Wu into his arms. His heartbeat only slowed down after feeling the warmth from her body.

“Ming Xi. . .  it hurts.” Feng Wu pushed back at Ming Xi uncomfortably. So tight. It was hard to breathe. Feng Wu thought ignorantly in her heart, but her face was still as stiff as ever.

“I’m sorry. I hurt you.” Ming Xi coughed before releasing her slowly. That moment just now, his heart nearly stopping, he did not want to repeat it ever again.

The surrounding walls were icy cold so he pulled Feng Wu to his side. The little girl fled, but they didn’t know when she would return, so they had to stay on guard.

“Come here. I want to ask you something.” Ming Xi looked at the middle-aged man hiding in the corner.

“What. . .  what did you want to ask?” He didn’t have extraordinary talent like the young miss who had cultivated for over a thousand years. Spirits had a much harder time cultivating than their human counterparts.

Because he had been bullied by the young miss for so long, he never got the chance to improve his strength. He had survived for over a thousand years but was still so incredibly weak.

“The child, where are her parents? Why do we not see them here?” This had been puzzling Ming Xi. The dollmaker was there, so why weren’t her parents?”

“Oh them? The children ate them.” He had wanted the children to take revenge with their own hands when he released them all those years ago. He knew they would retaliate and kill him, so he had been ready to die.

He never expected the children to be so cruel as to not only tear apart everyone in the mansion but to also devour their souls as well.

After that, the young miss had wanted to keep him to play with, so that was why his soul was still around in the weak condition it was in.

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